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1、2019年江苏省高考英语试卷 第一部分听力(共两节)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上录音内容结束后,你将有两分 钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上第一节(共5 小题;每小题1 分,满分 5 分) 听下面 5 段对话每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳 选项听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题每段对话 仅读一遍例:How much is the shirt?A.19.15.B.9.18C.9.15.答案是 C 1 (1 分) Where does this conversation tae place ? AIn a classroom BIn

2、 a hospital CIn a museum 2 (1 分) What does Jac want to do ? ATae fitness classes BBuy a pair of gym shoes CChange his wor schedule 3 (1 分) What are the speaers taling about ? AWhat to drin BWhere to meet CWhen to leave 4 (1 分) What is the relationship between the speaers ? AColleagues BClassmates CS

3、trangers 5 (1 分) Why is Emily mentioned in the conversation? AShe might want a ticet BShe is looing for the man CShe has an etra ticet 第二节(满分15 分)听下面5 段对话或独白每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所 给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小 题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间每段对话或独白读两遍 6 (2 分)听材料,回答下列问题 (1)How long did James run

4、 his business ? A10 years B13 years C15 years (2)How does the woman feel about James situation ? AEmbarrassed BConcerned CDisappointed 7 (3 分)听材料,回答下列问题 (1)What has ates mother decided to do ? AReturn to school BChange her job CRetire from wor (2)What did ates mother study at college ? AOil painting

5、 BArt history CBusiness administration (3)What is ates attitude toward her mothers decision ? ADisapproving BAmbiguous CUnderstanding 8 (3 分)听材料,回答下列问题 (1)What is the man doing? AChairing a meeting BHosting a radio program CConducting a job interview (2)What benefits Mary most in her job? AHer wide

6、reading BHer leaders guidance CHer friends help (3)Who will Mary tal about net? AHer teacher BHer father CHer mother 9 (4 分)听材料,回答下列问题 (1)Why does the man seldom do eercise ? AHe lacs motivation BHe has a heart problem CHe wors all the time (2)What does Jacob Sattelmair probably do ? AHes an athlete

7、 BHes a researcher CHes a journalist (3)Why does the woman spea of a study ? ATo encourage the man BTo recommend an eercise CTo support her findings (4)How much time will the man probably spend eercising weely? A300 minutes B150 minutes C75 minutes 10 (3 分)听材料,回答下列问题 (1)What did the scientists do to

8、 the road? AThey repaired it BThey painted it CThey bloced it (2)Why are young birds drawn to the road surface ? AIts warm BIts brown CIts smooth (3)What is the purpose of the scientists eperiment ? ATo eep the birds there for a whole year BTo help students study the birds well CTo prevent the birds

9、 from being illed 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35 分)第一节:单项填空(共15 小题;每 小题 1分,满分15 分)请认真阅读下面各题,从题中所给的A、 B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child_he or she wants.A.however B.whatever C.whichever D.whenever 答案是 B 11 (1 分) We have entered into an age_dreams have the best ch

10、ance of coming true () Awhich Bwhat Cwhen Dthat 12 (1 分)The musician along with his band members_ten performances in the last three months () Agives Bhas given Chave given Dgive 13 (1 分) The doctor shares his phone number with the patients_they need medical assistance () Aif only Bas if Ceven though

11、 Din case 14 (1分) More wind power stations will_to meet the demand for clean energy () Atae up Bclear up Chold up Dspring up 15(1 分) Scientists have obtained more evidence_plastic is finding its way into the human body () Awhat Bthat Cwhich Dwhere 16 ( 1 分 ) Nowadays the_for travelling is shifted fr

12、om shopping to food and scenery () Apriority Bpotential Cproportion Dpension 17 ( 1分 ) Favorable policies are _to encourage employees professional development () Ain effect Bin command Cin turn Din shape 18 ( 1 分 ) Unlie traditional gyms, app baced gyms offer people_options to eercise () Acasual Bre

13、gular Cfleible Dtight 19(1 分) A few months after he had arrived in China, Mr Smith_in love with the people and culture there () Awould fall Bhad fallen Chas fallen Dfell 20 (1 分)_the convenience of digital payment,many senior citiens started to use smart phones () ATo enjoy BEnjoying CTo have enjoye

14、d DEnjoy 21 (1分) What a pity! You missed the sightseeing or we_a good time together () Ahad Bwill have Cwould have had Dhad had 22 ( 1 分) Chinas image is improving steadily, with more countries_its role in international affairs () Arecogniing Bbeing recognied Cto be recognied Drecognied 23 (1 分) The

