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1、小升初英语模拟测试一 I. 词汇冲关。 (A)根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Listen to the music _ ( careful ) , please. 2. The windows are open but the door is _ ( close ) . 3. There are three nice _ (knife )in my pencil-box. 4. My kite is _ (break ) . Can you mend it? 5. Thank _ ( good ) . I m not late for the bus. (B)根据英文释义及

2、首字母提示,完成下列单词拼写。 6. c_ :to make a dish (菜肴) 7. d_ : not the same 8. d_ : to make a picture with a pen or a pencil 9. e_ : one on each side of the head 10. h_ : not easy 11. o_ : not at home 12. r_ :to move (移动)fast on foot 13. S_ : the first day of a week 14. w_ : a period (时期)of seven days and night

3、s 15. w_ : not right (C )根据句意及首字母提示,补全所缺单词。 16. This bag is light, but that one is h_. 17. I m t_. Please give me som e drink. 18. Han Mei wants to l_ English from Mary. 19. Sue likes m_. Look! She s listening to it now. 20. They often go to s_ on the ice. . 单项选择。 从下列各题后所给的四个选项中选出最佳的一项填空。 ()21. _ is

4、 good at English. What about _? A. She, him B. Her, he C. Her, him D. She, he ()22. One of the boys _ reading a book under the tree. A. am B. is C. be D. are ()23. We like to eat _ and they like to eat _. A. dumplings, breads B. dumpling, bread C. dumpling, breads D. dumplings, bread ()24. _ Friday

5、afternoon, Jim plays football with his friends. A. In B. At C. From D. On ()25. This is one of your football shoes. Where is the _? A. other shoes B. that shoe C. other one D. others ()26. Would you like _? No, thanks. A. drink something B. to drink anything C. something drink D. something to drink

6、()27. Lin Tao isn t here. Let s go _ find him. A. and B. but C. so D. or ()28. Mary, run _ the kite _ this. Its easy. A. like, with B. with, like C. like, like D. with, with ()29. _? I can t mend my bike. A. What can you do B. What are you doing C. What s wrong with you D. Where are you ()30. _? Yes

7、. Some apples, please. A. Can I help you B. What do you want C. Do you like bananas D. What s your favourite fruit . 补全对话。 从对话后的方框中选出恰当的句子完成下列对话,(其中有两项是多余的)。 T=Tom ; S=Sam T: Hi, Sam. Let s go and play agmes now. S: _ ( 31) I m doing my homework. T: Why don t you do it tomorrow? _ ( 32) S: But it s

8、Monday tomorrow. T: Really? S: _ ( 33) When do you do your homework? T: _ ( 34 ) S: I think the maths exercises are hard. Could you give me a hand now? T: _ ( 35) S: Thanks a lot. A. I dllo it this evening. B. Oh, sorry. C. I don t think so. D. Tomorrow is Sunday. We don t have classes. E. Certainly

9、. F. Good idea! G. Yes, it is. . 句型转换。 按要求改写下列各句,每空一词。 21. The boys are cleaning the classroom. (改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答) _ the boys _ the classroom? _, _ _. 22. He has lunch at home. (改为现在进行时态) He _ _ lunch at home. 23. There s some water in the glass. (改为否定句) There _ _ _ water in the glass. 24. The student

10、s are reading the new books. (对划线部分提问) _ _ the students _? 25. It s Thursday today. (同上) _ _ is it today? . 汉译英。 根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空一词。 26. 我可以从你这儿借一本词典吗? May I _ a dictionary _ you? 27. 谁正在和汤姆交谈? Who is _ _ Tom? 28. 妈妈,让我帮你做家务吧! Let me _ you _ the housework, mum. 29. 下课后,咱们去打乒乓球吧! Let s go and play t

