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1、1 福建省厦门第一中学20152016 学年度 第一学期半期考考试 高一年英语试卷 第卷 第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30 分) 第一节听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中 选出最佳选项 ,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小 题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1. What is Mike doing now? A. Eating a hamburger. B. Drinking coffee. C. Preparing dinner. 2. How many copies must the woman mak

2、e? A. 80. B. 48. C. 50. 3. When is the woman going to have a test? A. This Saturday. B. Next Sunday. C. This Sunday. 4. Where is the man now? A. In a suitcase shop. B. On a plane. C. In a baggage hall. 5. What did the woman probably do before she arrived home yesterday? A. She made a call to her fri

3、end. B. She looked for her car keys. C. She went shopping. 第二节听下面 5 段对话或独白。 每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅 读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读 两遍。 听第 6 段材料,回答第6、7 和 8 题。 6. When does the conversation most probably take place? A. In the morning. B. At noon.

4、C. In the evening. 7. Which subject did the boy do best in? A. English. B. History. C. Maths. 8. What are the two speakers mainly talking about? 2 A. Noises. B. School grades. C. Music. 听第 7 段材料,回答第9、10 和 11 题。 9. How long can ants survive underwater? A. For two days. B. For a week. C. For two weeks

5、. 10. What do ants usually do in the morning? A. They like to have a rest. B. They put out their legs and yawn. C. They live in dry places. 11. What s the probable relationship between the two speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Mother and son. C. Colleagues. 听第 8 段材料,回答第12 、13 和 14 题。 12. What do

6、we know about the bookstore? A. It s three blocks away. B. It s on Green Street. C. It s next to a supermarket. 13. Which bus can get the man to the bookstore? A. The No. 4 bus. B. The No.14 bus. C. The No. 40 bus. 14. What can we infer from the conversation? A. The man is going to the bookstore by

7、himself. B. The woman s native language may not be English . C. The man is sightseeing in the city. 听第 9 段材料,回答第15、16 和 17 题。 15. What does the woman do probably? A. She s a host. B. She s a student. C. She s an athlete. 16. Where are the two speakers most probably? A. At a sports meeting. B. At a r

8、adio station. C. At a school. 17. When will the man retire? A. When he can t win medals. B. When he feels very tired. C. When he is too old to run. 听第 10 段材料,回答第18 至 20 题。 3 18. What should people in Beijing do when they go out tomorrow? A. Wear more clothes. B. Protect their skin from the sun. C. B

9、ring an umbrella or raincoat. 19. Which city will have good weather tomorrow for outdoor activities? A. Seoul. B. London. C. Paris. 20. What do we know about the weather in Tokyo tomorrow? A. It will be sunny in the afternoon. B. There will be thunderstorms. C. It will be cold. 第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40 分)

10、 第一节(共15 小题;每小题2 分,满分30 分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答 题卡上将该项涂黑。 A Growing up in the 1950s, I was a 10-year-old risk-taker who caused his mom lots of stress. Once I got into my aunt s car so I could pretend to be a race car driver and accidentally knocked the parking gear stick ( 变速杆 )

11、off. The car rolled down the driveway as fast as it could go, crossed the road and finally stopped up against my neighbor s curb (路边 ). I thought it was fun, but Mom didn t think so. Normally I would see a spanking ( 打屁股 ) coming, but this time I lucked out. I guess she was glad I was all right. I e

12、njoyed watching The Adventures of Superman on television so much that I wanted to fly just like him. One day I got into the closet and picked one of Mom s best pillowcases (枕套 ). I went out onto the front yard and tied the case around my neck, pretending it was a cape. Then, standing on the side of

13、the porch ( 走廊 ), which was about 7 feet high, I jumped. The spanking my mother gave me didn t hurt as much as my scraped knees. But the worst thing I ever did happened when I tried to impress the new girl across the street. She was incredibly cute, so I went over and introduced myself. 4 After I to

14、ld her my name, she said she wanted to show me something she had found. We went into her backyard, and in the knot of the biggest and oldest tree was a beehive. She said she liked honey and asked me how to get it out. “ We could stand watch, and when they leave the hive, we can reach in and take the

15、 honey,” I suggested. A large group of the bees flew away, so I moved closer to the hive. I was brave and maybe just a little crazy. I managed to take a little bit of honey when a bee rested on my arm. I killed the bee, and then it seemed like thousands of bees flew toward me. My new friend screamed

16、 and ran. I ran as fast as I could across her yard and up the long hill to my front door. I never looked back. The sound of the bees behind me told me the coast wasn t clear. When the group of bees attacked, I screamed for my mom. As I reached my front door I saw her swinging a broom around me to ge

