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1、一积词汇见多识广 课内单词回扣 (一)阅读词汇写其义 1?disaster n?灾难 3.lightning n.闪电 5. column n.柱状物;柱状体 7. tropical adj.热带的 9.ash n.次 11 ? previous adj.以前的 (二)表达词汇写其形 1. cause vt.引起;导致 3.occur vi.发生 5. ruin vt.毁坏 7. strike vt. 喷发eruption n.(火山的)爆发;喷发 2. hurricane n.飓风 4. thunderstorm n.雷暴 6. current n.海流;潮流 8. wave比?波浪 10.

2、 volcano n.火山 12?earthquake几地震 2. bury vt.埋葬 4. damage n. 期望 *lO.warning n.警告f warn v.警告 11 .active adj.积极的;活跃的f activity n,活动 用上面标注 *的单词的正确形式填空 1 ? Experienced workers are badly needed in our factory. If you have previous experience in this kind of work, call me right now. (experience) 2.Thankfully

3、._I managed to pay off all my debts before we got married. We should be thankful that my boss had given me much help.(thank) 3? What happened without any previous warning that day terrified all the passengers aboard the train. It was really a teirifyinz scene, and many people are still terrified at

4、the thought of taking a high-speed train.(terrify) 4.The terrible weather made it impossible for us to go on vacation and there is a possibility that the trip plan would be abandoned.(possible) 5.He warned me not to leave without permission, but I didn , t accept his warning.(warn) 话题单词积累 1 ? drough

5、t /draut/ n.干旱 2.sandstorm /saen(d)st;):m/ n.沙尘暴 3? typhoon /tarfu:n/ n.台风 4.tsunami /tsu: fna:ml/ n. 海啸 5 ? landslide / flaen(d)slald/ n. 山体滑坡 6. mudslide /mAdslald/ n.泥石流 7. wildlire /SvaIKdJfalo/ n . 野火 8. shortage / n.缺乏 9. destroy /dLstrnl/ vt.摧毁,破坏 10? disappear/dlsapla/ vi.消失 11 ? threaten /

6、f0ret(a)n/ v. 威胁 12. predict /prLdlkt/ vt.预报,预言,预告 13 ? frighten /TraltCoJn/ vt.使惊恐 14. consequence fknnsIkwCaJns/ n. 结果,后果 15. decline/dlklaln/ v.减少,下降; 衰退;谢绝 16. decrease /dFkriis/ v.减少,减小,降低 17. harmony /*ha:monl/ n.和谐 18. uncertain /An*s3:t(3)n/ adj.不确定的 19. natural /naetJG )r(3)l/ adj.自然的 20. n

7、ature/neltfa/ n.自然;性质;种类 21 ? punish/*pAnIJ7 vt.惩罚,处罚 22? punishment pAnlfmCnt/ 死. 惩罚手段;处罚 23. suffer fsAfo/ vi.受苦;遭受 24. proper /*prnpa/ adj.适当的,合适的 25. surrounding/saraundlq/adj.周围的 26. survival /savalvfa )!/ n.幸存;存活 27. survive /sa*valv/ v.幸存 28. tolerate /Blarelt/ vt.容许,允许;忍受 29. unbearable /Anb

8、earab(9)l/ 聽/? 难耐的, 无法接受的 30. unbelievable/Anbrii:vab(a)Vadj.难以置信的 二积短语顿挫抑扬 课内短语回扣 (一) 根据汉语写出下列短语 ?l.pick_up 卷起;拾起;搭载;(偶然)学会 *2.take_off去掉;脱掉;起飞;兴旺 3.on average平均起来 *4.end_up结果为 . . ;以 结束 *5?in_all总共;总计 *6.set_fire_to 放火(焚烧) . . 7.catch_fire 着火 *8.put_out 扑灭(火) 9.take_place 发生 10?do_dama2e_to对 . 造成损

9、害 (二) 用上面标注 *的短语完成下列句子 1? Its surprising that your brother i)icked_up Russian so quickly he hasn ,t lived there very long? 2? At first he refused to accept any responsibility but he ended_up apologizing. 3.Only the shell of the factory is left after the fire has been Diit_out? 4 Though the relations

