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1、电大文学英语赏析期末复习重点参考资料小抄1. Figures of Speech 修辞格 P15-19Simile 明喻:one thing is compared with another, usually using the word like, as. Metaphor 暗喻 : when we make a direct comparison between one idea and another unrelated idea. Alliteration 头韵 : when the same consonant sound (辅音) is repeated in words eith

2、er next to or close to each other. Assonance 半韵 : Assonance refers to the repetition of similar vowel sounds(元音) close to each other. Personification 拟人 :when a non-animate(无生命) object is given animate(有生命) characteristics. Parallelism 排比 : when we have an identical structure repeated one or more ti

3、mes. Irony(and Sarcasm) 讽刺 : On one level, a persons words do not match their intention; on another level, irony refers to the total situation. Puns and wordplay 双关 : 有发音双关和词义双关。2.句子或单词的正式程度:degrees of formality: very informal informalneutral(中性)formal - very formal单词: general(普通) - specific (特殊)3.

4、the Short Story 六要素 P29Plot 情节 :opening development - climax/ crisis (高潮) anticlimaxcoda (结尾) The Sniper (阻击手) : 小说故事发生地点:on a rooftop near OConnell Bridge P32 Setting 地点 : refers to the physical location and the background information about the reason for telling the story and information we may ne

5、ed about the main character or characters P36 Characterization 人物刻画 : appearance ( 外貌) , dialogue (对话), behavior(行为) P39 Point of View 角度,视角 : P41-42 1) first person narrative 第一人称。代表作:The Paring knife 2) “ I am a camera” third person narrative 照相机式第三人称。代表作: The Sniper 3) third person narrative seen

6、 from only one of the characters point of view, 代表作:Night4) third person narrative seen from two or more different characters point of view ,代表作:Rosary5) third person omniscient(无所不知的) narrative, 代表作:Yours4. Time Structure 时间结构 P44-451) the linear (顺叙):the action proceeds as in real time, one event

7、follows another代表作:The Sniper , 和 Room for one more 2) the flashback (倒叙),usually works by starting a story at a point in the recent past, then switching the action back to an earlier time, farther back in the past. At the end it will usually bring us back to the same time zone we started from. 代表作:

8、The Paring knife, 和 Bluebells and Autumn Leaves 和Words Long Unspoken 3) the moving point (移动点):when the writer shifts abruptly back and forth between different time zones. 代表作:Mother 5. Short Story短篇小说: 5.1) Hills Like White Elephant 白象似的群山: P51作者:Ernest Hemingway: American novelist and short story

9、writer. Nobel Prize Winner 诺贝尔文学奖(1954)获得者.文体风格:prose style- economical, direct and immediate.故事地点:a train station in Spain故事内容:一对情侣在火车站等车时,两人在小店喝一种licorice(苦艾酒)饮料,双方为了abortion(堕胎)不愉快经历。 5.2) The Man Who Talked to Trees 和树交谈的人: P54作者:Alan Maley 他的作品还有: Words Long Unspoken 好久没有说的话 5.3) Eveline 伊芙林: P

10、57作者:James Joyce : Irish novelist, poet, one of the innovative writers of the 20th century. Master of stream of consciousness (意识流大师)代表作:Dubliners 都柏林人,Ulysses 尤利西斯, In Finnegans Wake 为芬尼根守灵故事内容:It presents us with the dilemma(进退两难)of a young girl, Eveline, living as a domestic slave to her violent

11、father and younger siblings(兄弟), who has the chance to escape to a new life with her lover.5.4) Thief 小偷 作者:Robley Welson P59 5.5) Paper Pills 纸丸 P62 作者:Sherwood Anderson: writer between two wars 代表作:Winesburg, Ohio 俄亥俄州温斯堡 6. Novels 长篇小说: 6.1) A Christmas Carol圣诞颂歌: P66作者: Charles Dickens 主人翁: a ol

12、d miser (吝啬鬼), Scrooge6.2) Heart of Darkness黑暗的心: P68 作者: Joseph Conrad 故事内容: The adventurer , Marlow 在Thames 河口向一群水手介绍去Congo River 探险寻找一位神秘人Kurtz 6.3) Lord of the Flies苍蝇王: P72 作者:Golding: Nobel Prize Winner 诺贝尔文学奖(1983)获得者.故事内容: a group of schoolboys survive an air-crash(空难),后来分裂成两派,正方代表有Ralph, Pi

