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1、1 畅游学海敢搏风浪誓教金榜题名。决战高考,改变命运。凌风破浪击长空,擎天揽日跃龙门 Starter Unit 3 What color is it? Period 3听说课 3a-4d Teaching aims (教学目标 ) Talk about some things around us with such patterns as What s this ? It s . Spell . . What color ? It s .Learn the English for some colors. Listen for coloring the things and completin

2、g the sentences. We should love our colorful world and lives. Preview 1. Take out all the things we have learned from a red box one by one. ( Things :ruler penmap cup jacket quilt orange key.) T: What s this in English? S1: It s . T: Spell it, please. Ss: . T: What s this in English? S2: Its . T: Sp

3、ell it, please. Ss: . 2. A guessing game: T: I spy a color. It begins with “r ”. What color is it? S1: I know its red. S1: I spy a color. It begins with “y”. What color is it? S2: I know its yellow. S2: I spy a color. It begins with . What color is it? S3: I know its . ( T 让所有学生拼读并在黑板上板书 red yellow

4、brown black white green ) 3、根据括号内中文提示完成句子,一空一词。 1. _ (什么 ) is this? 2. Is this a _ (绿色 ) pencil? 3. Toms _ ( 夹克衫) is old. 4. What s your _ (名字) ? 5. His _ (英语 ) is very good. 6. Alices cat is _ (白色的). 7. There s a _ ( 被子) in the bed. 8. Please _ (拼写) “Please”. 9. They are Helen _ (和) Grace. 10.Good

5、_ (黄昏 ). 2 Warming up and leading in.热身导入 Turn to PS11: Look at the pictures. Do you know them? Task One : ( 任务一:教师让学生两人一组讨论图片中的物品名称。) S1: What s this in English in the picture? S2: Its a cup. S1: And whats this? S2: It s a ruler. S1: What s this? S2: Its a key. T: Do you want to their colors? Ss: Y

6、es. T: Lets come to 3a. ( 导入要联系所学习的内容, 使学生自然而然地进入新课的学习.) Listening for the general idea 听取大意 Task Two: ( 任务二:让学生对该页上面的3a 进行听音涂色。) T: First listen to the tape carefully. ( 第一遍让学生认真听并理解。) T: Now listen again,take out your color pencils to color the things in the picture. ( 第二遍,让学生根据对话内容开始涂色。) T: Liste

7、n again and complete the sentences. ( 让学生再听3a 的录音材料,在空格内写下该物品的颜色的单词。完成3b) Answers: 1. The key is yellow. 2. The ruler is blue. 3. The pen is red. What else things can you listen? And what color are they? Let s come to 3c. ( 联系上下文 , 使学生自然而然地进入3c 的学习 .) Listening for the specific ideas 听取细节 Task Three

8、: ( 任务三:让学生完成该页上面的3c 中的表格。 ) T: First listen to the tape carefully. ( 第一遍让学生认真听并理解。) T: Now listen again .Write down the things you heard. ( 第二遍,让学生根据听力内容写出物品。) T: Listen again and write down the colors they are. ( 让学生再听3c 的录音材料,在横线上写下各物品的颜色的单词。完成3c.) Listen and repeat ( 让学生通过听的技能理解文段后, 再进行听了模仿为3d 的

9、 Pair work做好准备 ) 3 Can you make conversations using the things in 3a-3c? ( 模仿听力后 , 使学生自然而然地进入3c 的练习 .) Post-listening activities 听后活动 1. Talk about the things in 3a-3c and their colors in pairs using: T: What s this in English? S1:it s . T: Spell it, please. Ss: . T: What s this in English? S2: it s

10、 . T: Spell it, please. Ss: . ( 老师与学生配合先做一个对话, 然后再让他们两人一组练习并展示) 2. Turn to P12.Let Ss find the letters from A to Z. Write the small letter next to each big letter. ( 完成 3a) 3. Do you want to listen to the alphabet song? ( 开始播放字母歌,师生共赏。) 4、Work on 4b Task One: Listen and learn the alphabet song. (让学生

11、学唱字母歌,帮助学生熟练记忆26 个字母。) T: Now first just look at the song on P12,listen to it carefully. ( 第一遍让学生静听,了解歌曲的旋律。) T: This time, lets follow the tape and sing aloud. ( 第二遍让学生跟着磁带唱。) T: Now, let s sing along with the tune. ( 让学生跟着伴奏带唱。) Task Two: Let s play a singing game. I sing“ ABCD ” , you sing “EFG ”