11、able tennis _ _. 30. 我正在给我妹妹整理床铺。 I am _ the _ for my little sister. . 动词填空。 用括号内所给动词的适当时态或形式填空。 31. Look! The monkey _ ( run ) out very fast. 32. My father _ (watch ) TV at home now. 33. It s five o clock. The children _( _ p_lay )games. 34. Tom _ ( have )classes from Monday to Friday. 35. The bag

12、_ ( look ) like yours. 36. There _ ( be not ) any apples in the box. 37. _ ( look ) at the map, please. 38. The bag is too heavy. He can t _( _ca_rry ) it. 39. Flying kites is my favourite sport. Do you _ (want ) a go? 40. They want _ ( swim ) in the river. . 阅读理解。 A It is Sunday today. There are a

13、lot of people in the park. Some Young Pioneers are in the park, too. And they are having a good time there. Some are playing cards under a big tree. Some are singing and dancing near the lake. Some are climbing (爬) the hill. Others are boating on the lake. Where is Li Lei? He is sitting near the lak

14、e. What s he doing? He is reading a book. Where is Meimei? Look! She is running after (追赶)a nice butterfly (蝴蝶). She wants to catch it. 根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。 () 56. Who is the story mainly about? A. Some students and teachers. B. Many old men. C. Many different people. D. Some Young Pioneers. () 57. How ma

15、ny activities (活动)do the Young Pioneers have in the park? A. 4. B. 3. C. 8. D. 6. () 58. Where is Li Lei? A. He s sitting on the lake. B. He s near the lake. C. He s reading a book. D. He s under a tree. () 59. What does Meimei want to do? A. She wants to catch a nice butterfly. B. She is running. C

16、. She is running after a nice butterfly. D. She wants to run. () 60. Which of the following is NOT TRUE? A. The Young Pioneers don t have classes today. B. Some of them are playing chess under a tree. C. There are some Young Pioneers climbing the hill. D. Li Lei is reading a book by the lake. B Tom

17、is a young man. He has a big dog and a small car. He likes playing tennis very much.It s his favourite sport. Today he plays tennis for two hours at the club (俱乐部) and then he wants to go home by car. He comes near a car, but his dog runs to the next car. “ Come here, foolish dog! Tom ” shouts at (对

18、?喊) it, “ this is our car. ” But the dog still stays near the next car. Tom begins to open the door of the car near him, but the key does not turn (转动 ) . Then he looks at the car again. My God! It s not his car! He makes a mistake (错误) . 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 41. Does Tom have a big car? _ 42. What s Tom

19、s favourite sport? _ 43. How does he go to the club? _ 44. How long (多久) does he play tennis at the club today? _ 45. Who is beside the right car? _ . 书面表达。 在公园游玩时,格林夫人的女儿走失了。请根据下列表格所提供的信息,以格林夫人的名义 写一则通知,并在公园广播室广播,以帮助格林夫人找到走失的女儿。开头与结尾已给出。 Name Jane Country USA Age 5 Hair Long hair Hat Red Sweater Ye

20、llow Trousers Green Shoes White Hello, everyone! This is Mrs Green. My daughter is lost (走失了) . So I need your help. Now let me tell you something about her. ? If you see Jane, please call at 8222555. Thanks a lot. 【试题答案 】 . (A) 46. carefully 2. closed 3. knives 4. broken 5. goodness (B) 6. cook 7.

21、different 8. draw 9. ear 10. hard 11. out 12. run 13. Sunday 14. week 15. wrong (C ) 16. heavy 17. thirsty 18. learn 19. music 20. skate . 21 25 ABDDC 26 30 DABCA . 31 35 BDGAE . 36. Are ; cleaning ; Yes ; they, are 37. is, having 38. is, not, any 39. What, are ; doing 40. What, day . 41. borrow, fr

22、om 42. talking, with 43. help, do / with 44. after, class 45. making, bed . 46. is running 47. is watching 48. are playing 49. has 50. looks 51. aren t52. Look 53. carry 54. want 55. to swim . (A) 56 60 DDBAB (B) 61. No, he doesn t. 62. His favourite sport is tennis. 63. He goes to the club by car.

