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1、Abolish: end the existenee of (a custom, system, etc.) Accord: cause to con form; gra nt Acute: (of diseases) comi ng quickly to the critical stage; Appreciation: an expression of gratitude; understanding of Assemble: bring or call together into a group; fit together Authorize: give approval or perm

2、ission for; give authority to Barrier: thing that prevents progress or movement Boundary: sth that indicates or fixes a limit or extent Brighten: make or become bright or brighter Cabin: small hut or shelter; usu. made of wood Capture: capturing or being captured Compel: force; get or bring about by

3、 force Confident: feeli ng or showi ng trust in on eself or ones ability Considerate: thoughtful of the rights and feelings of others; Courageous: brave; fearless Dental: of, relating to, or for the teeth Decade: period of ten years Device: a piece of equipment designed to serve a special Digest: a

4、short account of written materials or data Diminish: make or become smaller or less Disguise: make look or sound different from normal; give a Draught: a current of air; the amount taken in bv a single act Endure: continue in existenc 巳 last; suffer (sth ) patientlv Expose: leave uncovered; make acc

5、essible to Fancy: sth imagined unfounded opinion or belief Flutter: (cause to) move about in a quick, irregular wav Forge: (fig) create bv means of mush hard work Fragile: easily damaged or broken; not strong and healthy Fugitive: person who is running away Generate: being into existenee Gratitude:

6、being thankful, thankfulness Historic: famous or important in history Illustrate: provide with visual features; clarify bv use of Immerse: cover completely in a liquid; absorb deeply Impose: place a (penaltw tax etc.) officially on Improveme nt: the act or in stance of improvi ng or being Imprison:

7、put or keep in or as if in prison Instance: a single fact, eve nt, etc., expressi ng a gen eral idea Intent: having the stated firm intention Invest: commit (money or capital) in order to gain a financial Ironicallv:it seems ironic (that) Marvelous: causing wondei; excellent Masterpiece: a piece of

8、work, esp. art, which is the best of Mission: particular task or duty un dertake n bv an in dividual Mock: ridicule; make fun of Motivate: provide (sb.) with a motive for doing sth; inspire Nonsense: foolish talk, ideas, behavior Overdue: being sth that should have occurred earlier Overflow: flow or

9、 run over the top or banks Oversee: watch over supervise Paramount: of chief concern or importanee Patrol: go round (a town,an area, etc.) to check that all is Patronize: go to as a customer Pursue: strive to gain or accomplish Recede: become fainter; move back or awav from a point Reflection: a thi

10、ng bringing discredit or criticism; idea arising Refuge: (place giving) shelter or protectio n from dan ger; etc. Repay: pay back, reward Reverse: turn around to the opposite directi on; excha nge Rural: of in or suggesting the countrvside Scarcely: not quite; almost not Settlement: a place where pe

11、ople have come to settle Slavery: the state of being a slave or the practice of owning Slender: (of people) slim; not very wide but comparatively Sincere: not pretending, honest Solitude: the state or quality of being alone or remote from Sophisticated: developed to a high degree of complexity; Spec

12、ific: relating to one thing and not others; particular Spot: catch sight of; recognize; discover Sprinkle: scatter (drops or particles of sth ) on ( sth ) scatter Statement: sth that is said, esp? formally and officially Statistics: collection of information expressed in numbers Successive: followin

13、g one after the other Suspect: believe to be tru 巳 likely or probable; feel doubt Traditional: of or in accordance with tradition Tranquil: calm, quiet and undisturbed Undergo: go through, experienee Unload: remove (the load or cargo) from a ship, car; etc.; Universal: ot affecting or done by all pe

14、ople or things in the Uppermost: highest in place or rank” predominantUrge nt: needi ng immediate attenti on, actio n or decisi on Verbal: of or in words; spoken; of or connected with a verb Wander: move about without a fixed purpose a self-reliant sort of life put up barricades leave with a feeling

15、 of sorrow 一种自力更生的生活方式设置路障悲伤地离开 as the old saying goes hold/keep sb at bay once economic conditions improve 正如老话说的那样 不让某人靠近一旦经济好转 with sbs blessings without so much as a sideways glance find conten tme nt in the court try 带着某人的祝福看都不看一眼在乡村找到心灵的满足 on balance stand for a slender woman in black dress 总的

