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1、实用标准 文档 Unit 1 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom I (英国简介 I) 一、本单元重点内容 1. A complicated country with a complicated name ( 复杂的名称,复杂的国家) 2. The effects of its imperial past ( 帝国主义历史的影响) 3. A multiracial society ( 多种族的社会) 4. Remarkable class, regional and economic differences ( 显著的阶级、地域和 经济差异 )

2、 5. The significant role of London ( 伦敦的重要地位) 6. Cultural and economic dominance of England ( 英格兰的在文化和经济上的统 治地位 ) 7. The conquest of Britain (对不列颠的征服) 8. Parliaments dominance over the throne ( 议会成为凌驾于王室权力之上的 统治机构 ) 9. Physical features of Scotland ( 苏格兰的地理特征) 10. Cultural division between highland

3、and lowland ( 苏格兰高地和低地之间的文 化区分 ) 11. The Battle of Bannockburn ( 班诺克本战役) 12. Union with England in 1707 1707 年( 苏格兰 ) 与英格兰合并 13. Strong Scottish identity ( 仍具有很浓的苏格兰特色) 14. Brief introduction of Wales ( 对威尔士的简要介绍) 15. Campaigns for independence of UK ( 威尔士的独立运动) 二、本单元重、难点辅导 1. A complicated country

4、with a complicated name The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland England Sc otland Wales 实用标准 文档 实用标准 文档 2. The effects of its imperial past 1)1) The days of empire ended after World War II. But there are close relationships which exist with the 50 or more colonies of that empire, an

5、d which maintain links through Commonwealth of Nations(二战后,帝国主义时代 过去了。 但是大英帝国的50 多个殖民地之间仍然有着紧密的联系,这种联系主要通 过英联邦这个组织来维系). 2)It has great effects on the makeup of the British population: 对英国的人口构成 有着很大的影响 Because of the immigration from India, Pakistan, or Caribbean countries in the 1950s and1960s, 1 in

6、 20 are non-European ethnicity ( 由于在 20 世纪 50、 60 年代,来自印度、 巴基斯坦或位于西印度群岛与中南美洲海域的加勒比国家大量涌入英国,现在1/20 的英国 人是非欧洲血统的人). 3. Racial, gender, class, regional and economic differences in the society 1) a multi-racial society: most are Christians and because of immigration, many are Muslims; 2) gender differen

7、ce: male and female live different lives 3) class difference: the class structure of UK society is relatively obvious (A white-collar workers lives are very different from a blue-collar workers.) *Economic and regional difference within each of the 4 countries: 1) difference between highland and low

8、land Scots 2) difference between north and south England (South is on average more wealthy than the north) 4. A significant role of London 1) capital city 2) in the south; largest city in the country; 1/7 of the nation s population 3) culture center 4) business center 5) financial center, one of the

9、 3 major international financial centers in the world (another two are New York and Hong Kong ) 6) long-standing historical role in the UK Great Britain England 1. A cultural and economic dominance of England 1) London dominant in the UK in government, finance and culture 2) England s dominance in s

10、ize - largest of the 4 nations with largest population is reflected in a cultural and economic dominance 实用标准 文档 * result: people in foreign countries and English people sometimes mistake England for U.K in their talks. 2. The conquest of Britain (Before AD. 1st C., made up of many tribal kingdoms o

11、f Celtic people) When Who Where from Which part conquered 43 AD AD.5th C Latin-speaking Roman Mediterranean countries England and Wales (not Scotland or Ireland) AD.5th C 1066 Angles and Saxons (the forefathers of the English; the founders of England) Germany Eastern and Southern Britain (not Wales

12、and most of Scotland ) mainly England Late AD.8thC AD 10th C. the ferocious Vikings Scandinavia (北 欧:瑞典、 挪威一 带。丹麦、芬兰、 冰岛等 ) Northern and Eastern England, Scotland AD 11th C (1066) Norman French (William the Conqueror defeated King Harold at the Battle of Hastings, and built the Tower of London) Norm

13、andy (northern France) The next few hundred years, joining various parts of the British Isles under English rule (England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland) 3. Legends 1). King Arthur and his Round Table, giving knights equal precedence and showing knights demand for a more democratic system (During Anglo-S

14、axons invasion) 2). Robin Hood hid in the forest, rebelled against Normans and robbed from the rich to give to the poor (During the period of Norman rule) -a clue to the English Character: a richly unconventional interior life hidden by an external conformity (体现英国人个性的迹象: 表面上似乎一致, 但实际上保持着一 种强烈的独特的生活

15、方式) 4. Parliaments dominance over the throne 实用标准 文档 1) The next few hundred years following the Norman invasion: join together the various parts of the British Isle under English Rule, unite the kingdom internally and externally 2) Power gradually transferred from the monarch to the parliament 1649

16、, Charles the First was executed. Then England was ruled by parliament s leader, Oliver Cromwell for 11 years. In 1660, the son of Charles I restored the monarchy and was called Charles II (ruled 1660-1685) Further conflicts between parliament and the king led to removal of the Scottish house of Stu

