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1、Module 5 语法篇 _ _ 1. 熟练掌握一般现在时的陈述句形式 2. 熟练掌握时间介词的用法和时间的表达方式 一、一般现在时的陈述句形式 一般现在时表示经常性或习惯性的动作或状态。 1. 一般现在时的肯定、否定及疑问句式。 (1) 肯定句:主语 +动词原形 +其他 . He runs every morning. (2) 否定句:主语 +dont+ 动词原形+其他 . I don t know his name. (3) 一般疑问句: Do+主语 +动词原形 +其他? 肯定回答: Yes, 主语 +do. 否定回答: No, 主语+dont. Do you like maths? Ye

2、s, I do./No, I dont. (4) 特殊疑问句:疑问词+do+主语 +动词原形 +其他? When do you have Chinese? 2. 在一般现在时中,行为动词前不能有连系动词be。 We don t go to school on Saturday. 3. do除用作助动词之外,还可用作行为动词,意为“做”。将含有do ones homework, do housework等 短语的肯定句变为否定句时,不能在原句谓语动词do 后只接加not ,而是应在do 前加 dont或 doesnt。 They dont do their homework in the mor

3、ning. 二、时间介词in, on, at用法 1. at常用来表示在某点时间,即“在几点几分; 在某一时刻”。如: She usually gets up at 6:00 in the morning. 她通常早上点起床。 The man often gets to his office at 8:30. 这个男人经常8: 30 到他的办公室。 另外, at 还可以用在at night (在晚上),at last (最后),at weekends(在周末) at noon(在中午)等固定短语中。 2. on常用来表示“在某天或星期几”。另外,表示“在某天的上、下午或晚上”时,介词也用 on

4、。如 on Sunday( 在星期天 ),on weekends( 在周 末), on February 8th( 在二月八日 ), on Monday morning( 在星 期一上午), on the afternoon of November 21st(在十一月二十一日下午) on a cold winter evening( 在一个寒冷冬天的夜晚) 3. in表示“在某一段时间”,如某年、某月、某个季节,如:in 1998( 在 1998 年) in March( 在三月 ),in summer(在夏天) 。另外,在某一些固定短语中要用in, 如in the morning, in t

5、he evening, in the day ,in the middle of the day 。 三、时间的表达方式 1. 直接表示时间法:就是按照几点几分的顺序来表示时间。例如: 8:00eight o clock 5:20 five twenty 2. 添加介词表示法:如果分数小于或等于 30,就用 past 来表示,结构是“分钟+past+ 该点钟“;如果分钟 大于 30,就用 to 来表示,结构是“分钟+to+ 下一点钟。例如: 12:05 five past twelve 9:50 ten to ten 8:40 twenty to nine 3. 如果分钟是15,一般用a qu

6、arter 来代替 fifteen;如果分钟是30, 一般用 half来代替 thirty。例如: 9:15 a quarter past nine 11:30 half past eleven 2:45 a quarter to three 1. (广西百色中考改编)The nurses (女保育员) do all the housework in my home every day.(改为一般疑问 句) the nurses all the housework in your home every day? 2. (山东枣庄中考改编)用所给单词的适当形式填空。 I (see) the sa

7、me things(事情) every day. 3. (广西桂林中考)- Do you like watching TV? - Yes, I .But only after I finish my homework. A. am B. do C. does D. did 4. (2012 四川成都中考)Tom usually goes fishing Sunday morning. A. at B. on C. for 5. Many students lunch in the dining hall of the school. A. have not B. don t have C. n

8、ot have D. have dont 6. I playing football. A. not like to B. dont like to C. not like D. dont like 7. Lucy and Lily want to go to the park? A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Are 解析及答案: 1. 可用“语法分析法”解题。do all the housework中的 do 是行为动词,变一般疑问句时,要在句首加Do。答 案: Do, do 2. 可用“语法分析法” 解题。 由 every day 可知, 句子应该用一般现在时,主语是 I