16、来说代表,表示一位穿黑色裙子的苗条女士 lower the standard of living in the history of civilized man historic site 降低生活标准在人类文明历史上历史遗迹 make up the difference in income outsmart on eself peer out the door 弥补收入差额聪明反被聪明误盯着门看 a toleranee for solitude look back on at huge risk 耐得住寂寞冋首,冋顾冒着巨大的风险 self-sufficie ncy unseen horro

17、rs a plain grey church 自给自足 看不到的过去一座普通的灰色教堂 resist the temptation to do sth give serious thought to under cover of night 抵制诱惑认真思考在夜色的掩映下 a sense of pride genuine statements the vast virgin land 自豪感真挚的文字 开阔而未经开星的土地 stand up for heartfelt appreciation a courageous Methodist minister 支持 由衷的感激一位勇敢的殉道牧师

18、a man of principle graduate into a habit of leave the front door on the latch 有原则的人渐渐变成一种习惯虚掩着前门 be intent on doing sth in the routine a medium-to large-size company 决定要做某事按常规 大中型企业 spread the news topmost priority the most sophisticated of security site 传播消息最重要的事有最精密安检仪器的场所 religious convictions on

19、e chanee in ten with a small margin of error 宗教信仰一成的可能性小幅度的误差 next leg of the journey whistle a merry tune puzzling time 下一段行程吹着轻快的口哨令人迷惑的时代 impose a fine count backward lock the evils out 诛以罚金倒着数把邪恶锁在门外 keep a log of ten to one be bathed in 记录十有八九沐浴在 in the eyes of sb?turn loose ones hold on everyt

20、hing in a flash 在某人看来撇开一切一瞬间 close up wear away express loving great fullness to sb. 临时关闭吋间流逝 向某人表达由衷的感谢之情 well-patrolled urban streets undergo swift changes under such swift changes 巡逻严密的街道发生迅速的变化经历如此迅速的改变 the allegedly tranquil areas in self-doubt an embarrassing truth 据称很宁静的地区自我怀疑地令人尴尬的事实 the era

21、 of. is over the smell of the earth warming like a dawns brightening 的时代结朿了大地回暖的气息如同晨曦出现 hook up to the usual house hold routine particular and lasting help 连接到日常家务特别和持久的帮助 un der surveilla nee on a tight budget be immersed in the electronic media 处于的监控下手头紧沉迷于电子媒体 sprinkle my life with stardust a bu

22、shy grey eyebrow show/hold con tempt for 在我的生命中撒下美好的想象灰白的浓眉轻视 wet through the curative power of medicine even chanee 湿透了药物的疗效势均力敌 mingled with a fierce little old man fierce wind and beating rain 夹杂好斗的小老头疾风骤雨 get by by word of mouth like a dawrf brightening live on the land in the face of turn over

23、when it comes to disguise as express sin cere gratitude be stuck with funeral procession at sea cover agai nst abolish-aboliti on on ones behalf keep in make the best of expose-be exposed to get through at huge risk in part at that point in the eyes of con siderate on balance pass for/as recede from

24、 gen erate-ge nerati on on the latch undergo swift change aside from rural-urba n bring back appreciably a well-patrolled urban street go about suspect of be vulnerable to long for involve in statistics-statistical fade out on a (tight) budget electronic media in tune with set apart hook up to joint

25、 effort on a large/small scale build in elegantly subtract from resist temptation un der surveillance count backwards make up the difference in in come put up barricades in a whisper standard of living/living standard without so much as hear of satisfactory/satisfying move sideways turn loose a tole

26、ranee for solitude be bathed in look the part a slender woman in black dress with/by a large/small margin to excess a man of principle whistle a merry tune for the rest religious conviction outsmart on eself wear away-wear out stand up (for) look back on cling to be in tent on/upon get round to doing leave alone on the side un der way topmost priority next leg of journey put away wet through get to sth/doing sth it never occurs to ethnic minority


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