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1、七年级(上)Units 3-4综合能力测试题笔试部分(85分)第一卷 选择题(60分)I.词汇测试。(15分)i)从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。(共8小题,每小题1分)()1. Oh, your house is large. Do all your family members live here?Yes, they do.A. very tallB. very smallC. very big()2. Dont walk beside the river, or your shoes maybe wet.Dont worry. I will be car

2、eful.A. not dryB. not cleanC. not beautiful()3. Can you tell me everything about her?Of course I can.A. some thingsB. all the thingsC. few things()4. Dont throw the rubbish into the lake. It will pollute the lake.Sorry, I wont do it again.A. make . dirtyB. make . goodC. make . clean()5. The man kill

3、s the bird for eating.Oh, he is very bad. We should do something to stop him from doing this.A. makes . alive B. makes . safeC. makes . dead()6. Can I play computer games, Mom?No, you cant. You must complete your homework first.A. shouldB. have toC. may()7. Hi, Sam. Where will your family take a tri

4、p this summer holiday? We will go to Xian. I want to eat the food there.A. travelB. come C. begin()8. The Earth provides us with many useful things. Thats true. It is really important to all the people.A. wantsB. givesC. leavesii)根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。(共7小题,每小题1分)()9. To _, something i

5、s to keep it safe.A. useB. protectC. smell()10. A(n) _ is something thatis difficult to deal with (处理) or understand.A. problemB. picnicC. article()11. Now English is very _ to everyone, so we should study it hard.Yes, you are right.A. boringB. easyC. important()12. What a fine day! The Sun is _ bri

6、ghtly.Its a good day for having a picnic.A. shiningB. burningC. flying()13. Why is her English very good?Because she always _ three hours reading English books every day.A. spendsB. usesC. takes()14. I want to _. Would you like to go with me?Sorry, I am afraid of water.A. go climbingB. go swimmingC.

7、 go skating()15. Dont _ the food. You can take it to your dog.Thats a good idea.A. help withB. take inC. throw awayII.完形填空。(15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。(共10小题,每小题1.5分)My name is Seven and Im a dog. Im now a 16 of a dog training (训练) school. I 17 here because I want to be a guide dog

8、 (导盲犬). I hope I can 18 people in need some day. Mrs Wang is my teacher. My classes 19 at seven every morning. The city centre (市中心) is my 20. Mrs Wang teaches me to walk on the streets, to get on the bus, to 21 in a supermarket. Its not 22 to be my teacher. Mrs Wang has to live with me every day. A

9、nd sometimes I dont listen to her. You dont listen to your teacher sometimes, right? But Mrs Wang is always 23 to me. She is like my mum. I really 24 her.Next week, I will go to Mr Lees family. Mr Lee cant 25 things well. I can work as his eyes. I am glad to help him.()16. A. memberB. worker C. teac

10、her()17. A. sleepB. studyC. want()18. A. makeB. helpC. have()19. A. startB. openC. learn()20. A. libraryB. club C. classroom()21. A. go swimmingB. go fishingC. go shopping()22. A. easyB. difficult C. important()23. A. badB. niceC. rude()24. A. hateB. thinkC. love()25. A. seeB. readC. walkIII.阅读理解。(3

11、0 分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共20小题,每小题1.5分)AMy favourite season.My favourite season is spring because everything can get new and green again. I like having picnics and taking photos with my friends. I dont like autumn because I know that it will be cold soon.Share (8) Support (20)Sam / UKAn

12、nie/ GermanyAutumn is my favourite season. I love the color of leaves. I love the autumn wind. It blows the leaves around. I often take a walk in autumn with a warm cup of coffee. I dont like summer because its too hot.Share (4) Support (15)Nick/CanadaI like summer best. Its very cool in my hometown

13、 in summer, and its nice to have a long and sunny summer. There are a lot of outdoor activities you can take part in, for example, going camping. I dont like winter because its pretty cold, and I dont want to go outside.Share (10) Support (21)()26. Which season does Sam like best?A. Spring.B. Summer

14、.C. Autumn.D. Winter.()27. Where is Annie from?A. Germany.B. Canada.C. The UK.D. The US.()28. Whats the weather like in Nicks hometown in summer?A. Warm.B. Cool.C. Hot.D. Cold.()29. What does the underlined word “pretty” mean?A. A few.B. A little.C. Not.D. Quite.()30. What can we NOT know from the p

15、assage?A. Sam and Nick dont like cold weather.B. Annie likes yellow leaves in autumn.C. Nick doesnt like to go outside in winter.D. Four people share Sams idea.BDavid is eight years old. On Friday, his friend Rose says to him, “This Sunday is my birthday. Do you want to come to my birthday party?” D

16、avid says, “Yes.”David is in his grandparents home on Saturday. Then on Sunday, he goes home and asks his mother, “Can I go to Roses birthday party?” His mother says, “Yes, you can go, but you must be polite. Dont ask for any food. They will give you some.” “All right, Mum,” David says and he rides

17、his bike to Roses house.There are many children at the party. Some are Roses classmates, and some are her friends. They play games, sing and dance. They are very happy. David only knows Frank and they play together for two hours. Then Roses mother, Mrs Smith, gives them some food, but she forgets Da

18、vid. He waits for one hour, and then he takes his plate up to Roses mother and says, “Do you want a nice clean plate?”()31. Where does David go on Sunday?A. To his grandparents home.B. To the market.C. To Roses birthday party.D. To his school.()32. Why does Davids mother ask him not to ask for any f

19、ood?A. Because she wants David to be polite.B. Because she doesnt want David to be fat.C. Because she asks David to take some food with him.D. Because she thinks the food is not healthy.()33. How does David go to Roses home?A. By car.B. By bike.C. By bus.D. On foot.()34. Which of the following do th

