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1、新起点英语二年级上册单元测试题Unit_7 Name :_ Class :_ Mark :_ 听力 一、 listen and circle听录音把与录音内容相符的图片编号圈起来。 A B A B A B A B A B 哈佛大学 英语系研究,美国布什推荐。专为中小学生英语量身定做。 官方网站: http:/ 哈佛大学英语教授研究组提供 二、listen and tick or cross 听音判断对错 ()()()() 三、listen and number 听音排序 ()Merry Christmas,mom. ( ) You, too. ( ) Here is a present for

2、 you. ( ) Thank you. 笔试一.圈出图片所对应的单词 Christmas festival the SummerPalace Beijing zoo Temple Fair the Forbidden Citydragon dance lantern 2、 4、 二选出不同类的一项 1. ()A. merry B. happy C. Hongkong 2. ()A. Santa claus B. bell C. card 3. ()A. Spring Festival B. stocking C. Christmas 4. ()A. monkey B. rabbit C. f

3、estival 5. ()A. Bejing Duck B. Beihai park C. the Great wall 二、根据实际情况回答问题 1. 如果你想祝福别人春节快乐,你应该说:() A. Merry Christmas!B. Happy Spring Festival! 2. 别人对你说 Merry Christmas! ,你应该回答他说: () A. The same to you. B. Happy New Year! 3. 你送给别人礼物时,你应该说:() A. Thank you. B. Heres a present for you. 4. 你接受了爸爸的礼物,应该对他

4、说:() A. Thank you. B. Heres a present for you. 哈佛大学 英语系研究,美国布什推荐。专为中小学生英语量身定做。 官方网站: http:/ 哈佛大学英语教授研究组提供 五年级上学期英语期末试卷 Class Name 同学们,寒假又来临啦!现在就让我们在几十分钟内进行一次奇异之旅吧! 听力部分 1、Listen and choose. (旅行即将拉开序幕, 想赢取免费机票吗?只要把听到的正确图片选出来,就 有机会哦 !) 2 Listen and circle. (登机啦!戴上“伸缩耳” ,听听广播,把有用的信息圈出来!) 1)A. young and

5、 active B. strict and tall Csmart and active 2)Aover the bed Bnear the closet Cover the end table 3)Acabbage and fish Bpotatoes and pork Cmutton and potatoes 4)Amake the bed Bclean the bedroom Cput away the clothes 5)AThere is a lake. BThere is a forest. CThere is a mountain. 3. Listen and tick. (机长

6、哈利 波特终于出现啦! 他要宣布什么呢?仔细听,判断,记得用和 表示。 ) 1)I m a university student. 2)I don t like Saturdays and Sundays. 3)I do housework on Saturdays. 4)I often do sports and watch TV on Sundays. 5)My favorite food is green beans. 4. Listen and write. (哈利 波特送你的第一件礼物是“魔杖”,赶快试试!把空中飞舞的单词定 格在纸上。) thin tree meals cook e

7、ggplants Tuesday funny tomatoes flowers read Hello! I m Kitty. I m _ and _. My favorite day is _ ,because we have _ and _ for lunch that day. I often _ books at home. I m helpful at home .I can _ the _ . Look! There is a big _ and many colorful(色彩缤纷的 ) _ near my house ! How nice! 笔试部分 1. Read and ch

8、oose. (“魔法石”是第二件礼物,它能帮你照出下面哪些单词是同族哦!) Chinese grass closet math curtain cloud air-conditioner P.E. forest 1)English : _ _ _ 2) sky: _ 3) mirror : _ _ _ 2. Read and write. (没有了魔法石的指点,这回看你的真本事了!看图写单词。Come on!) 1) There is a new _ _ a _ _ bin behind the desk. 2) My Chinese teacher is very o _ _ and k _

9、 _ _. 3) We have t _ _ _ for dinner on Thursdays. 4) There is a small h _ _se in the forest. 5) It s _ _ _day today . 3. Read and tick or cross. (幻影显形! 判断下面的图片与句子是否相符。真真假假, 画“”或“” 。) 1) Is there a chair in front of the desk ? Yes ,there is. 2) What s your principal like ? He is young and tall . 3) W

10、hat do you have on Tuesday ? We have music class. 4) Are there any mountains in the picture ? Yes, there are. 5) What do you do on Mondays ? I often do the dishes. 4、Arrange the sentences. (哈利 波特玩咒语了,单词乱飞,你有本事把他们放回原位置,恢复原句 吗? ) 1)set you Can table the ? 2) English What s like teacher your ? 3) day i

