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1、【文库独家】 2020上海市初中毕业学业模拟考试 英语(含答案全解全析 ) (满分 :150 分时间 :100 分钟 ) Part 1 Listening( 第一部分听力 )(略) Part 2 Phonetics,Grammar and Vocabulary (第二部分语音、语法和词汇) .Choose the bestanswer(选择最恰当的答案)(共 20 分) 26.Which of the following words is pronounced /? e? p/? A.shapeB.sheepC.shopD.ship 27.Nowadays I can chooseonline

2、 coursesand study by. A.IB.meC.myD.myself 28.I love this pictureyou beside the music fountain. A.in B.of C.onD.at 29.There was a big crowd waitingthe opening ceremony to start. A.by B.fromC.forD.with 30.Rose received aletter full of love from her parentson herbirthday. A.sixteen B.sixteensC.sixteent

3、hD.sixteenths 31.Alex did the project on community servicebetter than his classmates. A.so B.veryC.tooD.much 32.Leave the reference books behind,you wont be able to think independently. A.or B.andC.so D.but 33.Mike didnt win the race,hewas still wearing a smile on his face. A.If B.SinceC.AlthoughD.B

4、ecause 34.The little dancer from Australia looksin the long skirt. A.gentlyB.happily C.beautifullyD.lovely 35.Now Jerrythe exchangeprogramme with his classmatesin the meeting room. A.discussedB.is discussing C.was discussingD.hasdiscussed 36.Tim told us that his companyrobots to do some of the work.

5、 A.usesB.will useC.has usedD.would use 37.Over $30,000for a childrenshospital by a British girl several months ago. A.is raisedB.was raisedC.will be raisedD.has been raised 38.My friend invited methe art club,and I accepted it with pleasure. A.joinB.to joinC.joined D.joining 39.Martin was so busythe

6、 old that he gave up his part-time job. A.helping B.helpedC.to helpD.help 40.Mum,I visit the Movie Museum tomorrow? Im afraid you cant.It is closed on Monday. A.mustB.mayC.shouldD.need 41.important it is for kids to imagine freely! A.WhatB.What aC.What anD.How 42.Pleaseyour exam papers once again be

7、fore handing them in. A.going overB.went overC.go overD.to go over 43.father took part in the charity activity in the neighbourhood yesterday? Peters. A.WhoseB.WhatC.WhichD.Who 44.Dont throw plastic bagstowards the animals in the zoo. A.All right.B.My pleasure.C.Not at all.D.Dont mention it. 45.You

8、look sad,Betty.Whats the matter with you? A.Ive got the first prize.B.Im sorry to hear that. C.I cant attend the summer camp.D.I dont quite agreewith you. .Complete the followingpassagewith the words or phrasesin the box.Each can be usedonly once(将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)(共 8 分) A.variousB.simil

9、arC.with careD.familiarE.in trouble Today Im going to talk about rainforests.Are you46with them? Theyre interesting and exciting places! Many kinds of the worlds plants and animals live in the rainforests. However,rainforests are47nowthey are disappearing very fast becausethey are cut down or burnt

10、every day.As aresult,48animals and plants aredying out. Maybe you have never been to a rainforest,so why should you protect them49? Rainforests are important to everyone.They areimportant becausethe plants in the rainforests make oxygen.We needoxygen to breathe. A.destroyB.medicinesC.dependsonD.mach

11、inesE.control Rainforests also help to50the weather.When trees are cut down,it getshotter.Besides,one quarter of our51come from plants.Many of theseplants canbe found only in rainforests.There is alot that we have not learnt about rainforests.If we52them,we will never find out. In my opinion,our fut

12、ure53saving the rainforests.We must tell more people how important rainforests are so that they will stop doing harm to them.We must protect the rainforests now.We have to act now to save our only home. .Complete the sentenceswith the given words in their proper forms(用括号中所给单词的适当 形式完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)(共

13、 8 分) 54.Some people like reading on Wechat,butdont.(other) 55.Cut the strawberries into pieces and putinto the yogurt.(they) 56.The day was,but the sun was trying to come through.(cloud) 57.Im thankful to the teacher for heron my interview.(suggest) 58.Its our responsibility to make the skythan bef

