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1、丰台区 2011-2012 学年第二学期初三统一练习 英 语 试 卷 2012.5 听力省略 四、单项填空(共13 分,每小题1 分) 从下列各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 22. Hi, Mary. Could you lend _ your pen? OK. Here you are. A. I B. me C. my D. mine 23. _ March, 12 th, we planted trees in a park. A. In B. On C. At D. To 24. _ did you go to the doctor, Tim? T

2、w o weeks ago. A. How B. Where C. What D. When 25. I phoned you at six yesterday evening, _ nobody answered. A. because B. or C. but D. so 26. Look here, please. Who can do this problem? I _, Miss Li. B A. can B. need C. should D. must 27. Sam, you re much _ than I last saw you. A. thin B. thinner C

3、. thinnest D. the thinnest 28. This is a really interesting story. I enjoy_ it. A. reading B. read C. to read D. reads 29. What are the kids doing? They _ the flowers in the garden. A. water B. watered C. have watered D. are watering 30. Jim, how about going to the movie Mission Impossible IV tonigh

4、t? Well, I _ it already. A. see B. saw C. have seen D. will see 31. I will let you know as soon as I _ back. A. get B. got C. will get D. have got 32. A talk on pop music _ in the school hall next Sunday. A. is given B. gives C. will be given D. will give 33. Look, there _ little water in the river!

5、 How come? A. be B. am C. is D. are 34. Do you know _ yesterday afternoon? Sorry, Ive no idea. A. where is Tom B. where Tom is C. where was Tom D. where Tom was 五、完形填空(共12 分,每小题1 分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 “E verything happens for the best.” Whenever I faced disappointment, my

6、 mother would say this to me. After I graduated from 35_ in 1932, I decided to find a job in radio as a sports announcer (广播员 ). I went to Chicago and knocked at the door of every station. But 36_, I was refused every time. At one station, a kind lady told me that 37_ stations wouldn t hire an inexp

7、erienced person and 38_ that I try my luck at smaller stations. Following her advice, I went back to Dixon, where I had grown up. There were no radio-announcing jobs in Dixon, and my father said a newly-opened store wanted a local athlete to work for it. I applied for the job, but I was refused 39_.

8、 “Everything happens for the best,” Mom reminded me. Dad 40_ me the car to look for a job. I tried WOC Radio in Davenport, Iowa. The program director, Peter MacArthur, told me they had already 41_ an announcer. As I l eft his office, my 42_ boiled over. “ How can I become a sports announcer if I can

9、 t get a job in a radio station?” I asked aloud. While I was waiting for the elevator, I heard someone 43_. It was MacArthur. “ What was that you said about sports? Do you know anything about football?” Then he asked me to broadcast an imaginary game. 44_ my performance, he offered me a chance to wo

10、rk there. On my way home, I thought of my mother s words: “ If you 45_, one day something good will happen. Something wouldn t have happened if not for that previous ( 先前的 ) 46_. ” 35. A. family B. office C. college D. bank 36. A. immediately B. usually C. unluckily D. naturally 37. A. small B. big

11、C. old D. new 38. A. agreed B. asked C. explained D. suggested 39. A. more B. again C. already D. finally 40. A. offered B. borrowed C. gave D. bought 41. A. chosen B. decided C. invited D. hired 42. A. frustration B. anger C. pride D. worry 43. A. shouting B. talking C. calling D. crying 44. A. Int

12、erested in B. Pleased with C. Excited about D. Surprised at 45. A. carry on B. get on C. come on D. try on 46. A. information B. encouragement C. effort D. disappointment 阅读理解(共 44 分) 六、阅读理解(共26 分,每小题2 分) 阅读下面的四篇短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、 C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选 项。 A Charles, 15, the U.S.: I have been a member

13、 of the Table Tennis Club for some time. Playing table tennis can help me to relax after a busy day of school work. I often win the school table tennis competition with my best friend. I enjoy the feeling of winning and relaxation. 48 w Tom, 15, the U.K. : I m interested in the Chinese martial arts

14、(武术 ), so I joined the Tai Chi Club. In the club, our teacher teaches us the history of tai chi and how to do tai chi. I like the way of moving my arms and legs slowly and easily. It can also improve my health. 51 w Xu Lifei, 14, China: Reading and writing are my favorite things to do, so I chose th

15、e Reading Club. I have learned a lot from what I read and from our discussions among the club members after reading. I ve also found myself able to read faster and understand better. And my writing is getting better, according to my language teacher. 56 w Amy, 13, Canada: I joined the school s Chess

16、 Club because I really like playing the game. Our club holds meetings once a week. We play chess against club members and talk about the famous chess players in the world and their classic matches. Our club is always full of fun and intelligence (智慧 ). 49 w 201 w 47. Who often plays table tennis? .

