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1、五年级下册英语专项训练四:写作 一、范文展示。 1. 大明的爷爷过去是一名画家(painter),他画 过很多画。但是现在他退休了 (doesnt work)。他正在学习英语。 请你根据图片提示帮他介绍一下他的爷爷,可适当发挥想象。 My Grandpa _ _ _ _ _ _ 来源 :Zxxk.Com _ 范文: My Grandpa My grandpa was a painter many years ago. He drew lots of beautiful pictures. Lots of people saw his pictures. He was very famous.

2、He drew pictures in the park. And he drew pictures in the mountains. Now he is very old. He doesnt work. He is learning English. He often goes to the park by bike. He is very happy. 译文: 我的爷爷 很多年前我爷爷是一名画家,他画过许多漂亮的画。很多人见过他的画,他 很著名。他在公园画过画,也在大山里画过。 现在他年龄大了,他退休了。他正在学习英语,他经常骑自行车去公园,他 很快乐。 来源:Zxxk.Com 2.

3、东东的包坏了,请你用以下词汇写一篇小短文,要求不少于5 句话。 broken, a new one, blue,small and light, easy,wheels _ _ _ 范文: Dongdongs bag is broken. His mother wants to buy him a new one. Dongdong likes a blue bag,because its small and light. But his mother likes a black one,because its big and it has wheels. Itll be very easy

4、for him. So they take the black bag with wheels. Dongdong and his mother are very glad. 译文: 来源 : 学科网 ZXXK 东东的包坏了。他的妈妈想为他买一个新的。东东喜欢一个蓝色的包,因为 它又小又轻。 但是他的妈妈喜欢一个黑色的,因为它大并且有轮子。 它对他来说 很容易。因此他们买了带轮子的黑色的包。东东和他的妈妈非常高兴。 3. 请以“My Family ”为题,向大家介绍一下你的家人,告诉大家他们的职业及 上班( 学) 时间,说明他们怎样去。 My Family _ _ _ _ 范文: My Fam

5、ily Hell o, everyone! Im Li Ming. There are three people in my family. My mother is a doctor. She goes to work by bus. She goes to work at half past seven. My father is a policeman. He goes to work at eight oclock. He goes to work by car. Im a pupil. I go to school at half past seven, too. I go to s

6、chool on foot. Were very happy. 译文: 我的家庭 大家好!我是李明,我家有三口人。 我妈妈是一名医生, 她乘公交车去上班。 她七点半去上班。 我爸爸是一名警察,他八点去上班,他开车去上班。我是一名 学生,我也七点半去上学,我步行去上学。我们很幸福。 4. 你的家庭曾经如何呢?现在又怎样呢?请用至少五句话描述它的变化。 提示: lived ,old ,small ,didnt have,now _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 范文: When I was young,we lived in the countryside. The house was

7、old and small. We didnt have enough clothes or food. There wasnt a TV or a radio. Now we live in the town. We have three TVs and lots of food. Well buy a computer. We are very happy now. 译文: 当我小的时候, 我们住在乡村。 房子又旧又小。 我们没有足够的衣服和食物。 没有电视机和收音机。 现在我们住在城镇里。 我们有三台电视机和许多食物。我 们将要买一台电脑。我们现在非常幸福。 二、写作训练。 来源: 学科

8、网 ZXXK 1. 看图写作文。 根据图片内容用一般将来时描述一下Li Yong 明天的打算。 要求:条理清楚,意思连贯,句子正确。不少于五句话,开头已给出。 Tomorrow is Monday. Li Yong_ _ 来源 :学| 科|网 _ _ _ 2. 假如你是 Lingling,请写信告诉 Amy本周末你的计划,告诉她你要去哪里, 打算干什么。 Dear Amy, _ _ _ _ _ _ Love, Linging 3. 假如你是 Dingding ,昨天刚到英国,请你写一篇小短文,说说自己昨天三餐 吃了什么。 要求:语句通顺,条理清晰,不少于30 词。 提示: breakfast,

9、 milk, eggs,bread,lunch ,fish and chips,dinner , hamburgers,sausages _ _ _ _ _ _ 4. 根据以下提示,写一篇小短文,要求至少五句话。 提示: (1)Where did you go last year? (2)Where is it? (3)When did you go there?? (4)What did you do there ? (5) Who did you go with ? _ _ _ _ _ 专项训练四:写作 二、范文: 1. Tomorrow is Monday. Li Yong is goi

10、ng to get up at six oclock. Hes going to have breakfast at half past six. Hes going to go to school at half past seven. Hes going to have lunch at 11:45. Hes going to have lunch at school. And hes going to have dinner at 6:30. And hes going to go to bed at 9:30. 2. Dear Amy , Im going to the park th

11、is weekend. My friends will go there with me. We are going to have a picnic. We will take some food and drinks. My friend, Sam is going to take a football. We are going to play football in the park. After that, we are going to have lunch in the park. Kate will sing a song for us. We will have a good

12、 time. Love, Lingling 3. Hello !My name is Dingding. I arrived in England yesterday. I had milk, eggs and bread for breakfast yesterday. I had fish and chips for lunch. For dinner, I had hamburgers and sausages. I like sausages very much! They are very nice! 4. My Favourite Place My favourite place is Beijing. Beijing is in the north of China. I went there with my parents last year. I visited the Great Wall. We took many photos. I had a lovely time there.


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