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1、Unit 1 How can I get there?同步训练精品卷 第一课时 一、看图连线。 1.2. 3. 4. 5. A. hospital B. cinema C. post office D. science museum E. bookstore 二、单项选择。 ()1. Excuse me. _ is the post office, please? It s behind the library. A.Which B. What C. Where ()2. _ is the bookstore, please? It s next to the library. A.Which

2、 B. What C. Where ()3. _ It s near the hospital. A.Where is the cinema? B. Is there a cinema? C. Where is the hospital? 三、选择合适的地点完成句子。 ()1. You can see a film(电影) at the _. ()2. If you are sick, you should see a doctor in the _. ()3. You can buy some books in the _. ()4. You can watch the dinosaur(恐

3、龙) show in the _. ()5. You can send a letter in the _. 第二课时 一、英汉互译。 1. next to _ 2. buy a postcard _ 3. Excuse me. _ 4. 博物馆商店_ 5. 在门的旁边_ 6. 会说话的机器人_ A. cinema B. hospital C. post office D. bookstore E. science museum 二、单项选择。 ()1. Excuse me. _ is the Zhangshan Park, please? It s behind the library. A

4、. Which B. What C. Where ()2. I want _ a kite this weekend. A. fly B. to fly C. flying ()3. _ great museum! A. How B.What C.What a ()4. Is there a shop near here? _ It s next to the school. A.Yes, there is. B. No, it isn t. C. Sorry, I don t know. 三、选择正确的单词补全对话。 A: Excuse me.Is there a bookstore nea

5、r here? B: Yes, _ is. A: Where is it, _? B: It s _ to the science museum. A: Is it far from here? B: No, it s _.You can _ there. 第三课时 一、看图,选短语。 ()1. A. crossing B. go straight ()2. A. turn left B. turn right ()3. A. go straight B. turn left please there not next walk ()4. A. turn right B. turn left

6、二、读一读,判断单词是(T)否( F)同类。 ()1. ()2. ()3. ()4. ()5. ()6. 三、连词成句。 1. near/the/It s/office/post(.) _ 2. the/is/Where/cinema (?) _ 3. bookstore/the/Turn/left/at (.) _ 第四课时 一、用所给单词的适当形式埃空。 1. What an _(interest)film! 2. Turn left at the _ (bookstore) . 3. I want _ (have)a cat. 4. Let me _ (carry)it for you.

7、 5. How can I _ (get)to the hospital? 二、单项选择。 ()1. The cinema is _ the bookstore. A. next at B. next to C. next ()2. This is _ interesting story. A. an B. a C. / ()3. Mun, I am _. I want eat some pizza. A. nice B. full C. hungry A. left B. right A. straight B. turn A. go B. turn A. go B. crossing A.

8、 cinema B. bookstore A. straight B. try ()4. Where is the cinema? _ Zhongshan street. A. in B.on C. to ()5. Tum right _ the hospital. You can see the science museum. A. on B. in C. at 三、读句子,重新给句子拍成一个完整的对话。 ()A.Where is the nearest restaurant. ()B. How can we get there? ()C. OK! ()D. Im hungry.mum.I

9、want to eat some food.Lets go to the restaurant. ()E. Turn right at the cinema.Then go straight.Its on the right. ()F. Its near the KFC. 第五课时 一、翻译下列短语。 1. in front of the cinema _ 2. tun right _ 3. go straight _ 4. behind the hospital _ 5. at the crossing _ 6. next to the park _ 7. an Italian restau

10、rant _ 二、单项选择。 ()1. Is it far? _, it s not far. A. No B. Yes C. Sorry ()2. Is there a bookstore near here? _ A.Yes, there is. B.You re welcome. C. Look at the bookstore. ()3. How can I _ the museum? A. get B. to C. get to ()4. My new GPS _. A. work B. works C. working ()5. Can you help the boy _ his

11、 lost cat? A. find B. finds C. finding 三、阅读对话,判断正(T)误( F) 。 (Sarah is asking a policeman for help ) Sarah: Excuse me. Where is the Zhongbai Supermarket, please? Policeman: It s next to the hospital over there. Sarah: Is it far from here? Policeman: No. Sarah: How can I get there? Policeman: You can

12、walk there. Sarah: Thank you. Policeman: You re welcome. 第六课时 一、按要求写单词。 1. get there(英译汉) _ 2. 向右转(汉译英) _ 3. behind(汉语) _ 4. in front of(反义词) _ 5. next to(英译汉) _ 6. the London Eye ( 英译 汉) _ 二、单项选择。 ()1. I want _ to the London Eye. A. to go B. go C. goes ()2. How can you get there from the hospital?