15、y are trying to mae sure that 5G terminals_by 2022 for the Beijing Winter Olympics () Awill install Bwill have been installed Care installed D have been installed 24 (1 分) A city is the product of the human hand and mind,_mans intelligence and creativity () Aresembling Breflecting Creviewing Drestor

16、ing 25 (1 分) Lets tae a coffee brea _Weve been woring for hours () AWhy bother?BWhat for? CYou got me thereDYou said it 第二节:完形填空(满分20 分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、 B、C、 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 26 (20分) Wildlife has been greatly threatened in the modern age There are species (物种) that are ( 1)every day

17、The white naped crane is a typical eample So scientists are trying their best to(2)the species from going out of eistence Chris and Tim wor at a oo, helping endangered cranes with their (3)Emma, a female crane , has been in their (4)since she arrived in 2004 Born at an international crane foundation

18、,Emma was ( 5)by human caretaers This led to an unepected(6), though she had a wonderful time there Emma had (7) taen herself as a crane and become deeply attached to humans She (8)to live with male cranes , and even had a(9)for illing some of them , which made it (10)for her to become a mother (11)

19、,the two ooeepers didnt want to see the etinction (灭绝) of this precious species With their patience and efforts, they successfully developed a (12)of artificial breeding (人工繁殖)and natural reproductionThis(13)Emma to give birth to five baby cranes The two eepers are proud of their productive wor But

20、before they can be(14), more efforts must be made,because the population of the crane in the wild is on the (15), and many other species appear headed toward etinction (16),not everyone has realied that wildlife has thoughts , feelings, and most importantly, equal rights to survive How can we (17)th

21、e everwidening gap that separates us from other animals ? Chris and Tim offered us the(18): human beings too it for granted that their(19) held all the solutions, but maybe their hearts can be a better (20) (1)Agrowing Bmigrating Ccompeting Ddisappearing (2)Aban Bsave Csplit Dremove (3)Aabortion Bre

22、creation Creproduction Dadministration (4)Acare Beye Cmind Dstory (5)Afound Bchosen Craised Dseied (6)Abonus Bconsequence Cvictory Dsacrifice (7)Anever Balways Cunlucily Dcheerfully (8)Alied Brefused Cdecided Dhesitated (9)Agift Bsill Cconcern Dreputation (10)Aillegal Binspiring Cimportant Dimpossib

23、le (11)ATherefore BMoreover CHowever DInstead (12)Acombination Bcollection Cstrategy Dsystem (13)Aforced Bforbade Ctaught Denabled (14)Adefeated Bgrateful Cassured Dtolerant (15)Alist Brise Cagenda Ddecline (16)AIn contrast BAfter all CBy the way DOn the contrary (17)Aleave Bbridge Copen Didentify (

24、18)Acourse Becuse Canswer Dreward (19)Abrains Bbehaviors Cservices Dprojects (20)Aguide Btreat Ceample Dcompanion 第三部分: 阅读理解 (满分 30分)请认真阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑 27 (4 分) Whatever your age or interests,Buton has something to see or do to mae your visit truly memorable High en

25、ergy If you desire physical activities, you can choose activities from swimming to horse riding Eplore the heights with Go Ape , the high wire forest adventure course, or journey beneath the earth at Pooles Cavern And dont forget: we are surrounded by a natural playground just perfect for waling, ca

26、ving, climbing and cycling High minded Buton is justifiably proud of its cultural life and youll find much to suit all tastes with art, music, opera and the performing arts at Buton Opera House & Pavilion Arts Centre and Green Man Gallery There are plenty of opportunities for the creative person to

27、become involved, including worshops and events eeping the ids happy Children love the small train and playgrounds in the Pavilion Gardens and theres plenty more to eplore at the Buton Museum Theres a new indoor play centre, plus the special events and worshops , and others during school holiday peri

28、ods (1)If you want to tae an underground journey,which place is the best choice ? APooles Cavern BPavilion Gardens CButon Museum DGreen Man Gallery (2)Buton Opera House & Pavilion Arts Centre is special because it offers Arides in small trains Bcourses in modern arts Cartistic and cultural activitie

29、s Dbasic courses in horse riding 28 (6 分) In the 1960s, while studying the volcanic history of Yellowstone National Par,Bob Christiansen became puled about something that ,oddly,had not troubled anyone before:he couldnt find the pars volcanoIt had been nown for a long time that Yellowstone was volca

