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1、1014 The One With Princess Consuela Scene: Chandler and Monicas apartment. They are having a diner party with Phoebe and Mike. Mike:(raising his glass) Thank you guys for having us over. Phoebe: Oh! Yeah, this is fun, couples night. Chandler:Yeah, I dont know why we hang out with married couples mor

2、e often. Monica:Well, because every time we do, you make jokes about swinging and scare them away. Chandler: You mean that Portuguese couple? Yeah, like you wouldnt have done it. (she shrugs) Ross:(entering) Hey, you guys. I have great news. Monica: Ross, were kind of in the middle of diner here. Ro

3、ss: Oh, well, er, I already ate, but sure.! (they all look at each other when Ross grabs a plate) Guess what happened at work today. Chandler: A dinosaur died a million years ago? Ross: Try sixty-five million years ago, and then try sssshhhhhh My tenure review board met today and I hear its looking

4、reallygood. Phoebe: Wow! Ross: Yeah. Do you have any idea what this means in academic circles, uh? I am gonna get laid. Rachel:(while entering) Hi you guys. All: Hey. Rachel: Ooh, Italian! (she also grabs a plate) Monica: No one wanted seconds, right? Ross: No, no. I-Im good. Rachel:Hey you guys. Yo

5、ure never gonna believe it. This headhunter called me. I have a meeting tomorrow with Gucci. Gucci wants me. Ross: Im up for tenure. Rachel: Congratulations! Ross: You too! What are the odds? Rachel: Ooh! (they hug) Joey:(enters)Guess what? (they all look expectantly at him)I finally got that seed o

6、ut of my teeth. Monica: I dont know who Im happiest for. Phoebe:I do, hes been working on that all day! (looking at Joey) OPENING CREDITS Scene: Central Perk. Phoebe, Monica and Chandler on their couch. Phoebe: Hey Mon? Was it weird changing your name to Geller-Bing? Monica: No, no. It felt nice to

7、acknowledge this. (pats Chandler on his leg) Phoebe: Where did you go to do it? Monica: Uhm the. the ministry. of names. bureau. Chandler: YOU NEVER DID IT! Monica: Im sorry. Its just the idea of being an official Bing. Chandler: Hey! I will have you know that. aah, who am I kidding. Lets call the k

8、id Geller and let Bing die with me. 1014 康斯韦拉公主 谢谢你们准备了这一切. Ohyeah. 这是为可爱的夫妻准备的. Yeah. 我不知道为什么我们不多来几次 这样的聚会 . Well 也许是因为每次我们吃饭,你总是 开玩笑,把他们吓跑了. 你是指那对葡萄牙人? Yeah. 好象你没 有做过一样 . Hey 大伙 . 我有个好消息 . Ross. 我们似乎还在吃饭. Oh well我已经吃过了,不过. 好吧 . 猜猜今天工作上发生了什么? 一只恐龙在一百万年前死了? 应该是 6千5百万年前。请闭嘴 我的工作续约考察会议今天开了,我听说 进展得不错 .

9、 Wow Yeah. 你知道这在学院圈子里意味着什 么吗 , huh? 我可以留下来了. Hi 大伙 . Hey Ooh 还有人好说话吗? 不,不,我很好. Hey 你们一定不相信? 猎头给我打了电话,说GUCCI 要和我面试 . GUCCI 会聘用我 ! 我可以续约了 . 祝贺你 . 你也是 . 真巧 ! Oh 猜发生了什么 ? 我终于把那个核弄出了我的牙齿. 我真不知道我最为谁感到高兴? 我知道 . 他一整天都在弄它! Hey Mon, 把你的名字改成 Gather Bing 奇怪吗 ? 不, 不. 承认这样也挺好. Oh 你打算在哪里办? Em姓名服务内阁. 你没有改过 ! 我很抱歉 .

