选修六 1.2《 Unit 1 Art》.ppt

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1、新课标人教版课件系列,高中英语 选修(模块)6-1.2,Unit 1 Art,What is art?,Warming up I (3ms),Use the words in “Warming up I” to describe the following pictures and the pictures in our textbook.,Pre-reading II ( 3ms),基础知识自测,一、单词拼写 根据读音、词性和词义写出下列单词。 1._ sklpt n. 雕塑 2. _ glri n. 画廊 3. _ simbl n. 象征;符号 4. _ rilidn n. 宗教;宗教信仰

2、 5. _ dimitri n. 几何学 6. _ .sivilaizein n.文明 7. _ distrikt n. 区域 8. _ .eksibin n.展览会 9. _ du n. 阴影;影子 10. _ vnju: n. 林阴道;大街,avenue,sculpture,gallery,symbol,religion,geometry,civilization,district,exhibition,shadow,11. _ tip n. 提示;小费;顶 12. _ knvins vt.使信服 13. _ pridikt vt. 预言;预测 14. _ bstrkt adj.抽象的 1

3、5. _ gresiv adj.侵略的;好斗的 16. _ .kntrv:l adj.荒谬的 17._ p:mnnt adj. 永久的;持久的 18. _ .kntrv:l adj.争议的 19. _ naudeiz adv. 现今 20. _ knsikwntli adv.所以,consequently,tip,convince,predict,abstract,aggressive,ridiculous,permanent,controversial,nowadays,二、单词运用 根据句子的意义及所给的首字母提示写出单词的适当形式,完成句子。 1.N_, more and more fa

4、milies own cars. 2.There is a general b_ that things will be soon get better. 3.She didnt study at all, and c_, he failed all his exams. 4.In the evening you s_ is longer than you are 5.He lost all his p_ in the tsunami and he is poor and homeless now.,possession,nowadays,belief,consequently,shadow,

5、6.He didnt want to be a temporary staff in the company. He just wanted to work p_ there. 7.Scientist can now p_ when and where a hurricane will take place. 8.What you said really sounds a_ . Could you explain it in details? 9.I had some difficulty c_ the boss that I was the right man for the positio

6、n. 10.The a_ of the project is to help the people who suffer aids.,aim,permanent,predict,abstract,convincing,三、词语派生 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。 1. The government predicted that the economy will improve. However, not many people agree with the _ . 2. His paintings were exhibited in the local art gallery last wee

7、k and the _ is a great success. 3. Her necklace was valued at $30,000, which is quite _. 4. My granny possesses an ancient vase and it is one of her _ . 5. Jim has nothing to do today and he is walking on the street _ (aim).,aimlessly,prediction,exhibition,valuable,possessions,6. I need some informa

8、tion of getting a _ (scholar) in your university. 7. After they got married, they decided to settle _ (permanent) in France. 8. With the teachers _ (convince) words, the students are determined to win the game. 9. There is a general _ (believe) that things will soon get better. 10. Environmental dam

9、age threatens the whole of _ (civil).,civilization,scholarship,permanently,convincing,belief,四、词组互译 将下列词组或短语译成中文或英语。 1. _ 以为目标 2. _ 取代 3. _ 把集中 4. _ 大量 5. _ 试图做某事 6. _ 现代艺术 7. _ 值得 8. _ 拥有,in possession of,aim at,take the place of,focus on,a great deal of,attempt to do,modern art,be worth,9. a bunch

10、 of _ 10. in the flesh _ 11. in the late 19th century _ 12. scores of _ 13. the Renaissance _ 14. would rather _ 15. a professional artist _ 16. convince sb. of sth. _,使某人信服某事,一串,现实生活中的; 本人,十九世纪末,许多;大量,文艺复兴(时期),宁愿,一位职业艺术家,五、词组运用 从上述短语中选择恰当的短语翻译下列句子。 1.电脑是不可以取代人类的,因为电脑是由人类控制的。 _because computer is co

11、ntrolled by human. 2.在文艺复兴时期,画家在作品中焦点是人而不是宗教。 During the renaissance, the paintings of the artists _ 3.西湖很漂亮,很值得一游。 The West Lake is very beautiful, _,Computer can not take the place of human,didnt focus on religion but people,which is worth a visit.,4.那个囚犯企图逃跑,但失败了。 The prisoner _ 5.这家化工排除大量的污水。 Th

12、is chemical factory _ _ 6.有许多人等着比赛的结果。 _, waiting for the result of the match. 7.是谁拥有这些财产? _,Who is in possession of the property?,attempted to escape, but failed.,drained out a great deal of waste water.,There were scores of people,8.这个小男孩尽力使他的父亲信服他的诚实。 The little boy tried to _ _ 9.他如此紧张以致到他不能集中精神

13、考试。 He was so nervous that _ 10.他的目标是考上一所重点大学。 _,He aimed at entering a key university.,convince his father of his honesty.,he couldnt focus on his test.,Useful structure ( 20ms ),The Subjunctive Mood,The Subjunctive Mood,I. 概念:,II. 形式: 虚拟语气的动词形式在条件状语从句中, 其 主从句形式有较固定的形式要求(见III.用法1),在 名词性从句中多用should

