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1、中考复习之时态和语态 -2013-3-23 中考考点 1 动词的第三人称单数形式、过去式、过去分词和现在分词的构成。 2 动词的 8 种时态的基本结构及区别( 了解过去将来时、过去完成时的基本用法) 。 3 被动语态的构成及主动语态和被动语态的转换。 初中阶段应掌握的时态共有八种,即一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、现在进行时、过去进行时、过去将来时、现在完成时和过去完成 时。 1 一般现在时 (1) 用法: 表示事实、现状、性质或经常的、习惯性的动作。常与seldom, often, usually, always, sometimes, today, every day, once a

2、week, every five minutes, on Sundays等时间状语连用。如: I go to school at seven every day. 我每天七点去上学。 表示普遍真理。如:The earth goes around the sun. 地球绕着太阳转。 表示在现在时间里所发生的一个动作。如:Here comes the bus. 公共汽车来了。 在时间和条件状语从句中代表一般将来时。 如: Ill go shopping with my mother if she is free tomorrow. 如果明天我妈妈有空,我将和她去购物。 (2) 动词的第三人称单数形

3、式变化规则如下: 直接加 s。如: work works 。 辅音字母 y 结尾的词,先变y 为 i,再加 es。如: carry carries; crycries; trytries; studystudies。 以 s、x、o、ch、sh 结尾的词加es。如: wash washes; teachteaches; gogoes; passpasses; fixfixes 。 特殊: have has 。 2. 现在进行时 (1) 结构:am/is/are动词的 ing 形式 (2) 用法:表示目前发生( 进行 ) 的动作 (不指状态 ) ,常用的时间状语有:now, at the mom

4、ent 等。当有look, listen起提示作用时,后面 的句子常用现在进行时。 如: Are you writing a letter to your friend now? 你现在正在给你朋友写信吗? Listen! She is singing in the next room. 听!她正在隔壁唱歌。 表示现阶段正在进行,而此刻不一定在进行的动作。如:We are planting trees these days.这些日子我们在植树。 表示位移的动词的进行时表示动作将要发生。此类词有come, go, leave, arrive, fly等,常与表示将来的时间状语连用。 如: The

5、y are leaving for England tomorrow afternoon. 他们明天下午要去英国。 (3) 现在分词的变化规则: 一般加 -ing 。如: play playing。 以不发音字母e 结尾的,去e 加ing 。如: come coming; makemaking; liveliving ;write writing; taketaking 。 以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的,先双写该辅音字母,再加-ing 。如: run running; sitsitting; beginbeginning; cut cutting; stopstopping; ge

6、tgetting; swimswimming; planplanning。 特殊: die dying; lielying; tietying 。 3. 一般将来时 (1) 结构:助动词shall/will动词原形 (2) 用法:表示将要发生的动作或状态,常用的时间状语有:later(on), soon, in a month, next time, from now on, tomorrow等。 如: I shall be eighteen years old next year.明年我 18 岁了。 表示某种必然的趋势。如:Fish will die without water.离开水,鱼

7、就会死。 (3) 注意: 在以第一人称作主语的问句中,常用 shall 表示提议和询问情况, 在以第二人称作主语的句中,用 will 表示请求。如: Where shall we have lunch? 我们在哪里吃午饭? 当主语是第一人称时,用will 表示意愿、决心、允诺、命令等。如: I will give Xiaoming a good gift for his birthday. 我会在小明生日时送他一份好礼。 在时间或条件状语从句中,一般用一般现在时代替一般将来时。如: I will write to Jim when he is there. 当吉姆到达那里时,我将给他写信。 “

8、 be going to动词原形”也可表示将来时。 a表示主观意愿、打算等。如:Hes going to learn English next term.下学期他打算学英语。 b根据已有迹象能推测出可能要发生的情况。如:Look at the black clouds!It is going to rain. 看那些乌云!马上要下雨了。 提示 表示位移的动词的进行时常表达将来之意,如:come, go, leave, fly, start, finish等。如: Shes flying to Australia next month.下个月她将飞往澳大利亚。 4 一般过去时 表示过去发生的动作

