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1、牛津沪教版英语六年级上Unit5 复习教案 1 / 15 六年级上 U5 1. Programme n. (1)活动安排 e. g. What s the programme for tomorrow? 明天安排了什么活动? Do you know the programmes about Open Day? 你知道有关开放日的活动安排吗? (2)(广播或电视)节目 e.g. Theyre putting on a programme about wine-making. 他们正在推出一个介绍酿酒方法的节目。 This programme is about the environment an

2、d human beings. 这个节目是关于人类与环境的。 v. (1)计划安排某事物 e. g. They are programming a music festival. 他们正在为音乐会演编排节目。 Miss Guo and her students are programming their Open Day. 郭老师和她的学生正在安排开放日的活动。 (2)使 按预定的步骤进行(尤指自动地或不假思索地) e.g. The video is programmed to switch itself on at ten oclock. 这台录傢机已调好在十点钟自动开机。 Everythi

3、ng is programmed to complete as the order. 一切将按顺序完成。 常见词组 programme music 标题音乐programme note 简介;剧情 2. entrance n. (1)入口处 e. g. Where is the entrance to the cave?这个洞穴的入口在哪里? There are many policemen at the entrance of the hall. 大厅入口处有很多警察。 (2)进来,进入 e. g. The hero makes his entrance in Act 2. 这位英雄在第2

4、幕出场。 (3)进入的权力,批准进入 e. g. They were refused entrance to the club. 他们被拒绝进入俱乐部。 v. 使某人狂喜,着迷,通常用于被动语态 e. g. They were completely entranced by the music. 他们完全陶醉在音乐中。 We are entranced at the beautiful sight. 我们被美丽的景色迷住了。 3. choir n. 合唱队,唱诗班 e. g. She sings in the school choir. 她在学校合唱队唱歌。 The performance o

5、f the choir is perfect. 合唱队的表演十分精彩。 常见词组 choirboy 唱诗班的男童歌手choir master 唱诗班指挥choir school 唱诗班学校 4. noticeboard n. 布告栏 e. g. Look at the noticeboard. Its too large. 看布告栏,它太大了。 Is there any important news on the noticeboard? 布告栏上有什么重要的消息吗? 5. parent n. 父母 e. g. May I introduce you to my parents? 我把你介绍给

6、我的父母可以吗? 牛津沪教版英语六年级上Unit5 复习教案 2 / 15 Do you get on with your parents? 你和父母合得来吗? 常见词组 parentage 家世,出身 a person of unknown parentage 家世不明的人 a person of humble parentage 出身卑贱的人 parent company 总公司 6. arrive v. 到达,抵达 e.g. Good weather has arrived at last. 好天气终于来到了。 The train will arrive at Shanghai at f

7、iveo clock. 火车将在五点钟到达上海站。 友情提示 arrive 后可跟 in 或 at 表示 “ 到达某地 ” 的含义。 arrive in 表示到达某个国家、城市(镇)、区域等比 较大范围的地方;arrive at 表示到达某个车站、学校等小范围的场所。如:arrive at the airport 到达机场, arrive in London 到达伦敦等。 近义词 get to 到达reach v. 到达 常见词组 arrive home 到家arrive here 到达这里arrive there 到达那里 辨析 get, arrive 与 reach (1)后面可以直接跟h

8、ome, there, here 这类表示地点的副词。例如: How did you get there?=How did you arrive there?你怎么到那儿的? (2)由于 get 和 arrive 都是不及物动词,因此如果后面要跟名词则须加上介词,get to 十地点名词 =arrive in at+ 地点名词( arrive in 之后跟表示大地方的地点名词,arrive at 之后跟表示小地方的地点名词)。例如: When will you get to the airport? =When will you arrive at the airport?你什么时候能到机场?

9、 (airport 是小地方,所以用arrive at) She got to Tianjin the day before yesterday. =She arrived in Tianjin the day before yesterday. 她是前天到天津的。 (Tianjin 是大地方,所以用arrive in) (3)若是只说 “ 到达 ” ,而不指出到达哪里,则只能用arrive。例如: When did you arrive? 你什么时候到的? (4)与 get 和 arrive 不同的是, reach 为及物动词,其后可直接跟名词。例如: I reached Beijing t

10、he day before yesterday. 我前天到的北京。 7. first (1)adv. 首先,最初,第一次,首次,第一(列举条目等时用) e. g. This is my first visit to Britain这是我第一次来英国。 You were only 20 years old when we first met. 我们第一次见面时,你才20 岁。 (2)adj. num. n. 首先(的),最初(的),第一(的) -Can you tell me the first month of the year in English?你知道 1 月用英语怎么说吗? -Sure

