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1、.精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 1 / 13 外研版初一英语下Module1-3 测试题及答 案 初一英语 ( 下) dule 1-3 单元评价 基础巩固 (50 分) 一、单项选择 (15分) 1. e want _this bk nw. A. reading B. wathing . t wath D. t read 2. ur teaher is _a red sweater. A. putting n B. dressing . wearing D. have n 3. y unle is waiting _ the bus stp_

2、the ent A. fr, at B. fr ,fr . at, at D. at, fr 4y ther is _a ake _y birthday. A. aking, t B. aking , fr . ding , t D. ding ,fr 5. -_yu _the windw? yes, I a. A. D, lean B. Is, leaning . Are, leaning D. D, leaning .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 2 / 13 6 .Its ld tday. yu ust _the at. A. take

3、ff B. put n . take dwn D. put in 7.I have _with any Aerian students in the internatinal shl sine last ter. A. gt n well B. ade friends . aught up D. played 8. e are lking frward _English. A t with B t learn t learning D t learned 9.ary desnt _her hewrk after lunh. A. des B. / . d D. ding 10.The shp_

4、 “lsed“. A. writes B. talks . says D. speaks 11.ur teaher ften talks_ us_ English. A. t.n B. with.n . with.in D. t.at 12.Lk! Tw _and three_ are talking under the _ trees. A. an teahers, by students ,apples B. en teahers , bys students ,apples . en teahers ,by students ,apple .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公

5、文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 3 / 13 D. an teaher , by student ,apple 13. Thank yu fr _ e. A. helping B. t help . help D. helps 14. - _ are they getting ready fr? -The Spring Festival. A. here B. Hw . hy D. hat 15.-I ant find y glasses. -They _ in yur pket. A. an B. an be . ay D. ay be、二、根据汉语或所给 首字母提示完成单词(10 分)

6、16. Peple are ding _(不同的) things. 17. She is aking _(灯笼) . 18.I ging t have a _(理发) trrw. 19.hristas is an iprtant_(节日) in Aeria. 20.Peple are getting _(穿衣服) . 21.They are _(装饰) a hristas tree. 22.hinese peple have any_(传统 ). 23.They ften have a p_ in the park n Sunday. 24.-hat is yur p_? -I a ging

7、t the superarket. 25.e are ging t r_ fr ur English test. 三 、用括号中词的适当的形式填空 (5 分) .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 4 / 13 26. It was raining _ (heavy) at this tie yesterday. 27. I think _ (fly) will be expensive. 28. Lk! h_ (draw) n the blakbard? 29.h is _ (tall ) ? Bill, T and i? 30.hat abut

8、_(see)ur teaher later n ? 四、句型转换 (10 分) 31.They are reading bks.(改为否定句) They _ reading bks. 32.The girl is sitting n the desk. (画线部分提问) _ is the girl _? 33.He is drawing a piture.(改为复数句) _ _ drawing _. 34.The wen are aking akes.(改为一般疑问句) _ _ _ aking akes? 35.Are they drawing pitures?(作肯定回答) _ , _ _.

9、 36.rs. Green lives in New yrk.(就画线部分提问) _ _ rs. Green _? 37.They are eating dinner.(就画线部分提问) _ _ they _? 38.y pitures are better than his . .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 5 / 13 His pitures are _ than _ . 39.There s n need t wrry abut yur father . yu _ _ t wrry abut yur father . 40.They l

10、ike ftball beause its ppular .(就画 线部分提问) _ _ they like ftball? 五、完成句子(10 分) 41. 人们相信吃元宵能给他们一年四季带好运。 Peple believe yuanxia an _gd luk _. 42. 他在等谁? hs he _? 43. 现在全国人民下在为2008 年奥运会作准备。 Nw all hinese peple are _ the 2008th lypi Gaes. 44. 秋风扫除街上的叶子。 The wind in autun _ in the street. 45.D yu want t _(骑自行

