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1、2019-2020 年牛津译林版八年级英语上阅读理解加强训练(五)(含答案 ) 1 / 9 Day One Growing trees online Taking a bus or subway, making payments online, or just walking these daily activities can help turn Chinas deserts into forests if you are using Ant Forest. Ant Forest is a feature ( 功能) in the Alipay mobile payment app. It

2、records users low-carbon (低碳的 ) activities taking a bus to work instead of driving, for example and gives users “green energy”. When the users green energy gets high enough, Ant Forest and its partners will plant a real tree for the user. Ant Forest recently received the 2019 Champions of the Earth

3、award (“地球卫士 奖” ), the UN s highest environmental honor (荣誉), for encouraging people to live greener lifestyles and protect the environment. About half a billion people have used Ant Forest since it came out in August 2016. Ant Forest and its partners have planted about 122 million trees in Chinas d

4、riest areas, including parts of Inner Mongolia, Gansu, Qinghai and Shanxi. The trees cover a total area of 112,000 hectares ( 公顷). This makes Ant Forest Chinas largest tree-planting project started by a private ( 私营的 ) company. Executive director of the United Nations Environment Programme Inger And

5、ersen said that Ant Forest shows us how we can use technology to solve environmental problems. Ant Forest has “fundamentally (从根本上 ) redesigning how we interact (相互影响 ) with the planet,” said Anderson. Choose the answer : 1. You can get “green energy” in Ant Forest by _. a. taking a bus b. paying bi

6、lls c. walking 2019-2020 年牛津译林版八年级英语上阅读理解加强训练(五)(含答案 ) 2 / 9 d. planting trees e. opening the app A. abc B. bde C. acd D. bce 2. Ant Forest received the 2019 Champions of the Earth award because _. A. it helps people save money B. it is the first company to plant trees C. it solved a major environme

7、ntal problem D. it encourages people to protect the environment 3. What can we learn from Paragraph 4? A. Alibaba has already planted millions of trees. B. Alibaba only plants trees in poor areas. C. The trees planted by Alibaba have fully covered Chinas deserts. D. More than half of Chinas populati

8、on is using Ant Forest. 4. What is the main point of the story? A. Planting trees is a good way to protect the environment. B. There are many low-carbon activities. C. Alibaba is helping to protect our planet. D. Ant Forest is the best feature of Alipay. Word in use 翻译句子。 1. 我们可以通过多种树来保护环境。 _ 2. 父母应

9、该鼓励孩子自己解决问题。 _ 3.我们应该帮助他而不是嘲笑他。 _ 参考答案及解析 1. A。根据文中第一段,以及第二段中Ant Forest records users low-carbon activities and gives users “green energy”. 可知答案选 A。 2. D。根据第三段 for encouraging people to live greener lifestyles and protect the environment. 可知答案选 D。 3. A。由第四段中 Ant Forest and its partners have planted

10、about 122 million trees in Chinas 可知选 A。另外,根据细节也可推断其余选项不正确。 4. C。本文主要说的是阿里巴巴集团鼓励人们多进行低碳活动,并通过种树助 力环境保护,所以正确答案应为 C。 翻译句子 1. We can protect our environment by planting more trees. 2. Parents should encourage their children to solve problems on their own. 3. We should help him instead of laughing at hi

11、m. 2019-2020 年牛津译林版八年级英语上阅读理解加强训练(五)(含答案 ) 3 / 9 Day Two AI passes science test Do you think robots could pass an eighth-grade test? Guess what they can. The artificial intelligence (AI) system Aristo recently passed the same eighth- grade science test that some US students take, The New York Times

12、reported. Aristo correctly (正确地 ) answered 90 percent of the questions on the test. This is an example of the progress that is being made in AI development. Four years ago, 700 computer scientists tried to develop AI systems that could pass these kinds of exams. None scored higher than 60 percent. S

13、cientists at the Allen Institute in the US developed the system. Aristo was able to pass the exam because it can not only understand language, but also use logical thinking (逻辑思维 ) to solve difficult problems. For example, it can understand what a forest fire is and how it could affect (影响) animals.

