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1、TITRE DE LA PRSENTATION | 00 mois 2009 | INTERVENANTS | PAGE 2,传智整合传播提供 Prepared by MIG Sep. 2010 2010年9月,雪铁龙红蜡笔行动活动总结报告 Citron Red Crayon Campaign Report,活动概述 Overview 活动流程 Event Flow 媒体出席情况 Media Attendance 活动反馈 Feedback 活动亮点 Highlights 媒体报道 Media Reports,PAGE 3,目 录 Table of Contents,TITRE DE LA P

2、RSENTATION | 00 mois 2009 | INTERVENANTS | PAGE 4,活动概述 OVERVIEW,【活 动 主 题/ Theme】爱未来 - 雪铁龙红蜡笔行动 Love Future - Citron Red Crayon Campaign 【活 动 时 间/ Time 】 2010年8月27日- 8月29日/ Aug. 27 29, 2010 【活 动 地 点/ Venue 】上海 /Shanghai 【参 与 人 员/ Participants 】雪铁龙VIP14人、获奖学生&老师18人、上海校长1人、经销商&用户23人、基金会领导2人、名人4人(含陪同)、

3、媒体86人( 81家) /14 VIPs from Citron, 18 winning students and accompanying teachers, 1 president from Shanghai, 23 dealers and customers, 2 representatives from BYDF, 4 celebrities (inclusive of accompanying staff) and 86 journalists (81 media) 【与 会 人 数/ Total Attendance 】148人/148pax,活动概述 Overview,TITRE

4、 DE LA PRSENTATION | 00 mois 2009 | INTERVENANTS | PAGE 6,活动流程 EVENT FLOW,外地媒体到达,入住酒店 OOT media, arrival at SH, check in hotel 自助晚餐 Buffet dinner,8月26日(星期四)Aug. 26 (Thurs.),媒体 Media 参观世博园 中国馆/法国馆 Expo visit China Pavilion/French Pavilion 午餐 Lunch 参观世博园 法国馆 Expo visit French Pavilion 晚宴 Banquet 媒体专访(

5、翻译)Interview (interpretation),8月27日(星期五)Aug. 27 (Fri.),外地媒体 OOT Media 送机 Seeing-off,8月28日(星期六)Aug. 28 (Sat.),第4天 Day 4,学生/老师 Students/teachers 参观外滩陈毅广场 &外滩观光隧道 Chen Yi Square & Bund Tourist Tunnel visit 午餐 Lunch 返回 Seeing-off,8月29日(星期日)Aug. 29 (Sun.),第1天 Day 1,第3天 Day 3,第2天 Day 2,VIP、学生/老师、经销商/用户、基金

6、会代表、名人 VIP, students/teachers , dealers/customers, representatives of BYDF, celebrities 入住酒店 Check in hotel 外地经销商/用户到达 Dealers/customers arrival 晚宴 Banquet,VIP、学生/老师、经销商/用户、基金会代表 VIP, students/teachers , dealers/customers, representatives of BYDF 参观世博园 中国馆 Expo visit China Pavilion 午餐 Lunch 参观世博园法国馆

7、 Expo visit French Pavilion 自助晚餐 Buffet dinner,活动整体安排 Overall Program,TITRE DE LA PRSENTATION | 00 mois 2009 | INTERVENANTS | PAGE 8,27日媒体A组世博参观 Group A visits World Expo on the 27th,活动流程-27日参观世博 Expo Visit Schedule Aug.27,Note: Some media do not want travel through the Expo park, and we arrange for

8、 going back hotel after lunch.,TITRE DE LA PRSENTATION | 00 mois 2009 | INTERVENANTS | PAGE 9,27日媒体B组世博参观 Group B visits World Expo on the 27th,活动流程-27日参观世博 Expo Visit Schedule Aug.27,TITRE DE LA PRSENTATION | 00 mois 2009 | INTERVENANTS | PAGE 10,活动流程-27日晚宴 Banquet Schedule Aug.27,TITRE DE LA PRSEN

9、TATION | 00 mois 2009 | INTERVENANTS | PAGE 11,28日学生/老师、经销商世博参观 Students, teachers and dealers visit World Expo on the 28th,活动流程-28日参观世博 Expo Visit Schedule Aug.28,TITRE DE LA PRSENTATION | 00 mois 2009 | INTERVENANTS | PAGE 12,活动流程- 29日参观外滩 Bund Visit Schedule Aug.29,TITRE DE LA PRSENTATION | 00 mo