9、或存在的状态。句中的谓语动词要变为过去式。 (1) 句型结构: be 动词型 I was a student last year. 去年我是一名学生。 Were you at home this morning? 今天早上你在家吗? Yes, I was./No, I wasnt. 是的,我在。 / 不,我不在。 行为动词型 Tom went to Shanghai last year. 去年汤姆去了上海。 John did n t leave here last year . 去年约翰没有住在这里。 Did you see him just now? 你刚才看见他了吗? (2) 用法:主要表

10、示过去的某个时间发生的动作或存在的状态。如: His friend was at work yesterday. 他的朋友昨天在工作。 表示过去经常或反复发生的动作,常与often ,always 等表示频度的时间状语连用。如: We often went to work by bus last year. 去年我们经常乘公交车上班。 和 when 等引导的时间状语从句连用。如:When he got home, he had a rest. 当他到家时,他休息了一会儿。 常与表示过去的时间状语连用。这些状语有:ago, yesterday, last week, in the old day

11、s, when I was five years old, in 1995等。 如:We began our work three hours ago三小时前,我们开始工作。 (3) 动词过去式的变化规则: 一般情况在动词原形后加-ed 。如 : watch watched。 以不发音字母e 结尾的加 -d 。如: live lived; practicepracticed。 以辅音字母加y 结尾的,变y 为 i 加-ed 。如: study studied; carrycarried; crycried 。 以重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母的,先双写该辅音字母,再加-ed 。如: st

12、op stopped; planplanned; 不规则动词的过去式需特殊记忆。 5. 现在完成时 (1) 结构:have/has动词的过去分词 (2) 用法:表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响和结果。有时与just, already, yet, recently, before,ever , never , twice, three times 等时间状语连用。 如: I have seen the film already. 我已经看过这部电影了。(现在我知道电影的内容了。) 表示从过去某一时刻开始一直持续到现在的动作或状态。常与“since 时间点”, “for 时间段”,及 how l

13、ong, (ever)since, ever, before, so far , in the last/past few years, up to now, till now等时间状语连用。如: Weve planted thousands of trees in the past few years. 过去几年我们种了成千上万棵树。 So far there has been no bad news. 到现在为止还没有什么坏消息。 (3) 一般过去时与现在完成时的区别 一般过去时只强调在过去发生过某事或关注的是动作发生的时间、地点、方式等。而现在完成时则强调过去的动作对现在的影响,因此,若

14、不 强调某事对现在的影响就不用现在完成时。如: I saw the movie yesterday. 我昨天看了这部电影。( 强调电影是昨天看的) I have already seen the film. 我已经看过这部电影了。( 强调到现在为止看过这部电影了) (4) 延续性动词 : 在现在完成时中,如果有持续的时间状语,要把非延续性动词变为延续性动词。如: I have had the book for two days. 这本书我已经买了两天了。(用 had ,而不用 bought) I have been in Tokyo for two weeks. 我已经来东京两周了。(用 be

15、en in,而不用 come to) 6 过去进行时 (1) 结构:was/weredoing (2) 用法:过去进行时主要表示过去某一时间点或某一段时间正在进行的动作。如: His father fell down while he was riding his bicycle and hurt himself. 他爸爸骑自行车时摔到了,弄伤了自己。 (3) 常用的时间状语:this morning, the whole morning, all day yesterday, from nine to ten, last evening, when, while。 (4)when和 whil

16、e的区别: 引导时间状语从句时,while 连接的是时间段, 后常接延续性动词;而 when连接的既可以是延续性动词也可以是非延续性动词。如:What was your father doing while your mother was cooking?你妈妈正在做饭时,你爸爸干什么呢? What was your mother doing when you came back? 当你回来时,你妈妈干什么呢? while可以连接两个并列的句子,而when不可以。如: I was trying my best to finish my work while my sister was watc