12、. Tom (班 级里的一学生) sings “ OPQ ” , you sing “ RST ”. Got it? (让学生玩唱歌游戏,一个学生唱出歌中的任何一句或半句,另一学生接唱下一句或 下半句。让学生们感到轻松而愉悦。) 5. Turn to P12.Let Ss listen and repeat. (播放 4c 让学生们仔细感知并出示习题巩固) 读下列每组字母和单词,含有相同元音音素的划“ ”号,不同的划“”。 K Dale ( ) Frank thanks ( ) E pen ( ) map Grace ( ) Q blue ( ) ( Answers : ) 6 Task On

13、e: Get Ss to say the five vowels. ( 让学生回顾5 个元音字母。) Task Two: Listen and read the chant. T: First, Just listen carefully and enjoy the lyrics in the book.( 第一遍,让学生感 受节奏 ) 4 Now follow the lyrics in the book. ( 第二遍,让学生跟着吟唱。在学生反复跟着吟唱后, 可进行比赛。) Task Three: Get S to think more words with the five vowels.

14、 ( 让学生想出更多的含有这5个元音字母的单词。 Then make a similar chant in groups. Get Ss to show their new chant and perform in front of class. T: Now show me your chant. Read it aloud. Lets enjoy it! (Get S to show their new chant and read aloud in front of class.) T: Good job ! / Well done! / Excellent ! (教师及时予以评价鼓励)

15、 ( 让学生分小组编类似的chant ,然后展示他们的作品,并表演出来。) Homework Get Ss to draw a picture of beautiful environment with blue sky, bright red sun, blue sea, green water , green trees , colorful flowers , white birds . Then describe the picture. “ This is our home .The sky is blue .The sea is blue. The water is clear .

16、The tree is green . I like them.” The end-of class test 随堂检测: 一、群鸟归巢。 夜幕降临, 一群欢乐的鸟儿陆续归来。请你当一回出色的指挥员,帮助小鸟平安地进屋。请 按读音规律在每个房子的编号后写下小鸟的编号。 Aa _ Ee _ Ii _ Oo _ Uu _ 二、拔萝卜 。 下面每组有四个单词,它们都藏在萝卜里,每组单词都含有相同的元音字母,但其中有一 个萝卜里的单词元音字母的发音与众不同,请你把它拔出来,将其序号填在相应的横线上。 5 C. people A. soB. no C. over D. sorry A. unitB. s

17、tudent C. Tuesday D. run 4. - 5.- 三、选词填空。 Hi thanks spell it s and in orange an what color A: Hello, Frank. B: _ ,Bob. A: What s this _ English,Frank ? B: _a key。 A: _color is it? B: Oh ,it s black _ white. Whats this? A: Its _orange. B: orange? _it, please. A: O-R-A-N-G-E, orange. B: What _ is it?

18、A: It is _ . B: OK. _you! 四、选择填空,选出正确的答案,并将答案编号写在题号前的括号内。 ( ) 1. Good morning, Eric. -_, Cindy. A. Good morning B. Good afternoon C. Good evening ( ) 2. What s your name? -_. A. Clark B. I m OK. C. Thank you ( ) 3. Lili is a _ girl. 6 A. good B. fine C. well ( ) 4. What s this in English? - It s a _

19、. A. CD B. orange C. egg ( ) 5. Is this _ apple? A. a B. an C. the ( ) 6. -_ ? -It s red. A. Whats this B. What colour is it C. How are you ( ) 7. -What s this? -_ a key. A. Hes B. This s C. Its ( ) 8. -What s this _ Chinese? “尺子”. A. in B. at C. on ( ) 9. A. -_ are you? -Fine, thanks. A. What B. Wh

20、ere C. How ( )10.A. Theres a book on the desk. _ book is blue. A. The B. / C. A 五、根据中文提示选出正确的答语, 并将答案编号写在题号前的括号内。 ( )1.下午遇见老师时,你应该说;_. A. Good evening B. Thanks C. Good afternoon ( )2.对方帮你忙完后, 你应该说 :_. A. OK B. Thank you C. Hello ( )3.初次认识某人 , 你对他说的问候语应该是:_? A. How are you B. Whats you r name C. How

21、 do you do ( )4. 当你想知道某个单词怎么拼写时, 你对对方说 :_. A. Please spell “book” B. B-O-O-K C. Whats this ( )5. 当你向别人认错时, 你应该说 :_. A. Excuse me B. I m sorry C. I m OK 7 Answers: 一、 A : J K H E: B C DGPTV I: Y O: / U: W Q 二、 1-5 BCDDD 三、 Hi in It s What and an Spell color orange Thanks 四、 1-10 AAAAB BCACA 五、 1-5 CBCAB


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