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1、优选精品文档欢迎下载使用 人教版初中八年级下册 英语模拟试题附答案 本试卷满分 120 分考试时间 90 分钟 本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。第卷 1 至 4 页,第 卷 5 至 8 页。共 120 分,考试时间 90 分钟。请同学们掌握好时间,答题时做到自 信、沉着、认真思考。 第卷(选择题共55 分) 一听力测试(20 分略) 二单项选择(共 15 小题,计15 分) 选择最佳答案。 21. There_a football match next week. A.is going to have B. is going to be C.Will have D.will b

2、e have 22. I was watching TV _Jack knocked at the door. A. when B. after C.while D. as soon as 23. If it _tomorrow, I_ hiking inthemountains. A. will rain; dont goB. doesn t rain; will go C.won t rain; dont go D. rains;will go 24children of the school were injured in the earthquake. What a pity! A.

3、Threehundreds B.Three hundreds of C. Hundred of D. Hundreds of 25.The music is too loud. Would you mind_? A.turning it on B.turning onit C.turning it down D. turning down it 26. Mother told me _and I stopped_. A.not to smoke; smoking B. not smoke; smoking C. not to smoke;tosmoke D. to smoke; to smok

4、e 27. Linda knew nothing about your class meeting,_? No, she was too late. When she got there, the meeting was almost over. A.was she B. wasnt she C. did she D. didnt she 28. Bob is _ late for school. Neither am I . 优选精品文档欢迎下载使用 A. always B. often C. ever D. never 29. It s my mother s birthday next

5、week. What should I get her? _ A. They are too expensive. B. What about a bicycle? C. That s a good idea. D. Why not buying a wallet? 30.My parents were very_ tohearthe_news. A.surprising; surprising B. surprised; surprised C.surprised; surprising D. surprising; surprised 31. Where s Mike? He_the li

6、brary. He will be back in two hours. A.has gone to B.has been in C. has gone in D. has been 32. What kind of pets do you want to get?What about a cat? I don t like cats. They are not_. A.friendly enough B. enough friendly C. friend enough D. enough friend 33.The old man asked me_. A.where is the pos

7、t office B.how much was the sweater C.when the party would start D.how often did I take exercise 34. Everyone except Tom and Jhon_there when the meeting began. A.are B. is C. was D. were 35. I want to buy the CD, but I have_money. Why not_some from your parents? A.no; lend B.no; borrow C.much ; lend

8、 D.much ; borrow 三完形填空(共 10 小题,计 10 分) 根据下面短文内容,选择最佳答案。 Manners are important to keep good relations among people.36likes a person with bad manners. A person_37_good manners never laugh 38_people when they are39 trouble.Instead, he tries to help them. When he asks for something, he says “Please ”.An

9、d when he40others help , he usually says“Thank you”.He does notInterrupt(打断) others when they are talking.He does not_41_loudly in public. When he 42 ,He uses a handkerchief (手帕) ._43_a student, it is bad manners to come late to class._44_you are late, you should say45_to the teacher. 36.A. Someone

10、B. No one C. Anyone D. Everyone 37.A. in Bof C.with D.on 38.A. to B.at C.before D.in 优选精品文档欢迎下载使用 39.A.on B.from C.in D.with 40. A.takes B.gets C.sees D.wants 41.A.talk B.tell C.say D. speaks 42. A.sneezes B.smokes C. drinks D.eats 43.A.And B.So C.For D.With 44.A.Because B .If C.Although D.But 45. A

11、.sorry B.thank you C.OK D.not at all 四阅读理解 (一)阅读短文,选择答案。(共 10 小题,计10 分) A The police in a big city were looking for a thief. At last they caught him.But while they were taking photos of himfrom the front, from the left, from the right, with a hat, without a hathe suddenly hit the policemen and ran a

12、way. They tried to catch him, but he got away. Then a week later , the telephone rang in the police office, and someone said, “You are looking for Bill Cross, arent you? ” “Yes. “Well, he left here for Waterbridge an hour ago.” Waterbridge was a small town about 100 kilometers away from the city.The

13、 city police at once sent four different photos of the thief in Waterbridge. “We have caught three of the thieves like the man,”they said proudly, “and we think well catch the fourth this evening.” 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确的用“A”表示,不正确的用“B”表示。 46. The police in the city took five photos of the thief. 47. Th

14、e police was told that the thief had gone to Waterbridge a week before. 48.Bill Cross was the name of the policeman. 49.The town police caught three people. 50.From this story we know the police in Waterbridge did a job. B Mrs. Green was sixtyeight years old. She had only a son named Jim. Mr. Green