10、hip may not be causal, helping divided communities to prepare for disasters would at least reduce the risk that those disasters are followed by killing and wounding people. Since the poorest are least likely to make up for their losses from disasters linked to El, reducing their losses needs to be t

11、he priority. 1 ? What can we learn about El N iho in Paragraph 1? A.It is named after a South American fisherman* B.It takes place almost every year all over the world. C.It forces fishermen to stop catching fish around Christmas. D.It sees the changes of water flow direction in the ocean. 2.What ma

12、y El、i?Os bring about to the countries affected? A.Agricultural harvests in rich countries fall. B.Droughts become more harmful than floods* C.Rich countries gains are greater than their losses. D.Poor countries suffer less from droughts economically. 3.The data provided by ODI in Paragraph 4 sugges

13、t that _ A.more investment should go to risk reduction B.governments of poor countries need more aid C.victims of El Nino deserve more compensation D.recovery and reconstruction should come first 4.What is the authors purpose in writing the passage? A? To introduce El Niiio and its origin. B.To expl

14、ain the consequences of El Niho. C.To show v町s of fighting against El. D.To urge people to prepare for El? 策略指导 (一)这样读文 第1步:宏观把握文章大意 分层抓关键句概括层意行文结构 1段 第1段画波浪线部分 厄尔尼诺现象名称的由来及发生时间现象 2?3段第2段画波浪线部分 厄尔尼诺造成的影响分析 4?5段第4?5段画波浪线部分 政府部门应提前做好准备,加强风险前 资金的投入,改进基础设施 措施 第2步:微观突破理解障碍 El Nino, a Spanish term for “th

15、e Christ child, n was named by 同石语 South American fishermen who not iced that the global weather 定句 宾臥句 pattern, which hapj)ens every two to sevcm years, nuluced the 定语 从句 amount of fishes caught around Christ mas ? - 过去分词垢定语 - 自主翻译厄尔尼诺在西班牙语中是“圣婴”的意思,南美洲的渔夫们注意到了这种全球天气 模式,每两年到七年就发生一次,它减少了在圣诞期间捕鱼的数量,从

16、而将其命名为厄尔尼诺。 (二)这样做题 名师解题 1.细节理解题。选D 根据第一段中的“El Nin o sees warm water . sometimes the other way round.“可知,厄尔尼诺现象发生时会有洋流的变化,D项为同义替换。A项“根据南美洲的一 位渔民名字命名”为曲解文意;B项“全世界几乎每年都会发生”为混淆视听;C项“迫使渔民 在圣诞节前后停止捕鱼”为混淆视听。 2.细节理解题。选C 根据第二段中的“Rich countries gain more from powerful Nin o s, on balance, than they lose/可知,富

17、裕的国家的收益大于损失,C项为同义替换。A项 “富裕国家的农业 丰收下降”为颠倒是非;B项“干旱比水灾更有危险性”为曲解文意;D 项“经济方面贫穷国家受干旱 危害更少”为颠倒是非。 3?推理判断题。选A 根据第四段中的“however, just 12% of disaster-relief funding . saves at least two on reconstruction w 可知,这些数据说明了减少风险的投入太少,政府应该加大这方面的投入, A项为合理推断。B项“贫困国家的政府需更多的帮助” 为混淆视听;C项“厄尔尼诺的受害者应得到 更多的补偿”为无中生有;D项“应当先进行恢复和

18、重建工作”为颠倒是非。 4.写作意图题。选D 根据第五段中的“Since the poorest are least likely . needs to be the priority.”可知,作者通过此文呼吁人们为厄尔尼诺现象提前做准备,D项为综合概括。A项“介绍厄 尔尼诺及其由来”为以偏概全;B项“解释厄尔尼诺产生的后果”为以偏概全; C项“同厄尔尼诺作斗争的方法”为曲解文意。 阅读理解系列技法10分析文章结构,攻克写作意图题 写作意图题要求考生在理解文章主旨的基础上揣测作者的写作意图及作者运用某种写作手法的目 的。作者一般不直接表明自己的意图,而是通过文章所提供的事实,客观地使读者信服某

