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1、总 课 题7A Unit 8 Fashion总课时10 第 1 课时 课题Welcome to the unit 课型New 教学目标 知识目标 1. To use correct words to talk about the clothes. 能力目标2. To talk about what we wear. 情感目标3. To be helpful to the others 教学重点To talk about what we wear. 教学难点To talk about what we wear correctly. 课前预习 1. Preview the new words. 2

2、. Listen to the tape and read the dialogue. 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学 生 活 动备课札记 Step1 Warming-up Step2 Presentation Step3 Presentation Let the students see some pictures of the fashion show on the screen. 1. Use the pictures to review the names of the clothes. 2. Review the colours. Ask the Ss to say the colou

3、rs of the clothes. 3. Describe yourself what you are wearing today. Then ask some students to describe what they are wearing. 1. Eddie is going to a fashion show. Will you please help him to dress up? 2. See some pictures of different kinds of dogs in clothes on the screen. 3.Use the pictures on the

4、 screen to present some new words: the material of the clothes. (silk, cotton, leather, wool,) eg. Look at this lovely dog. Its scarf is white, and it?s made of silk. Now Eddie is on the fashion show.He looks smart. He is doing a good job. He raises a lot of money for Project Hope.Use the following

5、words to describe what Eddie is wearing. names shoes hat scarf coat colours black red white Yellow materials leather wool silk cotton 1. Present the comic strip. Help the Ss Ask and answer in pairs. Free talk. Look and say. Look and describe Discuss and learn Look and write. Check the answers. 调 动 学

6、 生 的 学习积极性。 教师示范, 学 生便于模仿。 Step4.Listen and read understand the meaning. eg. Eddie is going to a fashion show. But he doesnt know what to wear. So he asks Hobo. Hobo tells him not to wear any clothes because dogs dont wear clothes. 2 Repeat the dialogue 3 Read the dialogue after the teacher. 4. Ask

7、some students to act it out. Homework: 1. Finish off the additional exercise. 2. Review the names of the clothes. Read after the teacher. 通过表演, 检 查 学 生 掌 握 情况。 教学反思 总 课 题 Unit8 Fashion 总课时第 2 课时 课题Reading (1) 课型New 教学目标 知识目标1To learn the new word about the Fashion show 能力目标2 To train the Ss? compreh

8、ension ability 情感目标 To learn to enjoy the. Fashion show. 教学重点To learn to describe the. Fashion show 教学难点To learn to describe the. Fashion show 课前预习 1. Preview the new words. 2. Listen to the tape and read the text 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学 生 活 动备课札记 Step1. Warm up Step2.Reading Step3. Retell 1. Lead-in (1)Sele

9、ct some Ss, Say something about their clothes. Pay attention to size, colour, and use some suitable adjective words. Such as : smart, modern, cool, eg: 1. What colour is his coat? 2. What size is it ? 3. Does he look cool? (2) Ask the some Ss to describe my clothes. (to express one?s fashion with th

10、e words appeared in the reading. ) Present the new materials by picture. 1 To distinguish the fashions in different times.(through pictures prepared.) 2 Sum up. To describe a person in a short passage. (according to the pictures.) 3. Present the new materials; I Listening to the tape recorder and tr

11、y to finish the form below. Simon-Clothes(1980s)Looked colourful Trousers were _.His shirt was _ _His tie was _ Daniel - Looked _ sandy 4:simon5:Daniel6:Daniel Talk about the pictures. 运用图片教 学,直观形象, 便于展开交际 活动 。 Step2 Presentation Step3. Presentation Step4 Guessing 1Learn the new words. 2Divide the c

12、lass into two groups :boys and girls 3Try to tell the names of clothes as many as possible 4Talk about what their classmates wear. 1Let the Ss say the adjectives to describe the clothes help students describe the appearance of clothes with a wider range of adjectives. Introduce the idea of opposites

13、. Brainstorm some common words: bigsmall oldnew shortlong slimfat youngold 2: Ask students to do Part B 3:Have students compare answers with a partner?s. You could ask S1 to say the numbered words, one at a time ,and S2to say the word with the opposite meaning. 1students work in pairs to describe a

14、boy?s(girl?s) appearance and clothes, guess who he (she) is. Game: He is wearing a yellow blouse and his clothes is heavy. Q: Who is he ? 2Do a survey. Write the table below on the board. Divide the class into groups of four. Have students interview each other using these questions. What is your fav

15、ourite clothing item? What material is it made from? What colour is it? 3Name of classmate Favourite clothes Material Colour Homework: Please make a riddle. Learn the new words of this part by heart. Say freely Discuss Learn the new words by heart Do Part B Play the game Listen and guess Do a survey

