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1、2013 年成人高考专升本英语复习资料年成人高考专升本英语复习资料 一、代词部分: 应注意的一些代词,both、neither、either、none、all。 1、Young babies can use hand equally well. A、either B each C both D every 2、They have two teams, and of them have chance of winning A、both B none C neither D all 3、 of us could work out this maths problem, so we asked ou

2、r teacher for help. A、Some B any C No one D None 二、数词应注意倍数的用法 1、 With the help of the foreign experts, the factory produced cars in 2001 as the year before。 A as twice many B as many as twice C as twice as many D twice as many 2、New typewriters cost about price of the second-hand ones A three times

3、the B a three times C the three tomes D three times a 解析:倍数表达公式(1)倍数+as -as(2)倍数+the +名词+of 三、形容词、副词应注意 (1)短语 the same as(2)The + 比较级,the +比较级 (3)形容词、副词的比较级可被 much、far、still、even、a little、a bit、a lot、a great deal 修饰,加强或削弱其语气。 1.In the world no country has exactly the same folk music _ that of any ot

4、her countries. A. with B. as C. to D. like 2.Although the price of house has been lower , it is _ higher than before. A. still B. yet C. so D. such 四、情态动词部分需要掌握情态动词公式 成人高考英语情态动词部分常考情态动词的一些固定结构 如:1 must /may /might +动词原形(表对现在事情的肯定推测) 典型例题 专升本 2001 年 13 题 She _on her way to school, I just phoned her h

5、ome and no one answered me. A should be B . must be C. might have been D. could be 解析:本题考查考生对情态动词固定结构的掌握,由于本题是对现 在事情的推测,故选 B。题意为:她肯定在上学的路上,我刚打电话给 她家里,没人接。 must /may /might +have +PP(过去分词) (表对过去事情的肯定推测) 典型例题 专升本 2005 年 20 题 -They are supposed to arrive at six, but there is no sign of them -Something

6、unexpected_-to them. A . might happen B .must have happened C. would have happened D. could happened 解析: 此题考情态动词对过去事情肯定推测的结构, 故选 B 题意为: 他们原定于 6 点到达,但现在连人影都没见到,肯定出什么事了。 couldnt / cant +have +PP ( 表对过去事情的否定推测) 典型例题 (1) 专升本 2004 年 34 题 “I saw Mary in the Library yesterday.” “you her, she is still in ho

7、spital.” A mustnt have been B could not see C. cant have been D. must not see 解析:此题考情态动词对过去事情否定推测的结构,故选 C 题意 为:我昨天在图书馆看到玛利了。 你不可能看到她,她还在医院里呢。 (2) 高起点 2003 年 25 题 You _have seen Jane in her office Last Friday, shes been out of town for two weeks. A couldnt B . mustnt C . wouldnt D. shouldnt 解析: 题考情态动

8、词对过去事情否定推测的结构, 故选 A 题意为: 上个星期五你不可能在简的办公室看到简,她已出城两个星期了。 4Ought to / should +have +PP (表过去应做的事而实际上未做,含 有责备的口气) You _yesterday if you were really serious about the job. A ought to come B ought to have come C. ought have come D. ought come 解析:此题考查过去应做的事而实际上未做,故选 B 题意为:如果 你很在乎这份工作的话,昨天你就该来。 五、时态部分应掌握现在完成

9、时、过去完成时以及各时态的被动语态。 (1)只要时间状语是 by the end of last,主句的谓语动词绝对用 过去完成时;如果把 last 变为 next ,主句的谓语动词绝对用将来完成时。 (2)By the time 从句的时态是一般过去时,主句谓语绝对采用过 去完成时;如果 by the time 从句的时态是一般现在时,主句谓语绝对采 用将来完成时。 六、疑问句部分需要注意附加疑问句。 (1)祈使句的反意问句 (2)lets 开头的反意问句 (3)谓语为 used to be 型的反意问句 (4)含有否定词的反意问句 1Dont shout in the meeting ro

10、om,_? A. should you B. will you C. can you D. could you 2.Lets visit our uncle on the way home ,_? A. will you B. will we C.do we D. shall we 3There used to be a cinema on this street, .? A .wasnt there B. didnt there C. wasnt it D. didnt it 4Tom seldom visits his grandparents, ? A .doesnt he B. isn