14、 The system used BERT, a kind of neural ( 神经的 ) network technology developed by Google, to answer the questions. BERT has “read ” thousands of articles (文章) and can understand English. If it looks at a sentence with a missing word, it can correctly guess what the word is.With BERTs help, Aristo “rea

15、d ” many multiple- choice (多选的 ) questions. Over time, it was able to find logical patterns ( 逻辑模式 ). Aristos success means that we might see new AI-based products ( 人工智能产 品), such as search engines (搜索引擎 ) and databases ( 数据库 ) for hospitals. AI systems might be able to better understand users in t

16、he future. Choose the answer: 1. What did the AI system Aristo do? A. Help students study. B. Pass a school test. C. Talk like a human does. D. Develop other AI systems. 2019-2020 年牛津译林版八年级英语上阅读理解加强训练(五)(含答案 ) 4 / 9 2. What was Aristos biggest success? A. It passed several kinds of tests. B. It pass

17、ed the test with a perfect score. C. It scored 90 percent on the test. D. It worked out a set of test questions. 3. Paragraph 5 is written to _. A. explain how Aristo learned to answer questions B. show how Aristo was created C. describe another AI breakthrough D. show what else Aristo can do 4. Fro

18、m the story, we can learn that _. A. Aristo will be used in school to help teach students B. AI systems might be used in many fields C. robots cant think logically D. AI-based products are not useful Word in use pass, progress, be able to, guess 选择合适的词并用其正确形式填空。 1. Older children should _ prepare si

19、mple meals. 2. Kevin has just _ his driving test. 3. - I think my parents will be angry about my grades. - Yes, I _ so. 4. Study hard and make _ every day. 参考答案及解析 1. B。根据文章第二段 The artificial intelligence (AI) system Aristo recently passed the same eighth- grade science test 可知答案选 B。 2. C。据第二、三段可知 A

20、risto 在测试中答对了 90%的题目,与四年前在测试 中得分不超 60 分的智能系统相比有了很大的进步,所以答案选C。 3. A。第五段介绍了 Aristo 使用的神经网络技术 BERT ,并说明经过大量的 “ 学 习” , Aristo 能够掌握逻辑模式,可推测答案选 A。 4. B。细读文章最后一段,尤其 we might see new AI -based products, such as search engines and databases for hospitals 可知人工智能系统有被广泛应用的趋 势,所以答案选 B。 1. be able to 2. passed 3.

21、 guess 4. progress Day Three China s volleyball queens It s rare to see a team earn 11 straight wins (连胜) in a tournament (锦标赛 ). However, the Chinese womens volleyball team has done it! 2019-2020 年牛津译林版八年级英语上阅读理解加强训练(五)(含答案 ) 5 / 9 On Sept 29, China took the Womens Volleyball World Cup trophy in Ja

22、pan. The team didnt lose any of its games during the tournament. It was also the teams 10th world title (冠军). “The trophy is the best gift to celebrate the 70th birthday of New China,” People s Daily said in an article. The Chinese women s volleyball team has long been the pride (骄傲) of Chinese athl

23、etics. In the 1980s, the team won five world titles in a row ( 连续), which raised people s confidence (自信) at the time. Since then, its fighting spirit (精神) has inspired (激励) generations ( 一代代 ) of people, both within the team and across the country. Working hard was key to the team s success. The Wo

24、rld Cup was played in several different cities and the team didnt have much time to train. The girls had to squeeze in ( 挤出) training time when they could. On Sept 25, for example, they arrived in Osaka at 2:30 pm and started training only an hour later. Never giving up, especially during difficult

25、times, is also part of the teams fighting spirit, according to head coach Lang Ping. Many of the teams members kept on playing even after being injured ( 受伤的 ). Opposite hitter Gong Xiangyu went to Japan with an injured finger. Blocker Yan Ni had a serious shoulder injury. With their latest win, the

26、 girls are ready to prepare for next years Tokyo Olympics. Choose the answer: 1. The Chinese womens volleyball team _ in the recent World Cup tournament. A. beat Japan in the final round B. played a total of 10 games C. lost a game on Sept 28 D. won its 10th world title 2019-2020 年牛津译林版八年级英语上阅读理解加强训

27、练(五)(含答案 ) 6 / 9 2. What helped the Chinese womens volleyball team win the tournament, according to the report? a. working hard b. never giving up c. getting enough sleep before the game d. having a healthy diet A. ab B. bc C. cd D. ac 3. After reading the story, what do we know about the Chinese wo

28、mens volleyball team? A. They are Chinas best sports team. B. They couldnt win without their head coach. C. None of its team members has gotten injured. D. They will compete at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games. Word in use 根据中文提示完成句子。 1. No one believes he _ ( 做到了 ) it. 2. Every one of us should _ ( 努力奋