17、art and the final establishment of parliament s dominance over the throne in 1689. * James II (1685-1689) was the younger brother of Charles II. After James II was overthrown, his daughter and daughter s husband Mary and William were imported from Holland to take the throne. This is the “Glorious Re

18、volution.” Scotland 1. Physical features of Scotland 1) the 2nd largest of the 4 nations 2) most rugged part of UK, the most confident of its own identity 3) in the north - the Highlands mountains and lakes in the south - the Southern Uplands in the middle - the lowland zone with 3/4 of the populati

19、on 4) capital: Edinburgh- east coast, famous for its beauty, dominated by its great castle on a high rock largest city: Glasgow - in the west of Lowland zone *Both cities have ancient and internationally respected universities dating from 15th century 2. Cultural division between highland and lowlan

20、d 1) Scotland was neither conquered by the Romans nor by the Anglo-Saxons 2) Around the AD 6th C, people from Northern Ireland invaded the South-west - the lowland zone. 3) They were called Scots and gave the modern country of Scotland its name 4) The original Scottish Celts, called the Picts (皮克特人

21、) were left with the non-productive highland zone, where in addition to English, some people speak the old Celtic languageGaelic. * The division between highland and lowland Scotland remains a cultural divide today, in much the same way as north and south England see themselves as different from eac

22、h other. 3. the Battle of Bannockburn (班诺克本战役) Time: 24th June, 1314 实用标准 文档 Who: Scots under the leadership of Robert Bruce and English army Result: Scots were victorious, leading to 300 years of full independence 4. Union with England in 1707 1). In 1603, Queen Elizabeth I of England died. James t

23、he 6th of Scotland took the throne, called James the First of England; uniting the two thrones 2). Scotland maintained its separate political identity. 3). In 1707, Scotland joined the Union by agreement of the English and Scottish Parliaments 4). Scotland sends 72 representatives to the London Parl

24、iament. In 1922, only 3 were from the Scottish Nationalist Party, wanting an independent Scotland; 49 was from the Labour Party, wanting to set up a regional parliament for Scotland to manage its own internal affairs within the UK. 5. Strong Scottish identity Scotland has a great tradition of innova

25、tion in the arts, philosophy and science. *Robert Louis Stevenson s famous novel Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde 吉基尔医生与海德 先生 shows that: Scotland was superficially fully integrated into the UK, but concealed beneath this is a still-strong Scottish identity. Wales 1. A brief introduction of Wales 1) capital: C

26、ardiff, on the south coast 2) rich coal deposits attract foreign investment from Japan and U.S, etc. -new industries to replace coal and steel 3) smallest on the British mainland; close to central England; hilly and rugged 4) retains a powerful sense of difference from England 5) retains its own lan

27、guage; 19% population speaking Gaelic 2. Campaigns for independence of UK - resist the English 1) 1267, Llywelyn ap Gruffudd(卢埃林阿普格鲁菲德), forced the English to acknowledge him as Prince of Wales by a military campaign, and unified Wales as an independent nation. 2) 1282, he was killed. The English Ki

28、ng Edward I named his son the Prince of Wales, trying to bring Wales into the British nation. 3) 1400, Owain Glyndwr(欧文格林道瓦尔) led an unsuccessful rising against the English. 4) 1536, Wales was brought legally into the UK by an act of the British Parliament. 5) Wales sends 38 representatives to the L

29、ondon Parliament. 4 are from the Nationalist Party. 实用标准 文档 Unit 2 A Brief Introduction to the United Kingdom II -Northern Ireland ( 北爱尔兰 ) 一、本单元重点内容 1. Population and physical features of Northern Ireland ( 北爱尔兰的人口和 地理特征 ) 2. Economy of Northern Ireland ( 北爱尔兰的经济) 3. The Home Rule Bill ( 自治法案 ) 4.

30、The Easter Rising of 1916 (1916 年复活节起义 ) 5. The Sinn Fein Party ( 新芬党 ) 6. Religious conflicts between the Irish and the British ( 爱尔兰人和不列 颠人之间的宗教冲突) 7. Partition of Ireland in 1921 (1921 年爱尔兰的分裂) 8. Troubles and Solutions (冲突与解决办法) 9. Cooperation between the British and Irish governments (英国政府和爱尔兰

31、政府之间的合作) 10. The Good Friday Agreement ( 北爱和平协议) 二、本单元重、难点辅导 1. Population and physical features of Northern Ireland 1) often called Ulster, smallest of the 4 (in area $ population) 2) 1.5 million people, smaller than many Chinese cities 3) capital: Belfast, the biggest city in the province, east co

32、ast 实用标准 文档 4) mostly rural, low hills, beautiful lake district in the south-west, rugged coastline, including its most famous landmark, the Giants Causeway( 巨型长堤 ) 2. Political problems 1) Ordinary life continues, and troubles are an addition. 2) Crime is very low. 3) Problems are mainly concentrat

33、ed in particular areas. 3. Active cultural life - theatres, restaurants, pubs and museums 4. Economy 1) has problems: ) partly because the troubles discouraging investment partly because of its peripherality (周边 ) in relation to the UK 2) wealth per head is the lowest of UK 3) living costs are compa