11、!Its January. 当然!是 January。 反义词 last 最后的 常见词组 the first floor 美 一楼; 英二楼 first ladyFirst Lady 第一夫人,元首夫人 First Republic( 法兰西 )第一共和国 (1792-1804) first of all=in the first place 第一,首先 from first to last 自始至终;一直 safety first 安全第一 at first thought 初想at first hand 第一手地,直接地 牛津沪教版英语六年级上Unit5 复习教案 3 / 15 at f

12、irst sight/view初看the first but one 第二 the first but two 第三the first but three 第四 at first=at the beginning 首先,最初first class 头等舱 用法提示 first+ 基数词 (one,two,three, )+名词,表示 “ 开头的 ” 。 I have read the first two pages of this storybook. 我已经看完了这本小说的前两页。 8. classroom n. 教室 e. g. Dont play football in the clas

13、sroom. 不要在教室里踢足球。 Our classroom is clean and tidy. 我们的教室干净整洁。 记忆链接 class-feeling 阶级意识 class-list(大学生最后考试的)学位成绩名单 classmate同班同学 9. next adj. 紧接着,随后 e. g. How far is it to the next petrol station? 最近的加油站离此地多远? The next person to speak will be punished. 再有人说话就要受到惩罚。 adv. (1)紧接着,随后 e. g. What did you do

14、 next? 随后你做了什么? Next, we will water the trees and flowers in the garden.接下来,我们将在花园里浇树浇花。 (2)其次 e.g. The next oldest building is the church. 第二古老的建筑物是那个教堂。 The next longest river is Yellow River in our country. 在我国第二长的河流是黄河。 (3)用于疑问词之后表示惊讶 e. g. You re learn ing to be a pilot. Whatever next! 你竟然学飞行!还

15、想怎么着! 10. project n. (1)习作项目 e. g. Look at our class project. 看看我们的课程习作项目。 Her projects are showing on in the museum. 她的作品在博物馆展出。 (2)规划,工程,事业 e.g. That is a project to establish a new national park. 那是建立一个新的国家公园的工程。 The class are doing a project on the Roman occupation of Britain. 这个班正在进行一项关于罗马人占领不列

16、颠的研究。 v. (1)计划;规划;设计 e. g. Our projected visit had to be cancelled. 我们计划中的访问不得不取消。 They are projecting the new palace for king. 他们正在为国王设计新的宫殿。 (2)放映(影片) e. g. Will you be able to project the film for us?你能为我们放映那部影片吗? The cartoon Lion King will be projected this evening. 动画片狮子王将在今天晚上放映。 11. craft n.

17、(1)工艺;手艺 e. g. Mary teaches arts and crafts in local school. 玛丽在当地的学校教工艺美术。 He learned his craft from an old master. 他从一位老匠人那学得他的手艺。 牛津沪教版英语六年级上Unit5 复习教案 4 / 15 (2)船舶 (复数仍为craft) e. g. Hundreds of small craft accompany the liner into harbour. 数百只小艇随同这艘班轮驶入港湾。 The red craft under the tree belongs to

18、 Uncle Wang. 树下那只红色的船是王叔叔的。 (3)骗术;狡诈 e. g. He got the job by craft. 他通过玩弄诡计得到了工作。 记忆链接 crafty adj. 诡计多端的;狡猾的(通常作贬义),例如: Hes a crafty old fox. 他是一只狡猾的老狐狸。 craftsman n. 匠人;能工巧匠例如: He is a famous craftsman. 他是著名的匠人。 12. club n. 俱乐部 e. g. I want to be a number of that club. 我想成为那个俱乐部的一员。 They have a dri

19、nk at the golf club. 他们在高尔夫俱乐部喝酒。 v. (用棍棒或重物)打、击某人物 e. g. Mary got very angry and she clubbed the bed strongly. 玛丽很生气,她狠狠地打床。 常见词组 night club 夜总会 13. finally adv. 最后 e. g. After a long delay the performance finally started. 演出推迟很久,最后总算开始了。 We must settle this matter finally. 我们必须彻底解决这一问题。 近义词 at las

20、t 最终;最后in the end 终于,最后 14. ground n. 地;地面 e. g. -Why are you lying on the ground? 你怎么躺在地上呀? -I ve hurt my leg ! 我的腿受伤了。 记忆链接 playground 操场underground 地铁 15. invitation n. (1)邀请 e. g. Admission is by invitation only. 凭请柬入场。 I gladly accepted their invitation to the party. 我愉快地接受了参加派对的邀请。 (2)引诱;鼓励或怂恿

21、(某人做某事)的事物; e. g. An open window is an invitation to burglars. 窗户开着会引贼人室。 16. yesterday adv. 昨天 e. g. -Where were you yesterday morning? 昨天上午你在哪里? - I went to the zoo. 我去动物园了。 n. 昨天 e. g. -Yesterday was my birthday. 昨天是我的生日。 -Why didnt you tell me earlier? 你为什么不早点儿告诉我呀? 记忆链接 the day before yesterday

