Unit 3 Old Tom The killer whale 课文讲解&语言点.ppt

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1、OLD TOM THE KILLER WHALE,Iwas 16 when I began work in June 1902 at the whaling station. I had heard of the killers that every year helped whalers catch huge whales. I thought, at the time, that this was just a story but then I witnessed it with my own eyes many times.,On the afternoon I arrived at t

2、hestation, as I was I sorting out my accommodation, I heard a loud noise coming from the bay. We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal opposite us throwing itself out of the water and then crashing down again. It was black and white and fish-shaped. But I knew it wasnt a fish.,挑选出;

3、分类,pzitprep.在对面adj.相对的;相反的,:(r) n.岸;海滨,Thats Old Tom, the killer, one of the whalers, George, called out to me. Hes telling us theres a whale out there for us. Another whaler yelled out, Rush-oo .rush-oo. This was the call that announced there was about to be a whale hunt. Come on, Clancy. To the bo

4、at, George said as he ran ahead of me. I had already heard that George didnt like being kept waiting, so even though I didnt have the right clothes on, I raced after him.,Without pausing we jumped into the boat with the other whalers and headed out into the bay. I looked down into the water and coul

5、d see Old Tom swimming by the boat, showing us the way. A few minutes later, there was no Tom, so George started beating the water with his oar and there was Tom, circling back to the boat, leading us to the hunt again. Using a telescope we could see that something was happening. As we drew closer,

6、I could see a whale being attacked by a pack of about six other killers. Whatre they doing? I asked George.,telskp n. 望远镜,Well, its teamwork - the killers over there are throwing themselves on top of the whales blow-hole to stop it breathing. And those others are stopping it diving or fleeing out to

7、 sea, George told me, pointing towards the hunt. And just at that moment, the most extraordinary thing happened. The killers started racing between our boat and the whale just like a pack of excited dogs.,dive dav vi. & n. 跳水(的动作);潜水(的动作);俯冲,ti:mw:k n.协作;配合,Then the harpoon was ready and the man in

8、the bow of the boat aimed it at the whale. He let it go and the harpoon hit the spot. Being badly wounded, the whale soon died. Within a moment or two, its body was dragged swiftly by the killers down into the depths of the sea. The men started turning the boat around to go home.,Whats happened? I a

9、sked. Have we lost the whale? Jack replied. Well return tomorrow to bring in the body. It wont float up to the surface for around 24 hours. In the meantime, Old Tom, and the others are having a good feed on its lips and tongue, added Red,laughing. Although Old Tom and the other killers were fierce h

10、unters, they never harmed or attacked people. In fact, they protected them. There was one day when we were out in the bay during a hunt and James was washed off the boat.,lp n. 一片嘴唇;(容器或洞的)边;口,Man overboard! Turn the boat around! urged George, shouting loudly. The sea was rough that day and it was d

11、ifficult to handle the boat. The waves were carrying James further and further away from us. From Jamess face, I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us. Then suddenly I saw a shark. Look, theres a shark out there, I screamed. Dont worry, Old Tom wont let it near, Red replied.,adv. 自船上落下

12、;向船外 adj. 极其热心的;全身心投入的,:kn.鲨鱼,*It took over half an hour to get the boat back to James, and when we approached him, I saw James being firmly held up in the water by Old Tom. I couldnt believe my eyes. There were shouts of Well done, Old Tom and Thank God as we pulled James back into the boat. And th

13、en Old Tom was off and back to the hunt where the other killers were still attacking the whale.,urge v. 催促,极力主张,练习请根据中文提示完成以下句子。 1)He (劝我)give up smoking as soon as possible. 2)I (主张)he should apologize to the teacher.,urged me to,urged that,搭配 urge sb. to do sth. 催促/力劝某人做某事 urge that sb(should)do s

14、th催促/力劝某人做某事,搭配 witness to(doing)sth. 为作证,证实 a witness to sth. 是的目击证人/见证人,练习请根据中文提示完成以下句子。 1)The old man is _ (这场交通事故的目击证人) 2)Nobody (为这场谋杀案作证),a witness to the traffic accident,witnessed to the murder,witness v. 当场见到,目击n. 目击者,证人,搭配 abandon oneself to sth. 沉湎于某事,练习请根据中文提示完成以下句子。 1)Its shameful that

15、he (抛弃他的妻子) after he became rich. 2)The mother is worried that her son _ _(沉湎于电脑游戏)all day.,abandoned his wife,abandons himself to computer games,abandon v. 遗弃,抛弃,放弃,练习请根据中文提示完成以下句子。 1) (请举手)if you have any question. 2)The building of the new road (被延迟)by bad weather. 3)Dont worry. The house will (承

16、受得住).,Please hold up your hand,is held up,hold up,hold up 举起,抬起;延迟,阻碍; 支持,支撑,承受住,练习请根据中文提示完成以下句子。 1)I studied in America for two years. _ (在此期间),I got to know many new friends. 2)Recently,he is busy writing a play. _ (与此同时),he has to look after his sick mother.,In the meantime,In the meantime,in the