16、 interview each other 调动学生学习 积极性。 教学反思 总 课 题 Unit8 Fashion 总课时10 第 5 课时 课题 Grammar A 课型New 教学目标 知识目标1Learn to use May and Can 能力目标2Learn the adverbs to show the order of the events。 情感目标3Learn to describe the events in the right order with the adverbs. 教学重点Can and may ; the adverbs 教学难点Can and may ;

17、 the adverbs 课前预习Preview the new words 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学 生 活 动备课札记 Step1 Revision 1Talk with the Ss freely to present the structure to ask for permission. Teacher: It? s hot today. Can I open the window? A student: Yes, you can. Student A; Can I sit here? Student B; No. you can ? t. A student: May I co

18、me in? Teacher: Yes, you may. 2Encourage the students to find the differences between May and Can We use ,CAN ?to ask our friends for permission. We use ,MAY ? to ask teachers, parentsand other adults for permission. It is more polite to use ,MAY ? Ask and answer Listen and learn discuss learn the u

19、sage of them 在运用中比较 他们的区别。 Step2 Sequencing events Step 3 Part B than, CAN ? 3Finish the exercises in the textbook. 4Practice the dialogues in pairs. 5Make similar dialogues by themselves. 1To recognize and use adverbs to order events. Tell them to pay attention to the simple present tense. We use t

20、hese adverbs to show the order in which things happen. We put the adverbs at the beginning of a sentence as they connect the sentences. We often use them to clarify a process or a particular sequence of events. (first, then, next, afterward, finally)2 Ask students to do a presentation about their ow

21、n day using the adverbs they have learned. Encourage them to include more information. Help them choose a title. Remind them to use the simple past tense. B1 Briefly review the adverbs, using the pictures for support. Ask students to write the letters in the boxes in Part B1 individually. Students c

22、heck each other?s sequence of sentences. Monitor the class as you walk around. B2 Set the context by reminding students about the fashion show described earlier in the unit before skiing students to do PartB2. Link Simon?s experience to any other events your students may have been involved in. intro

23、duce the idea of writing a picture story as a narrative using adverbs and the simple past tense to order events. 3 Talk about the picture Ask questions about each picture. 1) What did Simon do first? Learn the new adverbs Finish Part B1 do PartB2. write Talk about the picture 让 学 生 学 中 用,用中学 提高英语运 能

24、力 教学反思 总 课 题7A Unit 8 Fashion 总课时10 第 6 课时 课题Grammar 2 课型New 教学目标 1 To recognize and use adverbs to order events. 2 To use the adverbs to show the order of events. 教学重点To recognize and use adverbs to order events. 教学难点To use the adverbs to show the order of events 课前预习1. Preview the new words. 教学过程

25、教学环节教师活动学 生 活 动备课札记 Step 1 Presentation (1) Say the following to the students: I am busy every morning. First, I get up. Then, I wash my teeth. Next, I have breakfast. Afterwards, I go to the bus stop. Finally, I get on the bus. (2) Explain to the students we use the adverbs first, then, next, after

26、wards and finally to show the order of events. We can use “ then” “ next” and “ afterwards” freely. But we always put “ afterwards” after “ next” . Step 2 Practice B1 (1) Say, Look at the five pictures. These are Sandys everyday activities. (3) Say, These sentences are not in the correct order. Can

27、you put them in the correct order? Put numbers 1-5 in the correct boxes. B2 (1) Call attention to the pictures of Listen to the teacher carefully. They can make the expression clear. (3) Look at the five pictures read the sentences. Pay more attention to these adverbs. (2) Say what Sandy does in eac

28、h picture in pairs then in class. (4) One student say his/her answer. (5) Write down the sentences in the blanks. (2) Discuss the pictures in groups. Simon. Say: What does Simon do every day? (3)Say: Now write five sentences about his day. You need to write them in the correct order. Step 3 Discussi

29、ng Ask the ss to discuss people? s activities in a day according to the offered situation. Encourage them to include more information. Give the ss about 3 minutes to prepare. Then ask them to do it orally in class. Step 4: Homework Write some sentences to describe your everyday activities using firs

30、t, then, next, afterwards and finally. (4) Read their sentences to the class. The other students correct any mistake. 1. Discuss the order we do homework. (different subjects) 2. Discuss the activities after school. 3. Discuss the order of the models in the fashion show. 教学反思 总 课 题7A Unit 8 Fashion

31、总课时10 第 7 课时 课题 Integrated skills 课型New 教学目标 1. To listen to a description and identify specific details. 2. To listen to a narrative focusing on adverbs for general understanding. 3. To make inferences from pictures and keywords. 4. To listen for specific meaning and respond by completing part of t

32、he story. 教学重点 To listen to a description and identify specific details. 教学难点To listen for specific meaning and respond by completing part of the story. 课前预习 1. Preview the new words. 2. Prepare some tickets for some places of interest. 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学 生 活 动备课札记 Step 1 Free talk Talk to the students

