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1、第一部分:英语知识运用 (共两节,满分40分)第一节: 单项填空 (共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.General practice physicians, who treat _ serious and long-term illnesses and provide care and health education to patients, can earn _ average of $187,200 in annual salary, ranking 2nd.A. the; the B. 不填;an C. 不填;the D

2、. the; an2.He wants his music to be _ to everyone so that they can appreciate his music.A. acceptable B. practical C. accessible D. original3.If I can help _, I dont like working late into the night.A. soB. thatC. itD. them4.Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are finally married. They arrived in Nice on S

3、aturday for their secret wedding, believed_ at Chateau Miraval, the property they bought in 2011.A. to be held B. being heldC. to hold D. to have been held5.In modern times, people have to learn to _ all kinds of pressure although they are leading a comfortable life.A. keep with B. meet with C. live

4、 with D. agree with 6.An opinion is _ someone believes is true but has not been proved.A. thatB. whatC. whichD. whether7.Your house is always so neat- how do you _ it with three children?A. adapt B. conduct C. hold D. manage8.We apologize for any inconvenience you _ have been caused by the delay of

5、the flight.A. may B. wouldC. must D. need9.It is reported that the company has _ a new household robot.A. made out B. cut out C. brought out D. given out10.He _ in his fathers shop for several months when he was a high school student.A. worked B. has worked C. had worked D. was working11.For ten yea

6、rs fear had been her constant _ after she experienced the horrible disaster.A. evidence B. difference C. companion D. assistance12.The teacher was absorbed in her work, only now and then _ to have a look at her sleeping baby.A. stopping B. stopped C. having stopped D. to stop13.Our government is sup

7、posed to provide special help for the disabled people who would _ not be able to live a normal life.A. thereforeB. meanwhileC. otherwiseD. nevertheless14._ any other species, human populations are shaped by the usual forces of natural selection, like famine, disease or climate change.A. In spite of

8、B. As with C. According to D. In addition to15. This word is so new an English word coined on the Internet _ is forbidden to appear in official media or documents at present.A. that B. which C. as D. what第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从21一40各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。As an

9、 intern (实习医生), I grew to understand that nursing home patients were a valuable part of my educationnot just from a 21_ angle, but for what they could 22 me personally. Mr. Smith was my first 23 to the nursing home. His condition, regrettably, can probably exist in countless hospitals across our nat

10、ion. An acute illness had brought him to our nursing home years ago, and his family 24 him shortly before he left hospital. Helpless and unable to care for himself, he had no 25_ except for nursing home care, 26 he lay until I met him when I was an intern. Mr. Smith was almost non-communicative. Aft

11、er transferring to the nursing home, he 27_ into a tense and 28_ state, waiting for his life to end. All efforts to bring him back to the mainstream life were 29 . Nurses faithfully tended to his physical needs, while he 30 as a shell of flesh and bone, completely 31_ in life. For three years, I saw

12、 him every week. Not once did I hear him speak a word. Not once could 32 his innermost thoughts. On my last nursing home visit, an idea struck me. I brought my 33 into Mr. Smiths room as part of a(n) _34_ in “pet treatment.” Something 35 occurred. All of a sudden, he sat up and started talking, tell

13、ing me of the days when he was a boy and had a dog 36 to my own. He told me stories of adventures he and his dog had had. For the first time, I saw the soul _37 from what had been a living corpse (尸体). That experience taught me not to underestimate the ability of the simple things in life to _38 hea

14、rts when carefully-made medicine has failed, and never to forget that within even the weakest of human bodies lies a life that is precious indeed 39 that needs to be 40_ and honored, even if it cant speak for itself.21. A. mentalB. medicalC. psychologicalD. moral22. A. guideB. assistC. teachD. move2

15、3. A. introductionB. visitorC. relationD. friend24. A. greetedB. receivedC. cared D. abandoned25. A. alternativeB. relativeC. meansD. desire26. A. whichB. whatC. asD. where27. A. formedB. slippedC. enteredD. brought28. A. lonelyB. desperateC. calmD. exciting29. A. without meaningB. without doubtC. i

