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1、江苏省常州高级中学2018-2019 年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷word 有答案 1 / 13 说明: 1. 所有答案写在答卷纸上。 2. 本卷总分150 分,考试时间120 分钟 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30 分) 第一节(共5 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分7.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和 阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.How much is the car now? A. $5,000. B. $3,500. C. $2,000

2、2.What s the woman s suggestion to the man? A. Going to the south B. Going up north to swim C. Doing some mountain-climbing 3.Why is the man worried? A. He can t get the books he needs. B. He doesn t like the course. C. He must read a lot of books. 4.What s the man s trouble? A. He often coughs. B.

3、He can t sleep well. C. He has caught a bad cold. 5.What do we know about the towels? A. They are on sale now. B. They are offered for free. C. They are presents from someone. 第二节(共15 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分22.5 分) 听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最 佳选项, 并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟; 听完后,各小

4、题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6 和第 7 两个小题。 6.Where does the conversation possibly take place? A. In a bank. B. On a bus. C. At the man s 7.Why haven t the speakers seen each other for long? A. They don t miss each other. B. They have been really busy. C. They don t live in the same city. 听下面一段对话

5、,回答第8 和第 9 两个小题。 江苏省常州高级中学2018-2019 年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷word 有答案 2 / 13 8.What did the man do last year? A. He set up a school. B. He began volunteering in his free time. C. He worked in the same company with the woman. 9.What is the man concerned about? A. The woman will fail her classes. B. The woman wi

6、ll get burnt in the kitchen. C. The woman will try to do too much at once. 听下面一段对话,回答第10 至 12 三个小题。 10. Whom are the speakers going to visit? A. Michael. B. Susan. C. Elena. 11. What is the zip code of Elena s neighbourhood? A. 63480. B. 24367. C. 41526. 12. Which direction is Elena s house from dow

7、ntown? A. To the west. B. To the south. C. To the north 听下面一段对话,回答第13 至 16 四个小题。 13. How does the woman know the news? A. By watching TV. B. By listening to the radio. C. By reading the newspaper. 14. What does the man think of the students living out? A. The school has not enough dorms. B. They fee

8、l they have enough income. C. They feel freer and more comfortable. 15. Who would like to live with others? A. The man. B. The woman. C. The man s sister. 16. What opinion do the speakers reach finally? A. To live according to our parents tips. B. To live according to the college s rules. C. To live

9、 freely according to our favorite. 听下面一段对话,回答第17 至 20 四个小题。 17. Why does the man dislike ads? A. Ads waste his time. B. All ads tell lies to cheat consumers. C. Ads always advise people to buy what they don t need. 18. What s the woman s opinion about ads? 江苏省常州高级中学2018-2019 年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷word 有答案 3

10、 / 13 A. All ads are very good. B. Some ads are very good. C. Ads even tell lies to cheat consumers. 19. What ads can educate consumers about safety and health? A. Public service ads. B. Commercial ads. C. Products ads. 20. What does the woman mean about commercial ads? A. They can t be trusted. B.

11、They can benefit consumers. C. They can t give any information about products. 第二部分阅读理解(共两节, 满分 40 分) 第一节(共15 小题;每小题2 分,满分30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 A The “ Boomerang Kids ” young adults who leave to go to college, get married or just show off their independence are moving back in wi

12、th mom and dad. Boomerang Kids can be a mixed blessing for parents, both emotionally and financially. Especially during hard economic times, adult children head for home. According to a survey, about 40 percent of 2017 graduates still live with their parents. Moreover, 42 percent of the 2015 graduat

13、es surveyed said they are still living at home. The reasons are many, the first being economics. While the recession has touched Americans of all ages, it has been very hard for young adults. This has sent many kids back home. Plus, there is the matter of debt, especially college loans. For many rec

14、ent graduates, it makes smart economic sense to move back in with their parents where life is comfortable and rent is either low or nonexistent. Then, of course, some return for personal reasons, such as recovering from a divorce or an illness. Parents are often glad to help out, both emotionally an

15、d financially. As a result, the arrangement often works to everyone s satisfaction. However, there are risks, especially for the parents. These include not only family tension and misunderstandings, but also money. The return to the family can become a financial burden that can affect the parents lo

16、ans and their financial future, especially their retirement, as they try to do too much for their children. 21. From the passage, we know Boomerang Kids . A.return to live with parents after graduation B.have problem with their marriage C.graduate from college in advance D.like to show off their ind