11、t he C. does he D. is he 七、复合句 要点一 (1)what 与 that (2) 形式主语 与强调句 (3) 区别介词短语与从句 (4) 掌握从句必须采用陈述语气(as、 though 引导的让步状语除外) 1.It is impossible he will tell us he has just done. A. that what B.what that C.what what D.that that 2.It was in Hong xing Cinema I met Mr Smith for the first time. A.when B.where C

12、.in which D.that 3.He is always trying to help others he is too busy. A. except B. except that C. except when D. in addition 4.Never forget the days together on the island last year. A. shall I , we spent B. I shall, we spent C. shall I, when we spent D. I shall, where we spent 要点二 状语从句部分的时间状语从句。 (1

13、)掌握 hardly.when No soonerthan (2) 牢记 the moment, the minute, each time ,by the time .等短语 可引导时间状语从句 要点三 状语从句的结果状语 (1) 掌握 so 与 such 的 区别 So 的使用公式: so + adj + a/an + n 主语+谓语 so + adj + that so + adv such 的公式 主句+连系动词+ such + a/an + adj + n 主句+连系动词+ such + adj + n(可数复数) + that 主句+连系动词+ such + adj + n(不可数

14、) (2)掌握 so that 和 suchthat 的倒装句式 要点四 状语从句部分的让步状语 (1)三者的区别 . as ,though 引导的让步状语从句的公式 名词/形容词+as +主语连系动词 副词 +as+主语+行为动词 (2)让步状语从句不可以和并列连词 but, and, for, so , therefore 等 同时用于一个句子中,但可以用 still, yet, 要点五 定语从句部分要点如下 (一)非限定性定语从句的两种类型 类型 1. 第一种类型的非限定定语从句的先行词与定语从句的关系 代词用逗号隔开,是因为两者关系不密切,从句仅对先行词起补充说明 的作用。 Yeste

15、rday , I met a girl ,who was my deskmate in the Middle school. We are going to spend this years Spring Festival in Hainan, where our parents lives. 类型 2. 第二种类型的非限定性定语从句修饰的不是一个先行词, 而 是上文中的整个句子,这时引导词只能用 which. (二)当先行词为 1、不定代词 2、先行词被副词 only,最高级、序 数词修饰时,常用关系代词 that 引导。 (三)what 不可以引导引导定语从句,但 what =先行词+引导

16、词 试题分析 1.The dog ran out of the yard the old lady open the gate. A. the moment B. that moment C. a moment D. this moment 2.He will give this letter to your bother the moment he him. A. will see B. sees C. see D. would see 3.Although he likes Mary so much , he doesnt want to marry her. A .and B.but C

17、. yet D. so 4. , he can already support a big family. A. A boy as he is B.AS he is a boy C .Boy as he is D. he is a boy 5. Yesterday, I ran into my former headmaster in the street ,we talked about the things and people we remembered in the middle school. A. that B.which C. what D.who 6.I bought a do

18、zen of eggs yesterday , two were broken. A.between which B. among which C. in which D. when 7.I have many friends , are from Beijing A. most of them B. most of whom C. some of which D. some of them 8.He didnt tell us he had done. A.all which B. all that C.all what D.what all 八、倒装句 要点 1 only +副词/ 介词短

19、语/状语从句置于句首强调时, 后面的主语 与谓语必须部分倒装。 要点 2 一些含有否定意义的词,如:not only , not until ., never , hardly , no sooner , scarcely , little , nowhere , in no time等短语置于 句首强调时,后面的主语和谓语必须部分倒装。 九、主语与谓语保持一致 要点1就近原则:not only.but also; either.or; neithernor; or 连接两个主语时, 谓语动词应与第 二个主语保持一致。 要点 2 就远原则:在主语与谓语之间插入短语 as well as ,to

20、gether with, along with, with, except, but 谓语动词不受插入语的影响仍和主语 保持一致。 要点 3 时间、 距离、 金钱等词语作主语表总量时, 谓语动词用单数。 十、非谓语动词 要点 1 学会分析一道题缺少谓语还是非谓语。 要点 2 区别不定式、动名词、分词作定语。 要点 3 分词完成式仅作状语,不作定语。 要点 4 动名词的逻辑主语。 要点 5 分词作宾语补足语。 十一、常考语言点 要点 1 做过的事情、发生过的事情,动词 regret , forget , remember 后带动名词,反之,带不定式。 要点 2 当 动词 require , ne

