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1、高考完形填空专项训练20 篇及详解 1 完形填空(共20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36 55 题各题所给的四个选项(A、B、 C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. Green said ,“Clearly I am the most important. I am the sign of life and hope. I was chosen for grass ,trees and leaves. Witho

2、ut me, all animals would _36_.“ Blue interrupted ,“You only think about the _37_ ,but consider the sky and the sea _38_ the water that is the basis of life and drawn up by the clouds from the deep seaWithout my peace,you would all be _39_.“ Yellow chuckled (笑道),“You are all so serious. I bring laugh

3、ter ,fun,and _40_ into the world “ Orange started next to blow her trumpet,“I am the color of health and strength. I may be _41_, but I am precious for I serve the needs of human life. When I fill the sky _42_,my beauty is so striking that no one gives another _43_ to any of you.“ Red could stand it

4、 _44_ and he shouted out ,“I am the ruler of all of you. I am the color of danger and of bravery. I am willing to _45_ truth. I am also the color of passion and of love.“ Then came Purple and Indigo (深蓝) . The colors went on boasting,each convinced of his or her own _46_. Their quarreling became lou

5、der and louder. Suddenly there was a startling flash of bright lightening thunder. Rain started to pour down _47_. The colors crouched (蜷缩) down _48_, drawing close to one another for comfort. In the midst of the clamor (叫嚷),rain began to speak,“You foolish colors ,fighting _49_ yourselves,each tryi

6、ng to dominate _50_. Dont you know that you were each made for a special purpose,_51_? Join hands with _52_ and come to me.“ Doing as they were told ,the colors _53_ and joined hands. They formed a colorful rainbow. From then on,whenever a good rain _54_ the world ,a rainbow appears in the sky. They

7、 remember to _55_ one another. 36 A stay B leave C go out Ddie 2020 年高考模拟复习知识点试卷试题之【高考精品】高考语文知识点梳理 2020 年高考模拟复习知识点试卷试题之【高考精品】高考语文知识点梳理2 37 A earth B moon C star Dsun 38 AThat is B I am C It is DThis is 39 A anything B nothing C something Deverything 40 A warmth B sadness C depression Danxiety 41 A u

8、sual B normal C common Dscarce 42 A at midnight B at noon or at night C at sunrise or sunset Dduring the day 43 A gift B honor C thought Drespect 44 A for more B any more C very much Dno longer 45 A turn to B fight for Cstruggle with Dbend over 46 A superiority B disadvantages C inferiority Dweaknes

9、s 47 A gently B quietly C violently Dpeacefully 48 A with care Bin fear Cby chance Don purpose 49 A amongst B by C for Dagainst 50 A others B themselves C the other Dthe rest 51 Aequal and simple Bordinary and similar Cmore or less D unique and 2020 年高考模拟复习知识点试卷试题之【高考精品】高考语文知识点梳理 2020 年高考模拟复习知识点试卷试题

10、之【高考精品】高考语文知识点梳理3 different 52 Aeach other Bme C one another Dthem 53 A combined B separated C united Ddivided 54 A cleans B washes C brightens Ddampens 55 A appreciate B quarrel with C ignore Dpraise 这是一篇富有哲理的记叙文。绿色象征生命,红色象征热情,黄色是收获之色,颜 色之间也要一争高下,比比谁更重要。斑斓世界,五颜六色,一个也不能少。看那雨 后的彩虹,也许你会因此而相信唯有手拉手,肩并肩,

11、才能创造出美丽和希望。热爱 自己,珍惜他人,明天更美好。 36 D 由上文代表“草、树、叶”推测可知:没有我,其它的动物就会死亡。 37A 由下文的 “天空和海洋”相对比,结合上文所谈及的“草、 树、叶”可知,此 处指“陆地” 。 38 C 此处是强调句型,只能用 it is。 39 B 此处与第一段的最后一句有异曲同工的作用,意为:没有我的润滑,你们全 都没有(即:死亡) 。 40A 此处所填单词,应与前面的laughter,fun 是同类型的词,表示积极向上的 词,而 sadness ,depression,anxiety 则表示“消极”之意。 41 D 桔黄色在平时不多见,结合下文只有在