17、t the bees off me. I didn t care that she landed a few hard hits on my head, I just wanted them off. Finally I made it inside, sore from the stings (蜇) and red from the broom, but I was alive thanks to my mom. My superhero. All she needed was a cape. I knew where to get her one of those. 21. What is

18、 the article mainly about? A. Learning through adventures. B. The author s naughty behavior as a child. C. The author s great love for his mother. D. The authors experience of being stung by bees. 22. When the author jumped with the self-made cape, _. A. he knew his mother would save him B. he knew

19、he would receive a spanking C. he didn t plan to hurt himself D. he promised not to do it again 23. What does the underlined phrase “ the coast wasn t clear” mean in the article? A. I needed to go to the coast. B. I got rid of the bees. C. I was still in danger. D. It was a long way home. 24. What s

20、 the author s impression of his mother? A. Strict but loving. B. Gentle but brave. C. Patient and tolerant. D. Serious and reasonable. 5 B Are you a dog person or a cat person? With so many photos and videos of cats and dogs doing cute things online, it s easier than ever to answer which of these fu

21、rry friends you like more. There are many reasons why people prefer one type of pet over the other. So, have you ever wondered what your preference for cats or dogs says about you? In fact, a 2010 study done by Sam Gosling, a psychologist at the University of Texas, US, and his graduate student Cars

22、on Sandy found that dog people are more extroverted (外向的 ), agreeable and conscientious (认真的 ) than cat people. “Cats will occasionally engage in social activities, but usually after only a few minutes they will give up the game. Dogs, on the other hand, will often engage in play, like fetching a th

23、rown ball, for hours at a time,” said Modern Dog magazine. Just on the basis of dogs nature being more sociable than cats , you may expect that the personalities of dog people also reflect higher sociability. And Gosling s study found that dog people are generally about 15 percent more extroverted a

24、nd 13 percent more agreeable, both of which are associated with social orientation ( 倾向 ). In addition, dog people are 11 percent more conscientious than cat people. “ Conscientiousness” is a tendency to show self-discipline, to complete tasks and aim for achievement. This trait also shows a prefere

25、nce for planned rather than spontaneous ( 一时冲动的 ) behavior. In comparison, cat people are about 12 percent more anxious, but they are also 11 percent more “ open” than dog people, due to a general appreciation for art, emotion, imagination, curiosity, adventure, unusual ideas and variety of experien

26、ce. And people high on openness are more likely to hold unconventional beliefs. Despite so many differences, there are some things that cat people and dog people have in common. “ Both types of people consider themselves close to nature, dislike animal-print clothing and generally look on the better

27、 side of life , ” noted Mother Nature Network. 25. What does the article mainly talk about? A. Differences between dogs and cats in their personality?traits. B. Factors that influence people s preference for dogs or cats. 6 C. How raising a pet helps shape your personality. D. What your preference f

28、or dogs or cats tells about you. 26. The underlined phrase “ engage in” in the fourth paragraph probably means _. A. get involved in B. benefit from C. take little interest in D. perform well in 27. According to the study done by Sam Gosling, dog owners tend to _ than cat owners. A. be more imaginat

29、ive and creative B. live a more organized life C. love to get close to nature more D. be more easygoing and adventurous 28. According to the article, both dog people and cat people _. A. are generally self-disciplined B. are usually positive and care about nature C. are likely to hold unconventional

30、 beliefs D. like to wear animal-print clothing C Guide to Hiking on the Appalachian Trail How do I “ Leave No Trace (痕迹 ) on the Appalachian Trail?” At about 2,189 miles, the Appalachian Trail is the longest single unit of the National Park System. With the number of people visiting this place incre

31、asing each year, the chances are great that any of us may damage the natural environment along the Trail and affect the experience for others. So please do your part by following these hiking and camping practices, and encourage others to learn about and adopt these techniques. 1. Plan ahead and pre

32、pare. Evaluate the risks associated with your outing, identify campsites and destinations in advance, and use maps and guides. Prepare for extreme weather, dangers, and emergencies especially the cold to avoid impacts ( 影响 ) from searches, rescues, and campfires. Learn when areas are most crowded an

33、d try to avoid those times. 2. Dispose of waste properly. Pack out all trash and food waste, including that left behind by others. Don t bury trash or food, and don t try to burn packaging materials in campfires. Use the privy (茅房 ) for human waste only. Do not add trash. If there is no privy, dispo

