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1、第 1 页 大学英语 3作业考核试题 特征码 mqTGiXTPkeRDmolocMeW ary there, please? _. AHold on. Ill get her. BNo, she isnt here. CYes, she lives here. DYes, ars program ars, one ( )up in the planets atmosphere and the other after a softy trip to the small village under the control of the enemy fire y son failed to come

2、 back home last night. This morning the police came to our house and ( )my ed Cinsured Dpromised 20 2分 Its a good idea. But ost ( ) and accurate information on the possible defects resulting from cloning. Aspecific Bparticular 第 2 页 Ctrivial Dan is a ( )offender and has been arrested five times this

3、 year for shoplifting. Apersistent Binevitable Cblunt Djoint 23 2分 Scientists have discovered many planets orbiting distant stars, all are ( )to life. Aunlikely Bunfriendly Cforbidden Dvulnerable 24 2分 It happened_Lisa e. A busy tonight. CNo, I really dont like being ill, so I shouldnt go out. 26 第

4、3 页 2分 He ost al is in the country. AAll BBoth CNo one DNeither 29 2分 I ever Ban b explosion, but police have not yet identified the ( ) . Arepresentatives Bstatistics Cvictims Dcircumstances 33 2分 Any excitement you have at starting a neount of fear. Amingled Bdotted Cjoined Dscarred 第 4 页 34 2分 In

5、 some areas China is( )the developed countries, but it e years before . Agroent, scientists and engineers are researching ore cheaply from such reneanufacture Cconstruct Dtransform 36 2分 As the semester is draptation to cheat on exams. Arefuse Breject Cresist Dresolve 37 2分 Wireless cell phones, poc

6、ket PCs, and music players ( ) special problems because they have toxic chemicals in batteries and other components. Aexpose Bcommit 第 5 页 Cpose Dtransport 38 2分 The reason I plan to go is _if I dont. Abecause she puter file is a collection of ( ) data, used to organize the storage and processing of

7、 data by computer. Aelectrical Bartificial Celectronic Dgenuine 40 2分 The meeting ony Bpledge Cevolution Dsignature 41 2分 It seems these creatures can ( )temperatures promise Cmock 第 6 页 Dundergo 42 2分 As peoples living standards improve, the health and beauty business is ( )ore sophisticated produc

8、ts than ever before. Aastonishing Bflourishing Cexaggerating Ddiminishing 43 2分 The problem of poverty is particularly ( ) in rural areas ployed. Aoffensive Bsignificant Cacute Dfrail 44 2分 We dont doubt _ he can make a good job of it. 第 7 页 Aif Bthat Cans are extremely remote. Aexposed Bcommuted Cmigrated Dtransferred 46 2分 After a very busy schedule in the past tonths, Kenneth plans to take things ( )for a is none of my business. AWhat BWho CThat DWhether 49 2分 Space exploration has been made ( )ent of modern science and technology. Ait possible Bit ind ent. AAs soon as 第 8 页 BAs *


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