11、车 ) r _(观 光)? 能力提高 (50 分) 六、 阅读理解 (10 分) Hy IS THE SUN IPRTANT? .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 6 / 13 The sun is a huge, ht, bright star. It is iprtant beause withut it there wuld be n life n Earth. The sun gives us light and heat. All living things need light and heat fr the sun t live. P

12、lants need light and heat t grw. They use the light fr the sun t ake fd. e annt ake ur wn fd, but plants an. All the fd we eat es fr plants in a fd hain( 链)whih starts with the sun. Fr exaple, Anials need sunlight, t. ust like us, their fd es fr a fd hain whih begins with the sun and the plants. sun

13、 leaf aterpillar(毛虫 ) bird sun seaweed( 海藻 )sall fish whale( 鲸) Sunlight eans we an see during the day. If there was n sun, it wuld be dark all the tie. Even when the sky is ludy, the sunlight is very strng and it shines thrugh the luds. 46.hih wrds tell us what the sun is like? A. Huge.(大的 ) B. Ht.

14、 . Bright. D. All abve. 47.hat are the tw ain things the sun gives us? A. Light and heat. B. Heat and eggs. . rn and light. D. heat and bread. .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 7 / 13 48.hy an we still see during the day when the sky is ludy? A. Beause we an see all day and all night. B. Beau

15、se the sun ant give us light all day lng. . Beause the sunlight an shine thrugh the luds. D. Beause we ant see at night. 49. All the fd we eat es fr _. And it starts with the _. A. plants; earth B. a fd hain; sun . fd; sun D. plants; star 50. In what way d yu think the sun annt be harful(有 害的 ) ? A.

16、 The sun an d har t yur eyes and skin. B. It an ake rivers t dry. . ithut it there wuld be n life n Earth. D. Ht sun n dry land an ause fires. 七、动词应用(计10 分) A barber was wrking when a tall an ae in with a by f abut eleven after hi. The barber was asked 51 (give) hi a shave and the hild a hairut. Aft

17、er the an had his shave, he tld the barber that he wuld have t g dwn the street 52 (get) a drink while the barber 53 .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 8 / 13 (ut) the bys hair. The an als prised the by that he 54 (be) bak sn. It didn t 55 (take) the barber lng t give the by a hairut. Anther h

18、alf an hur 56 (pass) and the by was still kept 57 (wait).In the end, the barber asked the by why his father was away s lng. The sall by tld the barber that the an was nt his father at all. He said he happened 58 (eet) hi in the street and 59 (ask) if he wuld like t have a hairut. He agreed and fllwe

19、d the an here fr a hairut. The barber said he 60 (understand) and he ade a istake. He shuld ask the an fr the ney first. 八、阅读下则短,然后在空白处写出适当的单词,单词 的首字母已给出。 (10 分) Swiing is very ppular in suer. Peple like swiing in suer beause water (61)_ peple feel l. If yu like swiing and swi in a wrng plae, it ay

20、nt be safe(安全 的). Last suer, re than ten peple died (62)w_ they were (63)e_ theselves in the water, and (64)_ f the were students. But se peple are (65)s_ nt areful in swiing. They ften think they swi s well that(66) n_ an happen t the in water. Suer is here again , if yu g swiing in suer, dnt frget

21、 .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 9 / 13 that better swiers have died in water. They (67)d_ nly beause they were nt (68) _, nt beause they uld nt swi. S dn t get int water when yu g swiing (69)y_, g with yur teahers r yur parents. If there are “ N (70)S_ ” sign, dnt get int water, either. If

22、 yu reeber these, swiing will be safer. 九、阅读表达 (10分) TV held a harity shw in ay t raise ney fr the earthquake-hit areas in Sihuan. any faus stars tk part in the shw. (A) They didnt ask fr any pay, they all did it fr free. There were a lt f perfranes like singing, daning and rss-talks(相声 ). (B)The au