9、,后面的行为动词用原形see。 答案: see 3. 可用“语法分析法”解题。一般疑问句Do you.?的肯定回答用“Yes, I/We do.”,故选B。 4. 特指“在星期天的早晨”用介词on,故选 B。 5. 行为动词have 的一般现在时的否定形式是dont have ,故选 B。 6. 本题考查实意动词的否定形式,主语是I ,谓语用原形like ,其否定形式要借助助动词do,即 dont like ,故 选 D。 7. 考查助动词用法。主语为Lucy and Lily,应借助于do 完成一般疑问句。 基础演练 一、适当形式填空( 短文适当形式 ) Hello, boys and gi

10、rls. I 1. (be) Daming. I am in Jingzhi Middle School. I 2. (go) to school from Monday to Friday. There 3. (be) five classes in the day. Usually, I 4. (get) up at about six oclock. I 5. (have) breakfast with my family at home. Our lessons 6. (start) at half past eight. We 7. (have) science, Chinese,

11、history, music, maths, English and art. We have lunch at school. In the afternoon, we have two lessons. I often 8. (go) home at half past four. After school, I 9. (do) my homework at half past seven. I go to bed at ten oclock. We 10. (not go) to school on Saturday and Sunday. This is my school day.

12、How about yours? 答案:1. am 2. go 3. are 4. get 5. have 6. start 7. have 8. go 9. do 10. dont go 二、选词填空( 句子选词填空 ) to about in on at 1. I have four lessons the morning. 2. They have English nine oclock. 3. We have two lessons Friday afternoon. 4. I have PE today. What you, Ma Ying? 5. - Whats the time?

13、 - Its twenty ten. 答案: 1. in 2. at 3. on 4. about 5. to 巩固提高 三、句型转换 1. Today is Friday.(就画线部分提问) is it today? 2. We have Chinese and English in the morning.(改为否定句) We Chinese or English in the morning. 3. Her favourite subject is music. (就画线部分提问) her favourite subject? 4. Tom goes home at five thirt

14、y in the afternoon.(改为同义句) Tom goes home at in the afternoon. 5. I play football at half past four.(就画线部分提问) do you play football? 答案: 1.What day 2.dont have 3.What is 4.half past five 5.What time 四、翻译 ( 全句翻译 ) 1. 我家挨着我的学校。(next to) 2. 我们上午上3 节课。 (have) 3. 我们 12 点半休息。 (have a break) 4. 他的父母早晨6点起床。 (

15、get up) 5. 我晚上 10 点上床睡觉。(go to bed) 答案: 1. My house is next to my school. 2. We have three lessons in the morning. 3. We have a break at half past twelve. 4. His parents get up at six oclock in the morning. 5. I go to bed at ten oclock in the evening. 一、单项选择 1. - do you go to school? - I go to schoo

16、l at 7 oclock. A. What B. When C. How D. Which 2. We have breakfast half past ten the morning. A. in; at B. at; in C. on; in D. at; on 3. Its now. A. nine oclock B. at nine oclock C. half past three oclock D. at half past three 4. We this afternoon. A. do an art lesson B. have an art C. have art D.

17、have a art lesson 5. Its time . A. get up B. have lessons C. to have lessons D. to gets up 6. We have a P.E. lesson on Monday. A. arent B. dont C. does D. doesnt 7. We lessons on Saturday and Sunday. A. doesnt have B. dont have C. are have D. arent have 8. My sisters often on Sundays. A. do their ho

18、mework B. do their homeworks C. does their homework D. does their homeworks 9. Our lessons at nine oclock. A. start B. starts C. is D. have 10. - Look! There are so many people in the park. - Nobody(没有人 ) likes to stay at home Sunday morning. A. in B. on C. at D. to 答案: 1-5 BBACC 6-10 BBAAB 二、完形填空 T

19、oday is Friday. I get up 1 half past six in the morning. I have milk and bread for 2 . I go to school by bike. The lessons start at 8:00. I have two Chinese lessons, an 3 lesson and a maths lesson. Lessons 4 at half past eleven. We have no lessons in the afternoon. Other students go home but I have

