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1、1 / 14 参考- 中考英 语语 法特训卷:第 4 讲 数词 (含部分 14 原创,含 答案) ( )1(2013年 江 苏 连 云 港 )The volunteers sent _ books to a mountain village school on Childrens Day Atwo hundreds of Btwo hundred of Ctwo hundreds Dtwo hundred ( )2(2013年辽宁沈阳)It is reported that people throw _ plastic bags along this street every day Ahun

2、dred Bhundreds Chundred of Dhundreds of ( )3(2013年四川资阳 )What a surprise! Its _ time Ive met the beautiful girl this week Athree Bthird Cthe three Dthe third ( )4(2013年四川自贡) I hear your friend is visiting San Ya againIs it the second time for him? Aa third Ba second Cthe third 2 / 14 ( )5(2013年贵州铜仁 )

3、About _ of the students in Grade Nine this year were born in the _ Athree five; 1996 Bthree fifths; 1990s Cthird fifth; 1997 Dthird fifths; 1990s ( )6(2013年黑龙江绥化 )_of his works were written in his_ AOnethird; fifties BOnethird; fifty COnethirds; fifties Ahundred Bhundreds Chundred of Dhundreds of (

4、)8(2013年 江 苏 无 锡 )The _ action film has attracted millions of young people to the cinema A130minute B130minutes C130 minute D130 minutes ( )9(2012年四川泸州 )There are over _ students in their school Ahundreds Bnine hundreds Chundreds of Dnine hundred ( )10(2012年湖北黄冈 ) Jackie Chan has donated _ dollars t

5、o charity 3 / 14 He is an example to us all Athousand Bthousands Cthousand of Dthousands of ( )11(2012年 山 东 滨 州 )Now, everybody, please turn to Page _ and look at the _ picture AFifth; five BFive; fifth CFifth; fifth DFive; five ( )12(2012年湖北黄石 )My uncle bought me an iPhone for my _ birthday Atwelve

6、 Btwelfth Cthe twelve Dthe twelfth ( )13(2012年 浙 江 杭 州 )For breakfast, I usually have _ and two pieces of bread Aa cup of milk half Bhalf a cup of milk Ca half milk cup Dhalf a milk cup ( )14(2012年湖北恩施 )How old is your daughter? _We had a special party for her _ birthday last Sunday 4 / 14 ANine; ni

7、ne BNine; ninth CNinth; nine DNinth; ninth ( )15(2012年四川资阳)Tom has just finished writing a _ article Aninehundredwords Bninehundredsword Cninehundredword Dninehundredswords ( )16(2012年四川德阳 )I dont believe that this _ boy can paint such a nice picture Afive years old Bfiveyearsold Cfiveyearold ( )17(

8、2012年湖南郴州 ) Excuse me, how can I get to the museum? SorryIts my _ time to be here Aone Bfirst Conce ( )18(2012年福 建 莆田 )Excuse me, where can I buy a jacket? 5 / 14 You can go to the Mens Wear Section on the _ floor Atwo Btwice Csecond ( )19(2012年广西崇左 )Look at the tableHan Fang wants to buy two pieces

9、 of bread, a bottle of orange juice and an ice creamHow much will she pay? AFive yuan and eighteen fen BSix yuan and twenty fen CSeven yuan and twenty fen DEight yuan and twelve fen ( )20(2012年 新疆 乌 鲁 木齐 )The teacher said that _ of the boys would take part in the talent show Athree five Bthree fives

10、 Cthirds fifths Dthree fifths 第一组 ( )1Last year, I visited a chemical factory in BaiseThere are about _ workers in it Asix thousands Bsix thousand Csix thousands of 6 / 14 Dsix thousand of ( )2Football is so exciting that _ people in the world play it Amillion of Bmillions of Ctwo millions of Dtwo m

11、illion of ( )3Now its _The show is about to start Aforty to five Bfourteen to five Cninth Dtwo quarters past five ( )4Tomorrow is the boys _ birthday Atenth Bthirteen Cten Dthe thirteenth ( )5 (2014原创 )Nowadays _ of business letters are written in English Atwo third Btwo thirds Ctwo three Dsecond th

12、ree ( )6Which is the biggest number of the four? _ AOnethird BTwothirds 7 / 14 CA half DA quarter ( )7September is _ month of the year Aninth Bnine Cthe nine Dthe ninth ( )8He became a famous writer all over the worldAt that time he was only in _ Ahis 20s Bthe 20s Chis twenties Dthe twenties ( )9The