17、hing TV. 我当时正在尽力完成作业,而我的妹妹正在看电视。 when可作特殊疑问词,对时间进行提问,while 不能。如: When were you born?你是什么时候出生的? 7 过去完成时 (1) 结构:had 动词的过去分词 (2) 用法:表示过去的某一时刻以前已经发生的动作或存在的状态,也就是“过去的过去” 。 常以 by, before短语或 when, before, after, until 等引导的从句作为前提。如: My teacher said she had never been to London. 我老师说过她从来没去过伦敦。 When the polic

18、e arrived, the thieves had run away. 警察到达时,小偷们早就跑了。 表示从过去某一时刻开始一直延续到另一过去时刻的动作或状态。跟现在完成时一样,也常与how long, for three days, before 等表示 一段时间的状语连用。如: When Jack arrived, he learned Mary had left for almost an hour. 当杰克到来时,他得知玛丽已经离开差不多一个小时了。 8 过去将来时 (1) 结构:would 动词原形或was/weregoing to动词原形。 (2) 用法:表示从过去的某一时刻看,

19、将要发生的动作。如: His uncle said that there would be a good harvest the next year.他叔叔说明年会有个好收成。 提醒 在由 if 引导的条件状语从句中,如果主句中用过去将来时,if 从句中需用一般过去时代替过去将来时。如: Amy said that she would go shopping if it didnt rain the next day.艾米说如果明天不下雨,她就去购物。 中考模拟练习 ( ) 1 I_ supper when the boy broke in. A. has B. have C. was hav

20、ing D. will have ( ) 2 We _ no class on Sundays. A. had B. have C. has D. are having ( ) 3 _ the Blacks _ TV at seven yesterday? A. Did; watch B. Are, watching C. Were; watching D. Do; watch ( ) 4 The scientist _ a walk in his garden at four last Sunday. A. was taking B. would take C. took D. was ta

21、ken ( ) 5 While Tom _ a football match, his sister was reading an interesting story in her room. A. was watching B. is watching C. has watched D. had watched ( ) 6 When Miss Zhao came into the classroom, the students _. A. talked B. were talking C. talkingD. talk ( ) 7 Mary was drawing a horse on th

22、e blackboard when I _ in. A. have comeB. cameC. am comingD. come ( ) 8 Look at the clouds. _. A. Its going to rainB. Itll be rainingC. It will be rainedD. Itll rain ( ) 9 My family _ to stay in London for some time. A. is going B. are going C. go D. are go ( ) 10 There _ two English films next week.

23、 A. is going to be B. are going to haveC. will haveD. are going to be ( ) 11 There is going to _ a volleyball match on our school playground.The match is going to _ at six this even ing. A. have; beB. be; haveC. be; beD. have; have ( ) 12 -Are you busy this afternoon? -No. I _ to watch a football ma

24、tch. A. am goingB. willC. shallD. can ( ) 13 Who _ help him to move the box away? A. areB. are going ,C. are going toD. is ( ) 14 Where _ buy a computer for your son? A. you areB. are goingC. you goD. are you going to ( ) 15 Next year my little sister _ ten years old. A. is to beB. is going to beC.

25、shall beD. will be ( ) 16 -Is this the last exam for this term? -Yes, but there _ another test three months from now. A. isB. wasC. will beD. has been ( ) 17 You _ late for school again if you _ early. A. shall be; wont get upB. are; wont get upC. will be; dont get upD. have been; not get ( ) 18 Cou

26、ld you please _ this rubber to Xiao Ling? A. to giveB. givingC. gaveD. give ( ) 19 _ you _ a teacher when you grow up? A. Will; beB. Are; going to beC. Are; /D. Will; going to be, ( ) 20 Last year the old man _ under the roof, enjoying the sunlight- A. sitsB. is sittingC. sitD. would sit ( ) 21 He _

27、 in our school for 20 years and he _ here in 1977. A. has taught; cameB. has taught; has comeC. taught; cameD. has teached; has came ( ) 22 _ the Great Wall? A. Have you ever gone toB. Are you ever going toC. Do you ever go toD. Have you ever been to ( ) 23 I _ the book yet. A. havent readB. hadnt r