13、_ A. It s in front of the park. B. Turn left at the park. C. Yes, there is. ()3. Let s _ right at the bookstore. A. turn B. turns C. turning ()4. You are in a car. Which of these can help you find a place? A. GPS B. Map C. Compass 三、阅读短文,回答问题。 Amy: Hi, Ann. Let s go to the gym. Ann: Great. How can w

14、e go there? Amy: Go to Guangming Street. Turn right at the cinema. The gym is near it. Ann: OK. See you later. Amy: See you. 1. Where do Amy and Ann want to go? _ 2. How can they get there? _ ()1. The post office is next to the supermarket. ()2. The supermarket is next to the hospital. ()3. Sarah go

15、es to the supermarket on foot. ()4. Sarah asks a policeman for help. ()5. Sarah knows the supermarket. 第一课时答案 一、 1-E 2-A 3-B 4-C 5-D 二、 1. C 2. C 3. A 三、 1. A 2. B 3. D 4. E 5. C 第二课时答案 一、 1. 紧挨着2. 买一个贺卡3. 劳驾,对不起4. the museum shop 5. near the door 6. a talking robot 二、 1. C 2. B 3. C 4. A 三、 there,

16、please, next, not, walk 第三课时答案 一、 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. B 二、 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F 6. T 三、 1. Its near the post office. 2. Where is the cinema? 3. Turn left at the bookstore. 第四课时答案 一、 1. interesting 2. bookstore 3. to have 4. carry 5. get 二、 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 三、 2 4 6 1 5 3 第五课时答案 一、 1. 在电影院前

17、面2. 右转3. 直走4. 在医院后面5. 在十字路口 6. 挨着公园7. 一家意大利餐馆 二、 1. A 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. A 三、 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. F 第六课时答案 一、 1. 到哪儿2. turn right 3. 在 后面4. 在 前面 5. 紧挨着6. 伦敦眼 二、 1. A 2. B 3. A 4. A 三、 1. They want to go to the gym. 2. Go to Guangming Street.Turn right at the cinema.The gym is near it. Unit 2 Ways

18、to go to school. 同步训练精品卷 第一课时 一、给下列短语选出合适的图片。 ()1. by plane ()2. by bus ()3. by ship ()4. by taxi A. B. C. D. 二、单项选择。 ()1. _ do you get to Paris? By plane. A.What B. How C. Whee ()2. Usually I go to school _ foot. A. in B.on C. by ()3. You can get to there _. Its too tar. A. by plane B. by train C.

19、on foot ()4. My father _ to work by bus A.go B. going C. goes ()5. How do you get to the USA_ China? A. to B. by C. from 三、根据所给情景,用所给单词或短语补全对话。 Sarah: How do you go to school? John: 1._. I go to school 2. _ Sarah: Can you go there3. _ John: No,I 4. _. It s too 5. _, 6. _ I go to school.7. _ but It s

20、 too expensive (昂贵的) . 第二课时 一、选出不同类的单词。 ()1. A. car B. ship C. school ()2. A. how B. what C. exercise ()3. A. sometimes B. usually C. near A. Sometimes B. on foot C. by bus D. far E. can t F. by taxi G. Usually ()4. A. school B. bus C. bike ()5. A. walk B. bike C. find 二、连词成句。 1. you, do, the, come,

21、 how, to, school (?) _ 2. can, how, go, the, science, to, they, museum(?) _ 3. I, come, foot, on, to, school (.) _ 4. usually, I, go, school, to, bus, by (.) _ 5. is, exercise, that, good(.) _ 三、阅读短文,完成句子。 Amy s home is far from school.Every day she gets up early. First, she goes to the bus stop on