14、ore.(clear) 59.Education is one of the most powerful ways toone s mind.(rich) 60.I think itsto judge aperson before you really know him.(fair) 61.,the famous temple was not damaged in the earthquake.(luck) .Complete the followingsentencesasrequired(根据所给要求完成句子。6267 小题每空格 限填一词 )(共 14 分) 62.A dictionar

15、y is useful for us to understand new words.(改为复数形式 ) useful for us to understandnew words. 63.Mary paid about $1,500 for a trip to Europe with her mother.(对画线部分提问) did Mary pay for a trip to Europe with her mother? 64.Mark returned to his country after he finished university abroad.(保持句意基本相同) Markto

16、 his country after he finished university abroad. 65.I am not good at playing badminton.Gary isnt,either.(合并为一句 ) GaryI am good at playing badminton. 66.“ Why does Jim sendflowers to Ms Grey every September?” he wondered.(改为宾语从句 ) He wondered whyflowers to Ms Grey every September. 67.Wesley translat

17、es two French storybooks into Chinese every year.(改为被动语态) Two French storybooksinto Chinese by Wesley every year. 68.the amusement park,after,are going to,they,the speech contest (连词成句 ) Part 3 Reading and Writing (第三部分读写 ) .Reading comprehension (阅读理解 )(共 50 分) A.Choose the best answer (根据以下内容,选择最恰

18、当的答案)(12 分) Monday 810 a.m. TECHNOLOGYInformation Technology (IT) Using the Internet In this lesson,studentslearn how to surf the Internet safely and effectively.There will also be information about using different searchengines.Finally,this lesson teaches students about the bestwebsites to use to c

19、ontinue their education online. 1012 a.m. ARTS 10:00 a.m. DRAMA Studentslearn the play that the teacher gave before class.During this lesson,students will have the chanceto act out roles with other students. 11:00 a.m. PAINTINGWITH WATERCOLOURS For most of this term,students learn how to use waterco

20、lours properly to make pictures.If the weather is good,the lesson may take place outdoors. LUNCH 12 p.m. SCIENCESBiology/Chemistry Studentscan choosewhich classto attend. In biology this week,the topic is Human Body.Students will learn about how it works. Alternatively,students can study chemistry.T

21、his class takes place in the science lab,and this week students learn about H2and O2. 24 p.m. SPORTS 2:00 p.m. SKILLS Studentslearn about the skills in a certain sport.We usevideo to seereal action from pastgames. 3:00 p.m. PRACTICE After we have picked teams,studentswill play a short match lasting

22、45 minutes.This week,the sports are football(for boys)and tennis(for girls). HOMEWORK ITthe teacherwill give students websites to look up at home (about 30 minutes) Dramastudents have to learn a part for the next lesson (about 40 minutes) Biology/Chemistry students have to write a short report of th

23、e lesson (about 20 minutes) 69.At,students are having a painting lesson. A.9:30 a.m.B.11:15 a.m.C.1:30 p.m.D.2:15 p.m. 70.The underlined word “ Alternatively ” is closest in meaning to “” . A.As another choiceB.For this reason C.At the sametime D.In other words 71.Students should prepare a new part

24、ofaheadof time as their homework. A.TechnologyB.BiologyC.DramaD.Chemistry 72.Students can learn how toaccording to the information in the table. A.make a videoB.write a report on Drama C.play basketballD.surf the Internet safely 73.An averagestudent needsaboutminutes to finish his homework. A.30 B.4

25、0C.90D.110 74.The information in the table is mainly for students to. A.take classesB.do their homework C.choose teachers D.organize hobby groups B.Choose the best answer and complete the passage( 选择最恰当的选项完成短文)(12 分) Road signsfor your future Sometimes,the choices you have made prove to be wrong.Don

26、t worry its not the end of the world! In traffic,what you do in this situation is just turn around and find a75way.Thats exactly what you should also do in real life.In your life you will find many dead endsbut you will always find your way out of them. Life is not always a walk in the park.There wi