13、re are 60 students in my class and 44 of them use micro blog (微博) very often That means about _ of your classmates are micro blog users, right? Ahalf Bone third Ctwo thirds Dthree quarters ( )10My father will have a _ holiday next monthHell take me to Qingdao Aten days Bten days Ctenday Dten days (

14、)11Can you imagine what life will be like in _ time? 8 / 14 A20 years B20 years C20years D20years ( )12Although I have failed four times, my father encouraged me to have _ try Aa fifth Ba five Cthe five Dthe fifth ( )13The Sutong Highway Bridge, a _ bridge, is already open to traffic A32 kilometre l

15、ong B32kilometrelong C32 kilometres long D32kilometreslong ( )14What are we going to learn? _ A8 Lesson Bthe 8 Lesson CLesson 8 Dthe Lesson 8 ( )15How often do you practice the piano? _ a week ATwo BTwice CSecond DThe second ( )16Time is not enough for so much work_ people are needed, I think 9 / 14

16、 AOther two BOnly two CTwo more DTwo others ( )17When is Childrens Day? Its _ AJune 1th BOne June Cthe June first DJune 1st ( )18This new kind of material is _ lighter than the old one Athree times Bthird time Cthree time Dthird times ( )19The old man went to college at the age of _ Asixty Bsixties

17、Csixty years old Dsixtieth ( )20How deep is the hole? It is _ Afour meter deep Bfour meters deep Cfourmeter deep Dfourmetersdeep 10 / 14 第二组 ( )1About _ students in our class can describe that place in English Athreefifths Bthreefifth Cthirdfive Dthirdfifths ( )2Nine _ pounds a week? Thats very good

18、 Ahundred of Bhundreds of Chundreds Dhundred ( )3She went to the countryside _ Ain the morning at 9 on June the first, 1968 Bon June the first, 1968 in the morning at 9 Cat 9 in the morning on June the first, 1968 Don June the first, 1968 at 9 in the morning ( )4Shakespeare was born in _ A1660s B166

19、0s Cthe 1660 Dthe 1660s ( )5Bill said they were going to have _ holiday Aa twoweeks Ba twoweek Ctwo weeks Dtwo weeks ( )6My father left home at about _ 11 / 14 Asix thirty Bthirty six Cthirty to six Dsix past thirty ( )7The _ man on the left is Beckham, a famous football player Atwo Bsecond Cthree D

20、twice ( )8Both of the two rulers are brokenI want to buy a _ one Athree Bthird Cfourth D/ ( )9I live on _ floor of the hotel, so I have to take a lift Atwentyseventh Btwentyseven Cthe twentyseven Dthe twentyseventh ( )10My good friend Tim studies at _ Middle School A16 Bthe 16 C16th No DNo16 ( )11He

21、 wrote his _ novel when he was _ 12 / 14 Afive; fifties Bfifth; fifty Cfifth; fiftieth Dfive; fiftieth ( )12How long will you stay there? For_ Aone and two days Bon and two day Cone or two day Da day or two ( )13He wrote a _ letter Afivehundredwords Bfivehundredsword Cfivehundredword Dfivehundredswo

22、rds ( )14We all think that the _century will bring us more hopes Atwentyfirst Btwentiethfirst Ctwentyone Dtwentiethone ( )15Which is your room? 13 / 14 Its_ Athe 601 Room B601 Room Cthe Room 601 DRoom 601 ( )16Tomorrow is my_birthday Asixteen Bsixteenth Cthe sixteenth Dthe sixteen ( )17Whats the dat

23、e today? Its_ ASaturday BJune CJune 1st DJune 2st ( )18In the past two years, many tall buildings have been built in our cityThe tallest is an _ that stands in the center A80floor building B60floor building C80floor buildings D70 floors building ( )19A _ girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her disabl

24、ed father Athreeyearold Bthreeyearsold 14 / 14 Cthree years old Dthreeyearolds ( )20It took me_ to find out the key to the drawer Aone and half hours Bone and a half hours Cone and a half hour Done and half hour 第 4 讲数词 15 DDDAB 610 ADADD 1115 BBBBC 1620 CBCBD 第一组 15 BBBAB 610 BDCDC 1115 AABCB 1620 CDAAB 第二组 15 ADCDB 610 ABBDD 1115 BDCAD 1620 BCAAB


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