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1、2019 版高考英语一轮完形填空和语法填空优练题(十) 李仕才 Part A :完形填空 A Dad was always full of advice. One of the biggest lessons he taught me one summer was about having a strong_1_ethic(道德规范 ). When my brother and I were growing up, we mowed_2_during the summer to earn pocket_3_. Every time we went to mow lawns, Dad was t

2、here to watch. I used to_4_why he came with us.He stood watching our work in the_5_weather when he could have been inside relaxing with air conditioning. One day we were_6_our neighbors yard. She always _7_until the grass was knee-high to call us over. To make matters worse, we had an old lawn mower

3、. That afternoon, I was finishing up and was_8_. I was just about to_9_the mower when I saw Dad pointing to some _10_. I thought about how little I was paid for cutting grass so_11_and it almost broke the mower. I_12_him and kept walking. Dad called me out, “You missed a piece.” I frowned ,_13_he wo

4、uld go home. He kept_14_.So worn out and discouraged, I went back to cut that piece of grass. I mumbled(咕哝 ) to myself,“That one piece isnt _15_anyone. Why wont he just let it go?” Other neighbors took_16_of the good work we did and we soon got_17_business.We started out with one client, but by the

5、end of the summer we had five. The lesson my dad taught me stayed with me: be_18_. If you say you are going to perform a job at a certain time, keep your_19_.Give your customers the kind of service you would like to_20_. It shows how sincere you are and how much pride you take in your work. 1. A. wo

6、rk B. family C. neighbor D. study 2. A. banks B. fields C. yards D. squares 3. A. change B. trouble C. method D. stage 4. A. scold B. impress C. beg D. wonder 5. A. rainy B. snowy C. hot D. cold 6. A. watering B. cutting C. making D. digging 7. A. instructed B. followed C. stopped D. waited 8. A. ex

7、cited B. confused C. frightened D. tired 9. A. pay for B. cut down C. turn off D. cut off 10. A. people B. stones C. grass D. bushes 11. A. strong B. thin C. different D. high 12. A. ignored B. waved C. comforted D. appreciated 13. A. pretending B. admitting C. hoping D. believing 14. A. going B. po

8、inting C. shaking D. raising 15. A. hurting B. cheating C. criticizing D. concerning 16. A. care B. advantage C. notice D. proud 17. A. longer B. harder C. more D. better 18. A. ordinary B. professional C. brave D. outstanding 19. A. space B. peace C. word D. need 20. A. offer B. receive C. provide

9、D. exchange 文章大意 本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。一个夏天,作者在给邻居割草坪以赚取零花钱的 时候, 作者的父亲一直在旁边看着作者并指出他的缺点。通过割草, 作者从父亲那里学到了一 些工作中的道理。 1.A。从文章的最后一句“ It shows how sincere you are and how much pride you take in your work.”可知,作者通过给人割草坪学到了“工作”上的道德,所以此处要用work。 2.C。根据第三段第一句中的“our neighbors yard”可以得知, 作者是在“院子”里割草坪, 所以选 yards 。 3.A。从文章第

10、三段中的“ I was paid for cutting grass”可知,作者给邻居割草坪能够得 到报酬,因此推断作者是想赚点零花钱,所以此处要用pocket change 。 4.D。从空后面“ why he came with us”和下句中的“ he could have been inside ”可知, 作者想知道 (wonder) 父亲为什么要跟着他们。 5C。从第一段最后一句的“during the summer ”和下面的“ with air conditioning” 可知,此时的天气很热,因此要用hot 。 6.B。从第二段第一句的“ Every time we went

11、to mow lawns”可知,此处表示作者是替邻居 “割”草坪,所以此处要用cutting。 7.D。从后面的“ until the grass was knee-high to call us over”可知,那位女士一直 “等” (waited) 草齐膝高了才叫作者过去割。 8D。根据第四段第三句中的“So worn out ”可知,作者感觉很累(tired)。 9.C。从前一句中的“ I was finishing up”可知,作者完成了割草,因此要“关上”割草机, 所以此处要用turn off。 10C。从空处所在段最后一句中的“You missed a piece”和下一段第三句的

12、“ back to cut that piece of grass”可知,作者的父亲指的是“草”,所以此处要用grass 。 11.D。从第 7 空后面的“ was knee-high to call us over”可知,草长得很高,所以此处要 用 high 。 12A。从下面的“ and kept walking”可知,作者“不理睬”父亲,所以此处要用ignored 。 13C。 结合后面的“ So worn out and discouraged”和“ I mumbled( 咕哝) ”可知,作者不 愿再去管那片草,所以“希望”(hoping) 父亲回家。 14B。从后面的“ I went