19、种想法或观点。 这种题型要求考生不但能理解文章的大意,同时还要具备对作者阐述问题的方法进行分析和归纳总结的 能力。 一般来说,我们可以通过分析文章的文体特点,理解的文章中的文字表述、上下文的逻辑关系及事 物的发展变化等已知的信息,推断出作者的写作意图。 例如第4题,本文先介绍厄尔尼诺现象命名的由来及发生时间,再分析它产生的影响, 后谈到防范措施等,要提前做好准备,此时文章的写作意图也就一目了然了。 (三)这样积累 1. relieve vt. 解除,缓解 2. reconstruction n.重建 3. causal adj. 因果关系的4. priority n.优先 5 ? on bal

20、ance 总的说来 6. make up for 弥补,补偿 二、话题与写作 考题示例(2016-四川离考) 某中学生英文报正举办“The Season I Like Best”的征文活动,请用英文写一篇短文投稿, 内容应包括: 1?你最喜欢的季节 ; 2.你喜欢该季节的两条理由(如:气候、景色、活动、感受)。注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.题目已为你写好; 3.行文连贯,语篇完整; 4.文中不得透露个人真实信息。 The Season I Like Best 写作规范I 第一步:写对词汇不丢冤枉分 1.最喜欢的favorite 2.兴奋的excited 3.精力充沛的ener2etic/f

21、ull_gf_cner2v 4.购物2o_shopDin2 5.远足hiking 6?自由freedom 7.力量strength 8.暑假summer_vacation/holidavs 第二步:列全要点、写对句子保基本分 1.在一年的四个季节中,夏天是我最喜欢的。 Among the four seasons in a year, summer_i_my_favorite? 2.夏天让我自由、兴奋、精力充沛。 Summer make3_pie_free,_fxcited_Qnd_ener乂etic. 3.每年我们学生的暑假到来之时,我们就可以做在上学期间不能做的一切:和朋友一起购物、在 温

22、暖的水中游泳,甚至远足和在深山中野营。 When summer vacation for us students comes every year, we can d込11 that、ve_ ant do during our_choolme9 going _ hoppiiig 、ith friends, svi mming in warm water and even hikin2_Qnd_eamping in the deep valleys. 4.所有的这些活动让我完全获得了自由。 All of these activities leaa_jnjtg_fiil_Jrecdoin? 5.每

23、天都能发现我们处于一个让人兴奋的世界中。 We can fjna_jil_3n_Cxciting_jvoFld every day. 6.太阳明亮地照耀着,树木生长旺盛,五颜六色的花儿也绽放了。 The sun shines brightly, trees grow better and flowers comjgut with all kinds of colors. 第三 步:句式升级、打造亮点得高分 1.用定语从句合并句1和句2 xdtea ana cnerzetic? 2.用“介词 +关系代词”引导的定语从句合并句3和句4 When_ ummei_Yacatioii_foE_us_ti

24、idents_onie3_ verY_yeai_yw_ aq_ag_31_(hal_、 ve an,t ag auFing gii chooUmegoiiig shoppiiig 严ith friendDwininiiiig iQ w r anq 5v atei;_3iid_cven_|iiking_3iia_campin2_jii_lh_aeep_、alle、0_311_gf_、vhich_|eaa_pi_g_fiil_f reedom. 3.把句6改为with复合结构,然后和句5合并 WC faii giiid USjii QQfxciting vorld fvery aatjvitD t

25、hy Eiiii yhini ngbriaitlX tre es_MrovinM_bette jQna_flowers_fominM_gug¥ith-al_Kind3_91Lolors? 第四步:过渡衔接、润色成文创满分 The Season I Like Best Among_jhg_foii“_easoii3_m_2_yeaE_ iininie_j _my_fa ¥ orit?_、 vhicb_piake3_pig_free, fxcitea aiKciier2etic? Wheii_3iimme厂_Yacatiou_Eo厂_u _3tudent _ omes_ verY yeaG _ai

26、i_ag_al_lhal_¥e Can,t_a _aiirin giii school Ume jgoing_shoppin2itli_frieiid_wimmiiig in_wanq_、v atejQiid fveii liikiiiM QnafainpinM lii UieaeepYallegQll aLvhichJeaa jn 辺il_J recdonKWg_ aQ_fina_u3_jq_3D_ xcitingoria_ veFY_aa、 i_jvith_th_3uii_ hiniiig_bFi2htlv. tre 3 gn)wiiig Dette 厂3na flower oniiiig