27、ll be uphill as well asdownhill,bumps( 凸 块)and smooth rides.If you are not careful,a bump can make you76.However,riding your life along just straight roads with no bumps can become77.So,abump can be anice experience as well. Right or left? In your life there will be times when you have to make a79.Y

28、ou may want to focus on your studies,so you choose to stop a hobby that youve had for years.80! Before putting away the guitar or stopping your dance lessons,you should think how you could divide your time between studying andhobbies.Basically,its just a question of how to manageyour time. Whatever

29、you do in life,remember to take it easy.You dont have to run everywhere.Sometimes running makeslife less enjoyable.Itsoften better to think before taking action.So,think first and then act! Theresreally no rush! You dont have to experience everything before youre 20! 75.A.betterB.shorter C.fasterD.w

30、ider 76.A.growB.cryC.changeD.fall 77.A.helpfulB.boringC.luckyD.dangerous 78. 79.A.livingB.decisionC.mistakeD.wish 80.A.Drive carefullyB.Act immediatelyC.Think again D.Speak aloud C.Fill in the blanks with proper words(在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺。 每空格限 填一词 ,首字母已给 )(14 分) Its a common school day at Southern

31、Cross School near the famous Kruger National Park in South Africa.Teachers and pupils dont sit in a classroom.I81,they go through the forest or sit under the trees. The school teachesstudents all the sames82as the restof the countrys schools,but the teaching methods arecompletely different.Southern

32、Cross usesnature asa teaching tool.The teachersand their pupils go out into nature and work with animals and plants.These can be used to study a83from maths and social sciencesto languages.Theschool is in an areawhere animals live wild and can be hunted.To get to class,studentstravel a road through

33、the forest that wild animals useas well. The classroom for small preschoolers is a little different from the rest of the school.For example,the first lessonof the day is maths,but the teaching method is very s84.In this school you wont hear a teacher saying“ Count how many apples Jane hasin her bask

34、et.” Actually,the children visit anearby river to count the number of marks left by animals.This way they can see how many different animals come to d85during the night. The students are encouragedto take careof the injured and small animals.If they find a dead animal in the area,they study where th

35、e animal fits in the food chain and how and why it d 86. The headmastersays,“ We must make people understand what we are doing to the e 87.We needto care for our planet.” D.Answer the questions(根据以下内容回答问题)(12 分 ) 88.Denny believed in SantaClaus,didnt he? 89.Where did the Christmas gifts come from ac

36、cording to Denny? 90.How old was Denny when he wrote the letter? 91.Why was Denny not on the “ Nice List” ? 92.What would Denny probably do in order to get a Christmas present? 93.Who do you think answered Dennys letter?Give your reason. .Writing(作文 )(共 20 分) 94.Write at least 60 words on the topic

37、“ I want to invent” (以“我想要发明”为题 ,写一篇不少于60 个词的短文 ,标点符号不占格) (注意 :1.将题目补充完整。 2.短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其他相关信息 , 否则不予评分。 ) The following is for reference only.(以下表达仅供参考) It canbe used to. It will be exciting/necessary/helpful to. 答案全解全析 . 26.A句意 :下列单词中哪一个发音为/? e?p/?本题考查读音。 shape/? e?p/;sheep/? i? p/;shop/? p/;sh

38、ip/? p/。由此可知答案为A 项。 评析本题主要考查学生对于音标的掌握情况。本题设计的巧妙之处是都以sh 开头 ,有长短 音的区别。解题的关键在于掌握读音规则,注重练习。 27.D句意 :现在我能够选择网络课程,并且自学。本题考查固定短语study by oneself 自学 , 故答案为 D 项。 28.B句意 :我喜欢你在音乐喷泉旁边的那张照片。本题考查介词的用法。of 表示“的” , 故答案为 B 项。 29.C句意 :有一大群人等着开幕式开始。本题考查wait for 等待。故答案为C 项。 30.C句意 :Rose 在她 16 岁生日那天收到了一封来自她父母的充满爱的信。本题考查