11、s What today it ? 4) Is a village there river in the ? 5) your favorite What s food ? 5、Read and tick. (飞机终于到达目的地啦!究竟是哪块神奇的领域呢?一起去看看吧!正确的 打“ T”,错误的打“ F”) Hi! My name is Linda. I am 12 years old. I study at Brighton Primary School. I go to school from Monday to Friday .My favorite day is Friday. We h

12、ave art and P.E. class and we have beef for lunch. Beef is my favorite food. It s tasty and healthy. My favorite teacher is Miss White. She is our English teacher. She is tall and pretty. Her class is so much fun. I m very helpful at home. I can sweep the floor and wash my clothes. I live in a small

13、 village. The sky is blue. The air is fresh. There is a river in my village. There is a path near the river. There are no ducks in the river .But you can see many fish . 1) I go to school five days in a week. ( ) 2) We have art and science class on Friday. ( ) 3) My favorite teacher is tall and pret

14、ty . ( ) 4) Mutton is my favorite food. ( ) 5) I m very helpful at home. ( ) 6)There are many ducks in the river. ( ) 哈哈!喜欢这次奇异之旅吗?测试都过了吗?那就欢迎你下学期到霍格沃茨 魔法学校学习! 备注: (1)听力题第四题为一题1.5 分,笔试题第一题为1 分,其他均为一 题 2 分。 总分为 100 分。 (2)现试卷为 A4 纸格式,最好在第一份打印后整体缩小复印。若直接 在电脑上排版会变乱。 听力材料 1Listen and choose. 1) Look! Thi

15、s is my P.E. teacher . He is tall and thin . 2) This is my bedroom. There is a big closet near the bed. 3) I have eggplants, cabbage, tomatoes for lunch .They are tasty and healthy. 4)I m a robot. I can wash my clothes and cook the meals . 5) It s Wednesday today. We have computer class. 6)Look! The

16、re is a house near the river. 2 Listen and circle. !)- What s your computer teacher like ? He is young and active. 2)-Where is the mirror ? It s near the closet. 3)-What do you have for lunch today ? I have cabbage and fish today. 4)-Are you helpful at home ? Yes. I can make the bed. 5)-Is there a m

17、ountain in the park ? No, there isn t . But there is a forest. 3. Listen and tick. Dear Ben! My name is Herry. I m a university student. I like Saturday and Sunday very much. I do my homework and play computer on. On Sunday I often do sports with my friends and watch TV. We often have fish and tofu

18、for lunch on Saturday. Fish is my favorite food. What about you ? Can you tell me ? 4. Listen and write. Hello! I m Kitty. I m thin and funny. My favorite day is Tuesday, because we have tomatoes and eggplants for lunch that day. I often read books at home. I m helpful at home .I can cook the meals.

19、 Look! There is a big tree and many colorful flowers near my home ! How nice! 小学部 2005-2006学年度下学期五年级 英语月考试题 得分 Listening Part(听力部分) 一 Listen and choose听音,给听到的句子选择答语(6 分) ( )1.A. Yes, there is. B. Yes, I can. ( )2. A. I can cook the meals. B. Yes, I can. ( )3. A. Yes, there aren t. B. Yes, there is.

20、( )4. A. I can do the dishes. B. No, I can t. ( )5.A. Yes, he can. B. Yes, I can. ( )6. A. She can cook the meals. B. I can make the bed. 二 Listen and write听音写单词(12 分) 1.I can run in the _. 2.There is a _ near the village. 3.The _ is very long. 4.There are many_ in the mountain. 5.The _ is very beau

21、tiful and big. 6. Da ming _ is in Jinan. 三 Listen and match听音给句子排序(14 分) ( )1. Is your village beautiful? ( )2. I live in a small village. ( )3. No, there aren t. There are many houses. ( )4. Is there a river in your village? ( )5. Are there any buildings? ( )6. Yes, there is. The water is very clea

22、n. ( )7. Yes, it s very pretty. Writing Part (笔试部分 ) 四、 Fill in the blanks填入所缺字母,完成单词。 (18 分) 1. 卧室 _ e _ r_ _ m 2. 卫生间_ _ th _ _ _ _ 3. 客厅;起居室liv_ _ _ r _ _ m 4. 垃圾箱tra_ _ _ _ _ 5. 窗帘 _ ur _ ai _ 6. 衣橱 _ _ _ se _ 7. 镜子 _ i _ _ o _ 8. 床头柜_ _ d _ _ _ le 五、 Read and answer questions阅读短文回答问题。 (10 分) I

23、live in a small city. There are many buildings in the city, but there are no small houses. There is a park in the city. There are many flowers and trees in the park. Near the park, there is a river. There are no bridges over the bridges. The sky is blue. The water is clean. The city is very beautifu

