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1、四年级英语下册Module 3 测试题 姓名班级分数 听力部分Listening Part(共四大题,计30 分) 一、Listen and choose the word.(听录音,选出你所听到的单词或词 组。10 分) ( ) 1. Ashelf Bsail Cshell ( ) 2. Afarm Bfamily Cfall ( ) 3. Aautumn Bafternoon Caunt ( ) 4. Abeside a mountain Bbehind a mountain Cabove a mountain ( ) 5. Aclock Bo clock Cblock ( ) 6. Al

2、etter Blate Clittle ( ) 7. Aget up Bgo to bed Cgo to school ( ) 8. A8:30 B9:30 C7:30 ( ) 9. AJune BJuly CJanuary ( ) 10. ATuesday BWednesday CThuesday 二、Listen and choose. (听录音,选择正确的应答。5 分) ( ) 1. A. she likes autumn. B. Yes, she likes autumn C. No, she likes autumn. ( ) 2. A. February. B. Wednesday

3、. C. Winter. ( ) 3. A.It s half past seven. B. It s under the chair. C. I m hungry. ( ) 4. A.Whoo-whoo!. B. Pitter-pat!. C. Crack-crack! ( ) 5. A.In spring. B.In the evening. C. On a leaf. 三、Listen and write.(听音填入所缺的单词,每空一词。5 分) Today is a _day, the sun is _ . It s very _. We are at the _ now. Dad s

4、 _ his boat. 四、Listen and draw(听录音,根据录音内容画图。10分) 笔试部分(共七大题,计68 分,卷面分 2 分) 一、Look and write. (按要求写单词8 分) It s half past twelve. Go to bed. It s seven o clock. Eat your lunch. It s nine o clock. Go to school. It is half past seven. Get up. 二、Read and choose. (选择填空。 18 分) ( ) 1.There is a bench _ the t

5、able and the tree. A. between B.on C. under ( ) 2.The Tan family _ at the beach. A. is B. are C. has ( ) 3. I get up _ six o clock in the morning. A. at B.on C. in ( ) 4. His brother _ mooncakes. A.likes B. don t like eating C. like to eat ( ) 5. Look, the plane is flying _ the mountain. A. at the t

6、op of B. above C.on ( ) 6. -Is it half past seven? -No, it s eight _. A. o clock B. clock C. a clock ( ) 7. What s the weather_ in winter? A. likes B.like C./ ( ) 8.I m tired. Come and help _,Tommy. A. me B. I C. my ( ) 9. The small house is _ the top _ a mountain. A. in of B.atof C. aton ( ) 10. Do

7、 _ homework, please. A. you B. your C. a ( ) 11. In _ spring, it s sunny and warm. A. / B. the C.a ( ) 12.My uncle can play _. A.the piano B.piano C. a piano ( ) 13. _ letter is this? A. Which B. Who C. Whose ( ) 14. Please _ chase the ducks, Eddie. A.doesn t B. don t C. can t ( ) 15. we can play fo

8、otball _ the playground. A. in B. on C. at ( ) 16. Children s day is in . A. January B. June C. December ( ) 17. listen! I can hear the _. Tick-tock! A. rain B. clock C. wind ( ) 18. -You are late, Kitty! - . A. No. B. I m sorry. C. That s all right. 三、Fill in the blanks.(将序号写在题前括号内。14 分) A ( ) 1. S

9、he is reading the tree. ( ) 2. Look! There is an aeroplane the mountains! ( ) 3. There are some big red apples the tree. ( ) 4. Is there a temple the top of the hill? ( ) 5. Alice is Jack and Tom. ( ) 6. The ducks are swimming the pond. ( ) 7. Betty is now sitting her mother. ( ) 8. The cat is in fr

10、ont of the dog. The dog is the cat. B ( ) 1.- is it? -It s Half past eleven. ( ) 2.- is Dad reading the book? -He s reading in his bedroom. ( ) 3. - is the weather like in spring? -It s warm and sunny. ( ) 4. - jacket is that? -It s Jack s. ( ) 5. - are Tom s shells? -They are blue and white. Ain B.

11、 on C. under D. behind E. beside F. between G above H. at Awhat colour B. where C. how many D. whose E. what time F.what ( ) 6. - students are there in the class? -Forty. 四、Fill in the blanks.(选择词语的适当形式并填在横线上。10 分) 1. Helen _ ( like/likes ) winter. She _ (doesn t / don t) like summer. 2. Listen! Can

12、 you _ ( hear/ hearing) the noise now? 3. look! Some girls _ _ (is danceing/ are dancing) in the hall. 5. -_ ( Have/ Has) your sister got a pet? -No. 6. It s _ (wind/ windy) today. 7. Mary, _ _ ( don t chase/ not chasing) the hens! 8. In spring, the _ ( leaf/ leaves) are green. 五、Read the passage. I

13、t is half past six in the evening. The Wangs are at home. Mr Wang is reading a newspaper. Mrs Wang is washing dishes in the kitchen. Alice is sitting on the floor. She is playing with her cat. Eric is drawing a mouse in his bedroom. Grandma is very angry. She cannot find Grandpa. I.Judge.T or F.( 判断

14、正误,用 T 或 F 表示 5 分) ( )1. It is half past six in the morning. ( )2. There are five people in this family. ( )3. Alice is playing. ( )4. Eric is drawing in the sitting-room. ( )5. Grandma is happy. II.According to the passage, answer questions.( 根据文章回答问题5 分) 1. What time is it? _ 2. Where are the Wangs? _ 3. What is Mrs Wang doing? _ 4. Is Eric ih his bathroom? _ 5. Can Grandma find Grandpa? _ 八、Composition.( 写一封信,要求不少于8 句 作文 8 分)


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