28、eadC. dont readD. am not reading ( ) 24 They left for Beijing last month and we _ them ever since. A. dont hear fromB. havent heard fromC. wont hear fromD. didnt hear from ( ) 25 The old man _ in this house since 1949. A. has livedB. had livedC. is livingD. lives ( ) 26 I _ her only twice since last

29、 year. A. seeB. was seeingC. have seenD. saw ( ) 29 -_you _ your breakfast?-Yes, I have. -When _ you _ it?-Twenty minutes ago. A. Have; have; have; hadB. Did; have; did; haveC. Have; had; do; haveD. Have; had; did; have ( ) 30 -_ your homework yet?-Not yet, I _ it. A. Have you done; am doingB. Did y

30、ou do; didC. Did you do; am doingD. Have you done; did ( ) 31 My father isnt here now. He _ Shanghai. He _ there twice. A. has gone; has beenB. has gone to; has been toC. has been to; has goneD. has gone to; has been ( ) 32 -Could I speak to Mrs. Black, please? -Sorry, she _ to the library. A. is go

31、ingB. has goneC. has beenD. will to ( ) 33. Peter is young, but he _ many foreign countries. A. has been in B. has gone toC. went toD. has been to ( ) 34 _ you _ the book? A. Are; haveB. Have; gotC. Do; getD. Are; having ( )45. -Whats her name? -I_. A. forgetB. forgotC. had forgottenD. am forgetting

32、 ( )47.I_my homework now. A. finishB. finishedC. have finishedD. had finished ( )50.Last week John_ his leg. A. felt and broken B. fell and brokeC. feels and breaks D. fallen and broken 考点二动词的被动语态 英语中的动词有两种语态:主动语态和被动语态。 1被动语态的构成:助动词 be 及物动词的过去分词 (1) 一般现在时:主语 am/is/are动词的过去分词 (2) 一般过去时:主语 was/were动词的

33、过去分词 (3) 一般将来时:主语 will/shall/be going tobe动词的过去分词。如: A bridge will be built over the river. 人们将在这条河上建一座桥。 (4) 现在进行时:主语 am/is/arebeing 动词的过去分词。如: A bridge is being built over the river. 人们正在这条河上建桥。 (5) 现在完成时:主语 have/hasbeen 动词的过去分词 (6) 过去进行时:主语 was/werebeing 动词的过去分词 (7) 过去完成时:主语 had been动词的过去分词 (8) 过

34、去将来时:主语 would be动词的过去分词 (9) 含有情态动词的被动语态:主语情态动词be 动词的过去分词。如: A bridge can be seen over the river. 人们能看到河上有座桥。 (10) 在使役动词have, make, let以及感官动词see, find, watch, notice, hear, feel等后面作宾语补足语的不定式,在主动结构中不定式 to 要省略,但变为被动结构时,要加to 。如: Someone saw a stranger walk into the building. 被动结构为:A stranger was seen to

35、 walk into the building. 有人看见一个陌生人走进了这座楼。 2某些谓语动词的主动形式表示被动意义 (1) 英语中有很多动词,如:break, catch, clean, drive, lock, open, sell, read, write, wash等,当它们被用作不及物动词来描述主语特 征时,常用其主动形式表达被动意义,主语通常是物。 如: This kind of cloth washes well这种布料很好洗。 注意 主动语态表被动强调的是主语的特征,而被动语态则强调外界作用造成的影响。 试比较: The door wont lock.(指门本身有毛病) T

36、he door wont be locked.(指不会有人来锁门,表示“门没有锁”是人的原因) (2) 表示“发生、 进行”的不及物动词和短语,如:happen, last, take place, break out, come out, come about, come true, run out, give out, turn out等以主动形式表示被动意义。如: How do the newspapers come out? 这些报纸是如何印刷出来的呢? (3) 系动词没有被动形式,但有些表示感受、感官的连系动词,如:feel, sound, taste, feel等在主系表结构中常以

