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1、三年级下册 Unit4 where is my car? Part A Let s spell. 教学说课、设计反思 教师:马国芳 学校:回民区铁三小 教学设计、说课和反思 一教学内容 小学英语 pep 三年级下册unit4 where is my car! Part A let s spell部分的学习内容。 Let s spell 、 look listen and number 、 Listen and write 二、教学目标 1. 学生能够通过听例词发音,观察例词结构中共有的字母, 理解字母 o 在单词中发短音的发音规律。 2. 学生能够在教师的引导下学会拆音、拼音。 3. 能够在之

2、前的练习基础上给出几个独立的音,让学生试着自己 拼起来。 4. 能够在四线三格中正确书写单词,注意到字母间距。 三、教学重难点 1、本课的重点是能够在教师的引导下说出O 在 dog,box, orange ,body 等单词中发短音的发音规律。 2、本课的难点是能够通过练习学会拼读单词,能够在四线三格中 正确书写单词。 四、学生情况分析 在三年级上册学生已经学习了26 个字母的发音和正确的书写占 格。学习了五个元音字母在单词中发长音的规律,简单的了解了辅音 字母在单词中的一些发音规律。本学期进入元音字母短音的学习。通 过前三个单元的学习学生掌握了元音字母A a E e Ii 发短音的规律。 本

3、单元主要学习字母O o 发短音的学习。 教具准备 实物盒子和橘子、ppt 设计和录音机 说课 (一) 教学步骤 Step 1 :Warm-up & Revision 1、T: Greeting: Good morning to you!(改编生日歌曲) 利用歌曲和学生问好,激发学生的兴趣同时能够吸引学生的注意 力。 2、Let s chant: 自编歌谣 B b B b B b /b/ /b/ /b/ bag bag bag. Dd Dd Dd/d/ /d/ /d/ dad dad dad Gg Gg Gg/g/ /g/ /g/ get get get 目的是为了复习辅音的发音,为下面学习拆音

4、环节做铺垫。学生说 唱比较有规律,郎朗上口,印象深刻。 Step 2 :Presentation 创设情境, 利用好朋友米奇寻找的朋友Bob的启示自然引出本课时 的四个单词。 Dog. Box.body.orange.进行听读写的操练。Listen and write I m Mickey. Bob is my friend. The body is long. But Bob is lost. It s not in the box. The orange is in the box. 学生通过观察对比自主发现这四个单词都含有相同的字母O. 体会 字母 Oo在闭音节单词中的发音,播放录音,让

5、Ss 模仿。完成听录音 模仿总结出o 发短音的规律,老师总结字母O o 在闭音节单词中的发 音 规 律 。 操 练 。D-o-g, dog. B-o-x.box b-o-d-y body. o-r-a-n-g-e, orange. 2、利用帮助米奇在米奇公园中寻找狗的过程把相应的练习完成。 通过完成找狗的各种任务让学生体验字母o 在单词中发短音, 并且读 会相应的单词。其中的操练形式有拆音、(读脚印上的单词)拼音(读 各种狗身上的单词)Read, listen and number(铺路环节)(句子 中的单词)。体现了英语中我们提倡的任务型教学模式。 Step 3: Extension 1、本

6、环节有字母到单词短语过度到句子的操练。把之前学习的单 词巧妙的变成句子,让学生通过小组合作连读句子,检测学生的学习 效果。突出了教学的层次性。学生的兴趣很高。 The orange ox. The hog is on a log. The frog is on a pot. The dog is on the orange box. let s do a chant. The dog is on the box. The orange box. See the dog See the box. See the dog on the orange box. Step 4 :Summing up

7、通过文字配图师生一起回忆今天在Mickey Park 中发生的一切。学 生小组合作完成故事的复述。培养学生整体阅读的能力是一种能力提 升练习。 Step 5 :Homework 1. Listen to CD and repeat “Let s spell”. 2. Copy the four words on page40 four times each 3、retell the story in group. 教学设计 一、 warm_up 1、Greeting : T:good morning to you/ Ss:good morning to you. good morning to

8、 dear children. good morning to you. 2、Preview T:sit down please. Im happy to See you here. So ha have a chant Ss;chant together. for you.Lets chant together. 二 presentation 1/T:lets go to a magic park. Ss:Meeska, Mooska. are you ready? Mickey Bob. First lets say the magic words: T:wow they are Mick

9、ey and Bob. Let s say hello to them. Ss:Hello Mickey and Bob. T:Mickey is sad.why? Lets Go and have a look. Ss:Start to read the notice together. T: lets help Mickey find Bob. Ss: Group the students into three groups and find which is the fastest one. T: lets read the notice again to find some clue.

10、 2:It is a dog. The body is long. Ss: 1/Read the notice. The dog is lost.where is Bob? 2/ Choose right word It s Not in the box?Oh the to finish the notice. orange is in the box. 3/write on their books. 3:whats the same in these S: they all have letter four words? “o”. 4:what is the sound? S:发音总结 Le

11、t s listen. 5: 发音口型指导。 三、 Practice 1/ now read them. D-o-g dog. D-o-g dog. S:group1/group2/group3. B-o-d-y body. B-o-d-y body. Girls/ boys B-o-x box. B-o-x box. B-o-x Ss:box box box. O-r-i-n-gorange. S1o-s2r-s3i-s4n -s5ge orange 2/Good job everybody. Lets Start to look for Bob. Ready? Ss: Go. Meeska

12、!Mooska!Mickey Bob. 3/t: I see a dog. Is it Bob? Go S1s2: Spell to read the and look. (footprints) (four) words in pairs. 4/Show to read. 5/ How about these? Sss: Read in group. 6/ Is Bob here? Ss: its not. 7/lets go on looking.ready? Ss: Go. Meeska!Mooska!Mickey Bob. 8/ I see a lot of dogs. Is Bob

13、here? So many dogs?Which one is Ss: a line to read. Bob? Speak the words aloud to see. 9/Oh/ Bob is not here? Where is Bob? Come on looking.ready? Ss: Go. Meeska!Mooska!Mickey Bob. Is it in the forest? Ss: listen read and Go and have a look. number. But there is a river. Ss: three in group We should

14、 cross the river first. Speak the words. 10/ Is it on the top? Whats that? Ss: the orange ox. Whats that? The hog on a log? Whats that? The frog on a pot? Whats that? Oh a dog on the orange box. T:wow/ Bob is on the orange Box. We help Mickey find Bob. Ss: Read the chant Everyone is happy. Lets Chan

15、t together. Do a chant to celebrate. Clap hands to chant. 四、 Feedback 1/What a happy day we have. Lets Ss: Work in group to Retell the story together. Retell. 五、 Homework 1/listen to the tape and read the words. 2/Read some sentences with words have short sound . 3/Retell the story in groups. 教学反思:


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