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1、徐州市20132014学年度高三年级质量检测英语试题 说明:1.本试卷共12页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。2.在答题纸的密封线内填写学校、班级、姓名、考号等,密封线内不要答题。3.请将所有答案均按照题号填涂或填写在答题卡/纸相应的答题处,否则不得分。第一部分: 听力(共两节,满分20分) 做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一

2、小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What do you know about the speakers? A. The woman likes scary movies very much. B. The man is going to see a scary movie. C. Neither of them enjoys scary movies.2. When did the dialogue take place? A. At 2:32 pm.B. At 2:23 am.C. At 3:22 pm.3. What do we know about Susan? A. Shes the y

3、oungest child in her family. B. Shes her fathers favorite child. C. Shes the spoiled child in her family.4. When will the woman go to meet the man tomorrow morning? A. At 10:00.B. At 10:30.C. At 11:00.5. What does the man mainly do in his spare time at present? A. He learns a language.B. He does som

4、e sports. C. He plays the violin.第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6-7题。6. Where are the speakers? A. At Times Square.B. On St. Laurent Street.C. At a bus station.7. Which bus will ta

5、ke the woman to the shopping mall directly? A. The No. 4 bus.B. The No. 5 bus.C. The No. 11 bus.听第7段材料,回答第8-9题。8. Where did May come from? A. Japan.B. England.C. America.9. What do many Chinese young people think of the western breakfast?A. Cheap and convenient.B. Convenient and healthy.C. Delicious

6、 but expensive.听第8段材料,回答第10-12题。10. Why did the woman come here? A. To buy a chicken of good quality. B. To return a rotten chicken. C. To talk with the rude clerk.11. What do we know about the woman? A. She loved to find fault with others. B. She wanted to quarrel with others. C. She barked up the

7、wrong tree.12. What probably happened in the end? A. She insisted on seeing the manager here. B. She continued quarreling here. C. She left here for Smiths supermarket.听第9段材料,回答第13-16题。13. Whats the relationship between the two speakers? A. Doctor and patients father. B. Doctor and patient. C. Nurse

8、 and patient.14. How long has Linda been ill? A. Some days.B. One day. C. Two days.15. What statement is right according to the talk? A. Linda has vomited. B. Lindas temperature was 37.8. C. Linda has a stomachache.16. What should Linda do now according to the doctors advice? A. Take some medicine.B

9、. Go to see the doctor. C. Have enough water.听第10段材料,回答第17-20题。17. How old is the speaker? A.15.B. 17. C. 22.18. Why has the speaker been looked down upon? A. He is hearing-disabled.B. He cant get on well with his classmates. C. Something is wrong with his brain.19. What does the speaker want to pro

10、ve? A. Hes a non-disabled person. B. Hes better at studies and sports than anyone else. C. Hes no different from the average teenagers.20. What makes the speaker a strong person? A. His physical limitation and his courage. B. His gift for studies and sports. C. His family and school background.第二部分:

11、英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)请认真阅读下面各题,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21. -Do you know Mike well? You two seem to have been friends for years. -Not really. But I had met him on several _ before you saw me talking with him. A. circumstances B. situations C. conditions D. occas

12、ions22. -The car is small. Is it safe? -Definitely. Tests suggest it is _ safe than any other type of good car. A. no less B. not less C. no more D. not more23. The company shows great concern about how its customers _ its post-sale service. A. respect B. appreciate C. conduct D. inspect24. The boy

13、climbed into the third storey of the building, from _ he could look farther into the distance. A. which B. it C. there D. where25. -Its strange that Tom should not have come to his girl friends birthday party yesterday. -It is _ he was in the city! A. though B. where C. when D. unless26. -What impre

14、ssed the interviewers most? - _he could speak three foreign languages so fluently. A. Because B. That C. As D. Whether 27. -You are sweating. _ I fetch you some water? -Its so kind of you. A. Can B. Must C. Shall D. Need28. _ the whole night, all the viewers became impatient and fell into a bad mood

15、. A. To have been kept waiting B. Having been kept waiting C. Kept to be waiting D. Kept to have been waiting29. -Did you drive off the road because you were tired and sleepy? -Absolutely not! Actually I _ to avoid a truck overtaking me on the inside lane. A. had been trying B. had tried C. tried D.

