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1、荆州市 2013 届高中毕业班质量检查(I ) 英 语 注意事项: 1.本试卷共12页,总分150分,考试时间120分钟。 2. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的学校、班级、姓名、学号填在试卷答题卡上。 3. 客观题部分答案选出后,用 2B铅笔把答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净 后, 再选涂其它答案标号。第四部分第一节完成句子和第二节短文写作的答案用0.5毫米黑色签字笔直接 填写到答题卡上对应的空白处。答在试题卷上的无效。 _ 本科目考试时间: 2012 年 12月 2 日下午 3: 00 -5: 00 _ 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30 分) 第一节 (共 5小题; 每小题1.5

2、分,满分7.5分) 听下面 5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并标在 试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅 读一遍。 1. What will the woman do today? A. Enjoy the sun. B. Stay at home. C. Go out with the man. 2. What class does Jim have on Wednesday? A. English. B. History. C. Physics. 3. Where does the co

3、nversation take place? A. In a shop. B. In a hotel. C. In a restaurant. 4. How does the man feel? A. Excited. B. Disturbed. C. Relaxed. 5. What wiil the speakers do first ? A. Go home. B. Eat downtown. C. Go to the concert. 第二节 (共 15小题 ; 每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳

4、 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第 6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. When did the accident happen? A. 2:45. B. 3:00. C. 3:15. 7. What color was the traffic light when the truck began to cross the street ? A. Green. B. Yellow. C. Red. 听第 7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. What do we lear

5、n about the man? A.He misses his family very much. B.He hates the business trip. C.He hates the long delays. 9. How many members are there in the man? s family? A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. 10. What does Jamie do? A . A worker . B . A student. C. A professor. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。 11. Whom did the man ge

6、t the bicycle from? A. The woman. B. His mother. C. His sister. 12. Why was the man unhappy? A.Tom didn? t lend him money last week. B.He refused to lend money to Tom. C.He misunderstood Tom. 13. What will the man try to do later? A.Feel sorry for Tom. B.Lend Tom the bike. C.Try to help Tom. 听第 9段材料

7、,回答第14至16题。 14. What are the two speakers mainly talking about? A.The environment of Los Angeles. B.A trip to the West Coast. C.Places of interest in the USA. 15. What is the problem of Los Angeles? A.It has too few trees. B.It? s difficult to rent a car. C.Its inconvenient to get around. 16. What?

8、s the weather like in August in San Francisco? A.Cool but comfortable. B.Warm and comfortable. C.Nice and warm. 听第 10段材料,回答第17至20题。 17. In 1700,the men who protected the streets were paid_. A. nothing B. a little C. a lot 18. People in London didn ? t leave their houses because_. A.they had no money

9、 B.they were afraid of losing money C. the city was not clean 19. The “Bow Street Runners ,_. A.stopped people stealing B.stole money C.stopped people riding horses 20. Today,police officers who ride horses are paid_. A.the same as their workmates B.more than their workmates C.less than their workma

10、tes 第二部分:英语语言知识运用(共两节,满分3 0 分) 第一节多项选择 (共 10小题; 每小题1分,满分10分) 从 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. It is widely believed that an apple which fell from its branches was the _ for Sir Isaac Newton s discovery of gravity. A. intelligence B. acquaintance C. application D. inspiration 22. We use

11、 passwords( 密码)to keep our personal information secret and safe ,but some passwords we use may not be as as we think. Aaccurate Bappropriate Ccomplex Dreliable 23. The TV show first aired in the UK in 1990 and ran till 1995,enjoying huge _in not just UK but across the whole world. A. advantage B. co

12、mpliment C. consequence D. popularity 24. Through the years,Special English has become a very popular tool for teaching English ,even though it was not as teaching program. A. attached B. designed C. performed D. appealed 25. Judging from all these data ,you could_ conclude that the price of silver

13、wiil continue to rise. A. gradually B. logically C. genuinely D. optionally 26. If you don t know what their shortcomings are ,your chances of overcoming them are very_. A. slim B. optimistic C. distant D. obvious 27. There is one tip from the book that I do follow ,and I _ you do,too. Cut down on w

14、atching TV. A. recommend B. announce C. confirm D. consult 28. Jim records his physical training every time so that he can _it and think about how he should improve it the next day. A. attach to B. break up C. refer to D. keep on 29. I want to listen to what you have to say because what you have to

15、say might help me _ something that is going to be the answer eventually. A. put up with B. keep up with C. come up with D. go through with 30. I should like to rent a house,modern,comfortable,_in a quiet neighborhood. A. after all B. above all C. first of all D. in all 第二节完形填空 (共 20小题,每小题1分,满分20分) 阅

