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1、滨州市无棣第二学期七年级期末学业水平检测英语试题第卷(选择题共75分)一、听力选择(共20小题,计20分) (你有8秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。) (一) 听句子,选出正确的应答语或图片。每个句子读两遍。 1 2AYes, he does BYes, he did CYes, he was3AI was glad BI was at home CIt was great!4 5AGreat! BI like it CWhat does he look like?(二)听下面五组对话和问题,选择正确答案。对话和问题读两遍。6AIn the classroom BIn the dini

2、ng room CIn the library7ABefore class BAfter school CAfter class8AHes singing BHes cooking CHes running9AAt 6: 00 BAt 6: 30 CAt 7: 0010AHe has to go to bed by ten oclock BHe has to practice his guitar every day CHe has to do his homework after school(三)听对话,选择最佳答案,对话读两遍。请听第一段对话,回答11-12小题。11Why does T

3、ony like Jesse? AHe is Tonys friendBHe is Tonys brotherCHe is Tonys favorite singer12How old is Jesse? AHe is 20 years old BHe is 21 years old CHe is twenty two years old请听第二段对话,回答l3-15小题。13What kind of juice does the woman order? AApple juice BEgg juice CCabbage juice14What doesnt the woman order?

4、ADumplings BFish CSoup15Where do you think they are talking? AAt home BAt school CIn a restaurant(四)听短文,选择正确的答案,短文读两遍。16Who wrote the letter? ATom BTon CLi Tao17Where the new school? ABetween the library and the post office BBetween the library and the zoo CBetween the post office and the zoo18What

5、does Mrs Brown teach? AGeography BPE CEnglish19What does Tony like to do? AHe likes art and sports BHe likes sports and music CHe likes swimming and dancing20What did Li Tao and Tony do last Friday? AThey went swimming BThey went to play basketball CThey went to the zoo (请同学们找到第二卷的第五大题,做好听力填表准备)二、选择

6、填空(共15小题,计l5分) 选择最佳答案填空。21-Where is your pen pal_? - Shes from Australia A1ive Bfrom Cto22-_ a library near here? -Yes, there isIts on Comer Street AIs BIs it CIs there23-Why do you like koalas? -_they are cute ABecause BI think CAnd24-What do you want_? -I want to be a doctor Ato do Bto be Cto work

7、25- _? -Im doing my homework AWhat does he do BWhat do you do CWhat are you doing26- _? -Its sunny AHow is it going BHow is your weekend CHow is the weather27- _? -Hes tall and he has straight hair AWho is Jim BWhat does Jim look like CWhat does Jim do28-What kind of noodles would you like? -_beef a

8、nd tomato noodles, please AId like BI like CI want29What _last weekend? Ado you do Bdid you do Care you doing30-_did you _on vacation? -We went to New York AWhat; do BWhen; go CWhere; go31-What do you think of sports shows? -_ AI think so BI dont think so CI love them32-_I _a hat in school? -No, you

9、 cant ADo; wear BCan; wear CAm; wearing33-Dont run in the hallways -_ ASorry, Ms Clark BYes, I do CNo, I dont34-How was your vacation? -_ AI played volleyball BHe went to the movies CIt was pretty good35-Would you like to come to our party this evening? -Id love to, _Im too busy Abut Bif Cand三、完形填空(

10、共10小题,计l0分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从A、B、c中找出一个正确的选项填空。Dear Dave,Im now studying at Wuhu Middle SchoolBut Im not 36 There are too many 37 in my houseIt isnt fairI have to 38 at five oclock every morningI cant 39 late for schoolI have to be there at eight oclockI have to come back home 40 schoolI have to do my

11、homeworkIn the evening I cant 41 TV because I have to help my mother make dinner and 42 the dishes (盘子)I have to 43 before ten oclockOn weekends, I have to 44 at home on Saturday morningI have to clean my room and wash my clothesOn Saturday afternoon, I have to go to the 45 to learn the pianoDo you

12、have lots of rules? Are they fair?Your friend,Alice36Ahappy Bfriendly Chungry37Apeople Bchairs Crules38Asleep Bget up Cwait39Astudy Bplay Carrive40Ain Bat Cafter41Awatch Bclean Cbuy42Arelax Bwash Ctake43Ago to bed Bgo to school Cgo for a walk44Alie Bstay Cpractice45Achildrens palace Bpolice station

13、Cpost office四、阅读理解(共20小题,计30分) 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从A、B、c中选出能够完成所给句子或回答所提问题的正确答案。A Li Lei is 12 years oldHe is a studentHe is the only child of the familyHe cant cookHe doesnt wash his clothes or look after his things When the students of Class Two are having an English class, Li Lei goes to the door ands