12、太阳升起或落下时出现,因此用 scarce 表示“稀少,不常见”。 42 C 由常识可知,只有在太阳升起或落下时出现桔黄色。 43 C 此上文“我的美丽如此迷人”推断下文“当我出现时,没有人会想起你们的” 。 give thought to 想起,注意。 44 D 由下文 shouted out 可知,红色再也忍不住了,no longer 表示“不再”。 45 B 由上文 bravery 可知,此处意义为:我愿意为真理而斗争。fight for “为而 战” 。 2020 年高考模拟复习知识点试卷试题之【高考精品】高考语文知识点梳理 2020 年高考模拟复习知识点试卷试题之【高考精品】高考语文

13、知识点梳理4 46 A 由上文各种颜色的讲话内容及此句中的boasting(夸耀)可知,它们都在吹嘘 自己的优点或优势(superiority) 。 47 C 由谓语动词“倾盆而下(pour down) ”可知,副词用 violently ,来表示“猛 烈、激烈”。 48 B 由谓语“蜷缩(crouched down) ”及下文“互相缩成一团”可知:它们处于“恐 惧之中”。 49 A amongst 常用于书面语中,其意义等于among。 50 D 句中的动词dominate 是“优于,超出”,根据上文的内容,他们极力说自 己的优点,想超出对方,因此用 the rest,来表示除自己之处的所有

14、的其它颜色。 51 D 由 for a special purpose 可知,各种颜色都有自己的特殊的用途,它们所具有 的特点都是其它颜色没有的,因此用 unique and different 来表示“独特的和与众不同的”。 52 C 此处表示三者以上的“互相”,用 one another。意为:大家手拉手。 53 C 由下文 joined hands 可知,它们“团结一心” 。 54 B 此处是拟人说法,wash 有“冲洗”之意。意为:一场大雨之后。 55 A 它们互相合作,形成了美丽的彩虹,如果没有大家的配合,是不可能形成 彩虹的。因此这种美丽是大家协作的结晶,所以它们都“感激,感谢”对

15、方的参与。 2 完形填空(共20 小题;每小题1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然 后从 3655 题各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项。 Throughout history man has had to accept the fact that all living things must die. But people now live longer than they 36 . Yet,all living things still show the 37 of aging ,which will eventually 38

16、death. Aging is not a disease,but as a person passes maturity (成熟期 ),the cells of the body and the 39 they form do not function as well as they 40 in childhood and teenage years. The body provides less 41 against disease and is more 42 to have accident. 2020 年高考模拟复习知识点试卷试题之【高考精品】高考语文知识点梳理 2020 年高考模拟

17、复习知识点试卷试题之【高考精品】高考语文知识点梳理5 A number of related causes may 43 aging. Some cells of the body have a fairly long life, but they are not 44 when they die. As a person ages ,45 of brain cells and muscle cells decreases. 46 body cells die and are replaced by new cells. In an aging person the 47 cells may

18、not be as workable or as capable 48 growth as those of a young person. Another 49 in aging may be changes within the cells 50 . Some of the protein chemicals in cells are known 51 with age and become less elastic ( 有弹性的 ). This is why the skin of old people wrinkles (皱纹 ) and 52 . This is also the r

19、eason why old people 53 in height. There may be other more important chemical changes in the cells. Some complex cell chemicals,such as DNA and RNA ,store and 54 information that the cells need Aging may affect this 55 and change the information-carrying molecules so that they do not transmit the in

20、formation as well. 36. A would B be used to C used to D used 37. Afunction Beffect Caffect D sign 38. A lead in B give in C run into Dresult in 39. A hands B feet C heart D organs 40. Ado Bhas done Cdid D had done 41. Aenergy Bprotection Cvigor D power 42. Alikely Bprobable Cpossible D alike 43. Aat

21、tend to Bcontribute to Cadd to D devote to 44. A replaced B reborn C recovered D surrendered 45. Aa number Bthe amount Cthe number D a great deal 46. AThe others BThe other CAnother D Other 47. Aold Bleft Cnew D other 48. Ato Bfor Cof D in 2020 年高考模拟复习知识点试卷试题之【高考精品】高考语文知识点梳理 2020 年高考模拟复习知识点试卷试题之【高考精