10、is 2009 | INTERVENANTS | PAGE 13,媒体出席情况 MEDIA ATTENDANCE,媒体出席情况汇总 Summary,爱未-来雪铁龙红蜡笔行动活动,邀请到会媒体涉及平面媒体、网络媒体、电波媒体, 覆盖新闻、汽车、时尚领域,实现此次公益活动的传播领域的最大化覆盖。 Print media, website media and radio media were invited to the Red Crayon Campaign resulting in the most extensive coverage. 共有81家媒体,86名记者出席此次活动。其中平面媒体52

11、家(53人)、时尚杂志5家(5人)网络媒体19家(19人)、电台及电视台5家(9人)。 86 journalists from 81 media including 53 from 52 print media, 5 from 5 magazine, 19 from19 website and 9 from 5 radio and TV stations were present. 其中7家媒体对雪铁龙中国(进口车)总经理艾亚柯先生进行的专访,更深层次的对此次活动进行阐述。 7 media were given the chance to be in an interview with GM

12、of Citron China (Imported vehicles), Mr. Etchart regarding this campaign.,媒体出席名单 Media List,媒体出席名单 Media List,媒体出席名单 Media List,媒体出席名单 Media List,TITRE DE LA PRSENTATION | 00 mois 2009 | INTERVENANTS | PAGE 19,活动反馈 FEEDBACK,媒体好评如潮,纷纷用实际行动表示。订购爱心T恤,现场拍卖画作,在雪铁龙的带动下,纷纷献出自己的爱心。 The campaign received a l

13、ot of positive feedback from the media who bought LOVE T-shirts and the paintings on auction at the venue. 媒体反馈:1、企业公益活动很好的体现了企业的社会责任感; 2、建议雪铁龙将此活动长期做下去,做成一个品牌; 3、此次活动起到了很好的带动作用,至少在媒体记者中有一定的影响。 Feedback from media: 1. Charity campaigns demonstrate social responsibility on the part of companies. 2. I

14、t is recommended that Citron keeps this up to make the campaign well-known. 3. The campaign takes the lead in this line and have impressed journalists at the very least.,活动反馈 Feedback,TITRE DE LA PRSENTATION | 00 mois 2009 | INTERVENANTS | PAGE 21,活动亮点 HIGHLIGHTS,26日媒体抵达酒店,进行签到 Media arrive and chec

15、k in on the 26th.,媒体&学生签到 Media and Students Check in,27日获奖学生抵达酒店,进行签到 Winning students arrive and check in on the 27th.,媒体酒店出发前往世博 Media depart from the hotel for World Expo.,27日参观世博 Expo Visit on the 27th,媒体抵达世博,准备进馆参观 Media arrive at World Expo and queue to enter the pavilion.,媒体法国馆参观 Media visit

16、 French Pavilion,27日参观世博 Expo Visit on the 27th,METROPOLIS 车前合影 Group photo before METROPOLIS,媒体俏江南午餐 Media have lunch at South Beauty Restaurant.,27日参观世博 Expo Visit on the 27th,青基会领导晚宴签到 BYDF leader signs in.,经销商晚宴签到 Dealers sign in.,27日晚宴 Banquet on the 27th,雪铁龙中国(进口车)总经理艾亚柯先生致辞 Speech by GM of Ci

17、tron China (Imported vehicles), Mr. Etchart,27日晚宴 Banquet on the 27th,主持人林海与张子枫互动,对话红蜡笔活动 Interaction between MC Lin Hai and Zhang Zifeng in Red Crayon Campaign,27日晚宴 Banquet on the 27th,主持人与获奖学生进行互动 Interaction between MC and winning students,北京青少年发展基金会副秘书长刘廷彪先生、上海崇明小学校长赵平先生、新浪汽车赵焕女士与主持人进行互动 Mr. Li

18、u Tingbiao, Ms. Zhao Huan and schoolmaster interact with MC,27日晚宴 Banquet on the 27th,北京青少年基金会副秘书长刘廷彪先生向爱心人士颁发爱心奖状 Mr. Liu Tingbiao confers certificate to the winner of the auction,27日晚宴 Banquet on the 27th,拍卖环节现场嘉宾踊跃举牌 Auction guests raise the auction paddle.,儿童合唱感恩的心、 让世界充满爱 Childrens chorus Heart