17、A. Tom. B. Amy. C. Charles. D. Xu Lifei. 48. Where is Amy from? A. The U.S. B. The U.K. C. China. D. Canada. 49. What is Xu Lifei s big interest? A. Playing table tennis. B. Reading and writing. C. Playing chess. D. Practicing tai chi. B Charlie was about to climb into bed when he found there was a

18、light on in his garden shed (工棚 ). Then he noticed some people who were busy stealing ( 偷 ) his things. He called the police right away. The policeman asked: “Are there any thieves ( 小偷 )in your house?” Charlie replied “ no” and explained what was happening. The police said: “All patrol cars ( 巡逻车 )

19、 have gone out, and a policeman will go to your house when one is free.” Charlie hung up, waited 30 seconds, and then called the police again. “ Hello, I just called a short while ago because there were people stealing things from my shed. I want to let you know that they re not a problem anymore be

20、cause I ve just shot every one of them.” Charlie then hung up the phone. In five minutes, three patrol cars, dozens of policeman and an ambulance arrived at his house. Of course, the police caught the thieves. One policeman said: “ I thought you said that you shot every one of them!” Charlie replied

21、: “ I thought you said there were no patrol cars free!”184 w 50.What did Charlie notice before he climbed into bed? A. A police car. B. Some policemen. C. Some thieves. D. Some boys. 51. How many patrol cars came to Charlie s house in the end? A. Three. B. Five. C. Dozens of cars. D. No cars. 52. Wh

22、at happened to the thieves at last? A. They were shot dead. B. They were caught. C. They ran away. D. They looked shocked. C DO you have a lucky number? What is it? Many people have a special number that they hope will bring them good luck. In Chinese culture, some numbers are believed to be lucky o

23、r unlucky based on the Chinese word that the number sounds similar to. For example, the word for the number 8 sounds similar to the word for “ making a fortune” . So, people consider it a very lucky number. Some people will even spend a lot of money to have 8s in their phone numbers or vehicle licen

24、se plate ( 车牌照 ) numbers. The opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics began at 8:08 p.m. on August 8, 2008. The number 9 is also a lucky number because of its connection to the emperors of China. There were nine dragons on emperors robes (龙袍 ) and Chinese myth held that the dragon has nine children

25、. The number 9 also stands for “ long lasting”. That s why a man always proposes to a woman with 99 or 999 roses. So what s a “ bad luck” number in China? It might be 4. Many Chinese people see 4 as a “ bad luck” number because it sounds similar to the character for “ death ”. Because of this, many

26、buildings skip the fourth floor, and simply call it the fifth floor. In Hong Kong, some buildings even skip all floors numbered with 4, such as, 4, 14, 24, 34 and all 40-49 floors. Some buildings also skip the 13th floor, as this is considered an unlucky number in many Christian countries. As a resu

27、lt, a building whose highest floor is 50 may have only 35 physical floors. 来源 学。科。网 53. How do lucky or unlucky numbers come in Chinese culture? They come mostly of _. A. people s hope for good luck B. people s belief in certain numbers C. similar sounds of Chinese numbers and words D. Chinese tradi

28、tions 54. What can we learn from the passage? A. Many people like the number 8 because it can bring them much money. B. Much money is som etimes spent on 8s in people s car numbers in China. C. 9 is a lucky number in Chinese culture for only one reason. D. 4 is an unlucky number because it predicts

29、death to the Chinese. 55. What is the passage mainly about? A. Good luck and bad luck in China. B. Lucky and unlucky numbers in China. C. Some facts with lucky or unlucky numbers. D. Lucky and unlucky numbers in culture. D The webs that spiders build to catch insects seem weak. However, the strength

30、 of spider thread is greater than steel. Webs can even stand up to very strong storms. Now a team, headed by Markus Buehler, a scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has worked out why the spider web is so strong. It is not just the strength of the thread, but the clever design of t

31、he web. The key to a web s success is its ability to keep its shape and strength even after some of the threads break, says Buehler. The scientists found the thread itself has the ability to become softer or firmer. So it can hold different types of heavy things and bear a localized damage ( 损坏 ). T

32、his localized damage can simply be repaired, rather than replaced, or even left alone if the web continues to work as before. Buehler s research is mostly theoretical (理论上的 ), based on computer modeling of material properties (特 性) and how they respond to stresses. But in order to test the findings,

33、 he and his team literally went into the field. They tested actual spider webs by poking and pulling at them. In all cases, damage was limited to the immediate area they disturbed. In tests, scientists also used three other strong materials made into the same webs. The spider thread was six times st