22、品】高考语文知识点梳理6 49. A factor Beffect Creason D element 50. Afor themselves Bof themselves Cthemselves D on their own 51. A change B to have changed C to change D to be changed 52. Ahangs loose Bhangs loosely Cis hanging loosely D is hanging loose 53. A increase B shrink C lengthen D decrease 54. Apass

23、away Bpass by C pass off D pass on 55. Aimprovement Bprocession Capproach D process 这是一篇科普类短文。本文讲述的主题是 “尽管人的寿命在延长,但随着岁月的流失,人 人都会衰老,最终将面临死亡” 。 36. C 根据句意:但是人们现在比过去寿命高。used to表示“过去经常做”,暗示 现在并不如此,此处指过去的情况,正好与句义相符。would 可表示 “过去经常” ,但 不含“今昔对比” 之意。 注意该词组与be used to的区别,后者意为 “习惯于” ,to 为介词。 D 项之所以不对,是因为在以下词组

24、中,当不定式省略时,通常要保留不定 式符号 to,如: used to,be going to,mean to,ought to,try to,plan to 等。 37. B 根据下文中的定语从句所表示的意义进行判断,这里所填入的单词应该表示“衰 老的结果”这一意义。effect 意为“结果,影响” ,正是此意。 function “功能,机能, 作用” ;affect“影响,感动”,是动词; sign“标记”。解题时要注意effect 和 affect 拼写 只相差一个字母,但 effect 是名词而affect 是动词。 38. D 根据主句内容,which 引导非限制性定语从句,whi

25、ch 表示前面的“衰老的结 果” ,即:衰老的结果最终导致死亡。result in“使发生,导致” ;lead in 无此搭配,在 表示“导致”时,应为 lead to; give in “让步,屈服”;run into “陷入”,常指陷入 困境。 39. D 根据上下文及信息词cells 可确定句中是指所有的部位(器官 )。而其他三项所指的 都是身体的具体部位。 40. C 此句中的did 是用来代替前面的动词function ,以避免重复。因为这里有一个表 示过去的时间状语in childhood and teenage years,所以只能用一般过去时。 41. B protection

26、 “保护,保护物”,和介词 against或 from 连用,译为“保护 免遭”。 此句义为“身体此时的免疫力下降,易于患病”; energy “精力,活力” ; vigor “力量,活力”;power“权力,力气” 。 2020 年高考模拟复习知识点试卷试题之【高考精品】高考语文知识点梳理 2020 年高考模拟复习知识点试卷试题之【高考精品】高考语文知识点梳理7 42. A likely ,possible 和 probable 它们三者都表示 “可能”,均可以构成: It is possible / probable / likely that 从句。但 probable 和 possib

27、le 不能用于sb is possible / probable to do sth.句型中。如:It will be possible / probable / likely for you to get there before eight oclock.你 有可能在8 点钟之前赶到那里。You will be likely to get there before 8 oclock. 你很有可能在 8 点钟之前赶到那里。alike “相似的”,不符句意。 43. B 根据句义:有一些相关的原因可能促使人衰老。contribute to“有助于,起作用, 促成” ,此意义符合句义。atten

28、d to “专心于”;add to “增加,把添加到” ;devote to“致力于,献身于”。这四个词组中的to 都是介词,要注意它和不定式符号to 的区别。 44. A 此句与下文相对应,根据下文第十一空之后出现的replace (代替 )可确定该空选 replaced;reborn“新生的,复活的”;recovered“恢复”;surrendered “屈服” 45. C 根据此句的谓语动词decreases可确定其主语应为the number,表示 “的数 量” ,作主语时,应该使用单数的谓语动词;a number of “许多,大量”常用来修饰 复数名词,做主语时,要使用复数谓语动词

29、;the amount of “的数量是” ,常接 不可数名词; a great deal of “大量的”,后接不可数名词。 46. D 根据这一段里谈到的不同情况的细胞,上文用了 some cells of the body 不能再生, 很显然下文中用other body cells 可以被新的细胞所代替。这样other 与上文的some 相呼应。 其他词都不能起此作用。 47. C 根据上文的意思,这里还在继续谈论第二种可再生细胞,即: the new cells。 48. C be capable of 是固定搭配,表示“有的能力” 。句中指:老年人的新细胞的 发展能力不如年轻人的强。