20、lunch at school 5 my good friend Yu Lin. I eat 6 and French fries for lunch. My mum tells me theyre not good for my health, but I still like 7 them very much. After lunch, Yu Lin and I play football 8 the playground. In the afternoon, we go to the 9 . After the play(戏剧 ), I say 10 to Yu Lin and go h

21、ome. I have a happy day today. 1. A. in B. on C. at D. for 2 A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D. supper 3. A. Chinese B. history C. art D. maths 4. A. start B. come C. begin D. finish 5. A. and B. or C. with D. so 6. A. rice B. apples C. hamburgers D. vegetables 7. A. drinking B. making C. eating D.

22、getting 8. A. in B. to C. at D. for 9. A. theatre B. hospital C. hotel D. police station 10 . A. hello B. goodbye C. sorry D. thanks 答案: 1-5 CACDC 6-10 CCAAB _ _ 一、阅读理解 A(江苏泰州姜堰区2013 年期中试题) Zhang Lin is a middle school student. He is a good boy. Uncle Wu lives next to him. Uncle Wu has no child and

23、cant see anything. He works in the factory (工厂) near Zhang Lins school. He goes to work at 7:30 in the morning and comes home at 4:30 in the afternoon. Zhang Lin walks to school at 8:00 in the morning and comes home at the same time as Uncle Wu in the afternoon. On weekdays Zhang Lin gets up early t

24、o take Uncle Wu to the factory. After school he takes him home. On Sundays Zhang Lin helps Uncle Wu clean the house and do some cooking. Uncle Wu thanks Zhang Lin very much. He says, “Zhang Lin is a good boy. He is like my son.” 1. On weekdays, Zhang Lin gets up early to . A. go to school B. run C.

25、take Uncle Wu to the factory D. cook 2. Zhang Lin doesnt take Uncle Wu to the factory on . A. weekdays B. Sundays C. Mondays D. weekends 3. Zhang Lin helps Uncle Wu . A. do the housework B. do homework C. go to school D. go to sleep 4. School is over at . A. 3:30 B. 4 :30 C. 5:00 D. 7 :00 5. Which o

26、f the following is right ? A. Zhang Lin likes Uncle Wus son. B. Zhang Lin is Uncle Wus son. C. Zhang Lin looks like Uncle Wus son. D. Zhang Lin is like Uncle Wus son. B Jack goes to a new place to look for a job(工作 ). He lives with his friend there. Now lets look at his routine(常规 ). 8:00 a.m.-9:30

27、a.m. Get up and read the newspaper 9:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Brush teeth and have some milk for breakfast 10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Check( 查收 ) e-mails and make some calls 12:30 p.m.-1:00 p.m. Have lunch 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. Surf( 浏览 ) the Internet and write e-mails 3:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m. Watch TV and play compu

28、ter games 5:30 p.m.-6:00 p.m. Take a shower 6:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Go out for a walk and go to the supermarket to get some food and drinks 9:00 p.m.-10:00 p.m. Have dinner and then talk with his friend 10:00 p.m.-11:00 p.m. Read books 11:00 p.m.-11:30 p.m. Brush teeth and be ready to go to bed 6. What

29、does Jack have for breakfast? A. Eggs. B. Milk. C. Bread. D. Apples. 7. It takes Jack to have lunch. A. ten minutes B. twenty minutes C. half an hour D. an hour 8. Jack is at 10:30 p.m. A. watching TV B. writing e-mails C. eating D. reading C Here are some students schedules. Peter gets up at 6:00 a

30、.m. After that, he brushes his teeth (刷牙 ) and takes a shower(淋浴 ), and then has breakfast. At 7:30 a.m., he takes the school bus to school. It takes him about 10 minutes to get to school. He gets home at 4:20 p.m. and does his homework at about 4:30 p.m. Cindy gets up at 7:00 a.m. Then she brushes

