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1、,Revision Module One,Revision(Unit 1),合计,加起来 让某人做某事 为某事烦心 使平静下来 关心,挂念 参加期末考试 考试作弊 本该做某事,add up,get sth. done,calm down,be concerned about,be upset about/over/at,take the end-term-of exam,Warming up,cheat in the exam,should have done,经历,仔细阅读 写下,放下 一系列 对疯狂,着迷 与有/无关 保持清醒 故意 为了,go through,set down,have

2、sth./nothing to do with,a series of,be/grow crazy about,Reading,stay awake,on purpose,in order to,太多光 不敢开窗 刚巧,恰巧 在黄昏时刻 处于的控制中 一年半 面对面 不再 在没有乐趣,happen to do sth.,in ones power,no longer,face to face,far too much light,didnt dare open ,at dusk,a year and a half,Its no pleasure doing,不注意 安顿下来 遭受 从恢复 对感

3、到厌倦 打包,recover from,Exercise,take no notice of,suffer from,get./be tired of,pack up,Settle down,在有麻烦 与相处,进展 爱上 对感激 加入讨论 对感兴趣 给某人提出 有关建议,get along with,fall in love,join in discussion,be grateful for,show interest in,give sb. some advice on,Have trouble/difficulty in/ doing sth,Using language,Sentenc

4、e patterns,1. I wonder if,2. Its(was)+被强调部分+that+剩余部分,3. There was a time when ,4. It was the first time that sb. had done. / It is the first time that sb. has done.,5. Its no use/good/pleasure doing sth.,Revision(Unit 2),不止一种 互相 一种官方语言,more than one kind,one another,an official language,Warming up,

5、Revision(Unit 2),because of,come up,be based on,at the end of,在末 航行 因为 比以往任何时候 走上前来,被提出 在一段时间改变 以根据 目前,现在,Reading,than ever before,at present,change over time,make voyages,利用 前者后者 许多 的总数 例如,像这种 其实,make use of,such as,the formerthe latter,a large number of,the number of,in fact,有意义 未经慎重考虑 命令某人做某事 要求某

6、人做某事 不挂断电话,坚持,command sb. to do,command sb. (should) do sth.,make sense,without a second thought,request sb. to do sth.,Learning about language,request sb. should do sth.,hold on,信不信由你 诸如之类 被期望 扮演一个角色 起作用 与一样 辨认,把认为,believe it or not,Using language,no such thing as,be expected to,play a part (role)

7、in,recognize sb. as/to be,the same as,果然,果真 笔直往前 保持健康 增强,开发,sure enough,go straight on,keep fit,build up,Sentence patterns,1.The number of people learning English in China is increasing rapidly.,2. However, on TV and the radio you will hear differences in the way people speak.,3. Believe it or not,

8、there is no such thing as standard English.,交通方式/种类/ 形式 比起宁愿做 比起更喜欢,Unit 3,prefer to do A rather than do B.,means/kind/ form of transport,prefer A to B prefer doing A to doing B,Warming up,从那以后 梦想做 进行大型 自行车旅行 说服某人 做某事 大学毕业 使某人对某 事感兴趣,take a great bike trip,dream about doing,graduate from college,rea

9、ding,ever since,persuade sb. to do sth.,persuade sb. into doing sth.,get sb. interested in sth.,有机会干某事 从它开始的地方 到结束的地方 喜爱,喜欢 干某事的 最好方式 关心, 在乎 一个坚定的表情,be fond of,from where it begins to where it ends,reading,the best way of doing sth / to do sth.,get the chance to do sth.,care about,a determined look,

10、改变某人的主意 下定决心干某事 在的高度 向某人屈服 穿过深谷 对的态度,at an altitude of,change ones mind,reading,make up ones mind(s) to do sth./ be determined to do sth./ determine to do sth.,give in to sb.,pass through deep valleys,the attitude to/towards,按计划举行顺利 天气预报 办理保险 处理问题,go/run like clockwork,Learning about language,take o