10、 变成正式的 Bing 的想法 ,. Hey 我得让你知道ah我真是在开玩 笑. 就让孩子叫 kid Gather 让 Bing 随着我 到死 . Mike:(walks to the couch with coffee for Phoebe) Here you go. Phoebe: Thanks! Honey, would you want me to take your name? Mike: Oh, its just. Its up to you. Its your name. Youve got to live with it. Phoebe: All right, lets see

11、, call me Mrs. Hannigan. Chandler:(pretending to call her.) Mrs. Hannigan? Phoebe:(loudly and crossly) What? Cant you see Im in the middle of something? (smiling) Ooh, I like it. Joey:(enters) Hey guys. Chandler: Hey Joe! Weve got a couple of things weve got to check out at the new house. You want t

12、o come with us? Joey: No, thank you. Monica:All right. I know youre not happy about us moving, but youre the only one who hasnt seen the house. Chandler:Yeah, come with us. Youll see how close it is to the city. Joey: But no, its not close. You said it was in escrow? I couldnt even find it on the ma

13、p. Monica: Joey, please come. It would mean so much to us. Joey:You know what? You are my friends, I wanna be supportive, I will come with you. SHOTGUN! Chandler: Damn it. Monica: See you guys later. Phoebe: Okay! Monica:(to Joey) Ill pick you up at eleven. So glad youre coming. Phoebe: Good for you

14、. That was really mature. Joey: What? No, the only reason Im going to their stupid new house, is so I can point out everything thats wrong with it, so they dont move. Im gonna make them stay here. Mike: Youre a strange kind of grown-up. Phoebe: Joey, you cant make someone do something they dont want

15、 to do. Believe me, theres something Ive been trying to get Mike to do in bed and theres. hes just. Mike: Woo-wo-hey-hey-hey. Can we not talk about that right now? Phoebe: All right, prude. Look, Monica and Chandler really love this house. You are not gonna talk them into staying here. Joey: Hey, he

16、y. I can convince people to do anything, you know. I bet I can even get Mike to do that “thing“. What is it? (Phoebe whispers something in Joeys ear, but after hearing it he jumps up, shocked) Joey: I AM NOT GONNA HELP YOU DO THAT! Goodbye! (he leaves) Scene: A restaurant. Rachel enters. Rachel:(to

17、maitre d)Hi, Im here to see Mr. Campbell. with Gucci. The reservation is probably under Gucci. Its spelled like Gukki, which could be confusing. Maitre d:Mr. Campbells not here yet. Let me show you to his table. (They walk to the table, but Rachel suddenly gasps. Sitting there is Mr. Zellner, her bo

18、ss from her current job at Ralph Lauren.) Rachel:Oh my God! Thats my boss. You have to seat us somewhere else. Maitre d: Im sorry. Thats always Mr. Campbells table. 给你 谢谢 Honey, 你想要我随你的名字吗? Oh 你决定吧 . 这是你的名字. 你有特 权. 让我想想 . 叫我 Hunigen 夫人 . Hunigen 夫人 . 什么 ? 你不觉得我的名字在什么东西的 当中吗 ? Oh 我喜欢 . Hey 大伙 ! Hey J

19、oe. 我们还有些事要做,我们要去看新房子. 你想和我们一起去吗? 不, 谢了 . 我们搬家你不高兴了, 但你是唯一没有 看过我们新房子的人. Yeah. 和我们一起去吧, 你会知道那离 城很近 . 不, 才不近 . 你说它在 *.我在地图上都找不到. Joey, 求你来吧 . 你对我们真的很重要. 知道吗 , 你是我们的朋友. 我需要支持 . 我会和你们一起去的, 决定了! 太好了 . 一会见 . 好 我们在 11点接你 . 真高兴你能来 . 好 真不错 . 你够成熟了 . 什么 ? 不. 我去那所破房子唯一的原因 是 我能说出里面所有的缺点,让他们不要住 进去 . 我要他们留在这里. 你的