30、nic in nature thats what accounted for all its hot springs and other steamy features But Christiansen couldnt find the Yellowstone volcano anywhere Most of us, when we tal about volcanoes , thin of the classic cone (圆锥体) shapes of a Fuji or ilimanjaro,which are created when erupting magma (岩浆)piles

31、upThese can form remarably quiclyIn 1943,a Meican farmer was surprised to see smoe rising from a small part of his land In one wee he was the confused owner of a cone five hundred feet high Within two years it had topped out at almost fourteen hundred feet and was more than half a mile across Altoge

32、ther there are some ten thousand of these volcanoes on Earth , all but a few hundred of them etinctThere is,however,a second less nown type of volcano that doesnt involve mountain building These are volcanoes so eplosive that they burst open in a single big crac , leaving behind a vast hole,the cald

33、era Yellowstone obviously was of this second type,but Christiansen couldnt find the caldera anywhere Just at this time NASA decided to test some new high altitude cameras by taing photographs of YellowstoneA thoughtful official passed on some of the copies to the par authorities on the assumption th

34、at they might mae a nice blowup for one of the visitors centers As soon as Christiansen saw the photos , he realied why he had failed to spot the caldera : almost the whole par 22 million acres was caldera The eplosion had left a hole more than forty miles acrossmuch too huge to be seen from anywher

35、e at ground level At some time in the past Yellowstone must have blown up with a violence far beyond the scale of anything nown to humans (1)What puled Christiansen when he was studying Yellowstone ? AIts complicated geographical features BIts everlasting influence on tourism CThe mysterious history

36、 of the par DThe eact location of the volcano (2)What does the second paragraph mainly tal about ? AThe shapes of volcanoes BThe impacts of volcanoes CThe activities of volcanoes DThe heights of volcanoes (3)What does the underlined word “blow up“ in the last paragraph most probably mean? AHotair ba

37、lloon BDigital camera CBig photograph DBirds view 29 (8 分) Who cares if people thin wrongly that the internet has had more important influences than the washing machine? Why does it matter that people are more impressed by the most recent changes ? It would not matter if these misjudgments were just

38、 a matter of peoples opinions, However, they have real impacts , as they result in misguided use of scarce resources The fascination with the ICT (Information and Communication Technology ) revolution, represented by the internet, has made some rich counties wrongly conclude that maing things is so

39、“yesterday“ that they should try to live on ideas This belief in “post industrial society“ has led those countries to neglect their manufacturing sector (制造业), with negative consequences for their economies Even more worryingly, the fascination with the internet by people in rich countries has moved

40、 the international community to worry about the “digital divide“ between the rich countries and the poor countries This has led companies and individuals to donate money to developing countries to buy computer equipment and internet facilities The question, however, is whether this is what the devel

41、oping countries need the most Perhaps giving money for those less fashionable things such as digging wells , etending electricity networs and maing more affordable washing machines would have improved peoples lives more than giving every child a laptop computer or setting up internet centres in rura

42、l villages I am not saying that those things are necessarily more important, but many donators have rushed into fancy programmes without carefully assessing the relative long term costs and benefits of alternative uses of their money In yet another eample, a fascination with the new has led people t

43、o believe that the recent changes in the technologies of communications and transportation are so revolutionary that now we live in a“borderless world“ As a result, in the last twenty years or so , many people have come to believe that whatever change is happening today is the result of great techno

44、logical progress, going against which will be lie trying to turn the cloc bac Believing in such a world, many governments have put an end to some of the very necessary regulations on cross border flows of capital, labour and goods, with poor results Understanding technological trends in very importa

45、nt for correctly designing economic policies, both at the national and the international levels, and for maing the right career choices at the individual level However, our fascination with the latest, and our under valuation of what has already become common , can, and has, led us in all sorts of w

46、rong directions (1)Misjudgments on the influences of new technology can lead to Aa lac of confidence in technology Ba slow progress in technology Ca conflict of public opinions Da waste of limited resources (2)The eample in Paragraph 4 suggests that donators should Atae peoples essential needs into

47、account Bmae their programmes attractive to people Censure that each child gets financial support Dprovide more affordable internet facilities (3)What has led many governments to remove necessary regulations? ANeglecting the impacts of technological advances BBelieving that the world has become borderless CIgnoring the power of economic development DOveremphasiing the role of international communication (4)What can we learn from the passage ? APeople should be encouraged to mae more donations BTraditional technology still has a place nowadays C


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