16、 was trying30. John asked his wife to _ the guest bedroom for his friend who was coming to visit him. A. keep up B. hold up C. fix up D. break up31. John does excellently in all the subjects. Is it _ he makes the most of his time _ counts? A. because, what B. that, which C. how; that D. why, it32. W

17、ith all the books he was interested in _, Tom left the bookshop with great satisfaction. A. buying B. to be bought C. bought D. to buy33. When I learnt that I failed again in the exam, I began to wonder how to tell my father the bad news and imagine how he _ to it. A. had responded B. would respond

18、C. responded D. will have responded34. -Its so embarrassing when you cant remember someones name. -_ A. So what? B. Take it easy. C. Why bother? D. I know the feeling. 35. -Bob and his brothers never stop quarrelling over their property division after their father died. -It happens. Its the game whe

19、re_. A. the pot calls the kettle black B. a fool and his money are soon parted C. a good name is better than riches D. ambition never dies until there is no way out第二节: 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Adam West is known as Batman to many people in the United S

20、tates, who played the role in the Batman television series in the 1960s. Adam West says that after the show was 36 , he had a difficult time being less famous than he once was. But that period lasted just a short time 37 he went on with another job. “Its a(n) 38 of not really examining it. Just goin

21、g along putting one foot 39 the other and not thinking too much about it. And, when work 40 , think about the work. Its no 41 thing. Its easy. If you are lost in the past, there is 42 to go but down.” Burt Ward played Batmans young helper Robin in the television series. Like Adam West, Burt Ward 43

22、often at fan conventions. Many people pay to see their childhood 44 , and are happy to have their picture taken with them. “Actually, the fame is there it just takes a different 45 . Some may think of our TV show being our 46 time, but when I meet people, they act just as 47 as when I was during Bat

23、man days. So, its not that the people 48 , but that the perception (看法) is different. Honestly, nothing has changed Im the same person as I was before.” He says he has made a 49 living over the past 45 years. 50 he is paid for his work, that is all that matters. Being famous does not pay for food, h

24、ousing and other costs, but 51 does. If people can 52 that this is just part of the job all the publicity, all the press, all the compliments, they could 53 keep a cool mind and not let it go to their heads. If they look at it as part of their personality and 54 people to bow to them everywhere they

25、 go, thats not going to happen! The early Christian philosopher St. Augustine said, “The desire for 55 tempts (诱惑) even noble minds, but I would rather have truth than money or fame.” 36. A. delayedB. cancelledC. continuedD. denied37. A. beforeB. afterC. whenD. since38. A. businessB. troubleC. matte

26、rD. event39. A. in front ofB. on top ofC. away fromD. next to40. A. comes aroundB. comes acrossC. comes apartD. comes along41. A. smallB. little C. bigD. large42. A. somewhereB. nowhereC. everywhereD. anywhere43. A. behavesB. speaksC. playsD. appears44. A. memoriesB. heroesC. seriesD. experiences45.

27、 A. effectB. stepC. chanceD. form46. A. importantB. peakC. happyD. easy47. A. excitedlyB. nervously C. calmly D. madly48. A. changeB. stayC. remainD. move49. A. bareB. poorC. goodD. simple50. A. As soon asB. As long as C. As far asD. As well as51. A. moneyB. lifeC. playD. work 52. A. understandB. co

28、nveyC. appreciateD. express 53. A. absolutelyB. hardly C. possiblyD. narrowly54. A. warnB. remind C. expectD. require55. A. workB. power C. moneyD. fame第三部分: 阅读理解 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A DAVID Beckham didnt make it. Cristiano Ronaldo didnt hit it so big eith

29、er. But Gareth Bale, 24, has become the most expensive soccer player in the history of the game. Four years after the arrival of Ronaldo at a record cost of $125 million (765 million yuan) in 2009, Real Madrid is expected to pay $135 million for Bale. But how is it that Bale, who was playing left ba

30、ck and being benched (当替补) by his English Premier League team a couple of years ago, now attracts such a big deal? As of years ago, the Welshman had played 24 matches for Tottenham Hotspur, and had never finished on the winning side once a record for any Premier League player. Tottenham even private

31、ly considered selling him. “A player who had once looked a prodigy (神童) as a 17-year-old Southampton full back, the youngest ever international for Wales already appeared, at 20, on the way down,” wrote Tim Adams at UKs The Observer. Through all the humiliations (屈辱), Bale hung on. While he was inju