20、力气长了不少. Joey, 你不能让别人做他们不愿做的事. 相信我 , 有些事我想让 MIKE在床上做但 他 Ooh Hehey 我们现在不谈那个. 好吗 . Pooh? 听着 . Monica 和 Chandler 真的很喜欢 这所房子 . 你不应该说服他们住在这里。 Hey hey. 你知道我从来不能说服别人. 我打赌我能让 MIKE做那事 . 那是什么 ? 我才不要帮你做那个! Oh 天 Hi. Em我来约了 GUCCI的Mr. Canbo . 这个位子也许就是GUCCI 预定的 . 也能拼写成“拜火教徒”,也许会弄错! Rachel: But my. but my boss canno

21、t see me. Im interviewing for another job. Maitre d: I know. With Gukki Rachel: Sssshhhh! Mr Zellner: Rachel? Rachel: Hi. Im on a date. Mr Zellner:(confused) Thats great! Rachel:Yeah, it is. Yeah, you know, its tough. Single mom, career. You gotta get out there. Mr Zellner: Well, you got uhm. good e

22、nergy. Rachel: Oh. Mr Campbell: Rachel? Rachel: Yes, hi! Mr Campbell: James Campbell. Rachel: Hi! (to Mr. Zellner) Excuse us. Mr Campbell: Please. (shows her to sit) Rachel: Okay. Oh, yeah. (whispering to Mr. Zellner) Oh hes cute! Mr Campbell: So. your resum is quite impressive. (Mr Zellner who sits

23、 behind Rachel shrugs) Rachel:Wha. My resum ? I wouldnt. I wouldnt call my online dating profile a resum. Mr Campbell: Dating profile? I-I-Im talking about the work resum. Rachel:(starts singing la la la la)Whatever happened to just singing for no reason? Huh? Mr Campbell: Maybe people. found it wei

24、rd So, why do you want to leave Ralph Lauren? Rachel: What? I-I dont. Mr Campbell: You dont? Rachel: No, I-I-I love it there. Mr Campbell:Well, if you dont want to leave, why are we having this lunch? (Rachel mimes and mouths to Mr. Campbell “That is my boss“, pointing to Mr. Zellner) Mr Campbell: W

25、hat? (Rachel now silently whispers “Thats my boss“.) Mr Campbell: Thats Hugo Boss? (Rachel holds her hand in order to support her head. Mr. Zellner obviously overheard the conversation.) Scene: A counter at a government building. Phoebes waiting in line. Phoebe:(to the woman behind her) This place i

26、s so depressing. If I had to work here Id kill myself. (she turns around and the clerk behind the counter heard her.) But you obviously havent. Clerk: How can I help you? Phoebe: I need to change my name, please. See, I need to change it because Im-Im hiding from the law. (the clerk shows no change

27、in expression whatsoever) Youre fun. Clerk: You need to fill out this form. (motions for the next person in line) Phoebe: Okay, well, I just dont, I dont know how it works exactly. See, my name is Buffay and my husbands name is Hannigan, so is it Mr. Canbo 现在还没到 . 让我把你带到他 的位子 . Oh 我的天 . 那是我的老板. 你必须把

28、位 子安排在别处 . 我很抱歉 . 这一直是 Mr. Canbo 的桌子 . 但我的老板不能在这看到我. 我在面试另 一个工作 . 我知道 , 面试 GUCKY. Rachel? Hah, Monodates! 太好了 . 是啊 . Yeah, 这是艰苦的男人的工作. 你必须离开这里. Well 你很有精力 . Ahoh Rachel! Yes. Hi James Canbo Hi Hi 抱歉 . 请坐 OK 他很可爱 . So 你的简历很好. 我的简历 我不会把我的私人约会称做简历. 约会 . 我在说工作的简历 La la. 不论发生什么 , 就只是毫无理由得唱歌. 也许别人觉得奇怪. 也许

29、 So 你为什么想离开 Rof Lauren? 什么 ? 我,我没有 . 你没有 ? 不. 我喜欢那里 . 如果你不想离开, 为什么我们在这里吃 午饭呢 ? 那是我的老板 - 什么 ? - 那是我的老板 - 那是你的老板 ? 这个地方太令人伤心了. 如果我在这里 工作,我会自杀的. 显然你不在 . 我能帮你吗 ? Em我想要改我的名字. 我想改掉它因 为我在逃避法律. 你很好 . 请填一下这个表格. supposed to be Buffay-Hannigan or Hannigan-Buffay? Clerk: It can be anything you want. Phoebe: Wel

