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1、题型六综合填空 题 型 特 点 综合填空题是近三年兴起的新题型, 它以阅读理解为基础。该题型综合考查学生对英语词汇、语法、惯用 法的理解和运用, 并在此基础上, 考查学生对整篇文章的分析、判断、逻辑推理能力, 是一种要求高、难度大、区分 度高的题型。其主要形式就是在一篇语意完整的短文中有目的地挖出一些空白, 造成信息链的中断, 让学生在重新 理解短文的基础上, 综合运用所学知识和常识, 对每个空格做出尽可能合理地分析判断, 给出最佳答案, 使重新构建 的文章主旨鲜明, 文意畅达 , 逻辑严密。这道题通常设置10 个空 ,常考的形式主要有以下几种:1. 根据所给出的单 词, 用其正确的形式填空;

2、2. 根据所给的首字母, 写出单词的正确形式;3. 根据所给出的汉语, 写出其正确形式;4. 根据上下文 , 在短文的空白处填出单词的正确形式;5. 根据所给音标, 写出正确的单词。预计2019 年宜宾中考不再 对音标提示写单词进行考查, 而是通过汉语提示写单词的形式考查学生单词拼写情况, 其他几种设题形式保持不 变。 解 题 策 略 做综合填空题时,通常先要弄清语境, 并依据上下文进行合理的分析、判断, 才能做出恰当的选择。具体可分为 以下三步: 1. 通览全文。通读全文, 理顺题意 , 找出信息词。这是做好综合填空题的关键, 因为综合填空题的特点是着眼于 整体理解。我们应该根据首句给出的提

3、示, 通过逻辑思维, 借助短文中关键词所提供的信息, 尽快把全文读完, 建立 对文章的整体感觉。 2. 仔细推敲 , 初定答案。在通读全文, 了解大意的基础上着手答题。答题时要根据文章内容要求, 结合文章的主 题 , 综合运用所学的词汇、语法知识, 对每个空进行认真分析, 反复推敲 , 从而确定答案。可以从以下几个方面入 手: (1) 根据上下文语境确定答案; (2) 根据惯用法或习惯搭配确定答案; (3) 用逻辑推理判断答案; (4) 根据词语用法确定答案; (5) 剖析结构 , 进行对比推理确定答案。 3. 复读检查 , 消除漏洞。完成所有的空缺后, 应再次通读全文,看行文是否连贯, 逻辑

4、关系是否合理。复检时, 可 从语法入手检查时态, 主谓一致 , 代词的性 , 名词的数、格及词的搭配是否正确。遇到疑点, 应根据中心思想, 从语 义、语法上加以判断。 ( 2018 宜宾中考 ) 阅读下面短文, 根据音标、单词、首字母和语境提示, 在每个空格内填入一个适当的单词, 要 求意义准确、拼写正确。 In China,you can travel to all corners of this big country by bus or train.Its surprising what China has done in the past ten_1_(year) in terms o

5、f train travelit now has the_2_ (big) high speed railway network in _3_ world.The high-speed trains are great,and a _4_/l?/ train journey in China is a great way to see the country. China is a huge,fascinating country with so much to see.A_5_ a student,I love traveling _6_ my parents,from big cities

6、,to seaside hot spots,to holy mountains,to national parks,to historical sites and to _7_ /sm? l/villages far away._8_(get) out of your comfortable home here to some unknown places is a good experience as well.And you can eat local food,and _9_(real) reach the heart of the country. I always love trav

7、eling outside Yibin to see our_10_(beauty) countryChina. 【文章大意】文章讲述了现在在中国乘高铁旅游很方便和作者喜欢去旅游的一些情况。 1. 【解析】考查名词的单复数。句意:在过去的十年, 中国在火车旅行上所做的很让人惊讶。根据 ten可知 用复数。 【答案】 years 2. 【解析】考查形容词的最高级。句意:现在它有世界上最高速的火车网。根据后面“world ” 可知用最 高级。 【答案】 biggest 3. 【解析】考查定冠词。句意:现在它有世界上最高速的火车网。根据“in the world” 固定搭配可知答 案。 【答案】 t

8、he 4. 【解析】考查形容词。句意:在中国乘火车长途旅游是游览国家的好方式。根据音标/l ?/ 和题空后名词 journey,可知是形容词“长的”。 【答案】 long 5. 【解析】考查介词。句意:作为一名学生, 我喜欢和父母旅游。根据句意和首字母可知答案。 【答案】 As 6. 【解析】考查介词。句意:作为一名学生, 我喜欢和父母旅游。根据句意可知是和父母旅游。 【答案】 with 7. 【解析】考查形容词。句意:从大城市到遥远的小村庄。根据音标 /sm ? l/ 和 villages可知是小的。 【答案】 small 8. 【解析】考查动名词。句意:从你的舒服的家里出来, 到不知名的地

9、方去也是一个很好的体验。分析句子结 构可知 , 此处缺主语。动词作句子的主语通常有动名词和不定式两种形式:动名词做主语通常表示普通的, 一般的 行为;不定式作主语通常表示某次具体的行为。 【答案】 Getting 9. 【解析】考查副词。句意:并且你能吃当地的食物, 真正到达祖国的腹地。根据副词修饰动词这一语法知 识可知答案。 【答案】 really 10. 【解析】考查形容词。句意:我总是喜欢去宜宾外旅游, 看看我们美丽的国家中国。根据形容词修饰 名词可知答案。 【答案】 beautiful 实 战 演 练 A( 2018 绵阳中考改编) Margaret always 1. _gives_