15、died 12 years ago. So she was very sad and lived in her house alone. Her son had a baby later. He and his wife were busy all the time and had no time to look after her daughter, Mary. He asked his mother to live with them. The old woman had to sell her house and moved there. She was strong and could

16、 do all the housework.And the family liked her. 优选精品文档欢迎下载使用 Last autumn Mrs. Green went to do some shopping. A car hit her and one of her legs was hurt. She had to be in hospital for three months. Mrs. Green couldn t do anything after she left hospital. At first was kind to her, but soon he began t

17、o be tired of her. The old woman wanted to leave, but she had no money to buy a house and nobody could take care of her. She didn t know what to do. One morning,Mrs. Green broke a plate. It made her son angry. He told Mary to buy a wooden (木头的) plate for her grandma. That afternoon Mary came back wi

18、th two wooden plates.He was surprised and asked,“Why did you buy two plates,daughter?” “ One is for grandma, ” answered the daughter.“ The other is for you!Youll also have to use a wooden plate when youre old,I think.” The man heard this and felt sad. Now he was kind to his mother as before. 51. Jim

19、 asked his mother to live with them because_. A.the old woman lived happily B. he needed his mothers help C. the old woman didnt want to live with her husband D. the old woman could give him money 52.The family likesMrs. Green because_. A. she was very rich B.she could tell Mary stories every evenin

20、g C.she could do the housework for them D. she was friendly to them all 53. The old woman wanted to leave her sons house, but she was afraid_. A.she had no house to live in B.She couldnt look after herself C.Jim could go to see her every day D. Both A and B 54. Jim was afraid_,so he told his daughte

21、r to buy a wooden (木头的) plate for her. A.his mother would break another plate some day B.his mother would leave his house C.his wife could be tired of his mother D.his mother ate too much 55.Mary bought a wooden plate for her father because_. 优选精品文档欢迎下载使用 A.she loved him very much B.she loved the pl

22、ate C.she hoped her father was kind to her grandma D.she often broke the plate at home (二)阅读对话,完成第 II 卷第五大题的6165 小题。 C A: Hello, Victor. Welcome to my house. B: Thank you, Sam. _61_ A: Sure. Dont worry. Ill show them to you soon. B: _62_ A: I have been collecting stamps for ten years. B: Wow!You are

23、anold collectors, I think. A: Thank you. _63_ B: Oh, no. Id like tea with nothing in it. A.: OK. Here you are, the tea and some cakes. B: Thanks a lot._64_ A: Wait a minute. Ill go to my bedroom and bring them for you. B: Your stamps are very beautiful. I dont have any kinds of houses. _65_ A: Great

24、! You can bring your collections to my house next Saturday. B: Goodbye, Sam ! A: See you next Saturday. (三)阅读短文,完成第II 卷第五大题的6670 小题。 D “Dreams may be more important than sleep . We all need to dream ,” some scientists say.Dreams take up about one quarter of our sleeping time .People have several dre

25、ams each night. Dreams are like short movies. They are usually in color. Some dreams are like old movies. They come tous A. Would you like to play with me? B. What do you like collecting? C. May we have an exchange next week? D. Would you like some coffee? E. May I look at your collection? F. What i

26、s your favorite? G. Show me your collection, please . 优选精品文档欢迎下载使用 over and over again. They may be because the dreamer is worrying about something .Dreaming may be aware(知道的) of trying to find an answer . Some people get new ideas about their work from dreams .They may think about their work all da

27、y. These ideas can carry over into dreams .Sometimes we wake up with a good feeling from a dream. But often we cant remember the dream .The dreams can go away quickly from memory(记忆) . Too much dreaming can be harmful. The more we sleep, the longer we dream. The mind is hard at working when we dream

28、. Thats why we may have a long sleep and still wake up tired. 八年级 英语试题 请将第卷选择题的答案填入以下表格内,否则不得分。】 题号1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 答案 题号21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 答案 题号41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 答案 第卷(非选择题 ,共 65 分) 注意事项: 1. 请用钢笔或圆

29、珠笔直接答在试卷上。 2.答卷前请将密封线内的项目及座号填写清楚。 五听写、补全对话与阅读表达 A) 听对话,完成表格(5 分 略) B).补全对话。阅读第I 卷第四大题C 篇对话,从方框内选出适当的句子完成对话。(共 5 小 题,计 5 分) 答案: 61_ 62._ 63._ 64._ 65._ 题号一至四 A、B 五六七八九总分 得分 评卷人得分 优选精品文档欢迎下载使用 C)阅读表达。阅读第I 卷第四大题D 篇课文,根据短文内容完成下列各小题。 (共 5 小题, 计 10 分) 66. How much of our sleeping time do dreams take up? _

