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1、Unit 5 Canada “The True North ” 【热点话题】 History and geography(历史与地理 ) 介绍旅游景点:荔湾镇 体裁:说明文 写作思路: 位置面积人口历史名胜特产 【美文诵读】 Located_in_the_northeast_of_Guangdong_province,the_Town _of_Liwan_is_one_of_the_famous_towns. It_covers_a_total_area_ of_2 , 830.54_square_kilometers_with_a_population_of_630, 478. It is

2、warm ,wet all the year round here with_a_lot_of_rainfall_in_ summer Having a history of nearly 2,000 years ,the Town of Liwan has many places of interest,among which the Puning Temple,which was built 1, 200 years ago ,and the Hot Spring attract a good many tourists from_every_corner_of_the_world. Th

3、e town has varieties of fruit, such as watermelons and oranges , and tourism plays_an_important_role in its economy. 【学海拾贝】 按要求完成或翻译下列句子。 1从化位于广州北部,是一个美丽而宁静的地方。 Located_in_the_north_of_Guangzhou,Conghua is a beautiful and peaceful place. 2这个村庄占地四百余亩,有三百多村民。 The village covers_an_area_of over 400 mu,

4、 with_a_population_of over 300. 3广州一年四季湿热,夏季降水充沛。 It is warm,wet all the year round in Guangzhou with_a_lot_of_rainfall in summer. 4中国悠久的历史和灿烂的文明吸引了世界各地的游客。 Chinas long history and its colorful civilization attract tourists from_every_corner_of_the_world 5旅游业在我国起着越来越重要的作用。 Tourism plays_a_more_and_m

5、ore_important_role in our country. . 按要求写出下列单词 1部长,大臣nminister 2同学,校友nschoolmate 3聊天n it cuts our working time in half.Personal computers have become a large part of our life and they have helped society in many ways. Whats the main idea of the passage? APCs solve problems very fast. BPCs improve bu

6、sinesses a lot. CPCs help people in different ways. DPCs cut people working time. 解析: 主题句在篇末。 答案: C ( 三) Ireland has had a very difficult history.The problems started in the 16th century when English rulers tried to conquer( 征服 ) Ireland.For hundreds of years, the Irish people fought against the Eng

7、lish.Finally, in 1921, the British government was forced to give independence to the south of Ireland.The result is that today there are two “Irelands ” Northern Ireland, in the north, is part of the United Kingdom.The Republic of Ireland, in the south,is an independent country. In the 1840s the mai

8、n crop, potatoes, was affected by diseases and about 750, 000 people died of hunger.This,and a shortage(短缺 ) of work, forced many people to leave Ireland and live in the USA, the UK, Australia and Canada.As a result of these problems, the population fell from 8.2 million in 1841 to 6.6 million in 18

9、51. For many years, the majority of Irish people earned their living as farmers.Today, many people still work on the land but more and more people are moving to the cities to work in factories and offices.Life in the cities is very different from life in the countryside, where things move at a quiet

10、er and slower pace. The Irish are famous for being warm- hearted and friendly.Oscar Wilde, a famous Irish writer, once said that the Irish were “ the greatest talkers since the Greeks” Since independence, Ireland has revived(复兴 ) its own culture of music, language, literature and singing.Different a

11、reas have different styles of old Irish song which are sung without instruments.Other kinds of Irish music use many different instruments such as the violin, whistles, etc. 1The first paragraph mainly tells us_ Ahow Ireland gained independence Bhow two “Irelands” came into being Chow the Irish fough

12、t against the English Dhow English rulers tried to conquer Ireland 解析: 没有明确主题句,主题隐含在全文中,需综合分析才能找到。 答案: B 2The last paragraph is mainly about_ Athe Irish character BIrish culture CIrish musical instruments Da famous Irish writer 解析: 没有明确主题句,需综合分析才能找到主题句。 答案: B 3What can be the best title for the pass

13、age? ALife in Ireland BA Very Difficult History CIreland, Past and Present DThe Independence of Ireland 解析: 第一段讲述爱尔兰的过去,其余部分讲述爱尔兰的现在。 答案: C 第一节阅读理解 阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和 D项中选出最佳选项。 A If you really want to get to know Mexico,we strongly introduce our homestay program.Experience Mexican culture while s