16、n vainD. in effect30. A. lookedB. leftC. remainedD. showed31. A. goneB. abundantC. shortD. lacking32. A. figure outB. pick outC. seek outD. get out33. A. dogB. equipmentC. medicineD. teacher34. A. cureB. drugC. testD. experiment35. A. puzzlingB. amazingC. botheringD. disappointing36. A. strangeB. re

17、latedC. similarD. familiar37. A. renewB. awakeC. appearD. step38. A. touchB. feelC. hitD. strike39. A. somethingB. oneC. anythingD. the one40. A. treatedB. ignoredC. respectedD. cared第二部分:阅读理解(本题有两小节,第一节共20小题,每小题2分;第二节共5小题,每小题2分;满分50分)第一节:阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。AToday, we know that the r

18、ole of vitamins and minerals goes way beyond the prevention of deficiency diseases (维生素缺乏症) to actually preventing cancer and heart disease, the most fearsome killers of our time. With this knowledge has come the widespread call for nutritional supplementation (营养补充) and a confusing group of vitamin

19、, mineral, and supplements lining the supermarket shelves. Far from contributing to better health, however, nutritional supplements threaten to turn a scientific breakthrough into a nutritional disaster. Promoters of vitamins and minerals especially vitamins A, C, and E would have consumers believe

20、that the little vitamin pill in the bottle is all they need for good health. Take your vitamins in the morning, and youre covered. Its okay to eat fast foods for the rest of the day or skip meals to achieve todays fashionably skinny look. But vitamins and minerals are only one part of the nutritiona

21、l puzzle. A diet rich in fiber (纤维) and balanced in carbohydrates and protein is essential for good health. You cant get these things from a nutritional supplement. The focus on vitamin and mineral supplements may actually be robbing us of the full nutrition we seek. And no supplement can compare to

22、 the quality of nutrition found in natural sources. For example, our bodies turn carotenes (胡萝卜素) from plant foods into vitamin A. Many supplements contain a single carotene, but natural sources are rich in many different carotenes. Many supplements contain a form of vitamin E that is made from chem

23、icals, when natural vitamin E is more readily absorbed and used by the body. And science is still discovering the wealth of nutrients in foods. Youd be hard-pressed to find a supplement as nutritionally comprehensive and powerful as a balanced diet. Even if you could, youd pay much more than if you

24、got the same nutritional value from natural sources. But perhaps the greatest danger presented by nutritional supplements comes from the very real risks presented by self-medication. Anyone can walk into the market and buy as many different supplements as desired. The reported benefits of high dosag

25、es of certain nutrients have led some people to believe that the more the better. Many take several vitamin and mineral supplements without regard to possible consequences. Surprising new research suggests that vitamin C pills may speed up hardening of the arteries, the underlying cause of heart att

26、acks. Researchers said their findings support the recommendations of health organizations, which urge people to avoid high doses of supplements and to get their nutrients from food instead. As appealing as theyre made to sound, nutritional supplements are danger in disguise. If youre looking for goo

27、d health, dont look on the supplement shelves of your supermarket. Look in the produce section instead.41. What has given rise to the great need for nutritional supplements? A. The knowledge of deficiency diseases.B. The low prices of nutritional supplements. C. The frighteningly high death rate fro

28、m cancer and heart disease.D. The information about the role of vitamins and minerals in health.42. The “promoters” (Paragraph 3) most probably refers to _.A. businessmen B. doctors C. scientists D. fast food lovers43. According to the passage, nutritional supplements _.A. are made from chemicals B.