33、about their favorite piece of clothing. Ask questions about how that piece of clothing was made and how it might feel. Tell them a story about one of your favorite clothing items. Step 2 Talking Can I wear a skirt for PE lessons? Can I wear a pair of leather shoes for hiking? If I am going for a din

34、ner party, what can I wear? If you are going on a trip, what will you wear? Step 3 Integrated skills A1 (1) Point to the picture of Sandy and her mum. Say, Sandy and her mum are talking about what clothes to wear. (2) Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. (3) Play the recording a

35、second time. Say, Write S for Sandy and write M for Sandy?s mum in the correct boxes. Step 4 Integrated skills A2 (1) Say: Now let?s listen to the conversation again and write down the suitable clothes in the table. (2) Play the recording. Students listen and fill in the table. (3) Have some student

36、s say out their answers. Step 5 Integrated skills A3 Say: Look! What is Sandy doing in the picture? She is writing a diary about her conversation with her mother. Ask students to scan the diary quickly. (2) Say: Now help Sandy complete her diary. You need to use the They also can work in pairs to ha

37、ve a talk. Talk about the names, colors and materials in the pictures in Part A1 by answer the teacher? s questions Look at the clothes in the pictures and listen to the teacher Only listen. Listen and write. Then check the answers together. (4) Listen to the first part and answer questions about Sa

38、ndy? s clothes. Why does Sandy? s mother tell to wear white jumper and jeans for the school trip? What to wear at last? (5) Listen to the second part and answer questions about Mum? s clothes. What? s Mum going to do this evening? What is she going to wear? Complete PartA3 individually as a quick re

39、vision activity. (3) Check the answers. (4) Practice reading the diary. Language points: 1. go for a dinner party 2. be suitable for 3. be made of 4. what clothes to wear 5. a pair of comfortable trainers 6. look good in blue information in Part 2 on page 100 to help you. Step6:Homework Grasp the us

40、eful words and phrases. 教学反思 总 课 题 7A Unit 8 Fashion 总课时10 第 8 课时 课题Speak up & Pronunciation 课型New 教学目标 1. To talk about what to wear. 2. To ask questions about and describe materials fluently. 3. To learn about syllables in words. 教学重点 1. To talk about what to wear. 2. To learn about syllables in w

41、ords. 教学难点 1. To talk about what to wear. 2. To learn about syllables in words. 课前预习1. Preview the new words. 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学 生 活 动备课札记 Step 1 Presentation 1. Show a picture with a famous star in it. Ask some questions and write them down. T: Do you like ?s white belt? S: Yes. It is made of T: What a

42、re her jeans made of? S: They are made of T: What color are they? S: They areThey match very well. Step 2 Integrated skills B (1) Read the instructions to the class. (2) Ask three students to read the sample conversation to the class. (3) Say: Now work in groups of three using your real information

43、to make 2. Talk with their partners on their classmates ? clothes. S1: What is/ are ?s made of? S2: It is/ They are made of (4) Share their conversations with the up your own conversations. Encourage them as much as possible. Step 3 Syllables in words A (1) Write some words on the board and read the

44、m slowly: my, run, begin, early, permission, popular, comfortable (2)Explain to the students the basic parts of a word are called syllables. A word may have one, two, three or more syllables. B (1) Point to the eight words. Have students read them by themselves first. (2)Say, How many syllables does

45、 each word have? Lets listen. C (1) Read the instruction to the class. (2) Ask students to do the activity individually. D (1) Write down the words on the board: pen-pens box-boxes, bus-buses, house-houses (2)Read each word and have students repeat. (3) Explain to the students sometimes when we add

46、, -(e)s? to a word to make it plural, the word will have an extra syllable. Step4:Practise: Write down more words on the board. Have students read them to practice the syllables of words. Step5: Homework: class. (3)Call attention to the words. Say, Listen carefully, try to hear each syllable. (4) Pl

47、ay the recording, students only listen. Then play again, have the students listen and repeat. (3) Play the recording, students listen and write down the numbers of syllables in each word in the blanks. (4) Check the answers. (5) Ask the students to read the words freely. (3) Have six students write

48、down the words on the board. (4) Check the answers. (4)Call attention to the eight pairs of words. Say: Now listen to these singular and plural forms. Put a tick in the box if you hear an extra syllable in the plural form. (5)Play the recording. Students listen and put ticks. 1. Practice the convers

49、ation in activity B of integrated skills. 2.Make conversations after the models given in the text. (6)Check the answers. 教学反思 总 课 题 7A Unit 8 Fashion 总课时10 第 9 课时 课题Main task 课型New 教学目标 1. To describe different materials and items of clothing. 2. To make a poster about clothes and fashion. 3. To present a poster to the class. 教学重点To make a poster about clothes and fashion. 教学难点To make a poster about clothes and fashion. 课前预习1. Preview the new words. 教学过程 教学环节教师活动学 生 活 动备课札记 Step 4Main task A 1. Draw students? attention on the table and pictures. Read


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