11、ut insurance,cover the problems,weather forcast,像往常一样 不知不觉发现自己在做 扎营 支起帐篷 在午夜 落下,留下(行为事迹等的痕迹) 作伴 迫不及待做某事,make camp,put up a tent,leave behind,can hardly wait to do sth.,as usual,find oneself doing,at midnight,for company,Using language,Sentence patterns,1. She insisted that she organize the trip prop

12、erly.,2. Good luck on your journey.,3. It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the river.,4.It was great fun especially,Translation,1. It was midnight when we found the cave.,2. On that mountain lies a temple at an altitude of more than 3,000 metres above sea level.,3. The flame of th

13、e fire burnt brightly and the kettle began to boil.,4. The shop sells good wool pillows and quilts.,5. Every year thousands of butterflies fly to the spring from all places around it.,6. He looks like a nice and reliable man, but in fact the only thing he care about is money.,7. The children are bui

14、lding sand castles beneath a blue sky.,Revision Unit 4,立刻,马上 从跑出去/用光 突然哭/ 笑了起来 对评价低 结束,终结,right away,think little of,at an end,Warming up & Reading,burst into tears/laughter burst out crying/laughing,run out of,穿过,横穿 成为废墟 成千上万 陷入/陷在下面 挖出 埋头于、专心于 许多,大量,be trapped in/under,dig out,be buried in bury on

15、eself in,a great number of,tens of thousands of,lie in ruins,cut across,向某人求助 提及/参考/指代 在户外 轮流 对震惊,turn to sb. for help,Leaning about language,in the open air,take turns,be shocked at,refer to,为某事向某人祝贺 根据判断 因 而自豪 为了纪念 让某人做某事 正如你所知 向.表达感谢 受灾地区 筹集资金,have sb. do sth.,as you know,judging by/from,be proud

16、 of/take pride in,disaster-hit areas,raise/collect money for,Using language,Congratulate sb on sth,in honor of,express my thanks to,Sentence patterns,2.It seemed as if the world was at an end!,1. It is always calm before a storm.,3. All hope was not lost.,4. Water, food and electricity were hard to

17、get.,6.Amazing as it may seem = Although it may seem amazing,5.There was no stopping the fires.,Revision Unit 5,在方面很吝啬 对某人苛刻 在方面 对很慷慨 积极参加 奉献于,Warming up,be generous to sb. with sth.,be active in,devote to doing be devoted to,be mean with sth. be mean to sb,圣经 为 而死 跟作斗争 为争取斗争 相信存在,有用 /信任 不受约束,无 坐牢,f

18、ight for,believe in,be free from/ of,in prison,fight against,die for,the Bible,主动提供某人 某物 开始上学 失业 目睹,见证 投票赞成/反对 置某人于处境 违反法律,offer sth. to sb. offer sb. Sth.,begin school,out of work,put sb into a position,break the law,See/witness,vote for/against,Reading,以暴制暴 其实 使爆炸 实现某人的梦想 平等权 愿意/乐于做 处于困境 求助 气馁,ans

19、wer violence with violence,as a matter of fact,blow up,achieve ones dream,turn to,be willing to do sth.,in trouble,lose heart,equal rights,逃离/逃往 逃避做 当权 进入大学 博士/硕士学位 从释放出来,Using language,a doctors/masters degree,escape from/to,escape doing,come to power,enter university,release from,因判某人 成为总统 依我看来 我跟

20、你看法 一致.,sentence sb. tofor,become President,In my opinion, To my understanding,Im with you.,Sentence patterns,1. He was the first man to land on the moon in July 1969.,2. we have reached a stage where,3. He was generous with his time, for which I was grateful.,4. Only then did we decide to ,I felt b