29、 are ineffective in supplying fiber C. provide too much vitamin C D. contain a kind of dangerous carotene 44.One of the reasons why many people take large amounts of nutritional supplements is that _. A. their doctors advise them to do soB. nutritional supplements are easily availableC. scientists h

30、ave found the more nutrients the betterD. nutritional supplements are recommended by health organizations45.By describing nutritional supplements as “danger in disguise” in the last paragraph, the writer means that they are _.A. of little help B. of poor quality C. potentially harmfulD. extremely po

31、isonousBLike international travelers anywhere, foreigners visiting the United States from other countries can be confused by some of what they encounter. Fortunately, their fellow travelers have plenty of advice. Here are some specially good travel advice from around the world.FromItaly:Tipping is f

32、illed with misunderstanding.Q. Is it true that I have to “force” to tip at all? A. It is not mandatory to tip, however, it is strongly recommended, because in many cases it is the only entry of workers. Generally in a restaurant, in the cab, and in many places where there is a service tip is 15%. Si

33、nce the bill that will explain you exactly the city tax of 8.875%, is sufficient to double that sum, without bothering to do the calculations. In the hotel you leave two dollars per day per person cleaning.Obviously you do not leave tips in places like McDonalds or Starbucks.FromChina:Americans love

34、 to follow rules, even when no one is looking.“Americans are such strict rule followers. I witnessed this once sitting on the sidelines of a high school dodge ball game. To me, it was ridiculous, a little violent, and very American. It struck me that my classmates followed the rules of the game so s

35、trictly. Even when no one noticed that a person had been hit and he could have kept playing, he voluntarily gave himself up and left the game. I was deeply impressed by how much people honored the ruleseven when they are not seen.”FromRussia:Gifts are not a big deal. And did you know bribery (行贿) wa

36、s illegal?“Gifts: Americans do not expect them. On the contrary, an unexpected gift while conducting business can put an American in an awkward position. Such things for Americans suggest exchange of commercial.Business gifts in the U.S. are not acceptable. Moreover, they often cause suspicion. Amer

37、icans fear that they could be interpreted as a bribe, and in the United States that is strictly punishable by law.”FromJapan:Nobody is impressed by how much you can drink. “In the U.S., they do not have a sense of pride if they drink a large amount. Rather, if you drink a lot, there is a sense that

38、you cannot manage yourself, and you can lose respect from those around you. Being drunk doesnt excuse your actions, and to drink alcohol habitually is a sign of alcoholism. Alcoholics are seen as mentally weak, and are avoided by society due to their inability to have self control.”46. What does the

39、 passage mainly tell about? A. Cultural diversity. B. Cultural differences. B. Cultural revolution. D. Cultural construction.47. Which is closest in meaning to the underlined word “mandatory” in Para. 3?A. Required. B. Forbidden. C. Permitted. D. Arranged.48. According to the passage, what are Ameri

40、cans most likely to do? A. Tipping everywhere. B. Sending a surprising business present. C. Drinking a lot. D. Obeying the game rules.49. Which word do the international travelers probably use to describe Americans? A. Confident. B. Self-disciplined. C. Selfless. D. Generous.C Nowadays,the Internet,

41、with its ability to connect people throughout the world,is changing the way people learn languages. There is still no way to avoid the hard work through vocabulary lists and grammar rules,but the books,tapes and even CDs are being replaced by email, video chat and social networks. Livemocha, a Seatt

42、le company, has created a website devoted to helping people learn more than 38 languages by exchanging messages over the Internet and then correcting each others messages. The lessons,whether they are flashcards,quizzes,audio recordings or written and spoken essays,are delivered through the Internet

43、. Michael Schutzler, Livemochas chief executive(主管), says the websites advantage is the ability to practical with a real person. “The great irony(讽刺)is that even if you have learned a foreign language in the classroom for years,you dont have confidence to go into a restaurant and have a conversation

44、 with a foreigner, he said. The casual connection with real people throughout the world, however brief, are not just fun and surprising but show more about how the language is really used. Livemocha is now experimenting with a variety of ways that resemble the games on other social websites to motiv

45、ate people. The flashcard exercises,for instance,are scored, and the totals earned by studying and teaching appear on the users front page. Besides,each person can set up a profile(简历)which includes a short description of his age,location and what language he would like to learn. Therefore,if you wa

46、nt to study one language,you will easily find many people who are fluent in it. And an email or two is all it takes to find a study partner. There are more and more companies like Livemocha offering online language learning to students throughout the world. And instead of merely helping people practice different languages,they also enable people to share interests and make new friends.50. For what purpose did Livemocha create the website? A. To offer new ways of language learning. B. To make an advertisement for their company.


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