17、 meantime 与此同时at the same time,练习请根据中文提示完成以下句子。 1)Its said that Peter (已经逃到日本去了). 2)Years ago,all his family _ (从大陆逃到香港).,has fled to Japan,fled from the mainland to Hongkong,flee v. 逃跑,逃离(fled,fled),It took over half an hour to get the boat back to James, and when we approached him,I saw James bein

18、g held up in the water by Old Tom. 用了半个多小时才将小船弄回到詹姆斯身旁, 当我们靠近他时,我看到詹姆斯正被汤姆举在水中。 说明: It takes sb. some time to do sth. 表示“花费某人时间做某事”,it为形式主语,to do sth.为不定式作真正主语。,练习根据汉语提示,完成下列句子。 (1) 从我家步行到学校要用30分钟。 me thirty minutes _ _. (2) 学生每天都要用2个小时左右做作业。 the students about two hours _ _ every day. (3) 每天上网要花费你多

19、长时间? How long _ every day?,It takes to walk from my home to school,It takesto finish their homework,does it take you to surf the internet,accommodation n.住所;住宿,(1) 房间,住所 The accommodation of this hotel is scare(不足). (2) 膳宿 (常用复数) This hospital has accommodations for 600 patients. (3) accommodate 向提供

20、住处,接纳 (v) The house will accommodate two families.,相关短语: (1) make accommodations for 为提供膳宿 (2) book accommodation at a hotel 在旅馆预订房间 (3) arrange sbs accommodation 给某人安排住处 (4) accommodate to = adapt to 使适应 You will have to accommodate yourself to the situation. (5) accommodate sb with = supply sb wit

21、h The bank will accommodate you with a loan.,comeon,(1)表示劝说,激励,不耐烦或催促等 Comeon,wellbelateforschool. (2) 上演,演出Theresanewplaycomingonnextweek. 相关短语: (1)comeabout发生 (2)comeacross偶然遇到 (3)comeout出来,花(开),出版 (4)comeup走近,上升,发芽 (5)comeupwith赶上,补充,提出 (6)cometo谈到,总计为,达到,苏醒,ahead adv向前,朝前,Thewayaheadwasblockedby

22、fallentrees. He ranahead. aheadof在前面,优于,胜于 Shewasalwayswellaheadoftherestof theclass. 她在班上总是遥遥领先。 Hisideaswereaheadofhistime. 他的思想比他所处的时代先进。 ahead of time 提前 Youshouldhavetoldmethataheadoftime. HeisaheadofmeinChinese.,throw 投,掷,扔,抛,相关短语: (1)bethrownintoconfusion陷入混乱 (2)throwaway抛弃,浪费,拒绝 (3)throwcold

23、wateron向泼冷水 (4)throwoff匆匆脱掉,抛弃,摆脱 (5)throwoneselfon依靠,求助于 (6)throwoneselfintodoingsth开始热心做某事 (7)throwup举起,呕吐,丢弃,1)Hewasthrownintoprison. 他被关进了监狱。 2)Shethrewon/offherovercoat. 她匆匆穿上/脱掉大衣。,Translations:,drag vi/vt拖,拉,扯; n.供拖拉之物,累赘的人或物,Herskirtdraggedonthefloor. 她的裙子在地上拖着。 相关短语: (1)dragbehind 落在后面 (2)d

24、ragin 扯进来 (3)dragsbdown使某人沮丧 (4)dragon拖延,近义词辨析:drag/draw/ pull drag费力,缓慢而艰难地拉、拖较重的物体。 Hedraggedaheavybox. Hedraggedhimself/his tiredfeethome. 他拖着疲倦的步子回家。 draw从容地拉、拖 Hedrewthecurtainapart.他拉开了窗帘。 pull突然、急速地拉,方式不限。 Hepulledthedoorandrushedin. 相关短语: dragbehind落在后面 dragin扯进来 dragsbdown使某人沮丧 dragon拖延,yel

25、l vt. / n. 大叫,呼喊,喊声,相关短语: yell (out)at sb. 对某人大喊大叫 a yell of delight / warning eg. 1) She yelled (out) at her naughty child. 2) Dont yell at me.,depth n. 深度,深处,相关短语: in depth 深入的,彻底的,深度方面 out of / beyond ones depth 在水深没顶的地方;超越自己的理解能力 the ocean 海洋深处 the jungle 丛林深处 the country 穷乡僻壤 the depth(s) of th

26、e winter 隆冬 ones heart 心灵深处 despair 绝望的深渊,pause vi./ n. 暂时,中止,固定搭配 pause for 停下来做某事 1. 停顿一下后他继续说他的。 he continued his story. 2. 他暂时停下来呼吸一下,然后继续上山。 He , then continued up the hill.,After a pause,pause for breath/ to breathe,他看上去更像一个人,而不像一台机器。,于是克莱尔从图书馆借来一堆书给托尼阅读,或者说给他浏览一下。,受到那些女士的妒忌,这该是多么甜美的胜利!,托尼保护了一个人免受伤害,他使克莱尔没有因为她的失败感而伤害自己。,但是,尽管托尼很聪明,他还是得做一番改造总不能让女人和机器相爱吧。,sentences,


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