英语八年级下册外研版Module 1 Feelings and impressions 1 Unit 1.ppt

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1、Module 1 Feelings and impressions Unit 1 It smells delicious.,Lead in Talk about some delicious food Mother cooked. What does it look like? 2. Have you tasted it? How do you feel about it? ,smell sour cookie pizza try have a try lovely pie salt ear,v. 闻,嗅;闻起来 adj. 酸的;馊的 n. 小甜饼,曲奇饼 n. 比萨饼 n.尝试,努力 v.

2、尝试,试图 试试看 adj.令人愉快的,可爱的 n.派,馅饼 n. 盐 n. 耳朵,Presentation Words and expressions,When you see the following pictures, what words do you think of?,pizza,cookie,sweet,delicious,jeans,comfortable,yogurt,sour,Listen and number the pictures.,1. This bed _. 2.The cookie _. 3.The boy _. 4.The milk _.,Complete

3、the sentences.Use the words in the box to help you.,feel look smell soft sour strong sweet taste,feels soft,tastes sweet,looks strong,smells sour,系动词(表感觉),feel 摸起来 taste 尝起来 look 看起来 smell 闻起来 sound 听起来,soft salty smart sour nice,形容词,hand mouth eye nose ear,1. 那只狗看起来危险。 That dog _ _. 2. 这布料摸起来柔软。 Th

4、e cloth _ _. 3. 这道菜尝起来味道不错。 The dish _ _. 4. 聚会听起来很吵吗? Does the party _ _?,looks,dangerous,feels,soft,tastes,delicious,sound,noisy,Translate,Listen and check,What is Betty making?,An apple pie.,Read and answer the questions.,1.Does Daming like cheese?Why or why not? 2.What does Daming want ?,Sugar.,

5、No,he doesnt. Because he thinks cheese doesn t smell fresh and it smells too strong and it tastes a bit sour.,Language points,1. What a delicious smell! what引导的感叹句的结构为: What+a/an +形容词+可数名词的单数! What+形容词+不可数名词或可数名词的复数形式! What a clever boy!多么聪明的男孩! What beautiful flowers!多么好看的花呀!,2. It smells too stron

6、g. 它闻起来味道很浓。 strong在句子中的意思是“(味道)很重、很浓”。 The coffee is strong. 咖啡味道很浓。,3. Im afraid I dont like cheese. 恐怕我不喜欢奶酪。,4.Theres some pizza and some cookies. 在There be 句型中,be动词的形式遵循“就近原则”,即和离它最近的名词保持一致。 There are some students and a teacher in the classroom. 教室里有一些学生和一位老师。 =There is a teacher and some stud

7、ents in the classroom. 教室里有一位老师和一些学生。,5. Shall I get the sugar? Shall I/we+动词原形?是用来提建议的句型,意为“我/我们做某事,好吗?” Shall we go for a walk?我们去散步,好吗?,4.Complete the sentences with the words in the box.,1.This strawberry jam tastes _ .It is for the cake. 2.I do not like cheese. It smells too_. 3.She does not pu

8、t _ in tea because she does not like sweet tea. 4.The milk has gone _ overnight, so we cannot drink it. 5.The bed feels _ and comfortable. 6.Apple pie sounds _.It is my favourite.,lovely, soft, sour,strong,sugar,sweet,strong,sugar,sour,soft,lovely,sweet,Complete the table with the words in the boxes

9、 in Activities 2 and 4.,smell,look,taste,feel,sour,soft,nice/lovely,sweet,Team racing,Activity,Two teams have a race. The team that first gives a correct sentence gets one point.,Speaking Practice I,Ready?,bananas flowers ice cream pop music silk T-shirts Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. They taste d

10、elicious. Do you like flowers?,Ask and answer about the things in the box. Say why you like or do not like them.,The ice cream tastes _.,The yogurt smells _.,sweet,sour,The sea looks _.,blue,The flowers smell _.,nice,The cotton sweater feels _.,soft,The jeans feel _.,comfortable,1. The bed _ soft an

11、d comfortable. A. feels B. smells C.looks D.sounds 2. The roast duck smells very _. A. sweet B. delicious C.soft 3._ weather it is today! A.What nice B.What a nice C.How nice 4.There _ a pen and some books on my desk. A.is B.am C.are 5.Shall we _ at the school gate? A.to meet B.meeting C.meet,Practice,一、单项选择。,二、根据汉语写出英语。,1. 看起来漂亮 2. 尝起来咸 3. 闻起来新鲜 4. 摸起来舒服 5. 听起来不错,look beautiful taste salty smell fresh feel comfortable sound nice,Homework Make some sentences using the words in activity 4.,A good beginning makes a good ending. 善始者必善终。,


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