22、foot at7: 10 a.m.Then she goes to the post office by bus. At last she goes to school on foot. 1. How does Amy go to school ? First, she goes to the bus stop _. Then, she goes to the post office _. At last she goes to school _. 2. Amy s school is _ her home. 第三课时 一、认识traffic lights ,连一连。 1. Go. 2. St

23、op and wait. 3. Slow down and stop. 二、按要求分类。 A. red B. bus C. stop D. wait E. plane F. yellow G. train I. green J. slow down A. B. C. 1. 交通灯颜色2. 交通灯含义3. 交通工具 三、看图,选词填空。 1.(Go/Wait)_ at a green light. 2. Look at the _ (traffic rules/traffic lights ). 3.(Stop and wait/Wait )_ at a red light. 4.(Slow d

24、own and stop/Go ) _ at a yellow light. 第四课时 一、为下列短语选择正确的中文意思。 ()1. over there A. 注意 ()2. pay attention B. 在那边 ()3. traffic lights C. 骑自行车的人 ()4. look right D. 向右看 ()5. people on bikes E. 交通信号灯 二、选择句子补全对话。 A: Lets go to the cinema. B: OK.1. _ A: On foot, The cinema is over there. B: Oh,1see it.2. _ A

25、: Please wait! It s red now.3. _ B: Look! 4. _We can go. 三、选择合适的单词将短文补充完整,每词只用一次。 A. Let s go! B. It s green now. C. We must stop and wait. D. How do we get there? a in are three rules left night green red yellow You must know the traffic 1. _ if you walk 2. _ a city. The traffic lights are the same

26、 in every city.There3. _ always 4. _ lights.You can cross the street at the 5. _ light and you must stop and wait at the 6. _ light. The 7. _ light means “ slow down and stop” . If you drive 8. _ car, you must drive on the 9. _ side of the road in China. But in England, people drive on the 10. _ sid

27、e of the road. 第五课时 一、用所给词的正确形式填空。 1. _ run _ the ferry. 2. We must stop _ a red light. 3.You _ wait here. 4. Many goes to school _ bike. 5. You must _ a life jacket. 二、单项选择。 ()1. How many_ to go to school,can you find? A.way B. ways C. wayes ()2. You must drive_. A. slow B. slowing C. slowly ()3. D

28、on t run _ the ferry. A. on B. in C. under ()4. Don t let the dog _ too fast. A. runs B. to run C. .run ()5. Let me read _ you. A. to B. for C. at 三、阅读对话。写出交通方式,完成下面的地图。 Mary: Lets go to the park this Saturday, Ann! Ann:Great! But how can I g to the park? Mary: First,come to my home by bike.Next we

29、can go to the bus stop on foot. Then we go to the park by bus. Ann: OK! I see.Goodbye! Mary: Bye ! 1. 2. 3. 第六课时 by at must Dont wear on _ Marys home_ the bus stop_ _ the park 一、找出下列单词画线部分发音不同的一项,把序号填在括号里。 ()1. A. by B. climb C. beach ()2. A. photo B. please C. stop ()3. A. side B. do C. Wednesday (

30、)4. A. drive B. tin C. bike ()5. A. it B. left C. picture 二、根据提示补全句子。 1. My brother usually goes to school _. (步行) . 2. Please _(停) and _(等) at a red light. 3. _(怎样) do you come to school? 4. _(通常),I come_(乘火车) . 5. We must pay attention to the _(交通灯) . 三、连词咸句。 1. how, you, do, go, the, to, cinema(?

31、) _ 2. there, No.85, over, take, the, bus(.) _ 3. from, cousin, UK, the, are, my(.) _ 4. park, go, the, let s, to, nature(.) _ 5. exercise, good, is, that(.) _ 四、阅读短文,填空。 Tom( 1 )a pupil.He lives in Guangzhou in No.1 Primary School.( 2 )home is( 3 )from school. Every day he gets( 4 )at six oclock an

32、d eats breakfast quickly,( 5 )time is so limited for him.He ( 6 ) to school by bus. Usually in the morning,many people (7 ) the bus.The bus ( 8 ) is full of pcople. So,Tom decides to go to school (9 ) bike He thinks his parents will agree with him and buy a ( 10 )bike for him. 1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_ 6 _ 7 _