39、序数词。 根据句意可知在她十六岁生日应用序数词,所以答案为C 项。 31.D句意 :Alex 做的关于社区服务的课题比他的同班同学好得多。本题考查副词。设空后 面是比较级 ,而 much 可以修饰比较级,故答案为D 项。 32.A句意 :不要用参考书,否则你将无法独立思考。本题考查连词。or 否则 ;and 并且 ,和;so 因此 ;but 但是。根据句意可知答案为A 项。 33.C句意 :尽管 Mike 没有赢得这场比赛,但他的脸上仍然带着笑容。本题考查连词。if 如 果;since 既然 ;although 尽管 ;because因为。根据句意可知设空处表让步,所以答案为C 项。 34.D

40、句意 :这个来自澳大利亚的小舞蹈演员穿着长裙看起来非常可爱。本题考查形容词和 副词辨析。系动词look 后面加形容词 ,而 gently,happily,beautifully都是副词。 lovely 可爱的 , 为形容词。所以答案为D 项。 35.B句意 :现在 ,Jerry 正在会议室和他的同班同学们讨论交流计划。本题考查现在进行时。 根据现在进行时的标志词Now 可知答案为B 项。 36.D句意 :Tim 告诉我们他的公司将会使用机器人来做一些工作。本题考查动词时态。根 据主句中的told 可知此空应用相应的过去时。故答案为D 项。 评析本题主要考查学生对于英语基本时态的掌握情况。本题设

41、计的巧妙之处是题干中没有 明确的时间状语,而是通过主句的时态让学生去判断,本题难易程度适中。解题的关键在于根 据主句判断从句的时态。 37.B句意 :几个月前一个英国女孩为一家儿童医院筹集了3 万多美元。本题考查一般过去 时的被动语态。根据several months ago 可知用一般过去时,因为本句主语与谓语动词之间为 被动关系 ,故用被动语态,故答案为B 项。 38.B句意 :我的朋友邀请我加入美术俱乐部,我愉快地接受了。本题考查非谓语动词。invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事。故答案为B 项。 39.A句意 :Martin如此忙着帮助老人以至于放弃了他的兼职工作。本

42、题考查非谓语动词。 be busy doing sth.忙于做某事 ,所以答案为A 项。 40.B句意 :妈妈 ,我明天可以参观电影博物馆吗?恐怕你不能。它周一闭馆。 本题考 查情态动词。 must 必须 ;may 可以 ;should 应该 ;need 需要。根据答语可知答案为B 项。 41.D句意 :对于孩子们来说自由想象是多么重要啊!本题考查感叹句。感叹句的结构为 What+(a/an+) 形容词 +名词 +主语 +谓语 !How+ 形容词 /副词 +主语 +谓语 !故答案为 D 项。 42.C句意 :请在上交试卷之前再检查一遍。本题考查祈使句。please+动词原形 ,故答案为C 项。

43、 43.A句意 :昨天在社区里谁的爸爸参加了慈善活动? Peter 的爸爸。本题考查特殊疑 问词。 whose 谁的 ;what 什么 ;which 哪一个 ;who 谁。根据答语Peters可知应是问谁的。故 答案为 A 项。 44.A句意 :在动物园里不要朝着动物们扔塑料袋。好的。本题考查交际用语。all right 好的 ;my pleasure 很乐意效劳 (回答 thank you);not at all 别客气 ;dont mention it 不客气。 故答案为 A 项。 45.C句意 : Betty,你看起来很伤心。你怎么了?我不能参加夏令营。本题考查交际 用语。 A:我获得了

44、一等奖;B:很抱歉听到那件事;C:我不能参加夏令营;D:我不太同意你的观点。 根据句意可知答案为C 项。 . 语篇解读 本文讲述了热带雨林的现状:正在逐渐消失。热带雨林对于我们来说非常重要, 作者呼吁大家停止破坏,保护热带雨林。 46.D句意 :你熟悉它们吗?根据固定短语“be familiar with 熟悉”可知选择 D。 47.E此处指“热带雨林正处于危险当中”。由下文的they aredisappearing very fast 可知热带 雨林正在非常快地消失,即热带雨林正处于危险当中。故选择E 项。 48.A句意 :结果 ,各种各样的动物和植物正在灭绝。根据此空后面的名词可知此空用形