30、l, not anything, I mean. Clerk: Yeah. anything. Phoebe: Oh, this could take a while. Clerk: Get out of my line. Phoebe: Okay. Scene: Central Perk. Chandler and Monica are there when Phoebe enters. Phoebe: Hey! Monica: Hey Pheebs. Phoebe: Oh, not anymore. I changed it today. Monica: Oh, Im sorry, Mrs

31、. Hannigan. Phoebe: Wrong again! Apparently you can change it to anything you want. So I thought, all right, heres an opportunity to be creative. So meet Princess Consuela Banana Hammock. Chandler: Thats what we were gonna name the baby. Monica: Phoebe! Phoebe: Uh! Princess Consuela. Monica: You ser

32、iously changed your name to that? Phoebe: Uh-huh! Monica: Okay, so from now on we have to call you Princess Consuela? Phoebe: Uhm, no. Im gonna have my friends call me Valerie. (Rachel enters, looking depressed) Chandler: Hey, howd the interview go? Rachel: Oh! Its not good. Chandler: You know, I al

33、ways feel that way after an interview. Ill bet it went better than you think. Rachel:Well, I didnt get the job at Gucci and I got fired from Ralph Lauren. Chandler: That is a bad interview. Phoebe: What are you, what are you talking about? How did this happen? Rachel: Well, my boss was at the same r

34、estaurant where I was having my interview and he heard everything. So later he calls me to his office and he tells me that hes gonna have to let me go, because Im not a team player. And I said “Wait a minute! Yes I am.“ and I had to sit there for 45 minutes while he proved that that in fact. was tru

35、e. Monica: Oh God. Im so sorry. (Ross enters with a bottle in his hand) Ross: Hey! Wha-hoo! Whats this? (showing the bottle) Well its a, its a bottle of champagne. Why is this here? Phoebe: Ross. Ross: I guess its here because I GOT TENURE! All(except Rachel): Congratulations! (Rachel looks devastat

36、ed) Ross: This is the single greatest day of my professional career. Gunther, six glasses! Gunther: Six? You want me to join you? Ross: Oh, I thought Joey was here. Five is good. (Gunther leaves, hurt) Well, Im gonna have a loogie in my coffee tomorrow. OK 我只是不知道应该怎么做 看,我的名字叫Buffay 我丈夫的名字叫 Hunegen.

37、那么那应该是 Buffay Hunegen还是 Hunegen Buffay? 你想什么就是什么 Wa.任何名字 ? . 是 任何 Oh 那需要花些时间. 站到一边去 . Hey. Hey Phoebs. Oh 不再是了 . 我今天改了我的名字. Oh 抱歉 . Hunegen 夫人 . 又错了 . 显然你能改成任何你想要的名字,所以我 想 这是发挥想象力的好机会. 所以 Mit Conswellis Bannanahammic 公 主. 那时我想给我们宝宝的名字. Phoeby 不. Conswellis公主 . 你真的把你的名字改成那个了? Uh-huh. 好吧 . 从今往后我们得叫你Co

38、nswellis 公主了 . 我知道 . 我想让我的朋友叫我维多利亚. Hey面试如何 ? 不妙 . 你知道吗 , 我经常这么觉得. 我打赌那会 比你想得好 . Well, 我没有得到 GUCCI 的工作,还丢了 Rof Laren 的工作 . 那面试的确不好. 你在说什么呀 ?怎么会这样 ? Well, 我老板在同一家餐厅 我在那里面试,他听见了一切. 后来他把我叫到他的办公室,告诉我他要 解雇我 因为我不合群 . 然后我说“等等,恩,我的确不合群” 然后我得在那里坐45分钟 而他证明了,事实是这样的. Oh god. 真抱歉 . Hey, WawoW这是什么 ? 是一瓶香滨 ! 它为什么在这 ?


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