14、ays, May I come in, Miss Gao? Oh, you are late again, says the teacherCan you tell me why you are late? Im sorry, Miss Gao, says Li LeiMy grandma puts some apples, bananas and orangesin my schoolbag this morning before I come to schoolI take the schoolbag with me and cometo schoolWhen I am on my way

15、 to school, I find there are no books in my schoolbagI have togo back and put my books in it46Li Lei doesnt _ at home Ado his homework Bwatch TV Cwash his clothes47Li Lei is in Class _ AThirteen BThree CTwo48Miss Gao is _ teacher Aan English Ba Chinese Ca math49Li Lei is often late for_ Awork Bclass

16、 Cdinner50Li Lei likes _very much Ameat Btea CfruitB Andrew went to the Great Wall with his family last SundayIt was cloudy and humid in the morningThe Great Wall is really a great place to visitMany people went there that dayOn the Great Wall Andrews parents took some photosHis brother, Sam, drew a

17、 picture of the Great WallAndrew talked with some people from America in English! And they sang some English songs! In the afternoon the family came downThey had some fish, vegetables and rice for lunch in a restaurantAfter lunch, they visited the Great Wall MuseumIt was rainy in the afternoonBut th

18、ey had a great time that Sunday!51Where is the Great Wall? AIn China BIn Australia CAmerica52What was the weather like last Sunday morning? ARainy and humid BCloudy and humid CCloudy and windy53_ took some photos on the Great Wall ASam BAndrew CThe parents54The family _ after lunch Avisited the Grea

19、t Wall Museum Bwent home Csang some songs55What did the family think of the Sunday? AIt was dull BIt was terrible CIt was greatC Mr and Mrs Green were going on their vacation with their children, and they had to arrive at the airport before 11: 40 the next morningIt takes us thirty minutes to get th

20、ere in a car, Mr Green said, so we have to get ready before eleven oclockDont be late It was ten fifty in the morningMr Green and the children were busy doing thingsBut Mrs Green wasntShe sat in a chair in the garden and enjoyed the good weather Mr Green and the children were surprised, but Mrs Gree

21、n said, Dont worry! Before I went bed last night, I made all our clocks and watches twenty minutes ahead (提前)Now we can get to the airport early56Why did the Green family have to be ready before eleven oclock? AThey were going to a party BThey had to go to the airport by bus CThey had to arrive at t

22、he airport at 11: 4057How long does it take the family to the airport by car? ATwenty minutes BThirty minutes CForty minutes58The father and children were _when they saw Mrs Green sitting in the garden Asad Bhappy Csurprised59Why did Mrs Green sit in the garden? A She wanted to stay at home BShe did

23、nt like to do anything at home CShe made all the clocks and watches ahead and they wouldnt be late60What time was it when Mr Green and the children were busy doing things? A10: 30 B10: 50 C11: 00DTV programs TimeTV show TimeTV show 9:00 Cooking with Liu Yiwei 16:00 Animal World 10:20 Pop Music on Sh

24、ow 17:00 Art Class 11:00 Nature(自然) and Science 19:O0 World News 13:30 Sports Time 20:00 Soap Operas 14:40 Cartoon City 21:30 Lets Learn English61_ can help you cook ASoap Operas BCartoon City CCooking with Liu Yiwei62Pop Music on Show at 10:20 can let you enjoy _ Aculture Bmusic Cdelicious food63If

25、 you like _ you can watch Animal World Aanimals Bshopping Cclothes64_can tell you what happen (发生) in the world AArt Class BWorld News CNature and Science65If you want to study English, you can watch _at _ ASports Time; 13:30 BSoap Operas; 20:00 CLets Learn English; 21:30五、听力填表(共5小题,计5分)听短文,根据短文内容完成

26、下面的表格,短文读两遍。(每空不多子三个词)Sues weekendOn Saturday morning She saw many interesting(1) _in the zooOn Saturday afternoon She(2) _with her friendsOn Saturday evening She watched TV(3) _On Sunday miming She went to see her(4) _On Sunday afternoon She(5) _at home六、词汇(共15小题,计l5分)(一)根据句意和汉语提示写出单词。1We often hav

27、e some_ (活动)after schoo12We are_ (放松的)on weekends3_ (粥)is popular for breakfast in China4want a_ (棕色的)sweater, please5Is there_ (任何事)new in todays newspaper?6Please_ (讨论)this question with your classmates7Do you like soup operas or_ (情景)comedies?8We cannot speak_ (大声地)in the reading room(二)根据句意和括号内单