45、容词, 根据上下文可知选择A。 49.C此处指“你为什么应该小心保护它们呢?” ,由句子成分可知此处选择C 项。 50.E句意 :热带雨林也有助于控制天气。由句子成分可知此处应为动词。根据下文“当树被 砍伐的时候 ,天就会变得更热”可知热带雨林能够帮助控制天气。故选E项。 51.B句意 :此外 ,我们药材的四分之一来自植物。由句子成分可知此处应为名词。只有B medicines(药材 )、D machines(机器 )为名词 ,根据句意可知选择B 项。 52.A句意 :如果我们破坏它们,我们就再也不会找到了。由句子成分可知此处应为动词,故排 除 B、D。 A:破坏 ;C:依赖 ,取决于 ;E:

46、控制。根据句意可知选择A 项。 53.C句意 :在我看来 ,我们的未来取决于拯救热带雨林。由句子成分可知此处应为动词。而 此空后为saving,故选 C 项。 长难句 .they aredisappearing very fast becausethey are cut down or burnt every day.因 为它们每天都被砍伐或燃烧,所以它们正在非常迅速地消失。 本句为复合句。 because引导原因状语从句,they arecut down or burnt 为被动语态 ,意为“被 砍伐或燃烧”。 评析本题设计的巧妙之处有:1.内容贴近生活 ,学生容易接受和理解。2.每部分有四

47、个空,五 个选项 ,增加了题目的难度,但是通过分析上下文、词性、固定搭配等可以准确选出答案。 . 54.others句意 :一些人喜欢在微信上阅读,但是其他人不喜欢。本题考查代词。 other+可数名 词复数 =others,故答案为others。 55.them句意 :把这些草莓切成片并且把它们放到酸奶里。本题考查人称代词。因为put 为 动词 ,后用人称代词宾格,前面 strawberries 为复数 ,故用 them 指代 ,故答案为them。 56.cloudy句意 :天气多云 ,但是太阳努力破云而出。本题考查形容词。be 动词后加形容 词,cloud 云,名词 ;cloudy 多云的

48、 ,形容词。根据句意可知答案为cloudy。 57.suggestion(s)句意 :我很感激老师 ,因为她就我的面试给了建议。本题考查名词。suggest 建议 ,动词 ,her 为形容词性物主代词,后跟名词。故答案为suggestion(s)。 58.clearer句意 :使天空比以前更干净是我们的责任。本题考查形容词比较级。than 比,所以 应用比较级 ,clear 的比较级直接加-er,故答案为 clearer。 59.enrich句意 :教育是丰富一个人思想的最有力的方式之一。本题考查动词。 本题动词不定 式作后置定语 ,rich 富有的 ,为形容词 ,本题应用动词 ,故答案为en

49、rich。 60.unfair句意 :我认为你在真正了解一个人之前就判断他是不公平的。本题考查形容词。it is+形容词 , fair 公平的 ,为形容词 ,根据句意应填“不公平的”,故答案为unfair 。 61.Luckily句意 :幸运的是 ,这座著名的寺院没有在地震中被毁灭。本题考查副词。luck 运 气,名词。此题中应为副词作状语,故答案为Luckily 。 . 62.Dictionaries are本题考查复数形式。 dictionary dictionaries,is are,应遵循主谓一致原则, 故答案为Dictionaries are。 63.How much本题考查特殊疑问词。画线部分为钱数,所以应该问多少钱,故答案为How much。 64.came/went back本题考查同义句。 return to 回到 =go/come back to,因为原句的时态为 一般过去时 ,故答案为came/went back。 65.Neither;nor本题考查同义句。either 位于否定句句尾表示“也”,neither.nor.既不也 不。根据句意可知答案。 66.Ji


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