10、( give) her friends cards on Christmas Day.She thinks it is a great way to tell each other how much she values their 2. _friendship_(友谊 ). Last week,Margaret went to seve ral 3. different_ stores looking for special cards for her friends.Margaret likes all the friends equally.She wanted to find a ca

11、rd for each friend that was personal,and she wanted the cards to also look sort of 4. _the_ same.Margaret spent over an hour looking at cards,but she could not find the cards 5. _which/that_ were right. Margaret had a great idea.She would make cards for each of her friends.But she wasnt sure how to

12、make cards.She remembered 6. _hearing_(hear) somewhere about Christmas Cards that was made 7. _by_ hand over a hundred years ago.She used the Internet to find out 8. _much_ ( 许多 ) about these cards.She made notes for all the materials she would need and went back to the store to get them. Margaret s

13、pent several hours working on the Christmas cards 9. _carefully_(careful).That night at dinner,Margaret showed her family the cards she had made for her friends.Even her brother thought they were great,and he almost never thinks Margarets ideas are great.Margaret 10. decided_ to make each of her par

14、ents a Christmas card and one for her brother,too. B( 2018 凉山州中考改编) At the beginning of 2018,President X i Jinping went to visit Liangshan before the Spring Festival.Xi 1. _expressed_(表达 ) his greetings for Happy New Year.There were many impressive and touching things 2. during_ his visiting Liangsh

15、an. Xi visited Sanhe and Huopu villages,3. _both_ are in Zhaojue county in Liangshan.Its two 4. _hours_(hour) ride from Xichang to the villages.When he arrived at Sanhe village,he was warmly welcomed by the villagers.He walked into a family to understand the situation of the family.He said :“I have

16、been caring about Yi people.Im very glad 5. _to_see_(see) you are living a good life and hope that all the villagers can live a happy life in the future. ”Xi and the villagers sat in a circle in the family and chatted like a family.They talked and laughed very happily.He gave them 6. _useful_(有用的 )w

17、ays to become rich,healthy and happy. News of President Xis coming 7. soon_ spread throughout the village.All the villagers in national costume rushed to greet warmly to 8. _him_(his).Xi wore charwa to shake 9. _hands_ with the villagers and said goodbye.All the villagers were singing a Yi folk song

18、, “ The flowers are waiting in the mountains.The nice wine is waiting.Dear friend,please stay,stay” Tears of great 10. _excitement_(激动 ) came to the villagers eyes as they sang the moving song. C One afternoon,I went into an art museum while waiting for my husband.I hoped to enjoy the works of art q

19、uietly. A young couple walked in front of me and talked 1. _about_ the paintings between themselves all the time.The lady did almost all the talking,but the man kept listening to her.I thought the man was very patient 2. because_ nobody would like to be bothered(打 扰 ) while enjoying the paintings. I

20、 met them several 3. _times_(次 ) as I moved through the different rooms of the art museum.Each time I heard her talking,I moved 4. _away_ quickly. I was 5. _paying_(pay) for some gifts at the museum shop when the couple walked slowly to the exit(出口 ).Before they left,the man 6. _took_(take) out a ca

21、ne(拐杖 ).Then he tapped(轻敲 ) his way to the coatroom to 7. get_ the jacket for his wife. “He is a brave man.”the worker of the shop said.“He decided not to change his life after his eyes got hurt.Though he is 8. _blind_ now,he never gives up.He and his wife come here whenever there is a new art show.

22、” “But what can he get out of the art?He cant see!”I asked. “You are wrong.He 9. sees_ a lot,more than you and I do.” the worker said,“His wife describes 10. _every/each_(每个 ) painting so he can see it in his mind.” I fell silent.Then I realized that I learnt something about patience,courage and lov

23、e that day. D Soap is widely used in our lives around the world.Once soap was a dangerous-to-make hair 1. _product_( 产品 ).But it is something that it would be difficult to live without today. Soap is everywhere.We use it every day and 2. consider_ it as something important in our lives.It also has a

24、n amazing 3. history_.In Babylon around 2800 B.C.,the 4. _earliest_(early)known so ap was made and used.Ancient Egyptians also made soap.At one time,soap- making was not 5. _safe_. Thats because lye(碱液 ) 6. _brought_(bring) chemical burns or even made people blind in the making process.Other dangero

25、us materials were also 7. _mixed_(混 合 ) with animal fats and oils.Later,soap became 8. available_ in stores and people gradually stopped making it in their homes. Originally(最 初 ),soap was not mainly used for 9. _cleaning_(clean).Instead,it was used as gel( 凝胶 ) for making hair stay in place or smel

26、l good.The Arabs first made the soap that we know today.They created colored,liquid,and hard soaps.They even had soaps which were used for shaving( 刮胡子 ). Soap became peoples 10. _favorite_ in the late 1800s.Advertising in Europe and the US helped people understand the connection between cleanliness and good health.Now,soap is something we wouldnt want to live without.


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