16、读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项( A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳 选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Elaine was a saleswoman, who drove all over the city five days a week. When all the freeway lanes were at a dead stop ,she would drive quickly along the emergency lane. While driving she usually 31_ on her cell phone ,drinking a soda or ea

17、ting a sandwich her hands,legs,and mouth were always 32_ while she was driving. Last night she got 33_ in Friday evening rush hour. She was going to be 34_ for her date. She was already 35_ when things seemed to be getting worse and all the traffic stopped. Elaine drove 36 over to the emergency lane

18、. Soon she saw the red flashing lights in the mirror. She had to 37_ her car. A good-looking officer walked up. “ Officer,my boyfriend left me after he got me pregnant. I have constant morning sickness. I m just trying to get to the nearest store to buy my 38_ .? She looked at the officer with 39_ e

19、yes. He looked at her pitifully ,then said 40_,“Okay,ma? am. Take the first exit you come to. I hope you Il be feeling better. ” The officer walked back to his car and Elaine drove on. This was the second time that 41_ had worked for her. She had one more thing to do before she got home. She had to

20、mail a package. When she got to the shopping mall at 7 p. m.,no parking was 42 _,except for the handicapped ( 残疾人的)space. Elaine drove right into it. She would only be a minute ,she told 43_ . All she had to do was 44 the mailbox store ,get the package 45_,and pay the clerk. Fortunately,there was no

21、 46_ in the store. Everything was done so 47_ that she was whistling while she walked back out to her car. Then she stopped 48_ . There was an envelope on the windshield( 挡风玻璃).S he opened it slowly. She knew 49_ it was ,but not how much it was. She screamed when she saw the 50_ . A dog started bark

22、ing. 31 . A.depended B. carried C. talked D. sold 32 .A fullB open C free D. busy 33 .A stuck B hurt C annoyed D punishe 34 .A late B ready C excited D. ma 35 .A satisfied B angry C exhausted D calm 36 . A.reluctantly B. immediately C. guiltily D. gratefully 37 .A stop B start C discard D speed 38 .

23、A gas B ticket C medicine D package 39 .A innocent B aggressive C addicted D proud 40 .A softly B rudely C strictly D sceptically 41 .A officer B excuse C driver D mistake 42 .A adoptable B accessible C acceptable D available 43 .A the clerk B the guard C the worker D herself 44 .A takeout B get out

24、 C run into D push into 45 .A weighed B printed C repaired D paid 46 .A car B line C police D service 47 .A quickly B slowly C strangely D quietly 48 .A talking B driving C thinking D whistling 49 .A how B why C what D that 50 . A.letter B. order C. amount D. invitation 第三部分:阅读理解(共20 小题; 每小题 2 分,满分

25、40 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项( A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项 涂黑。 ( A ) When I was two years old ,something happened which I have never forgotten. It was early spring ,and there was a light mist over the trees and fields. I and the other young fellows were feeding at the lower end of the field when we heard t

26、he distant cry of dogs. The oldest among us lifted his head to listen. “ There are the hounds( 猎犬)! ” He said,and immediately raced off. The rest of us followed him to the top of the field ,where we could see several fields beyond. Soon the dogs were all racing down the field next to ours,making a l

27、oud “yo-yo-yo- yo?,sound. After them came men on horses,some in green coats. Suddenly,the dogs became silent and ran around with their noses to the ground. “ They? ve lost the smell of the hare,” said the old horse, “Perhaps it will escape.” But the dogs began their “ yo-yo-yo- yo? again and came at

28、 full speed towards our field. Just then a hare,wild with fear , ran towards the trees. The dogs jumped over the stream and ran across the field,followed by the huntsmen. Six or eight jumped their horses over the stream,close behind the dogs. Before the hare could get away ,the dogs were upon her wi

29、th wild cries. We heard a terrible scream,and that was the end of the hare. One of the men picked her up and held her by the leg. She was covered in blood,but all the huntsmen seemed pleased. I was so greatly surprised that at first I did not see what was happening by the stream,but when I did look,

30、I saw a sad sight. Two fine horses were down,one in the stream struggling to stand up and the other on the grass with one of his legs broken. One rider,who seemed unhurt,was climbing out of the water ,but the other lay quite still. “His neck is broken,said my mother, “I can t understand why men are

31、so fond of this sport. They quite often hurt themselves and ruin good horses, all for one hare that they could get more easily some other way. But we are only horses,and don t know why men do these things., They carried the dead rider to our master s house,then came back to the black horse on the gr