21、ad the first time I talked,Revision Unit 1,搜寻 以奇特的风格 用装饰 在有天赋 为设计 属于 作为(对)回报,in search of,in the fancy style,decorate with,in return (for),belong to,be designed for,have a gift for,Reading,充当 被认为是 考虑做某事 处在交战状态 有待于 少于 值得做某事 前者,以前的,前任,serve as,less than,remain to be done,be worth doing,the former,at w

22、ar,be considered (to be/as),consider doing sth,成功做某事 毫无疑虑 支付得起 意识到 拆开 只要,afford,without doubt,recognize,manage to do sth.,take apart,Learning about language,as long as,同意某人 在审判中 而不是 借着月光 亲自 使某人惊奇 的入口处,agree with,rather than,Using language,by the light of the moon,for oneself,to ones surprise,the ent

23、rance to,in a trial,说实话 高度评价 培养兴趣 中断(wb) 那就更好,think highly of,on hold,develop an interest in,so much the better,tell the truth,Unit 2,参加比赛 与某人比赛 为比赛 参加活动 代表,象征 一次魔幻旅行 两种,两套,compete in,compete against/with compete for,take part (in),stand for,on a magical journey,two sets of,定期 每四年 被接受为 被允许入学 也,又,还 事

24、实上 为而骄傲,on a regular basis,every four years every fourth year,be admitted as,be admitted to,as well,as a matter of fact,be proud of,处于极度痛苦中 答应做某事 应受,值得 与讨价还价 主管,看管 被主管 捡,接,学,买,好转,be in great pain,promise sb. to do sth.,deserve to do sth.,deserve doing=deserve to be done,make a bargain with,be in cha

25、rge of,be in the charge of sb.,pick up,1.有共同之处 2.与作比较 3.列出一个清单 4.结果 5.与连接 6.在六十年代早期 7.高质量,havein common,comparewith/to,work out a list,as a result,in the early 1960s,of high quality,connect with/to,8.一个忠实的朋友 9.计算机器 10. 通用机器 11.分析机 12.技术革命 13.信息技术 14.人工智能,a devoted friend,a calculating machine,a univ

26、ersal machine,an analytical machine,technological revolution,information technology,artificial intelligence,15.利用 16.某人自己的 17. 由组成 18.事实上 19.在的帮助下 20.对作研究 21.对疯狂,take advantage of,of ones own,in reality,with the help of,do research into,be crazy about,consist of,22.赠送,泄密 23.看守,监视 24.向某人发出信号 25.某种程度上

27、 26.补充,弥补,构成 27.毕竟,终究 28.处理,对付,give away,watch over,signal to sb.,in a way,make up,after all,deal with,Revision for Unit 4,1.濒危动物 2. 灭绝 3.一个有关报告 4. 困惑,亏本 5. 和平地 6.在危险中 7.搜寻,endangered animals,die out,a report on,at a loss,in peace,in danger of,hunt for,8.知道,了解 9.渴望做某事 10.渴望某人做某事 11.如释重负 12.放声大笑 13.某

28、个人 14.保护某人免受伤害,know of,long to do sth.,long for sb. to do sth.,in relief,burst into laughter,a certain man,protectfrom,15.注意 16.欣赏做某事 17.追赶 18.成功做某事 19.形成,产生 20.按照 21.以致于,结果,pay attention to,appreciate doing,run after,succeed in doing,come into being,according to,so that,22.肯定地 23.很久以前 24.建议做某事 25.建

29、议某人做某事 26.依靠,取决,信赖 27.给某人一个教训 28.对有害,for sure,long before,suggest doing,suggest sb. (should) do,depend on,teach sb. a lesson,do harm to sb.=do sb. harm,1.梦想 2.在演奏会上 3.假装做 4.实话说 5.认为有(重要性,意义) 6.组成一个乐队 7.挣钱,dream of,at a concert,pretend to do sth/pretend that,to be honest,form a band,earn money,attach