22、 前天 . Daily expressions. 日常表达 Open Day 开放日 牛津沪教版英语六年级上Unit5 复习教案 5 / 15 arrive at 到达 at the entrance 在入口处 arts and crafts手工艺 English Club 英语俱乐部 Music room 音乐室 【随堂小练】 I. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of the given words. (用所给单词的适当形式填空) 1Lets meet at the _ (enter) of the cinema. 2You must fi

23、nish English exercise _ (one). 3 _ (final) , they put out the fire. 4The students _ (parent) are coming on Open Day. 5Kitty and her classmates took some _ (photo) on Open Day. 【Keys】1. entrance 2. first 3. Finally 4. parents 5. photos Choose the proper word or expression from the bracket to complete

24、 the sentence. (选择恰当的单词或词组填入空 格,完成句子 ) 1All the students are _ (listening to, hearing) the lecture in the hall. 2Ben is writing some _ (invitation, invitations) to his friends. 3We must wash our hands _ (before, after) each meal. 4 _ (Last, Finally), Peter won the Olympic Maths Contest. 5 Would you

25、like to _ (see, look at) a flower show with me? 【Keys】1 listening to 2 invitations 3 before 4 Finally 5 see . Read the sentences and complete the words according to the first letter given (根据所给字母完成句子) 1. Parents will listen to the school c _ in the hall. 2. My friends and I are going to see a film t

26、onight. We will meet at the e_to the cinema. 3. I received an i from Alice. She invited me to her birthday party. 4. The meeting will f _ at 5:00 p. m. 5. There is an information b _ outside the library. 【Keys】 1. choir 2. entrance 3. invitation 4. finish 5. board Step 4: Important Sentences structu

27、res. 1. Miss Gao and her students are planning the programme for their Open Day. 郭老师和她的学生正在计划开放日的 活动安排。 Open Day 意为 “ 开放日 ” ,指某地接待公众参观之日,平时该处不对外开放,例如: Today is the Open Day at the village school. 今天是乡村学校的开放日。 友情提示 Open Day 开放日这是指学校向家长开放的日子,届时家长可以进校听课、参观学校并与老师、校 牛津沪教版英语六年级上Unit5 复习教案 6 / 15 长交流。有点类似于

28、“ 家长接待日 ” 。 are planning意为 “ 正在计划 ” ,是一句现在进行时,表示说话的时候正在进行的动作或状态,例如: The telephone is ringing. Would you answer it, please? 电话在响,你能否接一下? 2. It s on the second floor.它在三楼。 友情提示 要表示楼层的时候, floor 前要使用the+序数词。在英语中,一楼叫做the ground floor , 而 the first floor 则表示二楼,以此类推。但在美语中,the first floor 指一楼 , the second f

29、loor 指二楼,以此类推。请注意英语和美 语在表示楼层时候的区别。 表示在具体某一楼层时,用介词on,例如: on the first floor 美 在一楼; 英在二楼 on the second floor 美在二楼; 英 在三楼 3. Kitty and her classmates took some photos for the English Club on the Open Day. 凯蒂和她的同班同学在开放日为英语俱乐部拍了一些照片。 take photos 意为 “ 拍照 ” 为固定搭配,例如: Can you take a photo for me and Mary? 你

30、能帮我和玛丽照张相吗? The flowers are very beautiful. Lets take some photos for them. 这些花很漂亮,让我们拍一些照片吧! photo 是 photograph 的缩略式, photo 的复数形式为photos。 4. They will arrive at two oclock他们将在二点到达。 句中的 will arrive 为一般将来时。一般将来时表示将要发生的动作或状态。通常由 will+ 动词原形构成。 第一人 称可用 shall+动词原形。例如: (1)They will fly to Rome the day aft

31、er tomorrow. 他们后天飞罗马。 (2)I shall/will finish my job in a week. 我要再过一星期才完成工作。 (3) When will he start work next Monday?下星期一他什么时候开始工作? (4)Jack won t speak first at the meeting. 杰克在会上将不首先发言。 5. Our parents had a great time!我们的父母 (那天 )过得很愉快! have a great time 意为 “ 过得愉快 ” 还可以说成have a good time, enjoy ones

32、elf, enjoy ones time. 当我们听说某人要去参加聚会或去旅游时常用“Have a good time .” 来预祝别人玩得开心。 例如: -I will go to Suzhou for my holiday. 我将去苏州度假。 -Really? Have a good time. 真的吗?祝你假期愉快。 -Thank you. 谢谢你。 【随堂练习】 I Choose the correct answer. (选择正确的答案) 1 _ does Jane go to school? By bicycle. A. What B. When C. Which D. How 2