23、64. He plays tennis for two hours at the club. 65. The dog is beside the right car. . One possible version: Hello, everyone! This is Mrs. Green. My daughter is lost (走失了). So I need your help. Now let me tell you something about her. Her name is Jane. She is from the USA. She is five years old. She

24、has long hair. Today, she is in a red hat. Her sweater is yellow. And she is wearing a pair of green trousers and a pair of white shoes. If you see Jane, please call at 8222555. Thanks a lot. 春天 的风是有灵性的,依着风的眼眸, 我看到了那一株株桃花读信的倩影,在桃林深处,紫色的青藤爬满那个小屋。我的小城,桃花已然开成海,像是一场粉色的春梦。是否,可以赴一场最美的相逢,如是,便不负曾经许下的 约 定。守住

25、心底最美风景,是一种风度,一种期望。让心,随花儿轻舞,让梦,随蝶儿 翩跹。 等一缕柔风载满诗意,落满我的小院,好想,牵着你的手走在花开的路上,临摹又一个春的相遇,陌上绿色蔓延,让深情的诗句落在眉弯,打开灵魂的心门, 写尽 情 意 绵 。 春 雨如 丝, 暖了一季寒凉露出温暖,碧水映蓝天,云朵儿似乎摸到嫩草尖尖。花香十里,暗香盈袖。我们微笑着,不说话,就十分美 好。 生命里,总会有一些人,渐行渐远,偶尔想起,却只是停留在文字里,那一抹淡淡的回忆。唯有春天,总那么诗意明亮,始终晕染着眉心,让涩涩的往事随风,让一些温暖的记忆温润着 心房。珍惜眼前的幸福,紧握手中的暖意,面向青山绿水,一路微笑,一路行

26、走? 情暖山水间,盈一份诗意于心田,以云的飘逸轻盈过往,以花的姿态拥馨香满怀,以文字的杯盏邀约一曲细水长流。 煮一壶春色,与时光对语。窗前,柳枝儿发芽,玉兰含苞,时光一直绕指馨香。心念如这徐徐春风,荡漾成一片流云。春落人间,一种别样的景致美了心境,所有的疲惫与忧愁也随风而 去,微笑着面对生活,用内心的那份热情,那份纯真来经营生活,来创造幸福,何尝不是一种快乐?我的流年,风过,红尘入画;雨落,缠绵入心。 行走在春天里,眼里满是明丽与清澈,一树一树的花开,细碎而芬芳;一片一片的绿地,静美而清新。嗅着阳光的味道,把自己置身于大自然中,真好!只要心足够明媚,纵然有小小的 阴霾也无妨。 我们一路走来,沿

27、途总会有美丽的风景。于喧嚣红尘中,守着心灵的一方山水。不乱于心,不困于情,不畏将来,不念过往。 春水初生,耐人寻味。春雨如丝,丝如媚,绵绵的不着一点儿声息。踏春而去,不知是哪一处的红尘山水在心间已布满了雅致,心如花开,一朵娴雅的光阴,柔软着眼角的笑意,置身于 安暖的春天,一抹浅喜,一怀深爱。一颗心,便在另一颗心的相随里静好。 春光无限温柔地洒满山川,我愿,生命里所有的远方,都开满春天的芬芳,待一轮明月悄悄爬上西窗,归来的都是安详。 三月,阳光明媚,草色青青,小鸟儿也灵动了起来,叽叽喳喳唱着春天的歌。这样的日子,适合出去走走,吹吹风,赏赏春天的美景,放松一下身心,这也是一种快乐。其实,人生就像 一场旅行,也许在旅程中我们会拥有某些东西,也会失去一些东西。但无论怎样,我们一样在阳光下灿烂,风雨中奔跑,做自己的梦,走自己的路。


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