17、ependence 22. The underlined words in Paragraph 1 mean something that . 江苏省常州高级中学2018-2019 年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷word 有答案 4 / 13 A.is very useful and beneficial B.has advantages and disadvantages C.will have a good result D.worries people a lot 23. What can we learn from the passage? A.It is a tough choice

18、for young adults to move back home. B.Children face fewer financial problems than ever. C.Parents may have to deal with extra financial burden. D.Most graduates choose to live with their parents. B As shocking as the idea of baby birds growing up in a cigarette-filled home sounds, a new study sugges

19、ts that some birds may benefit from putting the stuff from cigarette butts (烟蒂 ) into their nests. The nicotine( 尼古丁) remaining in smoked filters (滤嘴 ) may serve as a natural insecticide(杀虫剂 ) , driving harmful insects away from the nests and the baby birds living within. Tobacco plants produce nico

20、tine because it defends against insects that would otherwise eat the plants. The butts are undoubtedly smelly. But birds are actually quite fond of smelly chemicals, such as those found in aromatic(芳香的 ) plants. Some nest-building species regularly fill their nests with fresh aromatics, possibly bec

21、ause the chemicals are good for the immune system or the development of the chicks. Alternatively, the plant chemicals might act as insecticides. In the study, researchers at the Autonomous University of Tlaxcala in Mexico set up heat traps, which attract harmful insects, in 55 nests around Mexico C

22、ity. Some traps were lined with the stuff in smoked cigarette filters. The others were lined with the stuff from unsmoked cigarette filters, which did not contain nicotine and other smoking by-products. Whether the nest held eggs, chicks or nothing, the unsmoked cigarette traps collected more harmfu

23、l insects, suggesting that it is the chemicals that drove harmful insects away. In a second experiment, the researchers collected 28 house sparrow nests and 29 house finch( 朱雀) nests from Mexico City immediately after the chicks flew out for food. They found that the more smoked filter stuff filled

24、a nest, the fewer harmful insects it had. The missing piece of the puzzle is whether the reduced number of harmful insects in the nests actually provided any benefit to the chicks. It is also unclear if nicotine or another chemical found in cigarettes may have turned the harmful insects out of the n

25、ests. If the results hold, then this study is an example of wildlife adaptation to urbanization or at least evidence that birds are smart and can still follow their noses in urban environments. 24. What may be the function of nicotine in cigarette butts for birds? A. To drive harmful insects away fr

26、om bird nests. 江苏省常州高级中学2018-2019 年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷word 有答案 5 / 13 B. To provide building materials for bird nests. C. To protect the plants from being eaten by insects. D. To attract baby birds to stay in the nests. 25. What is the first experiment aimed at? A. Proving that heat traps attract harmful

27、insects in Mexico City. B. Comparing smoked cigarette filters with unsmoked ones. C. Analyzing what is produced from smoked cigarette filters. D. Studying what it is that drives harmful insects away. 26. What can you infer from the passage? A. Birds tend to use insecticide to protect the baby birds.

28、 B. Nicotine is the only chemical that drives harmful insects away. C. Some insects are afraid of smelly chemicals in aromatic plants. D. Unsmoked cigarette traps attract more harmful insects. 27. Where could you possibly see the passage? A. In a science report. B. In an urbanization essay. C. In a

29、tobacco advertisement. D. In an anti-smoking brochure. C Just had a break-up or experienced any severe mental trauma(创伤 )? Then the first thing that females, and nowadays men, favour is to go for shopping! Many would question the use of the retail shopping to help boost your mood. However, a recent

30、study suggests that “ Purchases made during a retail therapy session are unexpectedly beneficial, which leads to a mood boost with no regret or guilt. ” According to the authors of the study, Margaret Meloy and Selin Atalay, “ Retail therapy is a strategic effort and process and retailers could lear

31、n from their personal findings as well. When done in moderation, retail therapy can be an extremely beneficial tool to help boost your mood.” Another study at Journal of Consumer Psychology states that retail therapy has enhanced therapeutic value and improves mood as a result. When they further res

32、earched and studied the typical human behavior, they came to know that it depends on the emotional state that the person was experiencing beforehand. As a professor at Golden Gate University, San Francisco for psychology and marketing, Kit Yarrow is of the opinion that shopping is a rich source of m

33、ental preparation, so this helps for an easy transition into some other stages of the life. According to Yarrow, at the time of shopping, people will visualize a better future and accordingly, purchase the products. When you are buying for your little one, you will visualize 江苏省常州高级中学2018-2019 年高一上学