13、ggy, Simon, 反方代表以Jack为首,最后正方失败。故事结尾出现cruiser(巡洋舰),暗示着人类好战破坏的价值观the warlike, destructive values of adult。Lord of the Flies is a dystopla(反面乌托邦)。Golding makes and intertextual reference(映射) to the 19th century novel for boysCoral Island (珊瑚岛)by R.M. Ballantine, which presents an optimistic, romanticiz

14、ed, idealistic story of some boys shipwrecked (船只失事) on a coral island.6.4) Jane Eyre简爱: P74 作者: Charlotte Bronte 主人翁:Jane Eyre 和Mr. Rochester她小说主题 themes- passionate love, love for a married man, woman as an independent agent in a male-dominated world. Jane Eyre 曾经当过governess (家庭教师) 6.5) The Pearl珍

15、珠: P77作者: Steinbeck: Nobel Prize Winner 诺贝尔文学奖(1974)获得者故事内容:Kino, a poor fisherman, 因为得到一个硕大珍珠,最后家破人亡。6.6)The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde杰克医生和海德先生的奇案: P81故事内容:杰克白天是一名受人尊敬的医生,晚上服用一种药物,就变成无恶不作的坏人海德先生,最后药物失控,事情败露,自杀。6.7)A Burnt-Out Case病毒发尽的病例: 作者:Graham Greene P87 6.8) Wide Sargasso Sea茫茫沧

16、海:作者:Jean Rhys P90Wide Sargasso Sea takes the story of Jane Eyre and re-tells it from the point of view of the first Mrs. Rochester. 茫茫沧海是从简爱中Rochester第一任妻子角度改写的故事。6.9)The Mayor of Casterbridge卡斯特桥市长:作者: Thomas Hardy P93 Hardy sets most of his novels in “Wessex” a region of England 6.10) The Picture

17、 of Dorian Gray道林-格雷的肖像:作者:Oscar Wilde P946.11) The Old Man and the Sea老人与海:作者:Ernest Hemingway P96 小说主题:It is a novel about the strength, endurance and cunning intelligence of one man pitted(反抗) against the forces of nature. 6.12) Great Expectations远大前程:作者:Charles Dickens P98小说主人翁:Pip, a poor orpha

18、n (孤儿),和 Magwitch, a convict(罪犯)7. Non- Fiction 演说,散文7.1)The Gettysburg Address葛底斯堡演说: P104 演说者:Abraham Lincoln(林肯), 演说时间: Nov.19, 1863 演说目的:to reinforce(加强)the principles of freedom for all for which the war is being fought. He urges his listeners to make sure that those who died in this great batt

19、le should not have died for nothing.演说开头:Fourscore and seven years ago our fathers . 7.2) I Have a Dream 我有一个梦想: P109演说者:Martin Luther King Jr(马丁.路德.金) 演说时间: Aug. 28, 1963演说地点:at the Lincoln Memorial(林肯纪念堂)in Washing D.C.演说开头:Five score years ago, a great American, . 7.3) Speech On the Granting of I

20、ndian Independence庆祝印度独立演说P112 演说者:Jawaharlal Nehru (尼赫鲁) 演说时间: August 14, 19477.4 Of Studies论学习:作者;Francis Bacon (培根) P114论学习中一些名句:Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.Crafty men contemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them.Some books are to be tasted, others t

21、o be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.Reading makes a full man; conference a ready man; and writing and exact man.Histories make men wise; poets witty; the mathematics subtile; natural philosophy deep; moral grave; logic and rhetoric able to contend.Bowling is good for the stone and

22、 reins; shooting for the lungs and breast; gentle walking for the stomach; riding for the head; and the like.8. Poetry 诗歌 P118 Types of Poetry 诗歌种类: 8.1)Lyrical Peoms:抒情诗:to express strong emotional feelings 代表作:Rain雨 P1198.2)Narrative Poems:叙事诗:to tell a story代表作:The Rime of the Ancient Mariner一个老水