30、其他介词不与capable 搭配。 49. A 这一段的内容是和上段相对应的,所需词相当于上段第一句中的cause ,指造 成一种事实或现象的原因,所以选用factor,表“因素,要素”。其他几个词虽然语 义相近,但所强调的重点并不相同。effect“结果”;reason“原因”,用来说明一种看法 或行为的理由;element“元素”。 50. C 此句意是:另一个导致衰老的因素是细胞内本身的变化。由此可得出,空格处 需填一个作同位语的名词或代词,那么四个选项中,就只有themselves 可担当此任, 即:反身代词themselves 做 cells 的同位语。 51. C 本句是被动句式,

31、其主动句式是:It is known that some of the protein chemicals in cells change with age and become less elastic 。意为:大家知道细胞内有些蛋白质随着年龄的 增大而改变,变得没有那么有弹性。又如:It is known that a new hospital will be built here. = A new hospital is known to be built here 。在叙述一般性事物时,动词 know 之后的不定式 不用进行式和完成式。 52. A hang 在这里是用作系动词,后面须

32、接一个形容词作表语,类似的动词还有: rise,shine,sit,lie 等,如: The sun rose red (= The sun rose and it is red )。本 2020 年高考模拟复习知识点试卷试题之【高考精品】高考语文知识点梳理 2020 年高考模拟复习知识点试卷试题之【高考精品】高考语文知识点梳理8 句除了要注意hang 是系动词外,还要注意时态的选择。因为通篇文章所谈论的是人人都 要变老的客观事实,所用时态都为一般现在时,不能用进行时。 53. B 根据句义“这就是为什么老人的身高会收缩的原因”,因此表“收缩”的只有 shrink;increase“增加”和1

33、engthen“变长”与句义不符;decrease “减少”,一般强调 量的减少,也不符合题义。 特别说明的是shrink 这个词平常用得不太多,但它仍然是中 学英语“新课标” 词汇,它的过去式形式是shrank 或 shrunk,过去分词形式是shrunk 或 shrunken。 54. D 根据上下文内容应选pass on,表示“把传给另一个,转移” ,句中 store and pass on information 指“储存和传递信息” ,符合句意。 其他三个选项都不符句意。pass away“去世”;pass by“经过,从旁边走过” ;pass off“逐渐消失,停止” 。 55.

34、D 从通篇文章所叙述的人的衰老的过程分析,我们应该在此处选填process。表示 “自然的过程,进程”,符合上下文意义;即:衰老可能影响这种进程和改变信息; improvement“改良”; procession“队伍,行列” ;approach“方式,方法”。 3 完形填空(共20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 36 55 题各题所给的四个选项(A、 B、C 和 D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 The simplest way to say it is this: I believe in my mother. My _36_ beg

35、an when I was just a kidI _37_ becoming a doctor. My mother was a domestic Through her work ,she observed that _38_ people spent a lot more time reading than they _39_ watching television. She announced that my brother and I _40_ watch two to three pre-selected TV programs during the week. With our

36、free time,we had to read two books each from the Detroit Public Library and _41_ her written book reports. She would mark them up with check marks and highlights. Years later we realized her marks were a _42_. My mother was illiterate. When I entered high school I was a(n) _43_,but not for long. I w

37、anted the fancy clothes. I wanted to _44_ the guys. I went from being an A-student to a B-student to a C-student. One night my mother came home from _45_ her various jobs and I complained about not having enough Italian knit shirts. She said,“ Okay,Ill give you all the money I make this week scrubbi

38、ng floors and cleaning bathrooms ,and you can buy _46_ food and pay the bills. With everything _47_ ,you can have all the Italian knit shirts you want.” I was very _48_ with that arrangement but once I got through allocating money ,there was _49_ left. I realized my mother was a financial genius to

39、be able to _50_ our heads and any kind of food on the table, 2020 年高考模拟复习知识点试卷试题之【高考精品】高考语文知识点梳理 2020 年高考模拟复习知识点试卷试题之【高考精品】高考语文知识点梳理9 _51_ buy clothes. I also realized that immediate satisfaction wasnt going to get me anywhere. Success required intellectual preparation. I went back to my _52_ and be

40、came an A-student again,and eventually I _53_ my dream and I became a doctor. My story is really my mothers storya woman with _54_ formal education or property who used her position as a parent to change the lives of many people around the globe. There is no job _55_ than parenting. This I believe.

