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1、2019 届高考英语二轮复习阅读理解推理判断题专练(三)观点态度 类 (2017河南、河北七所名校联考) When it comes to writing work emails, there are many rules to follow. In the past, people always wanted to come across as someone whos calm and professional, which workplace manners experts say means they wanted to hold back their love for emotico

2、ns (表情符号 ) while on the job. But language is always changing, and a recent national survey in the US found that 76 percent of Americans said that they had used emoticons in digital communication at work. The most popular emoticon is the happy face. Lindsey Pollak, a US career coach who works with Mi

3、llennials (千禧一代 ), has also noticed that emoticons have gone from being inappropriate for the workplace to being accepted. The reason behind this, according to her, is largely due to the changing of people in a particular age group of the workforce. Millennials are now the biggest generation in the

4、American workforce. “A few years ago, emoticons were absolutely seen as very young and very personal,” Pollak said. “Over the past few years. Ive seen emoticons become more acceptable. I see them more frequently not just from Millennials but from all generations at the workplace.” “People tend to us

5、e emoticons to just add that little bit of extra change in the tone when theres something awkward or potentially offensive, or when they might take in things in the wrong way,” explains Lauren Collister, a sociolinguist. In life and work, many of us have used emoticons to send positive atmosphere or

6、 soften statements. Pollak, however, warns against being too casual at work. Her advice is to be aware of who the audience is. “Frankly, I wouldnt use a happy face with any CEO in the US. I wouldnt use a happy face with the people of a certain level no matter how commonplace and acceptable it has be

7、come,” she said. “You can make or break a relationship with one email these days.” 【解题导语】本文是一篇说明文,向我们介绍了表情符号在工作邮件中的使用越来越 流行的原因以及人们对此要注意的方面。 1What does the author say about past working people? AThey were calm and professional. BThey used more serious emoticons. CThey were not fond of emoticons. DThe

8、y avoided using emoticons at the workplace. 解析: D 考查细节理解。根据第一段中的“they wanted to hold back their love for emoticons (表情符号 ) while on the job”可知,以前的职员在工作中抑制自己对表情符 号的喜爱,即避免使用表情符号。故选D。根据第一段中的“ people al ways wanted to come across as someone whos calm and professional”可排除A项。 2What can people use emoticon

9、s to do at the workplace? AMake it personal to communicate. BKeep up with the trend of the times. CShow a positive attitude to the receiver. DHelp them share their ideas and feelings. 解析: C 考查推理判断。根据第四段的内容可知,当尴尬或者可能冒犯别人的事情发 生时, 或者可能误解了某事时,人们往往会使用表情符号来稍微改变一下语气,传达积极的 交流氛围或者让表达变得缓和。也就是说, 在工作场合, 人们可以通过表

10、情符号来向接收者 表达自己积极的态度。故选C。 3What can we learn from the last paragraph? AEmoticons should be used with caution. BThere are strict limitations on emoticon using. CAll the US CEOs are against the use of emoticons. DEmoticons can greatly help bring people close. 解析: A 考查推理判断。根据最后一段中的“Pollak, however, warns

11、 against being too casual at work”“I wouldnt use a happy face with any CEO in the US. I wouldnt use a happy face with the people of a certain level” “You can make or break a relationship with one email these days”可知,人们在使用表情符号时要谨慎,要分场 合分人,不能随意使用表情符号。 4Whats the writers attitude towards the use of emo

12、ticons at work? ASubjective. BObjective. CDoubtful. DOpposing. 解析: B 考查作者态度。纵观全文可知,作者既谈到了表情符号的流行及作用,也谈 到了人们在使用表情符号时需要注意的地方。因此作者的态度是客观的,故选B。 B (2017河南省第二次统一检测) Half of primary schools will adopt the traditional Chinese method of maths teaching in a Government drive to stop British youngsters from fal

13、ling behind their_Asian_counterparts. Youngsters in the UK are way behind those in China, Singapore and Japan in numeracy (计算能力). In the latest PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) tests for 15-year-olds, Shanghai came top in maths while the UK came 26th. The school will give up “ch