14、tudying Spanish at Vancouver Language Centre ! A VIC homestay offers you this unique chance while you study in Guadalajara.Your visit will be more pleasant if you observe the following: (1)Be prepared to: Join in activities at home. Speak Spanish whenever possible. (2)Be polite to your homestay fami

15、ly: Tell your hosts if you will not be home for meals. Call if you will be home late. Ask your hosts before you invite friends to their home. (3)You are responsible for the cost of: All transportation. Personal telephone calls.You should purchase an international telephone card. Your hosts are not r

16、equired to provide transportation or entertainment.If they do invite you out somewhere,offer to contribute towards the cost of the trip. MEALS Most people in Mexico eat the following three meals each day: Breakfast:This meal is normally served between 7:00 AM.and 8:30A.M.For many families,breakfast

17、is quick and casual. Lunch :Most Mexicans have luch between 2: 00 P M.and 4 :00 P M.Lunch is traditionally the big meal of the day.On school days,you will take a“bagged lunch ” to school with you.Many students like to prepare their own lunch.If you wish to do this ,suggest it to your host parents. S

18、upper:This is usually a light,late meal in Mexico,around 8:00 PM. to 10: 00 P M. Your hosts want you to enjoy your meals.You should tell your hosts if you are hungry.If you do not accept something to eat or drink the first time it is offered, they will probably think you do not want anything.They wi

19、ll not know your preferences unless you tell them. HOUSE RULES (1)In Mexican culture,it is not acceptable to go upstairs to your bedroom with any friend. (2)You cant smoke or drink wines inside the house. GIFTS Many host families offer gifts to their guests.You might want to bring some souvenirs for

20、 your hosts,too. 1The passage is probably written for_ Ahosts who are willing to treat students BSpanish learners who want to take online courses Ctravelers who are interested in visiting Guadalajara Dforeign students who plan to live with Mexican families 2In the Mexican families,students are requi

21、red to pay for_ Apart of their transportation costs Bthe cost of traveling for their hosts Ctelephone calls made by themselves Dthe meals their friends have at home 3What can be inferred from the passage about the meals? AMexicans prefer a big meal in the evening. BMexicans often have lunch and supp

22、er late. CMexicans like to buy their lunches at restaurants. DMexicans accept any food the first time it is offered. 4People choose the program mainly to_ Adevelop healthy living and eating habits Bmake some friends with the local Mexicans Clearn Mexican culture and the Spanish language Dsave money

23、when traveling in foreign countries 语篇解读: 温哥华语言中心为在墨西哥的国际留学生提供了完善的寄住项目,让他们尽 快地融入当地生活并学习当地的语言和文化。 1解析: 写作意图题。根据第一段第三句“A VLC homestay offers you this unique chance while you study in Guadalajara.”可知,该文章是写给那些想要住在墨西哥当地 居民家中的外国学生。故答案为D项。 答案: D 2 解析:细节理解题。 根据第四段中的 “ Personal telephone calls.You should pur

24、chase an international telephone card. ”可知,寄住在当地人家里的学生应该自理话费。故答 案为 C项。 答案: C 3解析: 推理判断题。根据文章MEALS中的“ Most Mexicans have lunch between 2: 00 P M. and 4 :00 P M. 和 This is usually a light,late meal in Mexico,around 8:00 P M. to 10:00 P M.”可推出,墨西哥人吃午饭和晚饭的时间较迟。故答案为B 项。 答案: B 4解析: 细节理解题。根据全文可知,参加该项目的人们是想

25、感受墨西哥的文化和学 习西班牙语。故答案为C项。 答案: C B There is one contribution to running a successful health club business that 95% of people completely forget.What is it?You may wonder. When a prospect walks into your health club,are they greeted immediately by an incredibly friendly staff,or do they sit around waiti

26、ng to be served?Do they see that youre full of business ,or do they see an empty business which may suggest that theres a reason why its empty? Do they see trainers who are in great shape themselves ,or do they see trainers who look like they need to be trained themselves? If they dont like what the