37、主动形式表示被动意义。如: Your reason sounds reasonable. 你的理由听起来很合理。 (4) 下列结构中的v.ing 必须用主动形式表示被动意义: want(need, require, request)“需要” v.ing 。但当这些动词后接不定式时,则必须用被动形式表示被动意义。如: The bike needs mending.这辆自行车需要修理 Our classroom needs to be cleaned. 我们的教室需要打扫。 be worth doing sth值得做某事如: The book is well worth reading. 这本书很

38、值得一读 中考模拟练习 1. The sick boy _to hospital by the police yesterday. A. is taken B. was taken C. takes D. took 2. Waste paper shouldnt _ everywhere. Its our duty to keep our city clean. A. be thrown B. throw C. is thrown D. are thrown 3. -Do you have any problems if you _ this job? A. offer B. will off

39、er C. are offered D. will be offered 4. It is reported that more new teaching buildings _ in our school in the next term. A. will be built B. was built C. has built D. will build 5. -David, turn off the TV _ no one is watching it. -But it _ off already! The music is from the radio. A. so that, has b

40、een turned B.when,has turned C. if,has been turned D. because,has turned 6. ick _ a job in a bank, but to our surprise,he didnt take it. A. is offered B. offered C was offered D. has offered 7.-Its difficult for the village children to cross the river for school. - -I think a bridge _ over the river

41、. A. was built B. is being built C. has been built D. should be built 8. I _ to get there before seven tomorrow, so Ill have to get up early . A. told B. have told C. will tell D. was told 9. It is reported that the Underground Line No. 3 _ in our city in 2010. A. will build B. has built C. will be

42、built D. has been built 10. When you leave the room, make sure the door _. A. was locked B. is locked C. will be locked D. should be locked 课堂分享 a dog s dinner (一顿狗餐 ) 喻 “乱七八糟;一件做得很糟糕的工作”。 in the doghouse(在狗房里)喻“失宠,丢人“。 with the tail between the legs(双腿夹着尾巴)喻“垂头丧气” 。 Have a bone to pick with(有根骨头与抢)

43、喻“与为难”。 work like a dog(像狗一样工作)喻“拼命工作” 。 teach the dog to bark(教狗怎么叫)喻“做白费心机的事”。 以上都是英语中由“狗”引申过来的成语,多为褒义,同样在汉语中也有很多与狗相关的成语, 而在汉语中大部分是贬 义的 . 在汉语文化中, ”狗”常用来形容坏人, 如狗仗人势 , 狼心狗肺 , 够血喷人 , 狗急跳墙 , 鸡飞狗跳 , 鸡鸣狗盗 , 狗嘴里吐不 出象牙 , 狗眼看人低等等. 课后强化练习 -完形填空 David is a middle school student. He had lived in a small _1_ f

44、or fifteen years. It was a small place with only five families living there. His father, Mr. Hill, was a rich farmer and later on he _2_ a shop in our town. He bought a house here last month. His _3_ moved to the new house and his son began to study in our class. But he had _4_ friends here. At firs

45、t he often played by _5_. His neighbor Cathy is a kind girl. She has many friends. She finds the boy never talks with anybody and decides to help him. David _6_ to stay with her and talks to her a lot. Now theyre good friends. One afternoon, Cathy told David, “Itll be my sixteenth birthday tomorrow.

46、 Ill have a birthday party. Would you like to come?” “_ 7_. Im glad to,” the boy said happily. David got home and thought of a _8_ he could give to Cathy. He was sorry that he _9_ to ask the girl what she liked. He couldnt telephone her because he didnt know her _10_. At that moment Mrs. Hill came a

47、nd asked, “Whats the matter, dear?” “What would you like if it was your sixteenth birthday, Mom?” “Nothing,“ the woman said, “I just wish I were sixteen.” ( )1. A. town B. city C. village D. country ( )2. A. open B. opens C. opened D. opening ( )3. A. home B. shop C. building D. family ( )4. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little ( )5. A. himself B. him C. his D. he ( )6. A. enjoy B. enjoys C. like D. likes ( )7. A. Well B. No C. Sorry D. Certainly ( )8. A. book B. dress C. present D. pen ( )9. A. forgot B. forget C. remember D. remembered ( )10. A. home B. number C. place D. address


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