14、+原形, 在定语从句, wish后面所接的宾语从句, 以及其它状语从句 中用过去时.,语气是用来表示谈话人的态度和看法的动词形式. 英语有三种语气: 陈述语气(同陈述句)祈使语气(同祈使句), 虚拟语气. 虚拟语气不表示一个事实,而是表示一种假设情况.,III. 用法:,1. 用于条件状语从句中:,主从 句,构 成,时态,虚拟条件 从句,主 句,例 句,与现在事实相反的 假设,与过去事实相反的 假设,If + 主语 + 动词过去时 (be用 were),主语 + would/ should/could/ might + 动词 原形,If I had time, I would attend t

15、he meeting.,If + 主语 + had +过去分词,主语 + would/ should/could/ might + have + 过去分词,If you had taken my advice, youd have passed the exam.,策划:学生双语报,主从 句,构 成,虚拟条件 从句,主 句,例 句,与将来情况相反的 假设,If + 主语 + 动词的过去时 If + 主语 + were to + 动词原形 If + 主语 + should + 动词原形,主语 + would/ should/ could/ might + 动词原形,If you came tom

16、orrow, we would have the meeting. If it were to rain tomorrow, we would put off the sports meeting. If he should not come tomorrow, we would put off the meeting till next week.,时态,Practice: Fill in the blanks with proper forms: He _ (tell) you if he _ (know), Im sure. 2. If I _ (have) more time, I _

17、 (learn) another foreign language. 3. If he _ (be) here, he _ (show) us how to perform the experiment. 4. If I _ (be) you, I _ (pay) more attention to English idioms. 5. I _ (help) you if I _ (can). 6. If I _ (receive) your e-mail, I _ _ (answer) it long ago.,would tell,knew,had,would learn,were,wer

18、e,could,would show,would pay,would help,had received,would,have answered,7. If you _ (start) the work earlier, you _ (finish) it by now. 8. If we _ (not rely) on our own streng-th we _ (die) of starvation. 9. If I _ (know) your address, I _ _(write) to you then. 10. If I _ (not be) busy, I _ (come)

19、to help. 11. If we _ (start) out five minutes later, we _ (miss) the train. 12. You _ (meet) the famous scientist if you _ (come) yesterday.,had started,would have finished,hadnt relied,would have died,had known,hadnt been,would have missed,would,would have come,had started,had come,would have met,h

20、ave written,13. If I _ (tell) him, he _ (be) greatly surprised. 14. If I _ (do) it, I _ probably _ (do) it in the same way. 15. If he _ (be) here tomorrow, you _ (ask) him about it yourself. 16. We _ (be) very pleased if you _ _ (attend) the gathering tonight. 17. I _ (ask) him to ring you up if I _

21、 (see) him. 18. If you _ (can get) back next week, we _ (go) camping together.,were to tell,would be,would,were / should be,were,would ask,could ask,would be,to attend,saw / should see / were to see,could get,would go,were to do,do,2. 用于名词性从句中:,1) 用于主语从句中:,(1)用在 It is suggested / requested / demande

22、d ordered/desired/proposed/advised/insisted + that 从句中, 从句用 (should) + 动词原形: eg: Its suggested that the meeting (should) be put off till next week. It was ordered that the wounded soldiers be sent to the field hospital at once. (2)用在 It is necessary / important / strange / odd / natural / surprising

23、 / essential / best / appropriate / shocking / sad / regrettable / a pity / a shame / no wonder / has been decided /+ that 从句中, 从句用 (should) + 动 词原形 :,eg: It is necessary that the customs of all national minorities be respected. It is strange that he should have said so. Its a pity that I should do

24、it again. It is a great pity that he should be so careless. It is not surprising that Alfred should have married Amy. 但(2)部分也可不用虚拟语气: eg: It is a pity that she has made such a mistake. It is strange that he didnt come yesterday.,2) 用于宾语从句中:,在wish后用动词(情态动词)的过去时,进行时,如果与过去事实相反,动词用过去完成时: eg. How I wish

25、I were a bird and could fly freely in the sky! I wish I had not made so many mistakes in the last exam. How I wish it werent raining now! (2)在would rather后用过去时: eg. Id rather you came tomorrow. (3)在advise, demand, insist, order, propose, request, require, suggest后用should + 动词原形, should可以省略:,eg. He s

26、uggested we (should) start off early the next day. We insisted they not be present at such gathering. He ordered that all (should) take part in the work. They requested that we (should) have lunch with them. 但是: 当suggest表示“暗示,表明” insist表示“坚 持认为”时,不用虚拟语气: eg. The smile on his face suggested that he w

27、as satisfied with our work. The man insisted that he had never stolen the money.,3) 用于表语从句中:,(1) 在advice, demand, order, proposal, request, suggestion 等后面的表语从句中: eg. My advice is that he wait till next week. Her suggestion is that we should learn all the texts by heart. The generals order was that a

28、ll the soldiers reach the border in ten hours.,(2) 当as if, as though 引导表语从句时: eg. He looks as if he were an artist. They appear as though they had been friends for years.,4) 用于同位语从句中:,在advice, demand, order, proposal, request, suggestion 等后面的同位语从句中, 如: Eg. We all agree to his suggestion that we go t