30、 67. Why do people often dream about their work? _ 68将划线部分句子翻译成汉语。 _ 69. Is too much dreaming good or bad for our health? _ 70. What does the story mainly tell us? _ 六词汇考查(共 5 小题,计5分) 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 71.She said she_(watch) TV at this time yesterday. 72.Would you mind_(not run) in the hallway? 73.I

31、 found it useful_(learn) English well. 74.Some _(foreign) are visiting our school next week. 75.My hobby is _(collect) stamps. 七完成句子(共 5 小题,计10 分) 按括号内要求,完成下列句子,每空限填一词。 76.Mr. Smith has taught English for ten years.(对划线部分提问) has Mr. Smith taught English? 77. Don t eat snacks in class,?(完成反意疑问句 ) 78.

32、This shirt isnt big enough for the boy to wear.(改为同义句) This shirt is small for the boy wear. 79. Jenny is a lucky girl.(改为感叹句 ) Jenny is! 80. Alison skated for five hours.(用现在完成进行时改写 ) Alisonskating for five years. 八短文填空(共15 小题,计15 分) 评卷人得分 评卷人得分 评卷人得分 优选精品文档欢迎下载使用 A) 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。

33、Dear Jack, Thanks for 81(send)me the snow globe of the monster. I love it. In fact I think its probably my favorite. I 82(collect )snow globes for seven years, and now I have 226 of them. My mom says I have to 83(stop ), because we84 (run) out of room to store them. They are all around our apartment

34、. I even store them in boxes under my bed. The first one I ever got 85( be ) a birthday cake snow globe on my seventh birthday. I particularlylove globes with animals. I have a big one with bears in it and another one with penguins. If you 86(know )anyone else who 87 (collect) them, please tell me.

35、I d like 88(start )a snow globe collcetors club. By the way, whats your hobby? Love, Ellen 答案: 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. B)在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,词首字母已 给。 Singapore is a w 89 place to take a holiday. On the one hand, more than three quarters of the p 90 are Chinese, so you can simply spe

36、ak Putonghua a lot of the time. On the other hand, Singapore is an Englishspeaking country, so itsalso a good place to p 91 your English. Singapore has a night zoo c 92 the “Night Safari”. A lot of animals only w 93 up at night, so this is the best time to watch them. If you go to see lions, tigers

37、or foxes during the daytime, theyll probably be a 94! At the Night Safari, you can watch these animals in a more n 95environment than a normal zoo. 答案: 89. w 90. p 91. p 92.c 93. w94. a 95. n 九书面表达(计 15 分) 评卷人得分 优选精品文档欢迎下载使用 假如你是Tina,你家楼上搬来了新邻居,他们有些活动选择的时间很不合适,严重打扰了你 的生活。 你列了一张对他们抱怨的事情的表格,请填写表格。 然后根

38、据表格内容给你的邻居写 一封信,向他们一家诉说你们的苦衷,并礼貌、合理的提出你的要求。信的开头已给出。 Your complaint to your new neighbors To whom Complaint( 抱怨) Suggestion( 建议) Mr. Black Play the drum late into the night Mrs. Black Sing too loudly in the early morning Daughter Would you mind not playing music so loud Son Please dont kick( 踢) your

39、ball in the room Dear Mr Smith, Welcome to be our neighbor. However, Im sorry to say you bring some trouble to us. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Yours sincerely, Tina 优选精品文档欢迎下载使用 下学期学业水平测试题 八年级英语参考答案 一听力测试(120) 二单项选择(共15 小题,计15 分) 2125 BABDC 2630 ACDBC 31 35 AACCB 三完形填空(共10 小题,计10 分) 36 40 BCBCB 4145 A

40、ACBA 四阅读理解(共10 小题,计10 分) 4650 ABBAB 5155 BCDAC 五听写与阅读表达 听写: ( 5660) 6165 EBDGC 66. About one quarter. 67. Because they may think about their work all day. 68.我们睡得越多,做梦的时间就越长。 69. It s bad for our health. 70. It mainly tells us what dreams are. 六词汇考查(共5 小题,计 5 分) 71. was watching 72. not running 73.

41、to learn 74. foreigners 75. collecting 七完成句子(共5 小题,计10 分) 76.How long 77. will you 78. too, to 79. How lucky 80. has been 八短文填空(共15 小题,计15 分) 81.sending 82.have been collecting 83. stop 84. run 85. was 86. know 87. collects 88. to start 89.wonderful 90. population 91. practice 92.called 93. wake 94.asleep 95.natural 九书面表达 (共 15 小题,计15 分) (略) 。


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