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1、International Travel,机场服务台(Check-in Counter):凭机票和护照领取登机卡(Boarding Card),办理托运行李手续 安检(Security Check-in) 下飞机前:填写入境卡(Landing Card)和海关申报单(Customs Statement) 下飞机,机场移民局:交入境卡 领取行李处(Baggage Claim Area) 海关(Customs):上交海关申报单,Vocabulary,Direct flight 直达航班 Airline航空公司 Flight number航班号 Stewardess 空姐stjudes A.C.ai

2、rline clerk航空公司职员 In transit过境 Stopover中途停留,逗留 Airport terminal/waiting hall 机场候机大厅 Overweight超重 Tag标签 Boarding card登机卡 Boarding gate登机门,登机口,On Board the Plane,Stewardess,stjudes: what would you like to have, sir? We have fried chicken, fish and beef. Zhang: Fish, please. Stewardess: How about a dri

3、nk, cokekk, orange juice or beer? Zhang: Do you have tea? Stewardess: Sorry, we do not serve tea at lunch. Zhang: Then, a coke, please. Stewardess: And you, sir? Lee: Nothing right now. I am feeling a bit airsick. Stewardess: I will see if I can get you some tabletstblit for airsickness. Just a mome

4、nt, please. Lee: Thank you very much.,参考译文: 在飞机上 空姐: (午饭时间)先生,请问,您要点什么?我们有炸鸡、鱼和牛肉。 张:请来份鱼。 空姐:饮料要什么,是可乐、橘子汁,还是啤酒呢? 张:你们有茶吗? 空姐:对不起,我们午饭不供应茶。 张:那么,就来杯可乐吧 空姐:先生,您呢? 李:现在什么都不想要。我有点晕机。 空姐:我看看能不能给你找点治晕机的药片。请稍等。 李:多谢。,1. would like to do sth / would like sth 想要做某事/想要某事 Would you like to have a cup of tea?

5、 你想要一杯茶吗? Yes, Id like to; No, thanks. 提问:你想踢球吗? 答:would you like to play football? 2.How about = what about 怎么样 Im fine, thank you. How about you?(And you?) A: What should we do this afternoon? B: What/How about go shopping/play basketball?,.serve (v.) 服务,提供,向供应 The restaurant serves nice food. 这家饭

6、馆供应的饭菜不错。 service (n.) Service first服务第一 Customer service客户服务 . at lunch 午餐,at breakfast早餐 at supper晚餐 What do you have for lunch? 你午餐吃得什么?,at lunch是指在吃午饭的时候,例如we had talk at lunch(午饭时我们进行了一次谈话) for lunch是指午饭吃什么,例如we had pizza for lunch(我们午饭吃的是披萨) .nothing没有东西,没什么,没有事情,无关紧要的人或事 anything 任何事;somethin

7、g 某事,一些事 类似:no one/nobody 无人,没有人;anyone/anybody 任何人;someone/somebody某人,某些人,6. a little , a bit 一点儿 He thought for a bit before answering. 他稍微思考了一下才回答 There is a little milk in the glass. 杯子里有一点儿牛奶 7.right now 现在,此刻now, at this moment just now刚刚,刚才 8.谢谢 Thank you./thank you very much./thanks/ thanks

8、a lot! 回答:Youre welcome./Dont mention it./No trouble./Not at all. Sorry的回答:It doesnt matter/Its nothing/Thats all right/Never mind.,Arrival at Dubai Airport,I.O.: (at the Immigration Counter) Passport, please. Landing card, too. Zhang: Here you are. I.O.: what is the purpose of your journey? Zhang:

9、We are in transit. Actually, we are going to Jordan to execute eksikju:t a construction project. You see, all of us are in a group. Most of us are engineers ,endini and technicians teknin . I.O.: How long do you plan to stay here. Zhang: Just two days. I.O.: Everything seems to be OK. Please proceed

10、 to Customs next. C.O.: (at the Customs Counter) Your declaration form申报单, please. Zhang: Here it is. C.O.: Anything else to declare? Zhang: I dont think so. C.O.: What is in this bag? Zhang: Just some personal belongings. C.O.: ok. Thats all.,参考译文: 移民官: (在移民柜台处)请出示护照,还有入证卡. 张:给您. 移民官:您旅行的目的是什么? 张:我

11、们是过境 ,我们实际上是去约旦实施一个工程项目.您看,我们是一起的,大部分人员是工程师和技术员. 移民官:你们在此呆多久? 张:就两天. 移民官:一切看来都没问题.下一步请到海关. 海关官员: (在海关柜台) 请出示您的申报单. 张:给您. 海关官员 :还有什么要申报的吗? 张:我想没有了. 海关官员:这个包中都有些什么? 张:就一些个人物品. 海关官员:好了,检查完了.,1. Arrive 到达,抵达 arrive at/in arrive at village/town/bus station(小地方) arrive in Beijing/China(大地方) Yesterday, I a

12、rrived in Shanghai. We arrived at the station just now. 名词 arrival 2. I.O.=Immigration Officer移民局官员 C.O.=Customs Officer海关官员 3.Here you are. 给你 -Could you pass me a piece of paper? -Sure, here you are. 4.purpose 目的,目标 同义词: aim, target 5.journey 旅行 同义词:trip, travel,6. in transit 过境 7.actually 实际上,事实上

13、 同义:in fact, as a matter of fact 8.execute eksikju:t 执行,实现,实施 9.construction project 工程项目 construct (v.) + ion=construction (n.) 建设,建筑,工程,结构 This is a fine construction. project 项目,计划,方案 Ogun Project 奥贡项目部 10.How long 多久 How long do you stay in Beijing every year? 每年你在北京住多久?,11.Everything seems to b

14、e OK. seem 好像,似乎,看起来像 I hope everything goes well. 希望一切顺利. 12.Proceed to 继续;进入,去往某地 The flight is proceeding to Paris. 航班正飞往巴黎. 13. else 另外的,其他的,别的 Somebody else 另外一个人,别人 Would you like anything else to drink? 你还要喝点别的什么吗? 14. declare (v.) 宣布,宣告,声明,申报 He declared that he was right. 他力陈他是对的. declarati

15、on (n.) 宣布,声明,申报 declaration form 申报单,15. I dont think so. 我认为不是这样的.我想不是. I think so. 我认为是这样的. -Is that Jack?那是杰克吗? -I think so./ I dont think so.我认为是/我想不是. 16. personal 个人的,私人的,亲自的 a personal letter 私人信件 17. belonging (n.)所有物,行李 belong (v.) 属于,归于 belong to 固定搭配 Does this house belong to Mr. Winter.

16、 这幢房子是温特先生的吗? We belong to the new club. 我们是这个新俱乐部的成员.,Common English Abbreviation,at= and=& though=tho two,too,to=2 for=4 before=b4 because=coz see=c going to=gonna pictures=pics/pix please=plz are=r girlfriend=g/f yes=yep thanks=thanx people=ppl about=abt am not=aint password=p/w example=e.g. with

17、=w/ without=w/o want to=wanna,your=ur see you=c u i see=i c bye for now=bfn away from keyboard=afk just kidding=jk keep in touch=kit in my opinion=IMO see you=c ya mee too=m 2 oh my god=omg whats up=sup what the hell=WTH for you information=FYI by the way=BTW as soon as possible=ASAP,The End Thanks for your attention!,


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