23、手的故事P119作者:Samuel Taylor Coleridge 8.3) Elegies:挽诗:to commemorate (悼念)someone who has died代表作:Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone钟停下来,电话线切断 作者:W.H. Auden P120 8.4)Confessional poetry: (自白诗):to explore the poets inner world and feelings.代表作:The Dead Heart 一颗死心: 作者:Anne Sexton代表作家:Robert Lowell

24、, Allen Ginsberg, Sylvia Plath, John Berryman, Anne Sexton.自白诗主题:revelations about sex, madness, hallucinations(幻想), drugs, suicide, outrageous feelingsand partly by the raw, direct way.影响最大的两人:D.H. Lawrence 和 Walt Whitman (惠特曼) 的代表作Leaves of Grass 草叶集8.5)Poetry of Observation:观察诗:to describe in per

25、ceptive ways an object or person代表作:Finding a Sheeps Skull找到一个山羊头骨 作者:Frances Horovitz P1238.6)Protest Poetry:抗议诗:to criticize or protest against something or someone代表作:Love Your Enemy爱你的敌人 Relative Sadness相对悲伤 P1248.7)Satirical Poetry:讽刺/挖苦诗:to mock people or manners代表作:How to Deal with the Press怎

26、样应对媒体 作者:Wendy Cope P1248.8) Comic Poetry:喜剧诗:to amuse people and make them laugh.代表作家:Edward Lear 和 Ogden Nash 代表作:There was an old man of Calcuttla加尔格达有一位老人A word to husbands 对丈夫说的话 P1258.9) The Ballad 民谣: P126 格律:a b c b 代表作: The Rime of the Ancient Mariner一个老水手的故事The streets of Laredo Laredo大街8.

27、10)The Sonnet 十四行诗 P127 Shakespearean 莎士比亚十四行诗格律:abab cdcd efef gg8.11)Quatrain 四行诗 P127Haiku 绯句: 3 lines, 三行分别有5,7,5个syllables (音节)8.12)Cinquain: 五行诗 P128 代表作:Dancer, He is old, Parting.五行诗五行分别有2,4,6,8,2个syllables (音节)8.13) The Limerick 五行打油诗: 格律:aabba P130 8.14) Visual Poetry 视觉诗 P130代表作: 40-love(

28、作者:George Herbert ) 和 The Wall 8.15) Free Verse 自由诗 P131 定义:It is not constrained by any of the usual formal discipline . It does not have to rhyme or obey rules of metre or line length.代表诗人:D.H. Lawrence 8.16) 补充诗歌The Charge of the Light Brigade P138 作者: Tennyson Poet Laureate (桂冠诗人) Ballad of Read

29、ing Gaol 作者:Oscar Wilde P140Wild Nights! Wild Nights! 作者:Emily Dickinson P141 Words 作者:Anne Sexton P141Be Glad Your Nose is on Your Face作者:Jack Prelutsky P142 The War Process作者: Benjamin Zephaniah P143Interruption to a Journey作者:Norman MacCaig P143 The Owl 作者: Edward Thomas P144Too Soon作者: Mary Yarn

30、all P144 Coat作者:Vicki Feaver P145 Leisure作者: W.H. Davies P146The Wall视觉诗 作者:Abdul Ghafar Ibrahim P1469. Drama 戏剧9.1) Comedy 喜剧 P149-152代表作:The Importance of Being Earnest 诚实的重要性作者: Oscar Wilde 主人翁:Lady Bracknell Jack Worthing故事内容:It is about two young men getting engaged(订婚) to two young women. 9.2)

31、 Tragedy 悲剧代表作:Macbeth 麦克白 P152 作者:William Shakespeare 主人翁: Macbeth, Lady Macbeth, 莎士比亚四大悲剧:Hamlet, King lear, Macbeth, Othello. 9.3) Theatre of the Absurd 荒诞剧 P154代表作:The Dumb Waiter 升降机作者:Harold Pinter诺贝尔文学奖(2005)获得者主人翁:Ben 和 Gus故事内容:Two men are in the basement(地下室)of a house or restaurant.戏剧语言:Th