27、y see,theyre probably gone forever!Think about the last time you got a bad impression of another person.It doesnt matter whether or not that person was as bad as you thought or whether they were saints;it still probably took you some extra time to get over your first impression and change your thoug

28、hts about that person. Unfortunately its the same way when it comes to the first impression of a business ,except in most cases ,its actually worse because once they have that bad impression ,its hard to make it up.Another reason why the first impression is so important is because if a person has a

29、bad first impression,or any bad impression on that matter, theyre very likely to tell their friends about it. Whatever way you want to think about it ,creating a fantastic first impression is something you should start thinking about immediately.If theres one thing you need to remember about making

30、a great first impression , its this imagine yourself in your prospectsshoes.Think about what you would want if you were walking into a health club for the first time,and give them even more than that! 5The contribution mentioned in Paragraph 1 refers to_. Agood service Btraining the staff Cgreeting

31、customers Dthe first impression 6The underlined word“prospect ”in Paragraph 2 means“_” Aan opportunity Ba club member Ca regular customer D a possible customer 7What does Paragraph 3 mainly want to show? AWe are usually wrong about someone nice. BIts not easy to change a bad first impression. CWe sh

32、ould make it up after leaving a bad impression. DEven great people can leave bad impressions on others. 8A person who has a bad first impression on the health club_ Awill tell this to the staff of another health club Bis likely to give a chance for the staff to make it up Cis likely to talk about th

33、e bad impression with others Dwill have an argument with the staff of the health club 语篇解读: 作者认为, 对于一个健身俱乐部来说,给潜在客户留下好的第一印象非常重 要。 1解析: 推理判断题。根据文章内容可知,本文是围绕潜在客户对健身俱乐部第一印 象的重要性展开的,故选D项。 答案: D 2解析: 词义猜测题。根据本段内容可知,第一印象对于这些人来说很重要,说明这 些人以前没有来过,他们只是潜在的客户。 答案: D 3解析: 主旨大意题。根据第三段的“it still probabl y took you

34、 some extra time to get over your first impression and change your thoughts about that person.” 可知本段主要想表明改变不好的第一印象不容易。 答案: B 4解析: 细节理解题。根据第四段的“if a person has a bad first impression, or any bad impression on that matter , theyre very likely to tell their friends about it.”可知他们很可能把这个不好的印象给朋友们说。 答案: C

35、 第二节完形填空 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从120 题所给的A、B、C和 D项中,选出最佳选 项。 We all have been taught that the shortest distance between any two points is a straight line.Moving forward along the straight line always represents the most _1_ and productive course of action. The other day,I visited an Australian friend.There

36、 I _2_ a nice artwork which is the coat of arms of Australia( 澳大利亚国徽) On it ,there are two _3_ which cannot be seen in other countries.These two _4_ animals in Australia are the kangaroo and the emu( 鸸鹋 ) ,a large bird.They arent too much _5_, but they do share one unique _6_ Because of the length o

37、f their tails, kangaroos cannot back up.If they want to move in the _7_ direction,they have to move forward and finish a U-turn._8_ the structure and shape of their feet,emus cannot back up and must _9_ move ahead.The wise person who designed this _10_ Australian coat of arms understood that we coul

38、d learn _11_ from emus and kangaroos. As we follow our enthusiasm and move toward _12_,there are days when progress isnt evident to us.This could mean that no progress has been made, _13_ it could mean that we are moving forward in ways that dont reveal progress _14_If you are currently stuck in one

39、 location,you must be _15_ to move forward so that there is no time wasted or energy used,which does not _16_ progress.If you have a goal in your life that you would like to _17_,you should make progress toward it along a _18_ line.That progress needs to take big _19_ toward those things you want to

40、 do.As long as you dont _20_ no matter what happens,the good situation will eventually present itself. 1A.important Befficient Cnecessary Dfrequent 2A.designed Bmade Csaw Dlost 3A.plants Banimals Cconstructions Dflags 4A.unique Bstrange Cperfect Dcommon 5A.alike Bfamiliar Cnatural Dspecial 6A.talent