34、期期中考试英语试卷word 有答案 6 / 13 some cuddly( 令人想拥抱的) moments with him/her, despite the fact that you are suffering from personal loss, for example. This is just one instance that illustrates how shopping helps to divert the attention of the people and make them feel good. Another research demonstrates that

35、 when you are going out for shopping, you get excited. The moment you get excited and thrilled, your brain gets brimmed with the hormone called dopamine. Dr Travis Stork, one of researchers, noted that the portion of the brain filled with dopamine is the same as it is when the person is having inter

36、course, for example. According to the study by Dr Laurence Roope and Professor Paul Anand at Daily Mail , shopping is an activity that requires more movement and needs to interact with the people of different types. So this has the potential to raise children s social skills. Sometimes it may seem l

37、ike shopping with your little one is a nightmare. However, the fact is that when you step out for a retail therapy with your kids, they could benefit in the long run. Still worried or tensed about your future and life? One of the best ways to deal with such issues is to retail therapy in moderation.

38、 When done right and within limits, it can help you to get rid of the stress and tension of your life. 28. According to Kit Yarrow, when females shop to their hearts content, . A. they can t visualize a better future B. they will not realize their personal loss C. they will more easily enter a new p

39、eriod in their life. D. they can have the chance to improve their social skills 29. Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage? A. 1B. 1C. 1D. 1 2 4 6 3 6 2 5 3 5 357245734672467 8888 30. What s the writer s attitude towards women shopping with their children? A. Defensive B. Wor

40、ried C. Indifferent D. Favourable 31. What would be the best title for the passage? A. Is the retail shopping truly an addiction? B. Can retail therapy help improve your mood? C. How do females properly handle shopaholic( 购物狂 ) issues? 1 = Paragraph 1 2 = Paragraph 2 3 = Paragraph 3 4 = Paragraph 4

41、5 = Paragraph 5 6 = Paragraph 6 7 = Paragraph 7 8 = Paragraph 8 江苏省常州高级中学2018-2019 年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷word 有答案 7 / 13 D. Why do females go through any serious mental trauma? D As Connie took the plates away, I noticed a stack of newspapers that had obviously been read before I got there. “ You bother kee

42、ping up with the news? ” I asked. “ Yes,”Morrie said. “ Do you think that s strange? Do you think because I m dying, I shouldn t care what happens in this world? ” Maybe. He sighed. “ Maybe you re right. Maybe I shouldn t care. After all, I won t be around to see how it all turns out. ” “ But it s h

43、ard to explain, Mitch. Now that I m suffering, I feel closer to people who suffer than I ever did before. The other night, on TV, I saw people in Bosnia running across the street, getting fired upon, killed, innocent victims and I just started to cry. I feel their anguish as if it were my own. I don

44、 t know any of these people. But -how can I put this? I m almost drawn to them.” His eyes got moist, and I tried to change the subject, but he dabbed his face and waved me off. “ I cry all the time now, ” he said. “ Never mind. ” “ Amazing, ” I thought. I worked in the news business. I covered stori

45、es where people died. I interviewed sad family members. I even attended the funerals. I never cried. Morrie, for the suffering of people half a world away, was weeping. “ Is this what comes at the end?” I wondered . Maybe death is the great equalizer, the one big thing that can finally make stranger

46、s shed a tear for one another. Morrie honked loudly into the tissue. “ This is okay with you, isnt it? Men crying?” “ Sure, ” I said, too quickly. He grinned. “ Ah, Mitch, Im gonna loosen you up. One day, Im gonna show you its okay to cry. ” “ Yeah, yeah,” I said. “ Yeah, yeah,” he said. We laughed

47、because he used to say the same thing nearly twenty years earlier. Mostly on Tuesdays. In fact, Tuesday had always been our day together. Most of my courses with Morrie were on Tuesdays. He had office hours on Tuesdays, and when I wrote my senior thesis which was pretty much Morries suggestion, righ

48、t from the startit was on Tuesdays that we sat together, by his desk, or in the cafeteria, or on the steps of Pearlman Hall, going over the work. So it seemed only fitting that we were back together on a Tuesday, here in the house with the Japanese maple out front. As I readied to go, I mentioned th

49、is to Morrie. 江苏省常州高级中学2018-2019 年高一上学期期中考试英语试卷word 有答案 8 / 13 “ Were Tuesday people,” he said. “ Tuesday people, “ I repeated. Morrie smiled. “ Mitch, you asked about caring for people I dont even know. But can I tell you the thing Im learning most with this disease?” “ Whats that?” “ The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.” His voice dropped to a whisper. “ Let it come in. We think we dont deserve love, we think


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