28、词提示,在空自处填入其适当形式,必要时可加其它的单词。例句:We can play (play) basketball after school but we cant play it in class,9There are many_(story) in this magazine10Elephants are_( (friend) and clever-11Mary_( (write) a song last week12Cathy often_( (stay) at home after school every weekdays13- What are the children doi

29、ng?-They_ (taking)a taxi to the park14We hope_(visit)the Palace Museum this vacation15Our students_(not mind)fashionAnd boys really like sunglasses七、阅读表达(共5小题,计5分) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成下面表格。 My friend Larry(拉里)has a big dogIts name is JohnnyJohnny is very smartEvery Sunday afternoon Larry takes Johnny for

30、 a long walk in the park(3)The dog likes walking very muchOne Sunday afternoon a man visited Larry(4)He talked with Larry for a long timeIt was time for Larry to take Johnny for a walkBut the man stillstayed thereJohnny became(变得)very worried(焦虑的)about his walk in the parkHe walked about in the livi

31、ng roomand then sat down in front of the manBut the mall went on talking After thirty minutes,Johnny couldnt stand(忍受)the manHe went outand after a few minutes he came backHe sat down in front of the man again(再次),with the mails bag and hat in his mouth(嘴巴)! (一)根据短文内容简要回答问题。 1What does Larry do ever

32、y Sunday afternoon? 2Why did the dog take the mans bag and hat in his mouth? (二)将短文中的(3)、(4)两句译成汉语。 3_4_(三)给短文拟一个适当的题目。 5_八、口语交际(共5小题,计5分) 根据对话内容,从方框内选择恰当的句子并将其字母代号填入对话相应的空白处,使对话完整。合乎情景(有两个多余选项)。AAre you sure? BBecause I like talking to peopleCWhy do you want to do that?D1 want to be a driver EWhy d

33、o you want to be an actor?FI think l want to be a reporter GWhat do you want to be when you are older?Kelly: So, Cathy, tell me, what do you want to be when you are older? Cathy: (1) _Kelly: A reporter? Why do you want to do that?Cathy: (2) _What about you, Kelly? What do you want to be?Kelly: I wan

34、t to be an actorCathy: (3) _Kelly: Because I like to sing and danceCathy: And you, Nancy? (4)Nancy: I want to be a teacherCathy: A teacher? (5)Nancy: Yes, I amI want to be a teacher because I love school九、书面表达(共1题,计15分) 根据下表,从你自己身边的物品中选出能与之相对应的五样填入表格中,并用英语写一篇短文描述一下你是如何看待它们的。 要求:1短文中不得出现真实的人名、地名。 2字数

35、:60词左右。 love like Dont mind Dont like Cant stand_滨州市无棣第二学期七年级期末学业水平检测英语试题参考答案及评分说明 第卷参考答案15:ABCAA 610:BBABB 1115:CBABC l620:CAABC2125:BCABC 2630:CBABC 3135:CBACA 3040:ACBCC4145:ABABA 4650:CCABC 5155:ABCAC 5660:CBCCA6165:CBABC 评分说明:1-45小题每小题1分,46-65小题每小题15分。与答案不符者不得分。五、lanimals 2played volleyballhad

36、a good timewent to the beach3at homewith her parents 4grandparents 5did her homework 评分说明:本题共5分,小题每小题1分,本答案仅作参考,其它符合题意的表达方式也可得分。六、lactivities 2relaxed 3Porridge 4Brown 5anything 6discuss 7situation 8loudly 9stories l0friendly 11wrote l2stays l3are taking 14to、visit l5dont mi red 评分说明:本题共20分,每小题1分,与答

37、案不符者不得分。七、lHe often takes his dog for a long walk2He wanted to go out to have a walkHe wanted the man to go away3这条狗儿很喜欢数步。4他和拉里交谈了很长时间。5What a clever dog / What a smart dog / Dog Johnny 评分说明:本题共l0分,每小题2分,本答案仅作参考,其它符合题意的表达方式也可得分。大小写错误、单词拼写错误,每两处扣05分。八、l5:FBEGA 评分说明:本题共5分,每小题1分。与答案不符者不得分。九、参考答案:略 评分说明: 表格部分占5分,写作部分占l0分。只要学生能够根据自己的实际情况如实填写表格,并能够叙述,就能得分。具体亮分标准如下: 第一档:(15分l3分)符合题目要求,整篇表达清楚,语亩无误。 第二档:(12分l0分)符合题目要求,整篇表达清楚,语言有少量错误。第三档:(9分7分)基本符合题目要求,表达基本清楚,语言有部分错误。第四档:(6分0分)表达不清,词数不够。 (注意:全卷语法错误扣分不得


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