30、 to,8.用现金 9.戏弄 10.依赖,依靠 11.熟悉 12.大约 13.打碎,驱散,散(会) 14.出故障;身体垮掉;(谈判)失败,in cash (by check),play jokes on,rely on/ depend on,sb. be familiar with sth.,break up,break down,or so/ about,15.另外;也 16.分类;挑出 17.对有信心 18.简言之,总之 19.对敏感 20.最重要,首先 21.在报纸上登一则广告,in addition,sort out,be confident in/about,in brief,abo

31、ve all,put an advertisement in a newspaper,be sensitive to,22.轰动,一炮打响 23.受欢迎 24.对严肃/认真 25.出毛病 26.密友 27.使混乱,a big hit,be popular with,be serious about,go wrong,close friends,mix up,28.对掌握得好 29.征求某人意见 30.就取得一致意见 31.想出 32.坚持 33.几天前,have a good knowledge of,ask sb. for advice on,agree on,come up with st

32、h.,the other day,stick to,7.说实话,许多人把名和利看的很重要. 8.他们如此受欢迎以致他们的歌迷建立了俱乐部来更熟悉他们.,To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous.,They were so popular that their fans formed clubs in order to get more familiar with them.,1.有共同之处 2.与作比较 3.列出一个清单 4.结果 5.与连接 6.在六十年代早期 7.高质量

33、,havein common,comparewith/to,work out a list,as a result,in the early 1960s,of high quality,connect with/to,Revision(Unit 19),在现在 对表示仁慈 做某事没用 不如;不妨 对某人宣判 希望得到,in mordern times,have mercy on show mercy to,Its useless doing sth.,may/might as well do sth.,pass judgement on,hope for,妒忌某人某物 坐下,就坐 因控告某人

34、切下,割下,隔绝 撕毁,取消(合同) 任由的摆布或控制 跪下,envy sb. sth.,be seated,accuse sb. of sth.,cut off,tear up,at the mercy of,go down on ones knees,乞求原谅 在某人死时 偿还;报复,beg for mercy,upon ones death,pay back,Sentence patterns,1. If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would,2. According to the law , Shylo

35、ck may have a pound of flesh to be cut off nearest to Antonios heart.,始于,追溯到 使某人明白 侧卧 多样的 倾向于;有的趋势 平均 与有联系,date back to/date from,give sb. an idea of,lie on ones side,a variety of,tend to,on average,be linked to/ with Have links with,参与;插手;对负部分责任 拉上去,停下,训斥 就而言 武装冲突 有名望的,威望高的 大量的 充当,担任,have a hand in

36、,pull up,in terms of,armed conflict,be of high status,a large quantity of,serve as,在古代 挖出,挖掘 占地的面积,in ancient times,dig up,cover an area of,Sentence patterns,1.He was buried on his left side with his face to the north.,2. Buried with him were the tools of a hunter or warrior.,3. Next to them lay a c

37、ushion stone, upon which the man ,4. This was a time when,5. It has been proved that,单词拼写答案 constitution 2. support 3. achieve 4. likely 5. district 6. private/personal 7. announces 8. failures 9. breakthrough 10. battle 11. fictions 12. belief,13. applied 14. officer/ servant 15. collision 16. perm

38、anent 17. aboard 18. companions 19. prisoners 20. luggage 21. brilliant 22. labo(u)r 23. phenomenon 24. hesitate,25. voyage 26. benefits 27. range 28. broke 29. advantage 30. shameful 31. marriage 32. forbid 33. vote 34. demand 35. arrested 36. sensitive,37. benefited 38. celebrate 39. guarantee 40.

39、 budget 41. altitude 42. dipped 43. participate 44. widespread 45. overcome 46. potential 47. disability 48. adjusted,49. visually 50. assisted 51. victory 52. shameful 53. Encouragement 54. sympathy 55. motivated 56. ceremony 57. facilities 58. sidewalk 59. gifted 60. possibility,61. unemployment 62. rejected 63. connection 64. curious 65. tend 66. spare 67. eyes 68. served 69. Dug 70. covers 71. accompany 72. envied,


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