29、o the Happy Valley for an outing. Order came that the soldiers be sent to the border. Here is the doctors advice that you should take the medicine 4 times a day.,3. 用于定语从句中:,在It is (high) time that 句型中, 定语从句的谓语动词用过去时, 或should + 动词原形(should不能省略):,eg. It is (high) time that you went to school. Its tim

30、e you did something about it. It is (high) time that we should start out.,策划:学生双语报,4. 用于其它状语语从句中: 1)当as if, as though, even if, even though 引导 状语从句时,从句用动词的过去时. 如: eg. She speaks English so fluently as if she had studied English in America. It was the first time they had met, but they acted as though

31、 they had been friends for ages. Even if he were here, he couldnt solve the problem. I wouldnt go to Iraq to try my luck even though it were easy to make money there.,此类情况也可不用虚拟语气, 如: eg. It looks as if it is going to rain. Ill help you, as though l dont sleep for a night. Even if I have to walk all

32、 the way, Ill get there. I like her even though she can be annoying sometimes.,策划:学生双语报,2) 当in case, lest, for fear that等引导状语从句时, 从句用(should +) 原形动词. 如 : eg. Be quiet in case you should wake the baby. I shall ring you up lest you (should) forget to come. I took an umbrella along with me for fear tha

33、t it should/might rain. 在此类情况中, in case引导状语从句也可不用虚拟语气, 如: eg. Take your umbrella, in case it rains.,5. 用于 if only 引导的感叹句中, 如: eg. If only I were a bird! If only I had known her telephone number / e-mail address! If only I hadnt lost it! If only the letter had arrived in time! 6. May + 动词原形,表示祝愿.如: M

34、ay the friendship between our two peoples last forever! May you succeed! May the plan work!,Revision: The subjunctive mood 虚拟语气 1. 与现在情况相反的假设 If everyone knew first aid, many lives would be saved. (If) did, would do ( should / could / might ) If I_(be) you,I would go to the cinema tonight. If you sa

35、w the film,you _ ( be) very excited. If they_ (come) ,we could go there together. If we _ ( go ) together,we would have a good time. If I _ (have ) enough money, I could buy a new house.,were,would be,came,went,had,2. 与过去情况相反的假设 1) If the hurricane had happened during the day-time, there would have

36、been more deaths. 2) If you had studied hard, you would have passed the exam. (If) had done, would have done ( should / could / might ) If you _ ( come ) earlier, you wouldnt have been late. If I had taken money with me yesterday, I _ (repair ) my watch. If I _ (repair ) my watch, I would have got u

37、p early. If I_ (get up ) early, I wouldnt have been late.,had come,would have repaired,had repaired,had got up,3. 与将来情 况相反的假设: If you should come tomorrow, I would go fishing with you. If you were to come tomorrow, If you came tomorrow, should do, (If) were to do, would do(should / could / might) di

38、d If it should rain tomorrow, I _ ( stay ) at home. If I were to stay at home, I _ ( have ) a good rest. If I _ a good rest, I could put my heart into study next week.,would stay,would have,should have / were to have / had,高考实战:,- If he _, he _ that food. (NMET 93) - Luckily he was sent to the hospi

39、tal immediately. A. was warned; would not take B. had been warned; would not have taken C. would be warned; had not taken D. would have been warned; had not taken 2. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _. (NMET 96) A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken D. had been broken,

40、3. You didnt let me drive. If we _ in turn, you _ so tired. (NMET96) A. drove; didnt get B. drove; wouldnt get C. were driving; wouldnt get D. had driven; wouldnt have got 4. I stayed at a hotel while in New York. - Oh, did you? You _ with Barbara. (NMET 98) A. could have stayed B. could stay C. wou

41、ld stay D. must have stayed 5. How I wish every family _ a large house with a beautiful garden. (NMET Shanghai 2002) A. has B. had C. will have D. had had,Language points for Reading I:,abstract adj.抽象的; 深奥的 n.摘要 an abstract concept 抽象概念 abstract philosophical problems 深奥的哲学问题 Her ideas seem a littl

42、e abstract. 她的思想有点儿让人费解。 Astronomy is an abstract subject. 天文学是一门深奥的学科。 to make an abstract of a speech 将演说作 一摘要,In the abstract 就一般而言, 理论上来讲 Abstract sth from sth 从某物中提炼出某物 我们将从理论上来考虑这个问题。 We will consider this problem _ _ _. 将一本书做成一个摘要。 Make _ _ of a book. 橡胶是从树木提取的。 rubber is _ from trees.,in the

43、 abstract,an abstract,abstracted,2. belief n.信仰;信任; 信心 pl. beliefs That man has a strong belief in Marxism. 那人对马克思主义有强烈的信仰。 His story is beyond belief. 他的话难以置信。 We should have belief in the masses. 我们应该相信群众。 She is a person worthy of belief. 她是一个可以信得过的人。 There is nothing more natural than a childs belief in his parents. 没有任何事情比孩子对他父母的信赖更为自然。 to th


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