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1、Unit 5Theme parks (2) .短语填空 surprise,profit,stop,imagine,amuse ,agree ,fold,equip,admit,translate 1This plane wont take you to Paris.It flies _ from Moscow to London. 2Its everyones duty to preserve our world in an _ condition not only for future generations of humans but also for all the beings. 3H

2、e opened the envelope ,_ the letter and began to read the letter loudly to the whole class. 4To everyones _ ,the comedian fell off the stage. 5We were _ to hear that a fire broke out in the store near our house. 6Lets stop here.Ill leave the rest of this adventurous story to your _. 7There is a stor

3、e which sells tents and some other _ for camping at the top of the mountain. 8He made a _ of five hundred thousand dollars on the deal. 9They campaigned for the _ of women to colleges and universities. 10 Those who were good at English decided to become _ of novels and poems. 答案1.non-stop2.agreeable

4、 3.unfolded4.amusement 5.surprised 6.imagination7.equipment8.profit9admission10.translators .单项填空 1(2013 九江高一检测 )Dr Smith,together with his wife and daughters ,_ visit Beijing this summer. Ais going to Bare going to Cwas going to Dwere going to 答案A如果句子的主语是由together with名词或代词来修饰时,谓语 动词与 together with

5、 前面的名词或代词保持数的一致,故答案选A。 2 Most members of the committee were in favour of the suggestion ; only a _ were against it. Amajority Bminority Cquantity Damount 答案B句意:委员会的多数成员赞成这个建议,只有少数人反对。a minority 少部分人,与上文中的 most members 相照应,故答案选 B。majority 多数; quantity 大量; amount数量。 3(2013 南京高一检测 )There were so many p

6、eople in the street watching the fire that firefighters couldnt get _the building. Aclose to Bclosely to Cclose at Dclosely at 答案Aclose 作副词指距离 “ 近地” , 而 closely则指抽象意义的 “ 密切地 ” 。 词组 get close to 的含义是 “ 接近” 。 4I stood in the middle of the room,staring at the toys ,and in my imagination,the toys were _

7、. Agot close to life Bbrought back to life Ccame to life Dclose to life 答案Bcome to life 表示“ 活跃起来 ” ,是不及物动词短语,而词组bring back to life 是及物动词短语, 根据题干的 were 可知,应该用及物动词短语。 5Not only _the jewelry she _ been sold for her sons debts but also her house. Ais;has Bhas ;had Chas;has D/;has 答案Cnot only 位于句首时, 其后的分

8、句要用部分倒装。 she has 为省略 了引导词的定语从句,该从句修饰the jewelry。 6Tim,dont _ the fire or you will get burnt. All right. Alook forward to Bpay attention to Cget close to Dbelong to 答案C考查动词短语辨析。句意: 蒂姆,不要靠近火,否则你会被 烧伤的。 好的。 get close to “ 接近;靠近 ” ,符合题意。 look forward to 期 待,盼望; pay attention to注意; belong to 属于。 7(2013 唐

9、山高一检测 )Learning that the headmaster would come to see her,Helen _. Acame into existence Bcame to life Ccame to power Dcame into being 答案B考查动词短语辨析。 句意:得知校长要来看她, 海伦变得活跃起 来。come to life“ 活跃起来 ” ,符合题意。 come into existence开始存在; come to power 当权,上台; come into being 形成,产生。 8She has succeeded in gaining _ t

10、o the university,which the whole family are pleased with. Acongratulation Badmission Ccooperation Dreaction 答案B考查名词词义辨析。 句意:她顺利考入大学, 全家人都感到很高 兴。 admission“ 允许进入 ” , gain admission to“ 获准加入 ” ,符合题意。 congratulation祝贺; cooperation合作,协作; reaction反应,回应。 9(2013 杭州高一检测 )Heavy rain will _wash away the soil

11、_ will also cause serious floods. Anot;but Bnot only;as well Cas;well as Dnot only;but 答案D句意:大雨不但会冲走土壤,而且也会引起严重的水灾。not only.but(also)“ 不但而且” ,常用于连接两个并列成分。 10Have you heard that Tom ,together with his parents ,_ to America? Really?No wonder I havent seen him these days. Ahas been Bhas gone Chave been

12、 Dhave gone 答案B句意:汤姆和他父母一起去美国了, 你听说了吗? 真的 吗?难怪这几天我都没有见到他。当主语后有“ together withn./pron.”结构 时,其谓语动词的单复数应与主语保持一致。因 Tom 作主语,故应用单数谓 语动词;根据题意应是 “到美国去了 ”,故用 has gone to ;has been to表示 “曾经去过某地 ”。 11I should warn you _that Im not a very good dancer. Ain charge Bin advance Cin hand Din order 答案B考查介词短语。句意:我得事先提