32、e language is very spare and brief, but it seems to have hidden meanings. 9.4) Theatre of Social Commentary 社会评论剧 P157 代表作:An Inspector Calls 巡官登门作者:J.B. Priestley : a committed socialist (社会主义者)戏剧主题:to show how hypocritical (虚伪) and uncaring (漠不关心) of the property-owning classes(资产阶级)。9.5) Historic

33、al Drama 历史剧 P159代表作: The Crucible 炼狱作者:Arthur Miller 主人翁:Abigail, John Proctor, Elizabeth 戏剧主题:The play is set in New England at the end of 17th century. It concerns a real historical incident, involving withcraft(魔法) and an attack of mass hysteria(歇斯底里)。9.6)补充戏剧 P164-173 In the Native State 作者:Tom

34、 StoppardThe Birthday Party作者:Harold PinterThe Merchant作者:Arnold Wesker请删除O(_)O谢谢: Foreigners flock to Chinas porcelain capital Preserving the ancient traditions Foreigners flock to Chinas porcelain capital Jingdezhen raises porcelain standard Citys long history of fine ceramics lures followers from

35、 across the world, report Peng Yining and Hu Kaiyong in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province. Dressed in paint-stained coveralls, China De La Vega easily navigated the maze of alleyways running alongside a ceramics factory in Jingdezhen, Jiangxi province.The 31-year-old Australian potter and painter wound h

36、er way through armies of one-meter-high ceramic Buddhas and piles of porcelain shards while nodding greetings to the workers and residents. She said the locals are used to seeing foreigners in Jingdezhen, Chinas porcelain capital, where fine ceramics have been produced for more than 1,700 years, att

37、racting numerous porcelain pilgrims from across the globe. Unlike huge Chinese metropolises such as Beijing and Shanghai, Jingdezhen is a prefecture-level city with no bar streets or international stores that are popular among expatriates. But despite its lack of Western chain stores, Jingdezhen is

38、one of the most international cities in inland China, with ceramic studios owned by foreigners dotting the streets, the surrounding countryside and even remote mountaintops. When she first visited the city in 2011, De La Vega was impressed by the discarded pieces of porcelain she found lying around.

39、 I dug out many pieces from the soil around the ceramics works - all the old Buddha heads, hands and feet, which I rebuilt into new sculptures and used in my next exhibition in Australia, she said. I love this place because the process of making ceramics is a very peaceful one. Visa-free policy brin

40、gs Chengdu biz, tourism boost. Making national headlines several times, Chengdus 72-hour visa-free policy has attracted wide attention from both Chinese and foreign experts and businessmen since it took effect on Sept 1 last year. The program permits citizens from 51 countries and regions including

41、the United States, Australia, Canada and Japan who have valid visas and flight tickets to a third country to spend three days in the city. The capital of Sichuan province is the first city in the western region of China to offer foreign tourists a three-day visa and the fourth nationwide to adopt th

42、e policy following Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. Li Zhiyong, deputy dean of the tourism institute at Sichuan University, said the move contributes to a large increase in the number of overseas tourists and raises the citys level of internationalization. The policy will also bring direct economic

43、revenue, Li said. Chengdu has many cultural legacies and is also a paradise for panda lovers with the worlds largest breeding and research center. Three days are long enough for foreign visitors to visit those iconic tourist spots, he noted. The city is home to the remains of the Jin sha civilizatio

44、n that dates back more than 3,000 years as well as the Qing cheng Mountains and the Du jiang yan irrigation system. Qing cheng has long been recognized as the birthplace of Taoism, Chinas ancient indigenous religion, while Du jiang yan is considered to be the oldest functioning water-control project

45、 in the world. Chengdu ranked third in tourist facilities, management and services among 60 Chinese cities in a customer satisfaction survey released last year. But, Li added that efforts are still needed to develop more tourism products, improve English services and provide accurate translation of

46、traffic signs and scenic billboards. Zhao Yun, chairwoman of British Chamber of Commerce Southwest China, told China Daily that his colleagues found the policy very convenient. A British client once flew here and stayed for just one day to check her ordered goods, she said. Zhao was born in Shanxi province, but she has lived in Chengdu for more than 10 years. My life was like a ru


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