13、 back to cut that piece of grass”可知,作者回去了,据此可 以推断父亲一直“指” (pointing)向那块草坪。 15A。从后面的“ Why wont he just let it go?”可知,作者感觉那些草也不伤人,没 有必要再去割,所以此处要用hurting。 16.C。从下面的“ We started out with one.had five.”可知,作者的工作被其他邻居“注 意”到了,所以此处要用take notice of。 17.C。从下面的“ but by the end of the summer we had five ”可知,作者得到了

14、“更多的” 工作,所以此处要用more。 18B。从后面作者得到的启发来看,父亲要求作者在做工作的时候要“职业”些,不要马马 虎虎,所以此处要用professional。 19C。从后面的“ It shows how sincere you are”可知,此处表示一定要遵守诺言,所以 要用 keep your word。 20.B。给顾客你自己想要的那种服务,所以此处要用receive 。 B (2015西宁检测) As a child, I started learning to play the piano, my favorite musical _1_, but I was force

15、d to give up when I started my middle school _2_ I could concentrate more on my studies. It s one of my biggest _3_ to stop practicing the piano when I recall sadly today. During the following years, I kept telling my piano teacher that I would _4_. However, I didnt keep my promise because I was _5_

16、 with my study. _6_ I lost touch with my teacher.Some years later, my teacher died.I was very sad because I lost such a good teacher. She was a very warm and gentle person. It hurts me to think she may have been _7_ that I never returned. I havent taken lessons since then but to be honest, I _8_ to.

17、Sitting at the piano, I couldnt help recalling many _9_time of my practising at home and playing before my teacher and one time my teacher _10_ me after I played an entire piece of music wrong in front of her colleagues. I was so _11_ that I could hardly say anything. But her _12_ helped ease my sha

18、me.These memories, _13_,good or bad,never caused my _14_ for playing the piano again. This thought then led me to think that _15_ is like music, and that we all try to play different _16_ in the instrument of our life.Sometimes the pitch ( 音高 ) is _17_ when we play it well, but sometimes we are out

19、of tone.However, we all continue to create our own _18_ style of music.No matter what style our music is, it is _19_ that we sing the songs of joy, quietness and love.Though I may never make it back to piano lessons, it doesnt _20_ that Ive stopped making music. 【解题导语】本文主要介绍了作者学习弹钢琴的经历,告诉我们:人生就像音乐,无

20、论 我们的音乐风格是什么,唱快乐、平静和爱的歌才是重要的。 1A.instrument Bperformance Croom Dstage 解析:选A。孩提时,“我”开始学习弹奏我最喜欢的乐器(instrument)钢琴。 performance “表演”; room“房间”; stage “舞台”。故A项正确。 2A.because Bso that Cnow that Dfor 解析:选B。当“我”上中学时,为了(so that)能够更加集中注意力学习,“我”被迫 放弃了。 because“因为”; now that “既然”; for “因为”。故B项正确。 3A.successes B

21、regrets Cdecisions Dhobbies 解析:选B。今天,当“我”悲伤地回想时,停止练习钢琴是“我”最遗憾的一件事。 success“成功”; regret “遗憾”; decision “决定”; hobby“业余爱好”。故B项正确。 4A.play Bgraduate Cleave Dreturn 解析:选 D。在随后的几年里,“我”一再告诉“我”的钢琴老师“我”将回来(return)。 play “玩耍”; graduate “毕业”; leave “离开”。故D项正确。 5A.occupied Bangry Csatisfied Dpatient 解析:选 A。 然而,

22、因为忙于学习“我”食言了。angry“愤怒的”; satisfied“满意的”; patient “有耐心的”。be occupied with“忙于”,故A项正确。 6A.Actually BConstantly CSuddenly DGradually 解析:选D。渐渐地 (Gradually),“我”与老师失去了联系。actually“实际上,事实 上”; constantly“始终,一直”; suddenly “突然”。故D项正确。 7A.astonished Bglad C disappointed Damazed 解析:选C 。“我”从没回来过,可能她会感到失望。astonishe

23、d “吃惊的”; glad “高 兴的”; disappointed “失望的,沮丧的”; amazed “惊奇的”。故C项正确。 8A.liked Bneeded Cwanted Ddecided 解析:选C 。从那以后,“我”没有上课,但是说实话,“我”想(wanted) 去。like “喜 欢”; need“需要”; decide “决定”。故C项正确。 9A.dreams Bexpressions Cwords Dmemories 解析:选D。坐在钢琴前,“我”不禁回想起许多记忆(memories) 。dream“梦”; expression “表达”; word“单词”。故D项正确。

24、 10A.instructed Bhurt Cpunished Drespected 解析:选 A。 有一次, 当“我”在她同事面前错误地弹完一首曲子后,她指导 (instructed) 了“我”。 hurt “伤害”; punish “惩罚”; respect “尊敬”。故A项正确。 11A.frightened Bmoved C embarrassed Dexcited 解析:选C。“我”感到如此的尴尬以至于不能说任何话。frightened“害怕的”; moved “感动的”; embarrassed“尴尬的”; excited “激动的”。故C项正确。 12A.happiness Bs