14、ild-centred” styles and instead return to repetition, drills and “chalk and talk” whole-class learning. Primary school children will be taught “Shanghai maths” as British schools copy Chinese teaching methods to improve standards. So far 140 teachers have been trained in the approach. Currently, cla

15、sses are often divided into groups based on ability. Critics blame the British teaching styles that focused on applying maths to r eal-life situations in an effort to make the subject more interesting. They say this has led to confusion and stopped children learning the basics. Under the Governments

16、 new plans, children as young as five will have drills to practise sums and exercises, and must master each concept before moving to the next. Nick Gibb, the schools minister, said that training will be provided for 8 000 primary schools half the countrys total to switch to the Shanghai “mastery” ap

17、proach. “We are seeing a renaissance ( 复兴 ) in maths teaching in this country, with good ideas from around the world helping to cheer up our classrooms,” he said. 【文章大意】本文是一则新闻报道。英国半数小学课堂将推行中国传统的数学教学模 式来提高孩子们的数学计算能力,以防止英国青少年在数学上落后于亚洲同龄人。 5The underlined words “their Asian counterparts” in Paragraph

18、1 refer to _. Athe weak pupils in Asia Bthe young students in Asia Cthe primary schools in Asia Dthe maths teachers in Asia 解析: B 指代判断题。根据第一段中的“British youngsters”可知,此处指英国政 府将在半数英国小学课堂推行中国传统的数学教学法,以防止英国少年落后于亚洲同龄人。 由此可推断出,画线部分指的是Asian youngsters,即亚洲的少年们。故选B。 6Which of the following is an approach of

19、“Shanghai maths ”? AChildren can choose to learn what interests them. BChildren are given different work based on their ability. CChildren are taught in groups rather than as an entire class. DChildren are required to master a concept before they progress. 解析: D 细节理解题。根据关键句可知,“上海数学”要求孩子们在学习更深一层的 知识之

20、前一定要掌握每一个概念。故选D。 关键句: . and must master each concept before moving to the next.(第四段最 后一句 ) 译文:而且必须先掌握每一个概念,然后才能学习新的知识。 7Recently, some British maths teachers have been trained to _. Aincrease the difficulty level Bconduct “child-centred” classes Cguide students to repeat and drill Dmeet the needs of

21、 smart students 解析: C 推理判断题。根据关键句并结合第三段最后一句可推知,一些英国数学老师 接受培训是为了指导学生重复、训练。故选C。 关键句: The school wil l give up “child-centred” styles and instead return to repetition, drills and “chalk and talk” whole-class learning.(第三段第一句) 译文: 学校将放弃“以孩子为中心”的模式,转而采取重复、 练习和“填鸭式”整班教 学法。 8What is Nick Gibbs attitude tow

22、ard the new teaching style? ASupportive. B Doubtful. CCautious. D Negative. 解析: A 观点态度题。根据关键句可推知,Nick Gibb非常支持这种新的教学模式。 故选 A。 关键句:“ We are seeing a renaissance ( 复兴 ) in maths teaching in this country, with good ideas from around the world helping to cheer up our classrooms,” he said.(最后一段 ) 译文: 他说:

23、 “通过采用全世界的优秀理念来使课堂重获生机,我国的数学教学事业正 在我们的见证下走向复兴。” C (2017东北三校二模) For generations, students were taught to stretch before playing games. Then the practice fell out of favor. Studies seemed to show that such stretching temporarily reduces muscular power, weakens athletic performance and increases the ri

24、sk of injury. So most fitness experts currently advise against stretches before exercise. But now a new research indicates that they might not be such a bad idea after all. This month, the journal, AppliedPhysiology, Nutritionand Metabolism (APNM), published a study by four distinguished exercise sc

25、ientists who analyzed more than 200 studies of how stretching affects the following exercise. In broad terms, they found that stretching can briefly prevent the ability to generate power. So if you reach for your toes and hold that position, tightening your hamstrings ( 腿筋 ), you might not then be a