29、斗 ) for our future. 3. _ ( 永不放弃 ) if you still feel that you can go on. 4. They were _ ( 准备好) to face these new challenges. 参考答案及解析 1. D。根据第二段 On Sept 29 It was also the teams 10th world title. 可知正确答 案应为 D。 2. A。概括文章第五、六段的大意可知 working hard 与 never giving up 这些优秀 品质是帮助中国女排赢得比赛的关键,所以选 A。C、D 在文中没有提及。 3

30、. D。根据文章最后一段 With their latest win, the girls are ready to prepare for next year s Tokyo Olympics. 可推测答案为 D。A、B、C 选项可根据文章细节排除。 1. has done 2. work hard 3. Never give up 4. Ready Day Four Learning about the natural world During the spring of 2018, I started taking an online biology class through the

31、Center for Talented Youth (CTY). The online program has many different classes and camps. I ended up taking over 90 pages of notes on what was covered in the class. I also had exams on every lesson. The exams included difficult multiple choice ( 多选) questions about what I had learned in the lessons.

32、 In addition to the exams, I also had to finish interactive labs ( 互动实验 ). 2019-2020 年牛津译林版八年级英语上阅读理解加强训练(五)(含答案 ) 7 / 9 I had to work with many different materials (材料). I looked into ecosystems ( 生态系 统) at the beach, collected different leaves and flowers and learned about flower structure (结构), a

33、nd even got to make a sample ( 样本) of my own DNA. Although it was hard to keep up with this online class, I made a plan and kept following it. I studied hard before my exams by going over all of the coursework and all of my notes. I took the final recently and did well on it. It helped prepare me fo

34、r future science classes and encouraged me to keep up good study habits. Fill in the blanks: The online 1. _ class Students take classes2. _ the CTY. The program also has many different classes and 3. _. What did the author do during the course? Had class and took 4. _ after every lesson. Finished i

35、nteractive 5. _: * learned about ecosystems; * collected 6._ _ _ and learned about their structure; * made a 7. _ of his own DNA. After 8. _ the online course 2019-2020 年牛津译林版八年级英语上阅读理解加强训练(五)(含答案 ) 8 / 9 The author studied hard for the final exam and did 9. _ on it. He learned about 10. _ and forme

36、d good study habits. 参考答案 1. biology 2. through 3. camps 4. exams 5. labs 6. leaves and flowers 7. sample 8. finishing 9.well 10. science Day Five “No air cond itioning ( 空调)? How will you sleep?” my friend asked. I just told her that my family had decided to turn the air conditioner off to _1_ mone

37、y. It was only 29 on the first night of our cost-cutting plan, but our three kids were restless and _2_ . “It s too _3_ to sleep,” my 13-year-old daughter said. “I m about to die from this heat!” her brother shouted from down the hall. “Just deal with it for tonight,” I told them. I was too tired to

38、 _4_ for long. I laid in bed quietly, listening to the cricket choir (蟋蟀的鸣叫 ) outside. The sound made me think about my _5_ . I thought about my grandma, who lived until she was 92. She took care of my mom s garden until just a few weeks before she died. My thoughts _6_ her house, in the summer heat

39、 of my childhood. “If you watch for the wind,” Grandma said, “youll _7_ and fall asleep.” I stared at the thin white curtain ( 窗帘), hoping it would flutter ( 飘动). Lying still and waiting, I suddenly noticed the life outside my window: the cricket choir. The sound comforted me. “Mom, did you _8_ that

40、? ” my 7-year-old asked. “I think it was an owl.” “ _9_ , ” I told him. “Just keep listening.” Without the noise of the air conditioner, the house became 10 and the night seemed close enough to touch. 1. A. make B. spend C. save D. waste 2. A. unhappy B. excited C. quiet D. scared 3. A. cold B. wet

41、C. warm D. hot 4. A. guess B. argue C. sleep D. stand 2019-2020 年牛津译林版八年级英语上阅读理解加强训练(五)(含答案 ) 9 / 9 5. A. childhood B. garden C. window D. mom 6. A. threw away at B. went back to C. kept away from D. got along with 7. A. cool off B. raise up C. be cold D. be tired 8. A. touch B. find C. hear D. see 9. A. Mostly B. Really C. Truly D. Probably 10. A. busy B. large C. peaceful D. crowded 1-5 CADBA 6-10BACDC


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