33、Last Sunday, one of my relatives from America _ my family. A. meet B. meets 牛津沪教版英语六年级上Unit5 复习教案 7 / 15 C. met D. meeting 3 Please _ to the library with your teacher. A. go B. goes C. went D. going 4 The train will leave at 8.00 a.m. _ tomorrow morning. A. / B. on C. at D. in 5 Next, theyll _ their

34、 class project. A. meet B. visit C. listen to D. look at 6 Its 7.30 now. The film _ an hour ago. A. starting B. start C. started D. starts 7 I _ carefully but cant _ anything. A. listened . heard B. listened . hear C. listened to . heard D. heard . listened 8 We can get _ by watching TV every day. A

35、. informations B. information C. an information D. a information 9 Do you want to make any changes _your programme? A. for B. on C. at D. to 10 What time will Professor Wang _? A. arrive B. arrived C. arrives D. arriving 【Keys】1 D 2C 3A 4A 5D 6C 7B 8B 9D 10A . Fill in the blanks with the proper form

36、s of the given verbs. (用所给动词的适当形式填空) 1She is going to write some _ (invite). 2Jane _ (have) a glass of milk for breakfast this morning. 3Look! The bird _ (fly) in the sky. 4Simon always_ (finish) his homework before dinner. 5Last Sunday I _ (visit) Jinmao Tower. 6Tomorrow they _ (go) shopping at Lia

37、nhua supermarket. 【Keys】1 invitations 2 had 3 is flying 4 finishes 5visited 6 will go . Rewrite the following sentences as required. (按要求改写句子) 1He will go back to France this Sunday. ( 对划线部分提问) _will he _ back to France? 2We will meet them at the entrance. ( 对划线部分提问) _will you _ them? 牛津沪教版英语六年级上Uni

38、t5 复习教案 8 / 15 3My parents visited my school last week. ( 对划线部分提问) _did they _ last week? 4She arrived at school late this morning. ( 改成疑问句 ) _she _ at school late this morning? 5The plane is going to take off at five. ( 对划线部分提问) _ _ the plane going to take off? 【Keys】1 When, go 2 Where, meet 3 What

39、, do 4 Did, arrive 5 When is . Read and decide True (T) or False ( F ). (阅读短文并判断下列句子是否符合文章的内容,符合的用 “T” 表示, 不符合的用“F”表示 ) One day a man went home and said to his wife, I have bought something for your birthday! “ Oh, thank you! said his wife, “What have you bought?” “I have bought a gold ring. Here it

40、 is! He took it out for his wife to see. Then he dropped it. Oh, dear! he said, I have dropped it. He began to look for it on the floor but it was too dark inside the house to see anything. Then they went out of the house and began to look for the ring in the street. Just then a friend came along. “

41、 Whats the matter? ” he asked. “ I have lost a ring .” said the man. “ Where did you lose it?” I lost it inside my house. ” You lost your ring inside your house but you are looking for it outside in the street! That seems very foolish! ( ) 1 A man bought a present for his wife but he didnt want to g

42、ive it to her. ( ) 2 The man lost the gold ring at his home. ( ) 3 The man dropped the gold ring in the street. ( ) 4 The man could find the ring in the street because there was more light. ( ) 5 It was foolish of him to think that he could find the ring outside the house. 【Keys】1F 2T 3F 4F 5T . Cho

43、ose the right answer. (选择正确的答案) Harvard University (哈佛大学 ) Harvard University is the oldest university in America. It was started in 1636. Two years later, a young priest (牧师 ) named John Harvard died. He left his books and a lot of land to the university. Then, the university changed its name to Ha

44、rvard. At first, Harvard was very small. Slowly, it became bigger and bigger. The medical school started in 1782. In 1908, the business school opened. Now, Harvard students can study many different things. 牛津沪教版英语六年级上Unit5 复习教案 9 / 15 Many famous people studied at Harvard. US presidents, writers, bu

45、siness people, and other important people were once students there. Now, people from all over the world go to Harvard for their education. ( ) 1. Why did the university change its name to Harvard? A. Somebody gave the university a lot of money. B. John Harvard was the first teacher. C. A priest told

46、 them to change the name. D. John Harvard gave the university many things. ( )2. In 1638, _. A. John Harvard died B. a US president visited Harvard C. the school was very big D. the business school was important ( ) 3. The business school _ . A.was started by John Harvard B. came before the medical

47、school C. was not Harvards first school D. opened 50 years ago ( ) 4. The article does not say _ were Harvard students. A. American presidents B. artists C. business people D. writers ( ) 5. Which of these sentences is true? A. Harvard only has students from America. B. There are very few different classes at Harvard. C. The university was always called Harvard. D. Harvard was Americas first university 【Keys】1 D 2A 3C 4


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