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1、英语必修外研版m2nodrugs课时作业 Yes,or he _ first place in the 2011 College Entrance Examinations. A wouldn t takeBwouldn t have taken C hadn t takenDcouldn t take 解析: 考查情态动词及虚拟语气。句意: 三年里他把所有的时间都用在了学习上。 是的。否则的话,他怎么会在高考中取得第一名。表示与过去事实相反的虚拟语气,主句 用 would have done 。 答案: B 3In the last five years ,the number of Chi

2、nese teenagers who studied in the USA has reached 100,000,a(n)_ of 20,000 per year. Anumber Bamount Cquantity Daverage 解析: 考查名词辨析。句意:在过去的五年里,到美国学习的中国青年的人数达10 万人, 平均每年有两万人(出去学习 )。 a number of 一些; an amount of 一些; a quantity of 一些; an average of 平均数。 答案: D 4_ in a complicated web of different cultural

3、 backgrounds and traditions,they learned to keep to themselves so that they could better defend and protect their families. ALiving BTo live C Lived DTo be living 解析: 考查非谓语动词。句意:生活在不同文化背景和传统的复杂关系中,他们学会了通 过不与别人接触的方式来更好地抵御进攻和更好地保护家人。逻辑主语they 与 live 之间存在逻 辑上的主谓关系,故用现在分词表主动伴随。 答案: A 5Good education does

4、n t _ a wonderful job,but without it,it s hard for one to get a well- paid job. Aguarantee Benable Ccontain Dpermit 解析: 考查动词辨析。句意:好的教育并不能保证好的工作,但是没有良好的教育,一个 人很难找到收入丰厚的工作。guarantee 保证;确保;enable 使能够; contain 包含; permit允 许。 答案: A 6How did it _ that Xie Tingfeng and Zhang Bozhi divorced? Well ,it s hard

5、 to figure out. Acome over Bcome about Ccome across Dcome on 8After going through so many difficulties,they _ got what they had been looking forward to. Anormally Beventually Cparticularly Doriginally 解析: 考查副词辨析。句意:在遭遇了很多困难之后,他们最终得到了他们所期望的东 西。 normally 正常地; eventually 最后,终于;particularly特别地; original

6、ly 最初;原先。 答案: B 9Jim,why are you unhappy ?Was it what I said or something I did _ made you upset? A which Bwhat C when Dthat 解析: 考查 it 强调句型。句意:吉姆,你为什么不高兴?是我说了什么还是做了什么让你 不高兴了?句中强调主语what I said or something I did ,构成强调句型“ It is/was.that. ” 。 答案: D 10 Two years on from the end of the long and bloody co

7、nflict , most Sri Lankans feel a(n)_ of relief since there is no more fighting and no more bomb attacks. Afaith Bthought Csense Didea 解析: 考查名词辨析及搭配。句意:漫长、血腥的冲突结束两年后,大多数斯里兰卡人都 有一种解脱感,因为不再有战争和轰炸。a sense of relief 解脱感。 答案: C 11_ an area of 57 square kilometers and holding 600 million cubic meters of wa

8、ter, Hongfeng Lake is the largest artificial lake in Guizhou. ACovering BHaving covered CTo cover DCovered 解析: 考查非谓语动词。句意:湖水面积57 平方公里,蓄水量达6 亿立方米,红枫湖是贵 州省最大的人工湖。 Hongfeng Lake 与cover之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,用现在分词作伴随状 语。 答案: A 12Unemployment is on the rise in some countries and a growing number of people,_ the yo

9、ung ones,are finding they are out of work. Ain case Bin all Cin particular Din total 解析: 考查介词短语辨析。句意:一些国家的失业率一直在上升,越来越多的人,特别是 年轻人失业。in case 万一,如果;in all 总共; in particular 特别地;尤其;in total 总共。 答案: C 13Now that we have not got a suitable candidate ,we _as well give him a chance. Acould Bwould Cshould D

10、 might 解析: 考查情态动词。句意:既然我们没有合适的人选,倒不如给他一个机会。might/may as well 意为 “蛮可以,倒不如”。 答案: D 14The young athlete,_ several times to break the world record in swimming ,decided to have another try. Ato attempt Battempting Cattempted Dhaving attempted 解析: 考查非谓语动词。句意:几次尝试打破游泳世界记录之后,年轻的运动员决定再试 一次。 The young athlete

11、 与 attempt 之间存在逻辑上的主谓关系,因此用现在分词形式,having attempted 表示先于谓语动词动作发生。 答案: D 15People should make every effort to protect the environment. _.Pollution is harmful to our health. A All right BYou can t be serious C Absolutely DGo ahead 解析: 考查情景交际。句意: 人们应该尽全力保护环境。 一点不错。污染对我们 的健康有害。句中absolutely 意为 “一点不错;正是如此”

12、。 答案: C 二、阅读理解 A Back when our children were small,who could have imagined what life would hold for them: pressures surrounding sex, alcohol ,drugs, and a confusing series of messages, choices, and consequences?Many parents realize that the childrensneed for independence grows as they do.So talking

13、about touchy( 棘手的)subjects can be especially difficult when teens tend to tune_us_out. Driving a teen to meet her friends may seem like just another chore,unless you recognize it as an opportunity to talk.Of course, you may have to get the conversation going.Try telling your child a little about you

14、r day or talking about her friends before asking her how things are going.If you worry about losing control of the conversation,try to do something you both enjoy together,like cooking , hiking ,or going to a concert or museum.Once you have created a comfortable level of sharing,try approaching a to

15、uchy subject. “Before I discuss topics like sex or drugs with my son,” one father says,“ I do a little homework.Often it s as simple as checking the phone book for hotlines or asking my doctor to recommend some books.If my son is not willing to discuss a touchy subject,I can still give him a number