21、ed , want 需要的主语是物时,后带 动名词的主动语态表被动含义。 要点 3 区别短语 have +* +do / / have +* /sth+doing / have +sth +done 要点 4 区别短语 make +* +do / make +oneself +done 要点 5 区别短语 used to do sth / be used to do sth / be used to doing sth 2013 年成人高考专升本英语语法复习资料年成人高考专升本英语语法复习资料 一、动词时态及语态题(大家应该记住我所讲过的九种时态,特别是其 中的过去完成,过去进行时,客观真理要

22、用一般现在时等) 1、 The manager told us that this factory was built in 1958. 2、By the time we got there, the play had already begun. 3、When I was a child, I knew that the earth turns about its axis. 4、 When Mr.Delay got home after a days exhausting workhis wife and children were sleeping. 二、非谓语动词题(特别是现在分词与过

23、时分词的区别,大家一定要弄 明白主动与被动这对最最重要的区别,要求大家多看我的上课笔 记) 1、The film showed last night was very moving. (不用 moved,大 家别忘了-ed 形容词和-ing 形容词的区别) 2、Having finishing his lecture, the teacher asked if anyone wished to asked a question. 3、The problem being discussed is very important. 4、Given more time,we are sure to f

24、inish it. 5、 Will you please make yourself known to everyone here 三、It 作形式主语及形式宾语题(这也是一个常考点,it 本身是没有意 思的,注意 it 还可以指时间,天气等。) 1、It is difficult to study English well. 2、We think it is important to pass the exam. 四、强调句型(大家要记住的是 it is(was)。that。如果前面 是 it iswas 后面往往选用 that,当然强调人的时候也可用 who) 1、It was at an

25、 evening party that I first saw her. 2、It is what you will do that is important. 3、When was it that he bought a new car 五、倒装句型 全部倒装句(这种全部倒装题历年只考过一次,考得最多 的都是下面的部分倒装) 1、Stop talking!There comes the teacher. 部分倒装句(如果选项里面有两个主谓倒装了,两个没有,我们一般要 在倒装里做选择) 1、 So badly was he hurt in the accident that he had to

26、 be sent to hospital. 2、Not only does he study well, but also he is always ready to help others. 3、 Mary has done well in the English exam. So she has. She always does well in the exam. 六、从句中选择关系词(重点在定语从句,多看笔记, becausesincenow thatasfor;sothatsuch that) 1、 It was in so friendly a way that he talked

27、with us. 2、Oct.15, 2005 is a day when we will take our English examination. 3、We want to buy the same book as you are reading. 4、The sun heats the earth, which is very important to living things. 七、虚拟语气(我们要记住与现在,过去,将来相反的三种情况,特别 是与过去相反的情况最常考, 再有就是wishas if 后面所接的三种情况, 还有一个常考点在 suggest,demand,require,o

28、rder 等表示建议,要 求,命令的词后面加从句时,从句里谓语要用(should)+动词原形,如 果是被动则用(should +be +动词过去分词) 1、 I would have done it better if I had had more time. 2、I wish you would go with us tomorrow. 3、I suggest that we(should )adopt a different policy. 4、 Had it not been for your helpwe would never have been able to get over t

29、he difficulties. 八、情态动词题(除了掌握常见情态动词基本用法外,常考点在三种表 推测的情况,分别为 must 表对现在事情的肯定推测 ,cant 表对现在 事实的否定推测,must have +v-ed 表示对过去事实的肯定推测,而则 表示过去应该做某事而没有做) 1、The ground is so wet, it must have rained last night. 2、She must be a doctor,I think. 3、I should have called you last week, but I was too busy then. 九、几组形容词

30、及副词区别题(注意比较级、最高级、倍数表达; likelypossibleprobable; worthworthy; too muchmuch too; alreadyyet 等) 1、His books are three time as many as my books. 2、 The Nile river is the longest river in the world. 3、It is much too hot tonight. 4、The harder he worked,the happier he felt. 十、主谓一致题 (往往出题者都是考谓语动词选单数这种情况,如 ea