13、醒你,我跳舞不是很好。in advance “ 提前;预先 ” ,符合题意。 in charge主管; in hand手头上; in order 秩序井然。 12 As the light turned green , I stood for a moment, not _, and asked myself what I was going to do. Amoved Bmoving Cto move Dbeing moved 答案B句意:当交通信号灯变绿时,我站了一会儿,没有移动,想了想 我要干什么。本题中stood和 asked是并列的谓语动词;主语I 与 move 之间 是主谓关系,应

14、用动词 -ing 形式作状语,表示伴随情况。 13At last there were only two of us on the _ course. Aadvance Badvancing Cadvanced Dadvances 答案C句意:最后,只有我们两个留在了高级课程。 advanced作形容词, 意思是 “ 先进的;高级的 ” 。 14(2013 吉林高一检测 )The _ chair isnt suitable for a young child.He may fall off. Athree legs Bthree-legged Cthree-legs Dthree legged

15、 答案B考查构词法。 three-legged chair 三条腿的椅子,故答案选B。 15She made a(n) _ that she had stolen the watch. Aadmission Bpromise Cdecision Dpermission 答案A句意:她承认她偷了那块手表。 make an admission承认,故答案 选 A。 make a promise承诺;make a decision作决定;make a permission允许。 .完成句子 1他们的军队每天前进50 千米。 (advance) Their army _fifty kilometers

16、 every day. 2不要接近那座小山上的房子。(get close to) Dont _ _ _ that house on the small hill. 3当那个人苏醒过来时,发现自己躺在医院的床上。(come to life) When the man _ _ _,he found himself lying in a hospital bed. 4玛丽已经提前把她的计划告诉了她的老师。(in advance) Mary has told her teacher about her plan _ _. 5王教授和其他几位教授打算出席今天晚上的会议。(together with) P

17、rofessor Wang , _ _ several other professors, is going to attend the meeting tonight. 答案1.advanced 2.get close to3.came to life4.in advance 5.together with .完形填空 In recent years ,more and more college students travel to other countries looking for work and adventure.Most of the _1_ are in seasonal w

18、ork ( 季节性工作 ), mainly connected with tourism and_2_.The pay is usually poor,but most people work abroad for the _3_of travel.You can pick grapes in France ,entertain (逗乐 ) kids on American summer camps ,and,of course ,there are _4_ jobs in hotels and restaurants. But it is not easy to find work,“_5_

19、 you cant speak the language of the country well,there will be very few openings ,”says Anthea Ellis,an adviser on _6_for students. “If you work with a family in Italy ,youll have to speak Italian.When you wash dishes in a restaurant in Paris,the owner will expect you to speak _7_.British students o

20、nly have a language _8_for jobs in the USA and Australia.” _9_enjoys the experience.Sarah James was employed to help forty American children in Europe.The teacher with the children had never been _10_.One child lost his passport ; another became seriously ill and was _11_home; the whole group was th

21、rown out of one hotel because of the _12_they made ,and Sarah herself was robbed on her only _13_ evening of the entire trip.“I did visit a lot of new places ,”she says ,“but it wasnt worth it.The pay was _14_and it really was a 24-hour-a-day job.The kids never slept !” “The trouble is, students exp

22、ect to have _15_ time of it. ”Anthea Ellis points out.“_16_,they see it as a holiday.In practice ,_17_,you have to work hard.At the same time ,all vacation work is casual(临时的 ) work.Youll have a job when the hotel,the restaurant ,or the campsite( 露营地 ) is busy._18_ ,youll work if its convenient for

23、the company that employs you.But you have _19_ employment rights.As soon as the holiday season _20_,theyll get rid of you.” 1A.work Bluck Cchances Dservices 答案C句意:大多数的工作机会是做季节性工作。前面提到学生出游的 目的“ work and adventure ” ,A 项不全面。 B 项“ 运气” ,D 项“ 服务 ” 意义不符 合。 2A.agriculture Bindustry Chotels Drestaurants 答案A

24、从后文 “ You can pick grapes ” , 可知是与农业有关的工作。 故选 A。 industry 工业; hotel 旅馆; restaurant餐馆。 3A.pains Bcomfort Cdifficulty Dexcitement 答案D句意:出国虽然收入低,但却能在国外旅行,享受旅行的乐趣。 pains痛苦; comfort 舒服,安慰; difficulty 困难; excitement兴奋,激动。 4A.always Bhardly Cnever Dseldom 答案A根据文意,应是“ 总是能在宾馆或饭店找到工作的” ,说明找工作 也不是很难。 always符合文

25、意。 5A.If BUnless CBecause DAlthough 答案A根据文意 “ 如果不会那个国家的语言, 出路就非常少 ” 来断定这里 是 if 引导的条件状语从句。 B、C、D 三项尽管都可以引导状语从句,但意 义不妥。 6A.health care Bvacation work Clanguage studies Dtourist safety 答案B文中 Anthea Ellis 在就学生假日工作方面说了很多指导性的建 议, 可知他是一个假日工作指导教授。 故选 B。 vacation work 假期工作;health care 健康护理; language studies语