19、 of Feel Great and Let the World Full of Love,27日晚宴 Banquet on the 27th,张子枫,获奖学生上台,与艾亚柯先生、刘廷彪先生、爱心人士合影 Photo with Mr. Etchart, Mr. Liu Tingbiao, winner of auction, Zhang Zifeng and students,艾亚柯先生向刘廷彪先生交付 “支票” Mr. Etchart offers a “check” with an amount of money to Mr. Liu Tingbiao.,27日晚宴 Banquet on

20、the 27th,场外T恤义卖 Sale of T-shirts for charity,雪铁龙中国(进口车)总经理艾亚柯先生接受媒体专访 GM of Citron China (Imported vehicles), Mr. Etchart gives an interview to the media.,27日媒体专访 Interview on the 27th,学生&老师/家长酒店出发前往世博 Students and their teachers and parents depart from the hotel for World Expo.,28日参观世博 Expo Visit o

21、n the 28th,学生&老师/家长抵达世博,准备进馆参观 Students and their teachers and parents arrive and queue to enter the World Expo.,学生&老师/家长中国馆参观 Students and their teachers and parents visit around China Pavilion.,28日参观世博 Expo Visit on the 28th,学生&老师/家长、经销商中国馆前合影 Group photo of students and their teachers and parents

22、 in front of the China Pavilion,学生&老师/家长法国馆参观 Students and their teachers and parents visit the French Pavilion,学生&老师/家长驻足参观METROPOLIS Students and their teachers and parents stand before METROPOLIS,28日参观世博 Expo Visit on the 28th,学生&老师/家长酒店出发前往外滩 Students and their teachers and parents depart from t

23、he hotel for the Bund.,29日参观外滩 Bund Visit on the 29th,学生&老师/家长外滩合影 Group photo of students and their teachers and parents at the Bund,学生&老师/家长参观外滩观光隧道和珍奇馆 Students and their teachers and parents visit Bund Tourist Tunnel and the Oceanic Curiosa exhibition.,29日参观外滩 Bund Visit on the 29th,学生&老师/家长美林阁就

24、餐 Students and their teachers and parents have lunch at Meilinge.,TITRE DE LA PRSENTATION | 00 mois 2009 | INTERVENANTS | PAGE 39,媒体报道 MEDIA REPORTS,媒体发布概述 Summary,截止9月8日,共监测到53篇,总广告价值3,905,878元。 53 articles were published as of Sep. 8, equivalent to an adv. of ¥ 3,905,878. 平面媒体见刊34篇,广告价值555,758元; 其

25、中有10篇发布1000字以上的稿件。 34 Reports were published on print media, equivalent to an adv. of ¥ 555,758, including 10 reports with over 1,000 word count. 网络媒体见刊19篇,广告价值3350120元; 其中首页要闻区2篇,首页焦点图3篇,首页上部1篇,首页推广10篇。 19 Reports were posted on websites, equivalent to an adv. of ¥ 3,350,120, including 2 in importa

26、nt areas, 3 in focus area, 1 on upper front page and 10 on front page. 电台、电视台陆续播出,杂志预计10月刊出。 The campaign was aired on radio and TV stations. Reports on magazines are expected in Oct. 媒体陆续见刊中。 Subsequent stories are expected later.,媒体亮点关注汇总 Summary of Core Information,媒体见刊列表 Publicity List,媒体见刊列表 Pu

27、blicity List,媒体见刊列表 Publicity List,媒体见刊列表 Publicity List,媒体见刊列表 Publicity List,媒体见刊列表 Publicity List,解放日报是中共上海市委机关报,1949年5月28日正式创刊,是上海最具权威的主流媒体,发行量55万份。 Jiefang Daily is founded on May 28, 1949. It is intended for Shanghai municipal authorities. It is a highly influential media and has its proud cir

28、culation of 550,000.,媒体见刊精选 Publication List choice pieces,创刊于1949年8月1日的无锡日报,作为中共无锡市委机关报,无锡日报50多年来当好党、政府和人民的喉舌,全面报道无锡社会主义建设和改革开放的光辉历程。 发行量:18万 Founded on Aug. 1, 1949, Wuxi Daily is intended for Wuxi municipal authorities. As the voice of the Party, the government and the people, it commits itself t