31、ch, every,everyone 这样的词作主语以及 Mary, like many other girls likes listening to music 这样的 题) 1、 The moral of the officers and crew was very high. 2、 Each boy and each girl in the city is asked to go to school. 3、Neither the quality nor the prices have changed.(近位原则) 十一、 动词及动词词组区别题 (常考的有 raise risea rise

32、a rose; spend cost take pay afford;wound injure hurt damage;find find out discover invent;hit strike ring beat;tell say speak talk;join join in take part in 等以及我所讲过的动词短语) 1、Can you tell the difference between these two words 2、He joined the army three years ago. 十二、主句用将来时,从句则用一般现在时(或现在完成时)表将 来 1、The

33、y will leave the classroom when they have finished writing. 2、We will start to work as soon as our teacher comes. 十三、 名词所有格以及名词后面有限定时则该名词前一定要加定冠词the 题 (名词的格有以下两种情况, Tombook, 以及the books of our school, 特别是用 of 表示的所有格我们一定要习惯这种表达) 1、Beijing is the capital of China. 2、He cant have the expience of all of

34、 the world. 十四、常用介词区别题(如 on,in,except besides,within,without, through 等) 1、You should write in ink not with your pencil. 2、He pulled her into the train by the arm. 3、by bustrainair。On foot,on the farm,in the morningafternoonevening,at nightnoon 十五、常考代词题(常考的有 other others,another the other; sometimes

35、 some time sometime; thatwhich; that what, either neither or;too also either;many much a great deal of a great number of a great amount of;a few few littlea little;as long as as far as; so long as so far as) 1、That you dont like him is none of my business. 2、The weather in the north is much colder t

36、han that in the south in January. 3、He must be a worker. I think so. 2013 年成人高考专升本英语词汇汇总年成人高考专升本英语词汇汇总 构词法 英语的构词方法有三:合成(composition),派生(derivation)和转换 (conversion)。 一、合成 一、合成 合成:合两个或两个以上的词而成为一个新词,这种构词的方法叫做合 成。 1. 复合名词的主要构成方式 1)名词+名词 classroom 教室, newspaper 报纸 2)形容词+名词 blackboard 黑板,highway 公路, 3)动词+

37、名词 break-water 防波堤 4)副词+名词 outbreak 爆发, overcoat 大衣 5)代词+名词 he-goat 公山羊, she-wolf 母狼 6)动词+副词 break-down 崩溃 7)名词+介词短语 editor-in-chief 总编辑, father-in-law 岳父 2. 复合形容词的主要构成方式 1)名词+形容词 snow-white 雪白的,world-wide 全世界的 2)形容词+形容词 bitter-sweet 又苦又甜的,blue-green 绿里发蓝的 3)副词+形容词 ever-green 常绿的 4)名词+分词 snow-covere

38、d 白雪盖着的,hand-made 手工制作的 5)形容词+分词 good-looking 好看的 6)副词+分词 well-meaning 好意的,well-informed 消息灵通的 7)形容词+名词 second-hand 旧的,用过的,第二手的 8)形容词+名词+-ed open-minded 胸襟开阔的,white-haired 白发的 9)数词+名词+(-ed) two-faced 两面派的, 3. 复合动词的主要构成方式 1)副词+动词 overcome 克服, uphold 支持,主张 2)名词+动词 sun-bathe 行日光浴 二、派生 二、派生 在一个单词前或后加上一个

39、词缀,变成一个新词,这种构词的方法叫做 派生,词缀有前缀和后缀两种,加在单词前的词缀,叫前缀,加在单词 后的词缀,叫后缀。 1.前缀 现将最常用的一些前缀(按字母顺序)举例如下: anti- 反对 anti-Japanese war 抗日战争 arch- 主要的 arch-enemy 主要敌人 auto- 自动的 automobile 小汽车, autobiography 自传 bi- 双 bicycle 自行车,bilingual 用两种语言的 by- 在旁 bystander 旁观者,by-product 副产品 co- 共同 co-operation 合作,co-existence 共处