33、 8 _ 9 _ 10_ His, is, new, always, by, go, far, goes , up, stop, because, take 第一课时答案 一、 1. A 2. D 3. C 4. B 二、 1. B 2. B 3. C 4. C 5. C 三、 1. G 2. C 3. B 4. E 5. D 6. A 第二课时答案 一、 1. C 2. C 3. C 4. A 5. B 二、 1. How do you come to the school? 2. How can they go to the science museum? 3. I come to sch

34、ool on foot. 4. I usually go to school by bus. 5. That is good exercise. 三、 1. on foot; by bus; on foot 2. far from 第三课时答案 一、 1. C 2. A 3. B 二、 1. AFI 2. CDHJ 3. BEG 三、 1. Go 2. traffic lights 3. Stop and wait 4. Slow down and stop 第四课时答案 一、 1. B 2. A 3. E 4. D 5. C 二、 1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 三、 l. rule

35、s 2. in 3. are 4. three 5. green 6. red 7. yellow 8. a 9. right 10. left 第五课时答案 一、 1. Don t; on 2. at 3. must 4. by 5. wear 二、 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. C 5. B 三、 1. by bike 2. on foot 3. by bus 第六课时答案 一、 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. C 二、 1. on foot 2. stop; wait 3. How 4. Usually; by train 5. traffic lights 三、 1

36、. How do you go to the cinema? 2. Take the No.55 bus over there. 3. My cousin are from the UK. 4. Let s go to the nature park. 5. That is good exercise. 四、 1. is 2.His 3. far 4. up 5. because 6 .goes 7. take 8. always 9. by 10. new Unit 3 My weekend plan 同步训练精品卷 第一课时 一、给图片选出合适的短语。 ()1.() 2. () 3. ()

37、4. A. visit his grandparents B. take a trip C. go to the supermarket D. see a film 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. What _(be)you _(go)to do tomorrow? 2. She _(be)_(go)to buy a new car _ (今天上午). 3. My father _(be)_ (go)to the zoo _(今天下午) . 4. They are going to _ (plant)something in the hill. 5. I m _ see a film _

38、(下周) . 三、阅读短文。判新正(T)误( F) 。 It s Saturday today.It s a sunny day. Mr Zheng is going to the park. He s going to play cards with Mr Chang there. Ms Zheng and Mrs Chang aren t going to the park.They are going to go shopping. Tomorrow is Ms Zhang s daughter s birthday. She s going to buy a new bag for h

39、er. But Mrs Chang isn t going to buy a bag.She s going to buy a new dress for herself. ()1. Its Sunday today. ()2. Mr Zheng and Mr Chang are going to the park. ()3. Mrs Zheng isnt going to the park. ()4. Mrs Chang is going to go shopping with Mrs Zheng. ()5. Mrs Zheng isnt going to buy a bag. 第二课时 一

40、、逃出不同类别的单词。 ()1. A. clothes B. film C. next ()2. A. where B. when C. wash ()3. A. beautiful B. snowman C. great ()4. A. have B. go C. picnic ()5. A. draw B. supermarket C. park 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Where _(be)Amy going? 2. We like to go _ (swim)in summer. 3. I am _(go)to see a film. 4. They are going

41、to _ (go)for a picnic. 5. She _(make)a snowman this afternoon. 三、补全对话。 A: 1._ ( What/Where)are you going to do tomorrow? B:Im going to have 2. _ (a/an)English lesson. A:What are you going to do in your lesson? B: Were going to draw some pictures in Renmin Park. A: That 3. _( sound/sounds)great! Im g

42、oing to 4. _ ( see/ read)a film tomorrow. B: Have a good time! A: You too.I have 5._ (do/to do)my homework now.Bye. B: OK. Bye. 第三课时 一、图文连线。 A.B. C.D. 1. postcard 2. comic book 3. dictionary 4. word book 二、选词填空。 1. _ are you going this afternoon? To the cinema. 2. _ are you going to Beijing? Next Saturday. 3. _ are you going to buy there? I am going to buy some fruit. 4. _ you have comic boo


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