32、ass. The animal was in great pain and one of his legs was broken. Someone ran to our master s house and came back to the horse with a gun. Soon after,there was a loud bang and a terrible cry,then all was stiil. 51. What does ,I” in the passage refer to? A. A scared hare. B. A young horse. C. A fierc

33、e dog. D. A brave hunter. 52. What word can be used to describe my true feeling at the scene of the hunting? A . Sad . B. Pleased. C. Angry. D . Delighted. 53. The men hunted the hare at the cost of the lives of_. A.one rider and one horse B.two riders and two horses C.six or eight huntsmen and a do

34、g D.the oldest horse and a huntsman 54. The best title for the passage would be_. A. What a Poor Hare B. How Cruel Men Are C. My Childhood Memory D. Scenery in the Field (B ) I always helped my dad DIY ever since I was young. One day my father brought me with him to change his car system. When my fa

35、ther and the technicians opened up the car system and took the system apart ,my eyes were glued to what was inside immediately,especially the microchips(集成电路) 一I was thrown by the amazing possibilities they represented. That was the moment when my passion for engineering was sparked. Ever since then

36、 I have loved to solve problems. Whether they are logical puzzles,or fixing appliances and furniture ,I have always been an engineer at heart. As I progressed in high school,I was actually more exposed to the medical field. During my time working at Princess Margaret Hospital,I realized this opened

37、my passion for chemistry. In PMH getting medicine to patients sooner ,I always found smiles on their faces. I knew my future career would include helping others,as reflected in the 1000 volunteer hours I had gained during my high school years. I wasn ? t sure what I had wanted to be,but I knew what

38、I had wanted to do; I wanted to aid people using my knowledge of the sciences,especially chemistry and physics. I had loved learning physics for as long as I could remember. Having a job,volunteering regularly,and being an active badminton player,during the last year of high school made it a little

39、tough but worth it. With the skiils I learned about how to solve problems in physics,I wiil come out of high school not only with experiences that taught me to be a hard-worker ,but also with teamwork,perseverance and a passion for problem solving that wiil aid my future career as an engineer. To ac

40、hieve my goal ,I need to be equipped with the best knowledge and experience. Of course University of Toronto is the ideal place for me to develop that knowledge and realize my dream. 55. The author intends to tell us in the first paragraph_. A.his father was a famous engineer B.his father made a gre

41、at success in life C.how his father was strict with him in studies D.how his idea of future career was developed. 56. Which words can describe the author s high school life best? A. decent and comfortable B. hard but fulfiiling C. relaxing and colorful D. lonely but efficient 57. The author claims t

42、hat he will surely be _in the future. A. a chemical engineer B. a physical engineer C. a competent engineer D. a scientific researcher 58. We can infer from the passage that the author wrote the passage _ . A. before his high school graduation B. in University of Toronto C. after he became famous D.

43、 before his job interview (C ) Precision( 精准)agriculture is a way of thinking about how to improve production and get more from existing resources. It often involves the use of technology. An example found mostly in wealthier countries is a computer-guided tractor. The computer does most of the driv

44、ing. It uses signals from satellites in the Global Positioning (定位)System. GPS technology helps the tractor cut rows in straight lines and put the right amount of fertilizer in the right place. Jimmy Messick is a farmer in northern Virginia ,not far from Washington. He says the GPS guidance system m

45、akes it easy to come back later and plant the seed in his fields of corn. Because of the GPS guidance,Messick now pays half what he once did for fertilizer. Raj Khosla is an agronomist ( 雾)at Purdue University in Indiana. He says saving even a liitle bit of seed,pesticide or fertilizer “ leads direc

46、tly to expense savings and less environmental damage.” Farmers in the developing world can use precision agriculture even without high-tech tractors. “We do not necessarily have to have complex,large machines to practice what could be done as simply as using bottle caps ,? Mr. Khosla says. The idea

47、is to use a bottle cap to pour a measured amount of fertilizer right next to each plant. It takes more work than simply throwing handfuls of fertilizer across a field. But Mr. Khosla says when researchers taught this bottle cap method to farmers in sub-Saharan Africa , they discovered that it was wo

48、rth the extra effort if they could only afford a small amount of fertilizer. “There was a huge difference: more than double,in terms of productivity. ? ,. Of course,new technology is not always so cheap. But Mr. Khosla says farmers could form a cooperative or combine their resources to pay for new e

49、quipment. He and other researchers worked with a farmer in India to precision-level (平整)his wheat fields. That kept the fields from developing wet and dry areas that reduced productivity. The farmer also added better fertilizers and insect control. As a result ,he was able to grow almost three times as much wheat


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