40、 counter- 反 counter-attack 反攻, de- 除去,否定 decentralization 分散,不集中 dis- 否定 discover 发现, disorder 混乱,杂乱 en-, em- 使成为 enable 使能够,enslave 奴役,encourage 鼓励 ex- 前 ex-president 前任主席、总统或大学校长 extra- 外 extraordinary 非常的,格外的 for-, fore- 先,前,预 forward 向前,foresee 预见,forearm 前臂 for- 禁,弃 forbid 禁止,forget 忘记 in-, il-

41、, im-, ir- 不,非 informal 非正式的,incomplete 不完全的, irregular 不规则的 inter- 间,相互 interview 会见 mal- 恶 maltreat 虐待 micro- 微 microscope 显微镜 mid- 中 mid-night 半夜, mid-autumn 中秋的 mis- 误 misunderstand 误会, misuse 误用 multi- 多 multi-national 多民族的 non- 非,不 nonexistent 不存在的 post- 后于 post-war 战后的, pre- 先于 pre-war 战前的 pr

42、o- 赞成,亲善 pro-American 亲美的 re- 重,再,复 review 复习 sub- 下,次 subdivide 细分,再分 super- 上,超 super-structure 上层建筑 一、词汇解析 一、词汇解析 tele- 远 telephone 电话,telescope 望远镜,television 电视 trans- 横过,转移 transformation 改造,translate 翻译 un- 不 unable 不能的,unimportant 不重要的,untrue 不真实的 uni- 一、单 uniform 划一的 2.名词后缀 -age 状态,集合 marri

43、age 婚姻,shortage 缺少,village 村庄 -an 人 American 美国人,Italian 意大利人,意大利语,African 非洲人 -ance, -ancy 性质,状态 importance 重要性,significance 意义 -ant, -ent 人 assistant 助手,助教, student 学生 -ation, -ition 动作,状态 determination 决心,industrialization 工业化,preparation 准备 -craft 技巧,工艺 handicraft 手工艺 -dom (状态,领界) freedom 自由,kin

44、gdom 王国 -ee (被动) employee 雇员 -eer 人 engineer 工程师, volunteer 志愿者 -ence, -ency(抽象名词) dependence 依靠,不独立,excellence 卓越 -er 人,动作者 fighter 战士,worker 工人,writer 作家,harvester 收割机 -ese 人,语言 Chinese 中国人,中文,Japanese 日本人,日文 -ess 女性 actress 女演员,princess 公主,hostess 女主人,女乘务员(飞机上) -ful 充满 handful 一把,armful 一抱(这些词亦可作

45、为复合词看) -hood 身份,境遇,状态 childhood 童年,likelihood 可能性 -ian 人 musician 音乐家,technician 技术员 -ity (抽象名词) possibility 可能性,capability 能力 -man 人 Englishman 英国人,postman 邮递员(这些词亦可作为复合词看) -ment 运动,结果 movement 运动,development 发展 -ness 状态,性质 kindness 和善,carefulness 小心 -or 人,动作者 actor 男演员, editor 编辑,tractor 拖拉机 -ry,

46、-ery 行为,工作,性质,工作地点,货物种类,境遇等 bravery 勇敢,nursery 托儿所,cookery 烹调 -ship 状态,身分 friendship 友谊,hardship 苦难 -tion 动作,状态 attention 注意,action 行动,revolution 革命 -ty (抽象名词) cruelty 残酷, loyalty 忠实 -ure 结果,动作 pleasure 快乐,pressure 压力 3.形容词后缀 -able,-ible 能够 unforgettable 难忘的,responsible 负责的 -al 的 cultural 文化的,nation

47、al 国家的 -an (地,人)的 Russian 俄罗斯的,俄罗斯人的,American 美国的,美国人的 -ed 有,象 talented 有才华的 -en 的 golden 金色的,wooden 木制的 -ern (表示方向的) northern 北方的,eastern 东方的,southern 南方的,western 西方的 -ese (地,人)的 Chinese 中国的,中国人的,Japanese 日本的,日本人的 -ful 充满 careful 小心的,beautiful 美丽的,powerful 强有力的 -ic, -ical 的 economic 经济的,political 政治的,grammatical 语法的 -ish 属


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