
上传人:紫竹语嫣 文档编号:5535021 上传时间:2020-06-03 格式:DOC 页数:2 大小:26.50KB
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1、第三单元练习卷 姓名:_一、根据中文,写出下列单词。1、颜色 2、白色的 3、夹克衫 4、黄色的 5、连衣裙 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )6、不,不是的 7、毛衣 8、裙子 9、绿色的 10、蓝色的 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )11、衬衫 12、红色的 13、不,不是 14、T-恤衫( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、选出划线部分不同发音的单词,将其编号填在括号里。( )1、A、pig B、window C、kite( )2、A、map B、face C、bag( )3、A、milk B、bike C、rice( )4、A、ice B、taxi C、fish( )5、A、eg

2、g B、bed C、me三、根据问句,选出相应的答语,并把其编号写在括号里。( )1、What colour is the jacket? A.They are brown.( )2、What colour are the shorts? B. Yes, it is. ( )3、Where are my shoes? C.They are under the bed.( )4、Is this your shirt? D. They are my fathers.( )5、Whose are the socks? E. Its red.四、连词成句。1. is that jacket your

3、( ? )_2. is time it to school go to ( . )_3. is this shirt whose ( ? )_4. colour is what dress the ( ? )_5. the jacket like I blue ( . )_五、根据所给的提示,完成句子。1._? Its 10:20.2._? Its white.3._? Yes, it is.4. Whose is the jacket ? (John) _.5. Is this your shirt? _.六、阅读短文并作答。 Hi, I am Sarah. I have many beau

4、tiful clothes. They are colourful.But I like the pink sweater best (最). My brother John has some pretty clothes, too. They are small. He has a pair of new shoes,too. They are black. ( )1、My name is _. A. John B. Sarah ( )2、I have many beautiful clothes. They are _. A.colourful B. cool ( )3、I like my pink _ best. A.shoes B. sweater ( )4、John is my _. A. brother B. friend ( )5、Johns new shoes are _. A. black B. brown


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