16、to call or an article to read.And,of course , I tell him I m always available if he needs my help.” Don t start a personal attack or hold a family conference to open a dialogue on a tough subject.No matter how serious the subject is, it s important not to be heavy-handed(粗暴的 )or focus on your child

17、too much. Say you ve read an article or heard about a troubling situation from a colleague or a friend.Share this information with your teenager; then ask her opinion rather than offer yours.Suppose you re discussing AIDS ,and you can invite your children s interest by asking:Do you believe it can t

18、 happen to you?What are some strategies to stay safe?When a teen feels that the two of you are exploring a subject together , she s likely to share her own thoughts. 语篇解读: 文章探讨了父母和孩子如何就棘手的话题进行沟通。 1The underlined phrase“ tune us out” in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by“ _ ” Arely much on us Bget along

19、well with us C understand what we say Dpay no attention to what we say 解析: 词义猜测题。根据上文“Many parents realize that the children s need for independence grows as they do.So talking about touchy subjects can be especially difficult when teens tend to.” 可 知,许多父母意识到孩子独立性的需要正在增长,所以讨论棘手的话题尤其困难,孩子们不是 很在意父母的教导

20、。由此可推知,画线词含义为“不理会 (父母的话 )”。 答案: D 2As for a touchy subject ,parents should avoid _. Atalking much about their children s friends Bsharing information with all family members Ccommunicating with their children in a formal way Dbeing curious about their children s opinion 解析: 推理判断题。根据第四段“Don t start a

21、 personal attack or hold a family conference to open a dialogue on a tough subject.”可知,不要以个人抨击或是召开家庭会议来公开讨论棘手的 话题。再根据最后一段举出讨论AIDS的例子可推知,对于棘手的话题家长应该避免以一种正 式方式与孩子进行讨论。 答案: C 3In the case of discussing AIDS ,what parents can do is to _. Aremind their children of its danger Binspire their children to ex

22、press their ideas Ctake advice from their colleagues or friends Dgive their children as much advice as possible 解析: 细节理解题。根据最后一段“Suppose you re discussing AIDS ,and you can invite your children s interest by asking :Do you believe it can t happen to you ?What are some strategies to stay safe?”可知,在谈论

23、AIDS 时,父母可以通过问问题来鼓励孩子说出自己的想法。 答案: B 4. What s the purpose of the passage? ATo explain what touchy subjects children face now. BTo offer tips on how to discuss touchy subjects with children. CTo show the influence of touchy subjects on children. DTo explain why parents should help children solve touc

24、hy subjects. 解析: 主旨大意题。文章意在就如何和孩子谈论棘手话题而给父母们支招。 答案: B B A woman who was pulled off an Amtrak(美国铁路公司)train by the police the other day after she refused to stop talking loudly on her cell phone has the Internet cheering her end.A great majority are in favor of her being pulled off for offending polic

25、y in a loud voice during the 16-hour journey.She even became aggressive when challenged by one of the passengers on the train. KOMO News reports that Lakeysha Beard says she felt“ disrespected” bythe incident,though passengers said it was Beard who was being rude by refusing to stop talking noisily

26、while sitting in one of the train s quiet carriages.She had not stopped since the train pulled out of Oakland ,California,16 hours before it reached Salem,Oregon, when a passenger challenged her about the talking.That s when Beard got“ aggressive”,KATU reports ,and staff on the train stopped the tra

27、in so that the police could remove her and charge( 指控 )her with disorderly action. Amtrak created quiet carriages in 2001 when a group of passengers who rode the Philadelphia to DC.route every morning asked if they could obtain a carriage where cell-phone loudmouths weren t welcome.Ever since , the

28、rare quiet places have become a battlefield between silence-loving rule-followers and rebellious(反抗的 )cell- phone lovers.Gawker suggested ,with some sincerity ,that the police who removed Beard from the train were heroes,and that Beard should be charged with unspeakable crimes against humanity and f

29、orced to live on some distant planet where there are no phones,ever. According to a very scientific reader opinion survey at The Huffington Post,77 percent of the people were happy the woman was pulled off the train.And the CNN famous person Anderson Cooper criticized the woman on his “ ridiculist”,

30、asking“What could someone possibly talk about for 16 hours?I can t believe it.” 语篇解读: 在公共场所喧哗是很不礼貌的。一位女士在火车的静音车厢大声打电话,最终 被赶下了车。 5The woman annoyed other passengers by _. Adisturbing others by asking questions Btalking loudly on the phone for 16 hours Cplaying with her mobile phone with loud noise Dc

31、hatting with her friend loudly on the train all the time 解析: 细节理解题。根据第一段“ .after she refused to stop talking loudly on her cell phone.” 和第二段 “.though passengers said it was Beard who was being rude by refusing to stop talking noisily while sitting in one of the train s quiet carriages.She had not st

32、opped since the train pulled out of Oakland ,California,16 hours before it reached Salem,Oregon.”可知,这位女士在16 小时的 旅途中一直大声打电话,这惹怒了其他乘客。 答案: A 8From the last paragraph ,we can know Anderson Cooper _. Apitied the charged woman Bdid the scientific reader opinion survey C was angry that the woman was pulle

33、d off the train Dthought the woman s behavior was beyond understanding 解析: 细节理解题。根据最后一段“And the CNN famous person Anderson Cooper criticized the woman on his ridiculist , askingWhat could someone possibly talk about for 16 hours? I can t believe it.” 可知, Anderson Cooper 在他的节目中质疑:怎么有人能够连续讲16 个小时 的话,简直难以置信。由此可知,他认为该女士的行为让人难以理解。 答案: D


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