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1、必修 Unit 3 单元检测 A语言基础扎根练 +阅读理解提速练 语言基础扎根练 I ?单词拼写/ 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. They feel the viewers are like judges (裁判) in an ice-skating competition* 2. Along the way, at Kurla, you can visit the mins (废墟) of the Iron Fortress. 3?(2017*全国卷I 阅懊) Despite the celebrations, though, in the U? S. the jazz audience (

2、听众) continues to shrink and grow older, and the music has failed to connect with younger generations. 4. I will make a speech on behalf of all the graduates at the graduation ceremony (典 礼). 5? The flood in the south was a real disaster (灾难 ),leaving 19 people dead and 78 missing. 6f_ 、vorK tg_yasn,

3、t_gllowed_jg_gg_gut? 7.我肯定你会成功,我一点也不怀疑。(no doubt) _?ni_3iir_you_yiU_ ucceea_3na_bav _pg_aoiibt_mboul_|t? 8.人们在端午节举行龙舟比赛是为了纪念屈原。(in memory of ) Peoplg_lioia_dra ;oii_boat_Mac_gii_pra2oii_boa|_Festiva|_ji_picinoix_gLOu_Yuaii? 阅读理解提速练 A A few days later, at nearly midnight on the longest night of the y

4、ear, Gabriel Oak could be heard playing his flute (长笛)on Nor-combe HilL The sky was so clear and the stars were so visible that the earth could almost be seen turning. In that cold, hard air the sweet notes of the flute rang out. The music came from a little hut on wheels, standing in the corner of

5、a field. Shepherds 9 huts like this are used as a shelter during the winter and spring, when shepherds have to stay out all night in the fields, looking after very young lambs (羊羔)? Gabriels two hundred and fifty sheep were not yet paid for. He knew that. In order to make a success of the farming bu

6、siness, he had to make sure they produced a large number of healthy lambs. So he was determined to spend as many nights as necessary in the fields,to save his lambs from dying of cold or hunger The hut was warm and quite comfortable inside. There was a stove, and some bread and beer on a shelf. On e

7、ach side of the hut was a round hole like a window, which could be closed with a piece of wood. These air holes were usually kept open when the stove was burning, because too much smoke in a small, airless hut could kill the shepherd. From time to time the sound of the flute stopped,and Gabriel came

8、 out of his hut to check his sheep. Whenever he discovered a half-dead new lamb, he brought the creature into the hut In front of the stove it soon came back to life: and then he could return it to its mother He noticed a light further down the hilL It came from a wooden hut at the edge of a field.

9、He walked down to it and put his eye to a hole in the wood. Inside,two women were feeding a sick cow. One of the women was middle?aged. The other was young and wore a cloak (披 风). Gabriel recognized the girl, who owed him two pence. 褚篇融采文是二篇记叙文, 选自小说远离尘嚣,讲述了牧羊人Gabriel 在严冬的夜 晚保护羊羔免受饥饿和寒冷而死的故事。 1- The

10、 meaning of the underlined word “shepherds” can be replaced by “_ “? A.people taking care of sheep B. people playing the flute C. people living on farming D. people treating sick animals 解析:选 A 词义猜測题。 根据画线词所在句中的 “looking after very young lambs (羊 羔)” 可以判断, shepherd 是指“牧羊人”,故A 项正确。 2. The function of

11、 the round holes was _ ? A.to let the sunshine in B. to warm the hut C. to keep the smoke out D. to air the hut 解析:选D 推理判断题。根据第三段最后一句“These air holes were usually kept open ?because too much smoke in a small, airless hut could kill the shepherd.“可知,当炉火燃烧时, 这些气孔常常打开, 因为在这个狭小而空气稀薄的棚屋里,烟雾太多会杀死牧羊人;据此可知,

12、 这些圆孔是为了通气,故D 项正确。 3? How did Gabriel save his half-dead lambs from dying of cold or hunger? A.By treating them like his families* B.By staying with them in the fields C.By curing them of their diseases. D.By taking them into his warm hut 解析:选 D 细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Whenever he discovered a half?dead new l

13、amb, he brought the creature into the hut ? its mother“可知,当看到垂死的羊羔时,Gabriel 就会把 它抱进棚屋里取暖,很快羊羔便会苏醒,故D 项正确。 4. What can we infer from the passage? A? Life was rather difficult for Gabriel? B.He earned a lot of money by selling lambs. C.Most shepherds could play the flute. D.The women in the hut were G

14、abrief s helpers. 解析:选 A 推理判断题。根据第二段第一Gabrier s two hundred and fifty sheep were not yet paid for.“ 和第二段最后一句可以判断,Gabriel 的生活是艰苦的,故A 项正确。 B (2018*湖北省弃西北联考) A school where 60% of pupils speak English as a second language has equipped electronic translators for every child so they can communicate with

15、teacherSe Manor Park Primary in Birmingham which has 384 pupils,is the first school in Britain to provide translators for all of its children and to make the tools a part of every lesson. The technology can allow teachers to type messages to pupils which are then translated into the 19 native tongue

16、s of children,with no English* Another 11 languages are spoken by pupils who have some English* In Britain, with figures showing that one in six primary pupils speaks a different language at home double the number ten years ago the technology could soon become popular in many more schools. Talking T

17、utor can translate English into many languages including Polish, Urdu and Chinese. The teacher types a message into a computer and it then reads the message out to the pupils in their native tongues. The pupils type the answer which is read to the teacher by Talking Tutor. Headmaster Jason Smith sai

18、d the software had transformed his school and given staff the opportunity to communicate with children. The school pays 700 a year for the software. The software, developed by EMAS UK, cost more than 2.5 million to produce. Dawn Holt, a teacher at the school, admitted she had struggled in the past t

19、o communicate with pupils who had recently arrived in Britain. But some say giving pupils the translators could be “damaging and dangerous - aSurely it would be better to give all these teenagers an intensive course in English, ” said Nick Seaton, a father.“My boy says teachers are spending more tim

20、e using the computer than teaching. He came home last week and said he felt pushed aside ?” 语篇解读:学校里60%的学生的母语不是英语,教师怎么上课、怎么和学生交流呢?一种 新发明的电脑软件能帮助解决这个问题。 5? What is the name of the electronic translator? A ? Talking TutorB ? EMAS UK. C? Nick Seaton. D? Dawn Holt. 解析:选 A 细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一句可知,该软件的名称为Talki

21、ng Tutoro 6.Manor Park Primary decided to use electronic translators in order to _ ? A.help the pupils to learn English well in a short time B.make the teachers and the students understand each other C.let the students master foreign languages quickly D.attract more and more pupils to the school 解析:

22、选 B 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句可知,该校配备这个软件的目的是帮助师 生更好地交流。 7.From the text we can infer that _ ? A.EMAS UK cant make a lot of money from the software B.more and more pupils begin to choose to study in Britain C.there are many schools which have already used the software D.the teachers had no difficulty talking

23、with the students before 解析:选 B 推理判断题。根据第二段第三句可知,在英国,有六分之一的小学生的母语不 是英语,这一比例是十年前的两倍。由此可以推知,越来越多的国外的小学生选择到英国去上 学。 8.Why do some people say giving pupils the translators could be damaging and dangerous? A.Because the students will pay more money to the school. B.Because the students won , t get enough care from the teachers. C.Because the students can“ t use the translators properly. D.Because the students won t speak to the teachers any more. 解析:选 B 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段最后两句可知,其原因在于这会导致老师把过 多的时间用在电脑操作上,学生感觉老师不够关心自己。


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