24、l. 1.Is there a park in the city? _ 2.Are there any buildings in the city? _ 3.Are there any small houses in the city? _ 4.Is there a river near the park? _ 5.Are there any bridges over the river? _ 六 Write sentences根据要求完成句子(10 分) 1.There is a mountain near the village.(变为一般疑问句 ) _ _ a mountain near

25、 the village? 2.Is there a bridge over the river? (变为肯定句 ) _ _ a bridge over the river. 3.There are many buildings in the city. (变为一般疑问句 ) _ _ any buildings in the city? 4.Are there any flowers in the park? (变为肯定句 ) _ _ many flowers in the park. 5.Are there any houses in the village? (变为肯定句 ) _ _ ma

26、ny houses in the village. 七、 Write sentences连词组句。(10 分) 一、there, Is, mirror, bedroom, the, a, in _? 二、There, many, curtains, in are, room, the _. 三、any, in, the, Are, there, tables, kitchen _? 四、many, There, mirrors, my, are, in, bathroom _. 五、a, There, cloud, the, is, in, sky _. 八、 Choose 选择最佳答案。(5

27、 分) ( )1.There are many fish _ the river. A. in B. over C. behind ( )2. _ there any clouds in the sky? . A.Is B.Are C.Am ( ) 3._ is the end table? It s behind the door. A. What B. When C. Where ( ) 4.The air-conditioners _ big. A. is B. am C. are ( )5.The mirror _ terrific. A. is B. am C. are 九、找出画线

28、部分与其他两个不同的词。(5 分) ()1.A. short B. horse C. doctor ()2.A. tall B. plant C. small ()3.A. flat B. forest C. path ()4.A. river B. flower C. park ()5.A. farm B. park C. lake 十、 Read and judge读对话判断对错。 (10 分) I have a bedroom. It s small, but it s very clean and beautiful. There is a small bed near the win

29、dow. Near the bed, there is a desk. There is a clock, a radio and many books on the desk. There is a closet n ear the door. What s over the bed? It s an air-conditioner. I like my bedroom very much. ()1. There is a big bed near the window. ()2. My bedroom is small and clean. ()3. There is a desk ove

30、r the bed. ()4. There is a clock, a radio and many books on the desk. ()5. There is a closet behind the door. ()6. There is an air-conditioner over the bed. ()7. I like my bedroom very much. 一 Listen and choose听音,给听到的句子选择答语(6 分) ( )1. Is there a flower in the bedroom? ( )2. What can you do? ( )3. Ar

31、e there any tall buildings in the city? ( )4. Can you sweep the floor? ( )5.Can he do the dishes? ( )6. What can she do? 二 Listen and write听音写单词(12 分) 1.I can run in the park. 2.There is a path near the village. 3.The road is very long. 4.There are many trees in the mountain. 5.The house is very bea

32、utiful and big. 6. Da ming lake is in Jinan. 三 Listen and match听音给句子排序(14 分) (6 )1. Is your village beautiful?6 ( 1 )2. I live in a small village.1 ( 5 )3. No, there aren t. There are many houses.5 ( 2 )4. Is there a river in your village? 2 ( 4 )5. Are there any buildings?4 ( 3 )6. Yes, there is. T

33、he water is very clean. 3 ( 7 )7. Yes, it s very pretty.7 牛津英语 3A 期末试卷 听力部分( 60 分) 一、听音,选出听到的那一项:10% ()1.ALIJT BILJT CILTJ ( )2. Abdpq Bdbpq Cdbqp ( )3. A86351 B86513 C86315 ( )4. Abook Blook Cbox ( )5. Aboat Bbody Cboy ( )6. Aclock Bcloud Ccolour ( )7. Along Blion Clittle ( )8. Asheep Bslip Cshape

34、( )9.Awrite Bwhite Cwith ( )10. Amouth Bmouse Cmother 哈佛大学 英语系研究,美国布什推荐。专为中小学生英语量身定做。 官方网站: http:/ 哈佛大学英语教授研究组提供 二、听音,选出所听单词的同类词:8% ( )1. Asun BSam Cslide ( )2. Anose Btall Chall ( )3. Ainsect Bbag Cgrass ( )4. Abiscuit Btriangle Cfriend ( )5. Ahen Bpen Cten ( )6. Awindow Bwave Cvan ( )7. Arabbit Br

35、ubber Crain ( )8.Aelephant Bphotograph Cplayground 三、听问题,选择合适的答案:10% ( )1. A I m Kate. B You re Kate . C Yes, I m Kate . ( )2. AIt s a office . BIt s an office . CYes, it s an office . ( )3. AHe s a boy . BYou re a boy . CI m a boy . ( )4. AShe s my sister . BShe s eight . CShe s happy . ( )5. AYes