41、36 A belief B work C education Dpromise 37Amajored in Bgot used to Cdreamed of Dgot tired of 38 A lazy B easy-going C successful D reliable 39 A spent B paid C took Ddid 40Acould only Bcould not Cmust not Dshould often 41 A read to B present to C teach D explain to 42 A joke B means C tool Dtrick 43

42、 A A-student B B-student C C-student D D-student 44 A get rid of Bhang out with C break away from Dkeep in touch with 45 A making B stopping C working D getting 46 A your brother B yourself C your sister D the family 47 A left over B paid off C used up D carried out 48Aangry B pleased Cdisappointed

43、Dbored 49Aanything Beverything C something Dnothing 2020 年高考模拟复习知识点试卷试题之【高考精品】高考语文知识点梳理 2020 年高考模拟复习知识点试卷试题之【高考精品】高考语文知识点梳理10 50 Aput an idea into Bgave an impression on Ckeep a roof over Dhave eyes in the back of 51 A let alone B let out C let in Dleave alone 52 A guys B mother C studies D play 53

44、A made B fulfilled C changed Dtried 54 A little B much C few Dhigh 55 Amore interesting Bless important Cmore important Dless interesting 这是一篇记叙文。作者出生于一个贫穷的单亲家庭,然而在母亲的帮助与教导下,他 克服了重重困难,从后进生一跃名列前茅,成为优秀生,并实现了自己的梦想,成 为了一名医生。这一成功的事例说明:在教育子女上,父母才是最好的老师。 36 A 从下文可知,我小时候就开始有了信念。 37 C 接着指出是什么信念,梦想成为一名医生。 38

45、C 据母亲观察,成功人士花在阅读上的时间要比在看电视上多得多。 39 D 此处使用did 代替前文的spent,避免重复。 40 A 由 announced 得知,我和弟弟每周只能看三到四个预先挑选好的电视节目。 41B 由上下文可知,母亲非常严厉。我们每人必须阅读从底特律公共图书馆借来的 两本书,还要上交读书心得。present sth. to sb.把某物呈交给某人。 42 D 由 My mother was illiterate. 得知,此处是一个计谋。 43 A 由 but 推测出:读中学时,我曾是个优等生,但好景不长。 44 B 原因是:图漂亮衣服,想和别人出去闲荡。hang out

46、 闲荡。 45 C 由下文 scrubbing floors and cleaning bathrooms 可知,此处意为:母亲干完各种 活儿回到家。 working 在此用作及物动词,意为:完成,干完。 2020 年高考模拟复习知识点试卷试题之【高考精品】高考语文知识点梳理 2020 年高考模拟复习知识点试卷试题之【高考精品】高考语文知识点梳理11 46 D 此处是 buy sbsth.的结构。意为:由你来替这个家买伙食、付账单。 47A 此处是“ with + 宾语 + 宾补”结构。 money 与 leave 之间是被动关系。剩下的钱 你都拿去买意大利针织衫吧。 48 B 因为由自己理财

47、并从中想赚一点钱,很显然,这样的决定让我开心不已。 49 D 由 but 可知并非如我所愿。但当我把该花的钱都分配完毕,手里已分文不剩。 50 C 我的母亲不愧是个理财能手,她能让我们有地方住、有各样的食物吃,更不 用说买衣服了。keep a roof over ones head有地方住; put an idea into ones head使想起; gave an impression on 留下印象; have eyes in the back of ones head多留心不露声色。 51A let alone 更不用说; let out 使放出; let in 使进入; leave

48、alone 不理会,不理睬。 52 C 通过这件事,我还意识到,一时的满足并不会给我带来什么成就,而成功 需要智力上的准备。于是我又发奋努力学习。 53 B 最终我实现了自己当医生的梦想。fulfill 履行工作,完成任务,达到愿望。 54 A 由上文可知,我母亲,她是这样一个女人,粗通文墨、家境贫寒,却利 用家长的身份改变了世上很多人的生活。 55 C 由上文得知:没有那件事比对子女的养育更重要了。 4 完形填空(共20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后 从 3655 题各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最 佳选项。 Sometimes I really doubt whether there is love between my parents. Every day they are very


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