34、ronger than any other material. More surprisingly, when the scientists took away up to 10 percent of the threads from different places, t he web didn t become any weaker. Actually, it became up to 10 percent stronger. The spider web s clever design gives scientists many new ideas. The findings might

35、 be used not just for physical objects such as safer buildings, but also in the design of networked systems. For example, a computer experiencing a virus attack could be designed to shut down at once, before its problems get worse. “ It s a really good chance,” said Buehler. “ It may give us some ne

36、w ideas for engineering.” 56. Where does the strength of the web threads come from? A. Their high stickiness. B. Their high firmness . C. Their clever design. D. Their ability to change in quality. 57. Which word is closest in meaning to the word “ disturb” in the 3 rd paragraph? A. Upsetting. B. Ch

37、anging. C. Moving. D. Hitting. 58. How many different experiments did Buehler s team do to test their findings? A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. 59. What can be the best title for the passage? A. Spider Webs Are Stronger than Steel B. Spider Webs Hold Valuable Secrets C. How Spider Webs Get Their

38、Strength D. What Strong Spider Webs Mean to Us 阅读文本词数总量:850 w 七、阅读还原句子(共8 分,每小题2 分) 阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有一项为 多余选项。 Two men are in the same room of a hospital. 60_. One man has to lie on his back all day. Every day, the man sitting up by the window tells the other about things outs

39、ide. “ Some children are throwing bread to the ducks on the lake. ” “ 61_.” The other man is happy to hear about all the activities and colors of the world outside. Days and weeks pass. 62_. The other man asks the nurse to move his bed next to the window. Finally he can sit up to see the outside, bu

40、t he is very disappointed. All he can see is a white wall ! “ But my roommate told me so many wonderful things about outside!” he says. “ He was blind. 63_. He just wanted you to live with hope,” says the nurse. A.He couldn t even see the wall B.One morning, the man by the window dies C.The girls ar

41、e so beautifulin their summer dresses D.He missed his roommate very much E.Both of them are very ill 八、阅读与表达(共10 分,每小题2 分) 阅读短文,根据其内容回答问题。 How many text messages (短信 ) do you send a day? 10, 50 or over 100? Now sending text messages is part of our lives. But how does texting affect our everyday live

42、s? According to a study, young people prefer text-messaging to talk with friends no matter where they are. They even want to do it under the noses of parents and teachers. It seems that some teenagers just can t stop texting. This could be bad for their studies and health. For example, Ann, a 16-yea

43、r-old girl from New York, lost feeling in her hands after sending over 100 texts a day from her mobile phone. She will have to have surgery (外科手术 ) on her wrists ( 手腕 ) in order to fix the pr oblem. But texting isn t all bad. It helps to make our lives better in some ways. Today many teenagers greet

44、 each other on holidays by sending text messages instead of writing paper cards. “ Texting instead of sending letters helps me save my pocket money,” said Chen Qi, 16, a boy from Sichuan. “ It is also eco-friendly because it saves paper. ” Texting can improve relationships between young people and t

45、heir parents. In the US, many parents send their kids texts instead of shouting at them. Some say texts are more friendly than spoken messages.It s also easier for teenagers to accept them. Sending text messages is becoming more and more popular. But when you send text messages, keep the following a

46、dvice in mind: Don t send text messages while riding a bike or walking along a busy street. It is dangerous. Don t send the same text message over and over again. If you havent received a reply, send a different message. If you have something really important to say, use the phone or make plans to m

47、eet in person rather than using a text. Try to keep the text message short and make sure that your meaning is clear. Be polite. Reply to people when they send you a message. It is good to let people know that you have received their messages. 298 w 不含 8 汉字+ 41 w 64. Is sending text messages part of

48、our lives? 65. What do young people like better, text-messaging or talking with each other? 66. Why did Ann lose feeling in her hands? 67. What advantages of texting are mentioned in the passage? 68. What is the passage mainly about? 书面表达(共25 分) 九、完成句子(共10 分,每小题2 分) 根据中文意思完成句子。 69.快点,孩子们,该做早操了。 Come

49、 on, children! for morning exercises. 70.你看起来如此很累,为什么停下来歇一下呢? You look very tired. stop for a rest? 71.这个任务如此的简单以至于每个人都能按时完成。 This task is everyone can finish it on time. 72. 直到昨晚很晚爸爸回了家他才去睡觉。 He his father came back home late last night. 73.我认为他这次考试不会取得好成绩,因为他没有准备好。 74. I in this exam because . 十、文段表达(15 分) 74. 21世纪英文报初三版开展题为“My Best Friend in Middle School Life”的征文,作为初三


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