41、 Bcharacteristic Cshape Dstatus 7A.correct Bdifferent Copposite Dfixed 8A.In spite of BIn addition to CAs to DDue to 9A.quickly Bsmoothly Cseldom Dalways 10A.popular Bparticular Ccomplicated Dsurprising 11A.something Bnothing Canything Deverything 12A.challenge Bsuccess Cchance D luck 13A.and B as C

42、or D so 14A.eventually Bimmediately Csuddenly Dgradually 15A.grateful Bprepared Cwilling Dglad 16A.belong to Bwait for Cresult in Ddepend on 17A.change Bestablish Cadd Dreach 18A.straight Blong Cthick Dcontinuous 19A.risks Bsteps Croles Dturns 20A.follow Bstop Cforget Dfail 语篇解读: 本文是议论文。澳大利亚的国徽上有两种动

43、物,分别是袋鼠和鸸鹋,它们有 一个共同的特点:只进不退。作者认为我们应该学习这种精神,朝着目标勇往直前。 1解析: 既然两点之间线段最短,那么沿着直线前进应该是最“有效的(efficient)” 路径。本空后的productive也是对本题的提示。 答案: B 2解析: 根据下文对澳大利亚国徽的描述可知,作者在朋友那里“看到了(saw) ”一枚 澳大利亚的国徽。 答案: C 3解析: 下句中的animals 提示了本题答案。 答案: B 4解析: 根据上句中的“ which cannot be seen in other countries”可知,这两种 动物是澳大利亚“独有的(unique)

44、 ”。 答案: A 5解析: 袋鼠和作为鸟类的鸸鹋自然不是很“一样(alike)”。 答案: A 6解析: 根据下文内容可知,袋鼠和鸸鹋都不能后退,因此说它们有一个共同的“特 点( characteristic)”。 答案: B 7解析: 根据袋鼠不能后退及本空后对袋鼠动作的描述可推测,如果袋鼠想掉头,即 向“相反的 (opposite)”方向运动,它们得向前跑,然后来个180的转弯。 答案: C 8D 9 解析:“由于 (Due to) ”鸸鹋脚的结构和形状,它们不能后退, 因此“总是 ( always) ” 向前。 答案: D 10B 11 解析: 设计澳大利亚国徽的人认为我们可以从袋鼠和

45、鸸鹋学到“一些东西 (something) ”,因此设计了这枚“特别的(particular)”徽章。 答案: A 12解析:根据下文中多处出现的progress可推测, 这里是指我们保持热情,向着“成 功( success) ”迈进。 答案: B 13C 14解析:有时候在我们前进的路上,进步不是很明显,这说明我们没有取得进步, “或 者(or) ”我们正沿着进步不能“马上(immediately)”显现出来的道路行进。 答案: B 15解析: 根据本空后的“ so that there is no time wasted or energy used”可知, 为了不浪费时间和精力,我们不能

46、止步不前,应该“准备好(prepa red) ”前进。 答案: B 16解析: 本空前的which 指的是 time wasted or energy used。浪费时间和精力自 然不会“带来 (result in)”进步。 答案: C 17D 18解析: 如果你想“实现 (reach) ”自己的目标,那么你需要沿着“直(straight)” 线前进。 答案: A 19解析: 想要取得进步需要大踏“步(steps) ”朝着自己想做的事情前进。 答案: B 20解析: 想要让情况好转需要你无论发生什么都不“停下(stop) ”脚步。 答案: B 第三节语法填空 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内

47、容(1 个单词 ) 或括号内单词的正确形式。 Every year tens of thousands of tourists visit Mount Kilimanjaro,the highest mountain in Tanzania,Africa ,1._(witness) the beautiful scenes described in Ernest Hemingways The Snows of Kilimanjaro.2._are attracted by the American writers descriptions of the millennia-old glaciers( 冰川 ) However,this tourist 3._(attract) will stop existing soon.According to the Climate Group, 4._(form) by environmentalists worldwide to document the effects of global warming,Mount Kilimanjaros snows and glaciers 5._(disappear)and are likely to be gone altogethe


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