34、se of human waste by burying it in a hole, a 7 hole at least 200 feet (80 steps) from campsites, water sources and shelters, and well away from trails. 3. Leave what you find. Leave plants, cultural artifacts (器物 ) and other natural objects where you found them for others to enjoy. Do not damage liv

35、e trees or plants; green wood burns poorly. Collect only firewood that is dead, down, and no larger than your wrist. Leave dead standing trees and dead limbs on standing trees for the wildlife. 4. Minimize campfire impacts. Use stoves for cooking if you need a fire, build one only where it s legal a

36、nd in an existing fire ring. Keep fires small. Never leave your campfire unattended, and drown it when you leave. Do not try to burn trash, including plastic, glass, cans, tea bags, food, or anything with food on it. These items do not burn thoroughly. They create harmful fumes (烟雾 ), and attract wi

37、ldlife like skunks and bears. 29. Before you hike on the Appalachian Trail, you are advised to _. A. keep everything that you find there B. bring some food for the wildlife there C. prepare for bad weather and emergencies D. avoid crowded periods and book a hotel in advance 30. If you need a fire on

38、 the Appalachian Trail, you should _. A. collect firewood that is larger than your wrist B. keep it small and put it out with water when leaving C. burn or bury your trash before you leave D. use it to drive away wildlife like skunks and bears 31. The text is most probably intended for _. A. dog lov

39、ers B. outdoor explorers C. cultural lovers D. environment protectors D THERE are natural disasters that humans can predict. There are others whose timing is difficult to know. What happened in Indonesia last month fell into the latter group. 8 On October 25, a tsunami (海啸 ) caused by a 7.7 magnitud

40、e (震级 ) earthquake in the Mentawai islands of West Sumatra, Indonesia hit shores and damaged whole villages. By last Friday, it had left about 450 dead and forced around 15,000 people to leave their homes. Tsunami is Japanese for “ harbor wave” . It is usually caused by a sudden rise or fall of part

41、 of the Earth s crust (地壳 ) under the ocean. It is most common in the Pacific and Indian oceans. Normally a tsunami is a series of waves. The waves can be very long as much as 100 kilometers and be as far as one hour apart. They are able to cross oceans without losing much energy. When the ocean is

42、deep, tsunamis can travel unnoticed at speeds of up to 800 kilometers an hour. They can cross a whole ocean in a day or less. The wave may only be a few meters high but when they are near the shore and reach shallow water, they build up height very quickly. Some witnesses in the Mentawai islands rep

43、orted seeing up to 6-meter high waves crash (碰撞 ) onto the shore. Failed alert system Many countries set up early warning systems in their waters in the hope of giving people enough time to escape to higher ground in the event of a tsunami. But Indonesia s warning system, completed with German aid,

44、stopped working about a month ago because of disrepair ( 失修 ), according to the country s Meteorology and Geophysics Agency. As a result, not a single siren (警报 ) sounded after the earthquake. However, it was unclear if the sirens could have made a difference because the islands affected were so clo

45、se to the epicenter (震中 32. According to the article, the tsunami that hit Indonesia _. A. caused many injuries but no deaths B. created huge waves when it hit the shore C. was caused by an earthquake deep in the sea D. traveled at a speed of 800 kilometers an hour 33. Which of the following stateme

46、nts about tsunamis is TRUE according to the article? A. High-speed tsunamis can be easily detected. B. Tsunamis can travel across a whole ocean in a few hours. C. Tsunamis are usually caused by quakes under the ocean. D. The power of tsunami decreases quickly as it moves toward land. 9 34. What do w

47、e know about Indonesias Tsunami warning system from the article? A. Germans are still completing it. B. Warnings could be of no use at all. C. Tsunamis come before warnings. D. It has been under repair for a month. 35. What is the main point of the article? A. A tsunami that hit Indonesia. B. The ts

48、unami warning system in Indonesia. C. A recent tsunami and an earthquake in Indonesia. D. The reasons why the tsunami affected Indonesia badly. 第二节(共5 小题;每小题2 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余 选项。 注意 :在选择题填涂卡上:E 涂 AB; F 涂 AC ;G 涂 AD 。 When you re packing for an adventure, what s the

49、 most important thing you ll need? 36 Or better yet, a GPS. What about other animals, how do they know where they re going? While humans depend on technology to travel, some animals have something far more advanced. Researchers, mainly from Oregon State University, US, found that Chinook salmon (鲑 鱼) have a “built-in GPS” of the Earths magnetic field. 37 It acts like a big map inside their brain. Scientists placed some baby salmon into a big swimming pool. To simulate ( 模拟 ) the Earth s magn


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