23、diene( 观众 ) were s exited that they lapped( 鼓掌 ) their hands all the tie. Alst everyne was ved t ry by a lt f sad r ving stries. During the perfranes, they dnated ney t the disaster areas( 灾区 ). The shw was s suessful. Besides that, any ther stars are ding things fr disaster areas in any ways. kungf

24、u star akie han and the fundatin(基金 ) naed Hng kng Eperr Grup have tgether dnated 10 illin yuan. And he als sent his nslatin(安 慰) t the peple in the disaster areas and enuraged the t hld n beause ()“全国人民和你们在一起。” Xia ke, a .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 10 / 13 sngwriter, wrte and rerded a

25、sng “I knw yu ill e” t war the hearts f the peple in despair(绝望 ). TV s tp shw “The Sae Sng” als held a harity speial t help the. Bth the tiket ney and the dnated ney will be sent t the disaster areas. As the hinese saying ges (D) “ne in truble, all t help.” I believe that the whle wrld will bee bet

26、ter if everyne f us gives harity t thers. 71. 用 withut把( A)句的两个单句连成一个句子。 They did it _ any _. 72. 把( B)句改写成意思相同的简单句。 The audiene were _ _ t lap their hands all the tie. 73. 将()句翻译成英语。 _ 74. 将( D)句翻译成汉语。 _ 75. 用斜体句中的“ bth and” 仿造一个句子。 _ _ 十、书面表达 (10 分) “地震无情,人有情” , 大灾之后,灾区的小朋友们却 .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -

27、全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 11 / 13 度过了他们终生难忘的一个“六一”儿童节! 请你仔细观察下面的三幅图,根据图示内容以 “A Speial hildrens Day ”为题,写一篇短。 注意 : 能够体现图画内容, 字数不少于80 字。 提示词: fr disaster areas(灾区 ) unfrgettable (难 忘的 ) A Speial hildrens Day hildrens Day is a great day fr all the hildren and als fr the hildren fr disaster areas! _ 初一英语 ( 下)

28、dule1-dule3 参考答案 一、 15DB 610 BB 11-15 ADD 二、 1.different 2. lanterns 3.hairut 4.festival 5.dressed 6.derating 7.traditins 8.pini 9.plan 10.revise 三、 26.heavily 27.flying 28.is drawing 29. the tallest 30.seeing 四、 31.aren t 32.here , sitting 33.They are , pitures 34.Are the wen 35.yes , they are .36.

29、here des , live 37.hat are , ding 38.wrse , ine 39.dnt need 40.hy d .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 12 / 13 五、 41.bring the; all the year rund 42 waiting fr 43.getting ready fr 44. sweeps away the leaves 45. g yling, g sightseeing 六、 46 50 ABDDB 七、51.t give 52.t get 53.was utting 54.wuld be

30、 55.take 56.passed 57.waiting 58.t eet 59.was asked 60. understd 八、 61. akes 62. while 63. enying 64. st/any 65. still 66. nthing67. died 68. areful 69. yurself 70. Swiing 九、 71. withut , pay/ney 72. exited enugh 73.Peple all ver the untry are with yu 74. 一方有难,八方支援。 75. 只要语法正确,语句通顺,都可得满分。 十、 ne pssi

31、ble versin hildrens Day is a great day fr all the hildren and als fr the hildren fr disaster areas. They had an unfrgettable hildrens Day this year! Peple all ver the untry are aring abut the. There were any speial nerts held fr the. In the nerts, they uld sing with the faus singers like Liu Dehua.

32、Se f the were invited t eny the day with ther .精品文档 . 2016 全新精品资料 -全新公文范文 -全程指导写作 独家原创 13 / 13 hildren fr big ities. They sang, daned and played gaes tgether. Like the ther hildren, they als gt any beautiful gifts/ presents suh as bks, dlls, bakpaks and s n. I believe it was the happiest hildrens Day they had spent s far! Hw luky they were!


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