26、ble to leap as high or start a dash as forcefully as you dont stretch. Those undesirable effects were generally found, however, only if each stretch was held for more than 60 seconds and the subject then immediately became fully active, with no further warm-up. “Outside the lab, most people are unli

27、kely to hold a warm-up stretch for longer than about 30 seconds ,” Dr. McHugh, the co-author of the study says. The review found few lasting negative impacts from these short stretches. especially if the volunteers followed that stretching with several minutes of jogging or other basic warm-up movem

28、ents. In fact, these short stretches turned out to have a positive effect. Do these findings mean that all the athletes should stretch in advance before a match? “Not necessarily,” Dr. McHugh says. “Runners and cyclists dont have much risk for acute muscle injuries.” Stretching before these activiti

29、es is unlikely to protect against injury. Runners and cyclists can adequately warm up by jogging or pedaling lightly. But he suggests that people who play basketball and other ball sports should stretch in advance. Those who havent stretched since childhood gym class might want to consider consultin

30、g an athletic trainer about the best upper and lower body stretches, particularly for the shoulders and hamstrings. 【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。运动前是否要进行拉伸?拉伸时间的长短需要注意 吗?所有的运动都需要提前拉伸吗?阅读本文你将找到这些问题的答案。 9Which of the following statements agrees with most fitness experts? ABefore playing a game you should stretch yo

31、ur legs and arms. BAfter attending a match you should stretch your legs and arms. CIts harmful to stretch your legs and arms before playing games. DIt doesnt matter whether you stretch or not before playing games. 解析: C 细节理解题。根据关键句可知,大多数专家建议运动前不要进行拉伸运动,C 项与专家建议相符。故选C项。 关键句:So most fitness experts cu

32、rrently advise against stretches before exercise.(第一段倒数第二句) 译文:因此,大多数健身专家建议锻炼前不要进行拉伸运动。 10According to the new research, people may suffer negative impacts when _. Athey do stretches after attending a game Bthey reach for toes and hold that position Cfollowing a stretch with several minutes jogging

33、Ddashing immediately after one 60-second plus stretch 解析: D 推理判断题。 根据第三段第一句“ Those undesirable effects were generally found, however, only if each stretch was held for more than 60 seconds and the subject then immediately became fully active, with no further warm-up.”可知,身体拉伸超 过 1 分钟,没有进一步的热身运动而立即运动的

34、话,那些不良影响就会出现。由此可推断D 项“拉伸超过1 分钟后立刻猛跑”是不好的。故选D项。 11We can learn from the passage that _. Aall athletes should not stretch in advance Bthe four scientists published the journal APNM Cits unnecessary for a tennis player to do warm-up stretches Dplayers ought to have done warm-up stretches since childhoo

35、d 解析: A 细节理解题。根据关键句并结合下文Dr. McHugh所举的例子可知,并不是所 有的运动员都应该提前做拉伸运动。故选A项。 关键句: Do these findings mean that all the athletes should stretch in advance before a match? “Not necessarily,” Dr. McHugh says.(最后一段第一、二句) 译文:这些发现意味所有的运动员在比赛前都应该做拉伸运动吗?“不一定,”Dr. McHugh说。 12Whats Dr. McHughs attitude toward stretche

36、s? AConcerned. BDoubtful. CDisapproving. DObjective 解析: D 推理判断题。根据最后一段Dr. McHugh说的话及所举的例子可知,他认为拉 伸运动应视情况而定,因此可推断出Dr. McHugh 的观点是客观的。故选D项。 长难句分析:This month, the journal, AppliedPhysiology, Nutritionand Metabolism(APNM), published a study by four distinguished exercise scientists who analyzed more than 200 studies of how stretching affects the following exercise.(第 二段第一句 ) 分析:本句是复合句。 who引导定语从句, 作从句的主语, 先行词是four distinguished exercise scientists;how引导宾语从句。作介词of 的宾语。 译文:本月, 应用生理学,营养与新陈代谢杂志发布了一项由四位杰出的运动科学 家所做研究的结果;他们分析了超过200 个关于拉伸运动是如何影响接下来的运动的研究。


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