31、her teeth and takes a shower. After a quick breakfast, she goes to school by underground(地铁 ) at 7:30 a.m. It takes her about twenty minutes. She gets home at about 4:45 p.m. Li Hong gets up at 6:45 a.m. After breakfast, she walks to school from 7:20 a.m. to 7:40 a.m. After school she often plays vo

32、lleyball with her friends. She usually does her homework at 7:30 p.m. She doesnt watch TV. She goes to bed at 9:30 p.m. Han Mei gets up at 6:15 a.m. Then she takes a shower. At 7:00 a.m., she has breakfast. After that, she takes a boat to school. It takes her half an hour to get to school. At 4:30 p

33、.m., she gets home. Then she does her homework, has dinner and watches TV. She goes to bed at 9:00 p.m. 9. What does the underlined word “schedules“ mean in Chinese? A. 课程表B. 计划表C. 项目表D. 时间表 10. How long does it take Li Hong to walk to school? A. 10 minutes. B. 20 minutes. C. 30 minutes. D. 40 minut

34、es. 11. From the passage, we can learn . A. Han Mei takes a shower at night B. Peter gets to school at about 7:40 a.m. C. Li Hong usually watches TV in the evening D. Cindy gets home from school at about 4:30 p.m. D Boys and girls, Wed like to organize(组织 ) a class trip next Friday. Here is some inf

35、ormation about it. Well gather( 集合 ) at the school gate at 7:30 in the morning. Then we go to Suzhou Library by bus. Do you know where it is? Its in Renmin Road. We are going to spend(花费 ) two hours listening to a talk on Computer Science there. Then we can read some books or newspapers. We have lun

36、ch in a restaurant near Suzhou Zoo at 11:30 a.m. After lunch, well go to visit Suzhou Zoo at 2:00 p.m. Each student needs to pay(花费 ) 13 yuan for it. If both(两者都 ) your father and mother arent busy, they can go with us together. The price for each adult(成年人 ) is 25 yuan. There are lots of lovely ani

37、mals in the zoo. We can visit the animals. Then we can play games. We will go home at 5:00 p.m. Lets get ready for this trip. I think everyone will have fun there. If you have some questions, please call me on 0513-8885 9682. Daniel Monitor of Class 1 Grade 7 12. The students will meet at the school

38、 gate at . A. 7:30 a.m. B. 9:30 a.m. C. 11:30 a.m. D. 2:00 p.m. 13. It will take the students two hours to in Suzhou Library. A. listen to a talk B. read books C. have lunch D. play games 14. If Daniel wants to visit Suzhou Zoo with his parents, they will pay yuan for the tickets. A. 38 B. 51 C. 63

39、D. 75 15. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. The students will walk to Suzhou Library. B. The students will have lunch near Suzhou Zoo. C. The students will spend three hours in Suzhou Zoo. D. Daniel is the monitor of the Class 1 Grade 7. E My name is Ted Pike. I am a wo

40、rker in a big store(商店 ). I dont work in the morning. I only work at night(夜晚 ). Every morning I go home at about half past six. I have breakfast at seven. After breakfast I go to bed. I get up at about half past two. I have lunch at a quarter (一刻钟 ) to three and supper at twenty to eight. Then I go

41、 to work at a quarter past eight. I start work at nine. I look after (照 看) the store every night. I like my job very much. 16. Ted Pike only works . A. in the morning B. at noon C. in the afternoon D. at night 17. When does Ted go home every morning? A. At about half past seven. B. At a quarter to s

42、even. C. At about six thirty. D. At seven. 18. Ted goes to bed . A. at night B. before breakfast C. before lunch D. after breakfast 19. How long (多长时间 ) is it between lunch and supper? A. Four hours and fifty-five minutes. B. A quarter to three. C. Twenty to eight. D. Five hours and fifty-five minutes. 20. Which is wrong(错误的 )? A. Ted starts work at night. B. Ted starts work at 8:15 p.m. C. Ted is a worker in a store. D. Ted likes his work very much. 答案: 1-5 CDABD 6-8 BCD 9-11 DBB 12-15 AACA 16-20 DCDAB


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