27、iil 5vitb 31Kind3 QoIoFS?SimimeT piakes pi fuIl ofiier2Y QnafeeL-Iavc thc 3tren2th lg ag lhjnosLdifficiilt thing iii pi YlifeJ likC EummeZ bestgna严hat_?bout_yoii? 单元检测 ?高考提能 I ?语法填空 Some popular places to visit are built by people. Other famous places are the _1_ (create) of nature. In the northeast

28、 of the US, there was a famous rock on a high mountain 2一looked just like an old man* _3_ (locate) in the town of Franconia, New Hampshire, he had thick hair, a big nose and a beard. People called him The Old Man of the Mountain every year more than a million people came to visit him, The Old Man of

29、 the Mountain, also known _5_ the Great Stone Face,measured 40 _6_ (foot) tall. Scientists think that the stone face had been there for about 17,000 years. In May 2003, there were very high winds and the temperature was very cold near the Old Man of the Mountain. The sky was so Z (cloud) that people

30、 couldn“ t see the stone face for many days? As soon as the storm was over, people looked for the Old Man but they couldnt see him. They discovered that he g (fall) apart? A number of scientists climbed up, _9_ (hope) to repair the stone face. They were disappointed at _10 they saw the damage from t

31、he weather was just too bad? 禧爲融玉文是一篇说明文。文母主要介绍了世界闻名的美丽朗哥尼亚峡谷州立公园内的“大石 脸”,也有人称它为“山上老人”。 1.creation 空格中所填单词前面有冠词修饰,需用create的名词形式。 2. that/which uthat/which looked jus t like an old man ”是定语从句,修饰先行词rock, 关系代 词that/which在从句中作主语。 3. Located be located in/on/at.是习惯用法,表示 “( 某地) 位于 . ”,这里用的是 其过去分词短语作状语。 4?

32、and 前后两句之间意义上是并列关系,用and连接。 5?as be known as意为 “作为 . 而闻名 “ 。 6?feet空格中所填单词前面有大于一的数词修饰,需用foot的复数形式。 7. cloudy 空格中所填单词在句中作表语,需用cloud的形容词形式。 8?had fallen 从句谓语动词动作“fall apart”发生在主句谓语动词动作“discovered“之 前,也就 是过去的过去,用过去完成时。 9?hoping “hoping to repair the stone face”是现在分词短语作状语,分词动作hope 与逻辑主语 scientists之间是主动关系

33、。 10. what “、vhat they saw“是宾语从句,what在从句中作saw的宾语。 II ?短文改错 Man should save the earth? In fact, the earth doesn , t need to saved? Instead, it is man which needs saving? However we damage the earth, it is all a same? Even if all the living things died out, the earth would still turn around normal. Mi

34、llions of years later, new living things would appear on the earth? It is said that the living things on earth have died out for much times. So we should protect from the earth, keeping a proper living environment for humans to last. If we continued damaging the earth, the condition on earth are unf

35、it for us? Look for another proper planet doesn ,t make sense ? Man is certainly to disappear in that case! 答案:第二句:saved前加be 第三句:which-that/who 第四句:a-*the 第五句:normal-*normally 第七句:much-*many 第八句:去掉fnm 第九句:continuedf continue; conditionf conditions 第十句:Look-*Looking 第H句:certainlyf certain m.书面表达 假定你是

36、李华,最近你收到好友王林的电子邮件,他说在英语学习上用功不少,但是效果不好,他 想放弃英语学习。请你根据以下内容回复王林,劝他不要放弃英语学习。 1.要对自己有信心; 2.与英语学习好的同学交朋友; 3.进步时奖励自己。 注意:1 ?词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考范文: Dear Wang Lim I“ m sorry to learn that you don“ t do well in English. I d like to give you my advice on learning English* First of all, you should ha

37、ve confidence in yourself, which is very important to English learning* Secondly, youd better make friends with the students who are good at English and they are very likely to help you. Thirdly, learning English well is a long process. Remember: reward yourself when you have made progress, which will inspire you greatly. Anyway, you mustn 11 give up learning English. Believe in yourself. Where there“ s a will, theres a way. Hope my suggestions will work. Yours sincerely, Li Hua


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