25、atisfaction C comfort Dsigh 解析:选C。但是,她的安慰(comfort)帮助缓解了“我”的羞愧。happiness “快乐”; satisfaction“满意”; sigh “叹气”。故C项正确。 13A.instead Bmeanwhile Ctherefore Dhowever 解析:选D。然而 (however) ,这些或好或坏的记忆却从来没有激起“我”再次弹钢琴的 勇气 (courage) 。instead “反而”; meanwhile“与此同时”;therefore “因此”。根据句意 前后形成对比可知,D项正确。 14A.hope Bcourage C

26、feeling Deffort 解析:选B。参见上题解析。 hope“希望”; feeling “感情”; effort“努力”。故B 项正确。 15A.life Blearning Cattitude Denjoyment 解析:选A。这种想法使“我”认为人生(life)就像音乐。 learning “学习”; attitude“态度”; enjoyment“享受”。故A项正确。 16A.cards Bsports Croles Dgames 解析:选 C。 我们所有的人都在试着扮演着不同的角色(roles)。 card“卡片”; sport “体 育运动”; game “游戏,比赛”。故C

27、项正确。 17A.hard Bwonderful Csurprising Dcomplex 解析:选B。有时,当我们演奏得好时,音高是精彩的(wonderful)。hard“困难的”; surprising“令人惊奇的”; complex“复杂的”。故B项正确。 18A.unique Bboring Ccommon Dsimilar 解析:选 A。然而,我们继续创造着我们自己独特的(unique)音乐风格。 boring “令人生 厌的”; common “普通的”; similar“相似的”。故A项正确。 19A.necessary Bstrange Cpossible Dimportant

28、 解析:选D。不管我们的音乐风格是什么,我们唱快乐、平静和爱的歌才是重要的 (important)。necessary “必要的”; strange “陌生的”; possible “可能的”。故D项正 确。 20A.matter Bmean Creport Dappear 解析:选 B。尽管我可能从来没有回来学习钢琴,但并不意味着(mean) 我已经停止创作音 乐了。 matter “有关系,要紧”; report “报告”; appear“出现”。故B项正确。 Part B :短文语法填空 When I was ten years old, I broke my arm. My paren

29、ts were really busy with their work, so they took me to my 1._ (grandparent) and asked my grandma to help look after me. At that time my grandma 2._ (teach) at a school which was just a few miles from her house. Every day while we were getting 3._ (dress), my grandpa would prepare our lunch and pack

30、 it 4._ a brown paper grocery bag. I will always remember the first day 5._ my grandma set out the huge lunch on the table for her and me. I knew we could never eat it all. Then I heard my grandma call a boy over to the table, 6._ (say), “Mr. Turner packed this lunch, but we cant eat it all. Do you

31、think you could help us?” The boy 7._ _ (quick) answered he could. Several days later, I learned that the boy often didnt bring any lunch to school 8._ his family was very poor. My grandma often brought more food than we could eat 9._ (feed) that boy. Now fifteen years later, my grandma has passed a

32、way, but her actions still encourage me to help 10._ poor. 【参考答案】 1grandparents 作者手臂受伤,父母工作太忙没时间照顾他,因此把作者送到祖父母家。 英语中,表示“某人的家、某商店、某诊所”等,常用该名词的所有格表示而省去所修饰的名 词。因为grandparents是以-s 结尾的复数名词,故其后加“ ”。 2was teaching/taught 作者的奶奶那时在离家几英里路远的学校当老师。根据at that time “在那时”, 这里可以用一般过去时,陈述过去的一件事实或过去进行时,表示过去某一 段时间一直在做某

33、事。 3 dressed get dressed 是“get adj. ”的用法, dressed 是过去分词充当形容词,表示“穿 好衣服的”。 4in(to) 句意:在我们穿衣打扮的时候,爷爷准备了吃的,并且打包在一个褐色购物纸袋 里。pack . (up) in(to)“把打包到”。 5when 句意:我将永远记得第一天,那时奶奶把一大包给我们俩吃的午餐放在桌子上。先 行词为“ the first day”,关系词在从句中作时间状语。故用关系副词when。 6saying 作者听到奶奶叫过来一个男孩,说要他帮忙把这一大包食物吃完。动词say 作伴 随状语,与“ my grandma ”构成逻辑上的主谓关系,故用say 的现在分词形式。 7quickly 修饰动词 answer 应该用副词。 8because 作者得知, 因为家里很穷,那个男孩总是不带午餐到学校。后句与前句之间是逻 辑上的因果关系。 9to feed 奶奶经常带很多的食物,“我们”总是吃不完。奶奶这样做,目的是把吃不完的 食物给那个男孩吃。空格前后含有逻辑上的目的关系。故用动词不定式结构。 10the 十五年以后,奶奶虽然去世了,但是她的善举鼓励“我”继续帮助穷人。英语中, “the 形容词”表示一类人。


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