20、e children NOT do at Roses party?A. Play games.B. Eat food.C. Dance.D. Watch movies.()35. What do you think of David?A. Funny.B. Silly:C. Lazy.D. Rude.CI Saving the Earth shouldnt be so difficult if we can do the following things.First, we should take our time. There is no need to hurry. We can walk

21、 or ride a bike to work.Second, we should smell the Earth. Open the windows. Turn off the air-conditioner, and at the same time, save energy.Third, we should enjoy cooking at home and having meals at our dinner table. So we can use our own bowls and chopsticks, not the plastic ones.Fourth, we should

22、 spend our weekends and holidays in the park playing games or just riding a bike around.Fifth, we should learn how to make good use of (充分利用) old things in the house, in the garden, or in the kitchen.Lastly, no one really has a mountain and a sea. Dont throw rubbish here and there any longer.()36. W

23、hat does the writer think of saving the Earth?A. It should be safe.B. It should be difficult.C. It should be easy.D. It should be happy.()37. What do the underlined words “take our time” mean?A. Be happy.B. Be slow.C. Be fast.D. Be sad.()38. What can we know from the passage?A. Eating at home can he

24、lp save the Earth.B. Enjoying air outside can help save energy.C. Not buying new tiling can save the Earth.D. Throwing old things away is good for the Earth.()39. How many ideas about saving the Earth are mentioned (被提及) in the passage?A. Four.B. Five.C. Six.D. Seven.()40. What is the best title for

25、 the passage?A. What the Earth looks like.B. How to enjoy life on the Earth easily.C. How to protect the Earth.D. How to use the energy on the Earth.DParents often find children watch cartoons for at least three to four hours a day. Kids start watching cartoons on TV at an early age of six months, a

26、nd when they are two or three, they become fans of cartoons and they would like to spend much time on them. Parents think this is a big problem because many kids are too crazy (疯狂的) about watching cartoons. Parents think if kids spend too much time on cartoons, they wont do well at school.Some peopl

27、e think its good to watch cartoons. They help the working parents a lot because they can do much work when their kids watch cartoons on TV.When they watch educational (教育方面的) cartoons, they get to learn many things. For example, kids can learn English well with the help of those cartoons. And some k

28、ids can learn about the friendship (友谊) from the cartoons. It is good for them to get on well with their friends and classmates.So sometimes parents dont need to stop kids from watching cartoons, but they should make sure (确保) that their kids are watching the right things.()41. When do kids start to

29、 watch cartoons on TV?A. When they are six months old.B. When they are two years old.C. When they are three years old.D. When they are six years old.()42. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Parents need to watch cartoons with their kids.B. Children should not watch cartoons w

30、hen they are young.C. Some parents think its bad for their kids to watch too many cartoons.D. Children like cartoons because their parents dont take care of them.()43. Why is it good for children to watch cartoons according to (根据) the passage?A. Kids can watch all kinds of cartoons.B. Because child

31、ren can know how to get on well with others.C .Because children can know how to keep healthy.D. Because children can know how to make cartoons.()44. Who is the passage mainly for?A. Teachers.B. Children.C. Cartoon makers.D. Parents.()45. What is the writers idea?A. Kids cant watch cartoons.B. Its im

32、portant to stop kids from watching cartoons.C. Kids can spend time watching cartoons on weekends.D. Parents should let their kids watch the right cartoons.第二卷 非选择题(25分)IV.语法填空。(10分)根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空。未提供单词的根据上下文填入适当的词。(共10小题,每小题1分)Mrs West lives in Guangzhou. We know that Guangzhou is very hot in s

33、ummer. So many people dont want (46) _ (go) out after lunch. But Mrs West has to meet her father at the bus stop (47) _ such a hot afternoon.Her father, Harry, is sixty (48) _ (year) old. He lives in (49) _ small town. These days he doesnt feel well so Mrs West calls him and asks him (50) _ (come) t

34、o see a doctor in the hospital in Guangzhou. She (51) _ think) the hospital in Guangzhou may be good for him.Now she is on the way to the bus stop. There (52) _ (be) few trees so she feels very hot. But shes too fat and cant walk (53) _ (quick). She walks and walks. Suddenly she finds a boy (54) _ (

35、walk) behind her. She doesnt feel happy.“(55) _ do you walk behind me, boy?” she asks angrily.“Its cool,” the boy answers.V.书面表达。(15分)看图,以“The four seasons”为题写一篇英语短文,描写每个季节的特点及人们的活动,可以适当发挥想象。要求:条理清楚,意思连贯,语句通顺,60词左右。The four seasons_七年级 (上) Units 3-4综合能力测试题笔试部分第一卷I. 1-5 CABAC 6-10 BABBA 11-15 CAABCII

36、. 16-20 ABBAC 21-25 CABCAIII. 26-30 AABDD 31-35 CABDA 36-40 CBACC 41-45 ACBDD第二卷 (One possible version) IV. 46. to go 47. on 48. years 49. a 50. to come 51. thinks 52. are 53. quickly 54. walking 55. WhyV. The four seasonsThere are four seasons in a year. Spring is warm. Trees and grass turn green a

37、nd we can see many beautiful flowers in the park. When summer comes, it is very hot. So people go swimming or boating in the river. Children like eating ice cream to keep cool. When autumn comes, the weather turns cool. Some leaves start to fall. Wind blows hard. Winter is very cold. We have to put on thick clothes. But children love winter because they can make snowmen and go skiing. For me, every season is lovely.【书面表达写作指导】 本篇作文是看图作文。首先,根据图片可知每个季节的特征和人们的活动都是不同的,在根据图片写作时也可适当加上自己的想象;其次,写作时注意转折衔接要自然,可适当使用如so, but之类的连词;最后,发表自己的看法。


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