36、, please . BThank you . CHere you are . ( )6. ANo, it isn t . BNo, it is . CNo, they are not . ( )7. AIt s blue . BYes , it is . CNo, it is . ( )8. A It s a boat . B It s a red boat . C It s red . ( )9. AIt s a circle . BIt s a cake . CIt is a door . ( )10. AThey are ducks . BThey are yellow . CThey

37、 are tall . 四、听音,给下列句子按顺序编号:5% ( ) The tree likes an umbrella . ( ) Look at the tree . ( ) The roots are long . ( ) It has many green leaves . ( ) The birds are in the tree . 五、听对话,在下面的表格中“”出形容pigs , birds, butterfly 的词: 8% fat hung ry thirst y yello w blue red black Pigs Birds Butter fly 六、听句子和问题,选

38、择正确的回答:5% ( )1. AIt s a bee . BIt s a fly . CIt s a ladybird . ( )2. AYou re a rabbit . BYou re a dog . CYou re a cat . ( )3. AFive . BTwo . CTen . ( )4. AIt s white and yellow . BIt s white and black . CIt s white and brown . ( )5. A Yes , she is . B Yes, he is . C No, she isn t . 七、听音,完成下列单词:8% 1.

39、 t_ble 2. gr_ndf_ther 3. w_ ndow 4.b_sc_ _t 5. squ_ _ e 6. d_sk 7. fl_ _er 8. bl_ckb_ _rd 八、听音,写出所听单词的反义词:6% 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 笔试部分:(40 分) 一、选出下列单词中划线部分发音不同的一项:5% ( )1. Agate Bcake Cplant ( )2. Abee Begg Chen ( )3. Adog Bbox Cnose ( )4. Akite Bslide Csister ( )5. Aruler Brubber Csun 二、看图写词组:10% . _

40、ice cream _ _ two _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 三、选择填空,将正确答案的序号填在括号中:10% ( )1. Kitty has _ egg . Aa Ban Cthe ( )2. Look ! _ insect has _ head and _ body . AAn / a / a BA / a / a Cthe / a / the ( )3. What s _ name ? Ayou Byou re Cyour ( )4. He _ a boy . I _ a girl . Ais / is Bam / am Cis / am ( )5. _ you my mother ?

41、 Yes , I _ . Aare / am BAre / am Care /are ( )6. My nose _ long . My ears _ big . Ais / is Bare / are Cis / are ( )7. _ the animals . ALook BLook at Clook at ( )8. What s this ? It s _ . Aa triangle Bblue Ca balloon . ( )9. What shape is this ? It s _ . Aa triangle Ba swing Cbrown ( )10. Fine the fr

42、uits . How many _ ? Aapple Ban apple Capples 四、从 B 栏中找出 A 栏的应答语: 5% AB ( )1. Good afternoon . A. Yes , he is . ( )2. Eight cakes , please . B. She s my sister . ( )3. Is he your little brother ? C. They are oranges . ( )4. Who s she ? D. Good afternoon . ( )5. What are they ? E. Here you are . 五、连词成

43、句: 5% 1. is , my , it , classroom _. 2. is , he , my , father _. 3. to , point , sky , the _. 4. colour , what , is , banana , the _? 5. are , we , friends , good _. 六、阅读短文,判断下面句子的意思是否与短文内容相符,用“”、 “”表示: 5% This is my school , It s big and beautiful , There are (有) two playgrounds in my school , You

44、can see a red and white building(红 白大楼 ) . My classroom is in it . Look , that is a hall over there(那 边) . We sing and dance in it . This is the library . It isn t big . But we can read many books in the library . I m happy in the school , I love my school . 哈佛大学 英语系研究,美国布什推荐。专为中小学生英语量身定做。 官方网站: htt

45、p:/ 哈佛大学英语教授研究组提供 ( )1. My school has two playgrounds . ( )2. My classroom is in a red and white building . ( )3. The library is big . ( )4. We sing and dance on the playground . ( )5. There are(有) many books in the library . 牛津英语 3A 期末试卷 听力朗读稿及答案 一、听音,选出听到的那一项:10% 1.ILJT 2.dbqp 3. eight six three five one (86351) 4.box 5. boat 6. cloud 7. little 8.shape 9. write 10. mother (1.B2.C3.A4.C5.A6.B7.C8.C9.A 10.C ) 二、听音,选出所听单词的同类词:8% 1. swing 2. tail 3.book 4. square 5.chick 6. clap


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