29、o covering socialism construction and reform and opening to the world. Circulation: 180,000,媒体见刊精选 Publication List choice pieces,TITRE DE LA PRSENTATION | 00 mois 2009 | INTERVENANTS | PAGE 50,媒体见刊精选 Publication List choice pieces,国际商报由中华人民共和国商务部主办,是我国商务领域具有行业独占性和权威性的日报,也是海外发行区域最大的中国财经报纸之一。 发行量: 28

30、万份 The International Business Daily is organized by the Ministry of Commerce. It is an industry specific and authoritative daily business newspaper and is one of Chinas financial newspaper with the largest overseas distribution. Circulation: 280,000,新快报由羊城晚报报业集团主办,1998年3月创刊,是国内第一份实现全彩印刷的大型综合性日报。发行量:

31、110万 Founded by Yangcheng Evening News Group in March 1998, New Express is the first daily that uses a full color layout. Circulation: 1,100,000,媒体见刊精选 Publication List choice pieces,网上车市自1999年发展至今以“数据人文”为理念,追求人、车、社会的高度和谐统一,将有形市场与无形市场融合贯通。网站浏览量:300万 Founded in 1999, the website commits itself to a h

32、umanistic and communal concept and approach, paying attention to intergrate the pursuit of people, vehicles, a high degree of social harmony and unity in the tangible and intangible market. website traffic rate: 3,000,000,中国汽车网是现今中国最大的汽车互联网企业,拥有全球流量最高的汽车类门户网站。做为中国最大的汽车消费社区,中国汽车网注册会员已超过130万。网站流览量: 40

33、0万。 ChinaCars is now Chinas largest automotive Internet company and has the worlds highest auto traffic portal. As Chinas largest automobile consumer community, it has more than 1.3 million registered members. website traffic rate: 4,000,000.,媒体见刊精选 Publication List choice pieces,新浪是中国四大门户网站之一,是中国大陆

34、及全球华人社群中最受推崇的互联网品牌。 网站浏览量:1.7亿 As one of 4 portal websites in China, S is a well-reputed brand in Chinese community. website traffic rate: 170,000,000,网易是中国领先的门户网站。提供先进的技术和卓越服务的信息。网易深受广大网民的欢迎。网站浏览量:1亿 As a leading portal website, N provides high quality technique and services and is widely recognize

35、d by netizens. website traffic rate: 100,000,000,媒体见刊精选 Publication List choice pieces,CHE168网站由皓辰机构于2004年5月创办,是以国内最大、最权威的车型数据库为核心的汽车导购资讯网站。网站浏览量:170万 Founded in May, 2004, CHE168 is the greatest and most influential auto database-based auto information website. website traffic rate: 1,700,000,雅虎(Ya

36、hoo!,NASDAQ:YHOO)是美国著名的互联网门户网站,20世纪末互联网奇迹的创造者之一。其服务包括搜索引擎、电邮、新闻等,业务遍及24个国家和地区,为全球超过5亿的独立用户提供多元化的网络服务。网站浏览量:87万 As a famous USA-based portal website, Yahoo! comes across like a miracle of the Internet. It provides a wide range of services such as search, e-mail and news to over 500,000,000 users in 2

37、4 countries. website traffic rate: 870,000,媒体见刊精选 Publication List choice pieces,TITRE DE LA PRSENTATION | 00 mois 2009 | INTERVENANTS | PAGE 55,新浪专题推广概述 Summary of Special Column Promotion,与新浪网合作专题,搭建了红蜡笔行动官方活动网络平台,对活动全程进行跟踪报道,随时传递活动的进程,实现活动的时事报道和持续传播 Sina built up an official real time online on-d

38、emand platform to cover the entire Red Crayon Campaign period. 1、专题地址/ Website:http:/ 2、专题时间/ Time: 征集期:6月18日6月30日/Information collection: June 18 - 30 评选期:8月5日8月15日/ Assessment: Aug. 5- 15 最终结果:8月30日、8月31日/ Publication of results: Aug. 30 31 3、整体专题推广数据为/Data: PV数=199960 / PV point= 199960 独立人数(UV)数