34、ratively low 4) Industrial companies include the aircraft manufacturers. 5. Home Rule Bill (自治法案 ) From 1801 to 1921, the full name of UK was “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland” , because the whole island of Ireland was politically integrated with Great Britain. But due to Irish desire

35、s for an independent Irish state, a campaign in parliament for “Home-rule ” was launched, and the Home Rule Bill was finally passed in 1914. 从 1801 年到 1921 年,英国的全名是大不列颠及爱尔兰联合王国,因为 整个爱尔兰岛在政治上都与大不列颠是一体的但是由于爱尔兰人想要建立一个独立的爱尔 兰国家,由爱尔兰人管理自己 管理爱尔兰的事务,国会中掀起了一场争取自治的运动,自治法案在1914 年最终得以通过。 6. Guerilla or terrori

36、st activities against the British institutions and the British military forces 1) The Easter Rising of 1916 (复活节起义 ) -the rebels occupied Dublin s Post Office and forced the British to take it back by military force. The leaders of the rebellion were executed by the British authorities. 2) the Sinn

37、Fein Party (新芬党) - a legal political party, supporters of the Irish terrorists; support the IRA s right to fight by a twin campaign, both political and military which they call the policy of “ the Bullet and the Ballot Box” ( 暴力和民主手段) 7. the religious conflicts between the Irish and the British - Ir

38、eland was not invaded by the Romans or the Anglo-Saxons - most Irish are Catholics; most Britain are Protestants - In the 17th C., people emigrated from Scotland and Northern England to the north 实用标准 文档 of Ireland. The peoples of this part thought of themselves as British, and wished to remain a pa

39、rt of the British state. They were Protestants. 8. A partition of Ireland in 1921 A compromise: the Southern 26 counties- an independent “free state ” (the Republic of Ireland) The 6 north-eastern counties- a part of the UK. * End 700 years of British rule in southern Ireland Northern Ireland was gi

40、ven its own Parliament to deal with Northern Irish internal affairs, based at Stormont. (斯多蒙特 ) 9. Troubles and solutions The majority, the Protestants controlled the local democratically- elected parliament and used that power to support their own economic and social dominance in the province. 40%

41、of the population were Catholic Irish, who found it harder to get jobs, or to benefit from social programmes such as public housing. The armed conflict “ troubles” developed. 1) a Civil Rights Movement (北爱民权运动) In 1960s, Catholics often marched in the streets and fought for equality. 2) the presence

42、 of British soldiers on Northern Ireland since 1969 - first to protect the Catholic people, later were seen as the symbol of British rule in Northern Ireland. 3) IRA s violence in the 1970s (IRA: Irish Republic Army 爱尔兰共和军,unofficially paramilitary force) set up in 1919, Official IRA(正式派 ) : concent

43、rate on a political process, run split in 1969 candidates for election Provisional IRA(临 时派 ) : felt armed force was the only way IRA bombed and shot security forces and city-centers in 1970s. Protestants took revenge on Catholics *Result: Northern Irish cities were divided into exclusively Protesta

44、nt and exclusively Catholic areas. Two communities hardly mix at all. 4) Bloody Sunday (血腥星期日,1972/1/30) In 1972, 468 people were killed in Northern Ireland, of whom 13 were Catholics who had been taking part in a peaceful civil rights march. It is an important symbol of British oppression. *Result:

45、 strengthen Catholic opposition to the British presence. 由于宗教冲突和 政治问题不断升级,1972 年 1 月 30 日, 468 人在北爱被杀,其中13 名是参加民权运动和平 实用标准 文档 游行的天主教徒这一天被称为血腥星期日,是英国人压迫北爱的天主教徒的代表性。它加剧 了天主教徒对英国人的反抗情绪。 5) the Power-Sharing mechanism 1973, an agreement of a Power-Sharing mechanism was reached, allowing the minority Cat

46、holic political influence. The Protestant majority was outraged and went on strike, leading to the collapse of it. The Northern Irish parliament was suspended and replaced by “direct-rule” from London until now 6) cooperation between the British and Irish governments In 1985, the Anglo-Irish agreeme

47、nt was signed between the two governments, giving the Irish a right to consultation on Northern Irish matters. 7) IRA s refusal to hand over their weapons In August 1994, the IRA declared a ceasefire. To make the Sinn Fein presence at the talks acceptable to Unionist politicians, the British governm

48、ent asked the IRA to hand over at least some of its weapons to show it seriousness. The IRA refused, and in February 1996, they set off two explosions in London. *Result: The future for Northern Ireland is still in doubt 10. The Good Friday Agreement ( 北爱和平协议) As a result of multi-party negotiations

49、, the Good Friday Agreement was approved on 10 April 1998. This agreement assures the loyalist community that Northern Ireland remains part of the United Kingdom and it wont change its political status unless the majority of the people of Northern Ireland agree. Under the terms of the agreement, Northern Ireland should be governed by three separate jurisdictions: that of the Republic of Ireland, that of Great Britain and that of its own elected executive government of ten minist


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