32、red and kept out of games, he worked hard to reinvent himself. Bales father Franks uncompromising (不妥协的) discipline had a great impact on his son.When he returned from injury later that season, Bale had been transformed in the gym. In a Champions League match in 2010, he established himself as the s

33、o-called “Incredi-Bale” overnight throughout Europe. With his team four goals behind to Inter Milan at halftime, Bale surprisingly scored a hat-trick before the game was over. Even former Manchester United coach, Alex Ferguson, praised him: “He had been a six-foot, gangly (瘦长的), slim boy; then all o

34、f a sudden he was built like a light heavyweight boxer.” With Bales help, Tottenham are flying high in the league. In the 2012-13 season, he won all three of the important individual awards: the PFA (Professional Footballers Association) Player of the Year and Young Player of the Year awards and the

35、 Football Writers Association Footballer of the Year award. This has all led to people comparing him to Barcelonas Lionel Messi and Ronaldo, who are widely regarded as the two best players in the world. Former Madrid star Zinedine Zidane has even decided to mentor (指导) Bale. “Hes perhaps not quite a

36、t the level of the other two, but hes different,” Zidane told ESPN. “So personally I dont think hes far off.” 56. According to the text, which of the following is true? A. Gareth Bale played full back for Southampton at the age of 17. B. Tottenham Hotspur never considered selling Gareth Bale. C. Tot

37、tenham Hotspur beat Inter Milan in a Champions League match. D. Gareth Bale won all three of the important individual awards in life.57. What plays the most critical role in Bales successful career? A. His natural talent for soccer. B. His fathers discipline and impact. C. His determination and hard

38、 work. D. His coaches effective guidance.58. From the passage we can infer that Bale lost 24 matches for Tottenham Hotspur _. A. before 17 years oldB. between 17 and 20 years old C. after 20 years oldD. at the age of 2459. Which of the following could be the best title of the passage? A. World Famou

39、s Soccer StarsB. A Successful Soccer Player C. Best-known Soccer ClubsD. Important Individual AwardsBOdyssey Arena TheOdyssey Arena,owned by Odyssey Trust, is a large sports and entertainment centre situated inTitanic Quarterand the Waterfront,Belfast, Northern Ireland. It was jointly funded by theM

40、illennium Commission, theLaganside Corporation, theDCAL, the Sheridan Group and the Sports Council for Northern Ireland. The Arena opened in 2000 with the Pavilion later opening in 2001. The Odyssey is said to have cost 120million on completion. In 2011 The Odyssey Pavilion which was owned by The Sh

41、eridan Group went into administration, the building is now under control of KPMG until a new owner is found. EventSince opening, the Odyssey Arena has hosted some of the worlds best known bands and artists from around the world.It has also hosted a number ofWorld Wrestling Entertainmentlive events i

42、ncluding RAW andSmackDown!. WWE visits the Odyssey at least once a year. Since 2008, it has played host to thePremier League Darts(标枪). As well as these high-profile sporting events, the Odyssey Arena has also hosted concerts by some of the best-selling music artists in the world and its also home o

43、f the Belfast Giants. Janet Jacksonwas scheduled to perform during herAll for You Touron 14 December 2001, but the show was cancelled, due to the11 September 2001 attacks. On 2 October 2010, theBoston Bruinsfaced theBelfast GiantsSelects in anNHL Challengematch. The Odyssey was short-listed for Inte

44、rnational Large Venue of the Year (Outside of North America) in the 2005 Pollstar Concert Industry Awards, making it one of the top six major concert venues in the world. The complex features:The Odyssey ArenaNorthern Irelandsbiggest indoor arena hosts concerts and sporting events such asBelfast Gia

45、nts games.W5 stands for “Who, What, Where, When, Why”. W5 is an award-winning science exhibition centre demonstrating the powers of science.The Odyssey Pavilion contains bars: Rockies Sports Bar, Chic Shed Bar. Restaurants: Soda Joes, Pizza Hut, Indian Ocean, The Streat, Red Panda.Nightclubs: Box Nightclub, Beach Club. The Odyssey Bowl and Odyssey Cinemas (formerly Storm cinema, Vue) 12


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