26、言研究; tourist safety旅游安全。 7A.Italian BEnglish CFrench DSpanish 答案C根据上句 “ When you wash dishes in a restaurant in Paris” , 可确定 C 项正确。 8A.chance Bability Cpossibility Dadvantage 答案D根据文意 “ 美国或澳洲都是说英语的国家, ” 当然英国学生在美国 或澳洲找工作的唯一优势就是语言优势。故选D。其他三项意义不妥。 9A.No one BNone CNot everyone DEverybody 答案C根据上下文,出国的人中也

27、有苦恼的。此处应是部分否定。A、 B 两项表示全部否定, D 项不符合文意。 10A.abroad Bemployed Calone Drespected 答案A从下文可知老师和学生在出国时出现了很多问题,可推知他们没 有出国的经验。 abroad出国; employ 雇用; alone单独的; respect尊敬。 11A.driven Bridden Cleft Dflown 答案D从国外回家,且又生病了,坐飞机的可能性大,快捷方便。故选 D。 12A.friends Bdecision Cnoise Ddamage 答案C根据文意 “ 孩子们被赶出旅馆的原因应是他们在旅馆里太吵了” 。

28、make noise制造噪音。 13A.busy Bfree Ctiring Dpleasant 答案B根据文意 “ 该老师一直在忙着照顾学生们,却在她唯一的一个空 闲的晚上遭到了抢劫 ” 可知选 B。 14A.nice Breasonable Cfair Dpoor 答案D句意:尽管工时很长,但工资低。故选D。reasonable合理的; fair 公平的。 15A.a hard Ban easy Ca demanding Dan adventurous 答案B根据文意 “ 学生们期望有一个宽容的工作时间,因为毕竟在假 期” 。easy宽容的,不苛求的; hard艰苦的;demanding

29、苛刻的;adventurous 大胆的,有危险的。 16A.After all BWorse still CHowever DTherefore 答案A毕竟在假期。 after all 毕竟; worse still 更为糟糕的是; however 然而; therefore因此。 17A.besides Baltogether Cthough Duntil 答案Cthough 在此作副词, “ 然而” 表转折之意。其他选项意义不符。 18A.In a word BIn other words CAnd whats more DMore or less 答案B根据上一句可推知此处应选B,以对上

30、句作出进一步的解释。 19A.few Blittle Cmany Dmuch 答案A根据文意 “ 尽管你必须努力工作, 但是你还没有应有的权利 ” 。 few 修饰 rights 的同时表否定。 20A.starts Blasts Cgoes Dfinishes 答案D根据文意 “ 假期一结束,宾馆、饭店就会解雇大批的临时工” 。故 选 D。 .根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有 两项为多余选项。 _1_:less red meat and more fibre ,less saturated fat( 饱和脂肪 )and more fruit and veg,

31、right?Wrong,according to a controversial new book by nutritionist Zoe Harcombe.In the book,Harcombe charts her careful journey of research into studies that underpin(巩固)dietary adviceand her myth(误区)breaking conclusions are surprising. Myth:_2_. “Real fat is not bad for us,”says Harcombe.Its manmade

32、 fats that we should be demonising.Why do we have this idea that meat is full of saturated fat ?In a 100 g pork chop,there is 2.3 g of unsaturated fat and 1.5 g of saturated fat. Myth:We should eat more fibre. For three decades ,we have eaten fibre into our bodies to help us feel full and keep our d

33、igestive systems moving._3_ ,says Harcombe. The advice to eat more fibre is put forward along with the theory that we need to clean our digestive systems.But essential minerals are absorbed from food while it is in the intestines(肠道),so why do we want to wash everything out?Concentrate on not puttin

34、g bad food in. Myth:You need to eat five portions of fruit and veg a day. “Five-a-day is the most well-known piece of nutritional advice, ”says Harcombe.“Youd think it was based on firm evidence of health benefit._4 _. ” Five-a-day started as a marketing campaign by 25 fruit and veg companies and th

35、e American National Cancer Institute in 1991.There was no evidence for any cancer benefit. Myth:Fruit and veg are the most nutritious things to eat. Apparently not.Harcombe allows that vegetables are a great addition to the dietif served in butter to deliver the fat-soluble(dissolved)vitamins they c

36、ontainbut natural sugar,the fruit sugar in fruit ,goes straight to the liver and is storedas fat. _5_, says Harcombe, who adds: “Vitamins and minerals in animal foodsmeat,fish,eggs and dairy products beat those in fruit.” AWant to lose weight?Dont trust these BWe think we know what to eat CThis is not a good idea DFat is bad for us EThink again FWe need take more exercise GFruit is best awided by those trying to lose weight 答案1.B2.D3.C4.E5.G


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