39、=95566 / UV point= 95566,新浪专题推广概述 Summary of Special Column Promotion,4、 新浪专题推广分为3个阶段,分别为:征集期、评选期、最终结果传播,其中采用图文和文字链相结合的方式,更好的保证专题推广的效果。 The special column was divided into 3 phases: information collection, assessment and publication of results. A combination of text and pictures were carried out for

40、 promotion purpose. 5、推广位置分别为: 汽车首页要闻区右侧两轮播按钮、汽车首页顶部通栏左侧翻牌、首页第一屏非定向按钮、财经新闻内页底部两轮播通栏、娱乐首页通栏下右侧按钮、汽车首页要闻区右侧活动区推荐文字链、汽车首页社区版要闻区文字链、汽车首页焦点图、汽车频道社区版首页焦点图、汽车频道社区版首页活动召集文字链、首页网络公益栏目活动推荐、首页独家策划活动推荐、首页企业慈善栏目活动推荐。 Position: Two-round play button on right side of Important News area on auto front page, Adv. on

41、 left side of horizontal row on the top of auto front page, Non-directional button in the first screen on front page, Two-round play button on horizontal row at the bottom of Financial News page, Button on right lower part of horizontal row on entertainment front page, Recommendation text chain in C

42、ampaign area on right side of Important News area on auto front page, Text chain in Important News area of Community area on auto front page, Focus area of auto front page, Focus area of front page of Community area in auto channel, Text chain for call for campaign of front page of Community area in

43、 auto channel, Recommendation campaign of online charity column on front page, Recommended exclusively planned campaign on front page, Recommendation campaign of corporate charity column on front page.,TITRE DE LA PRSENTATION | 00 mois 2009 | INTERVENANTS | PAGE 57,专题排期及完成情况 Scheduling and Implement

44、ation,雪铁龙红蜡笔行动新浪专题 Special Column on Sina,推广位置:汽车首页要闻区右侧两轮播按钮 Position: Two-round play button on right side of Important News area on auto front page 投放时间:6月18日 Launch time: June 18 截屏 Screen shot,专题推广 Special Column Promotion,推广位置:首页第一屏非定向按钮 Position: Non-directional button in the first screen on f

45、ront page 投放时间:6月21日 Launch time: June 21 截屏 Screen shot,推广位置:汽车首页社区版要闻区文字链 Position: Text chain in Important News area of Community area on auto front page 投放时间:6月21日 Launch time: June 21 截屏 Screen shot,专题推广 Special Column Promotion,推广位置:汽车首页顶部通栏左侧翻牌广告 Position: Adv. on left side of horizontal row

46、on the top of auto front page 投放时间:6月22日 Launch time: June 22 截屏 Screen shot,推广位置:财经新闻内页底部两轮播通栏 Position: Two-round play button on horizontal row at the bottom of Financial News page 投放时间:6月23日 Launch time: June 23 截屏 Screen shot,专题推广 Special Column Promotion,推广位置:汽车首页焦点图 Position: Focus area of aut

47、o front page 投放时间:6月23日 Launch time: June 23 截屏 Screen shot,推广位置:汽车频道社区版首页焦点图 Position: Focus area of front page of Community area in auto channel 投放时间:6月24日 Launch time: June 24 截屏 Screen shot,专题推广 Special Column Promotion,推广位置:公益首页企业慈善栏目活动推荐 Position: Recommendation campaign of corporate charity c

48、olumn on front page 投放时间:6月25日 Launch time: June 25 截屏 Screen shot,推广位置:公益首页网络公益栏目活动推荐 Position: Recommendation campaign of online charity column on front page 投放时间:6月29日 Launch time: June 29 截屏 Screen shot,专题推广 Special Column Promotion,推广位置:娱乐首页01通栏下右侧按钮 Position: Button on right lower part of 01 h

49、orizontal row on entertainment front page 投放时间:6月30日 Launch time: June 30 截屏 Screen shot,推广位置:汽车首页要闻区右侧活动区推荐文字链 Position: Recommendation text chain in Campaign area on right side of Important News area on auto front page 投放时间:8月5日 Launch time: Aug. 5 截屏 Screen shot,专题推广 Special Column Promotion,推广位置:汽车频道社区版首页活动召集文字链 Position: Text chain for call for campaign of front page of Community


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