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1、ClaimWords and Expressionscomplaint n. 申诉,抱怨make (lodge, lay) a complaint againstcomplain vi. 诉苦,申诉,抱怨complain to sb. of sth.claim n. 索赔,赔偿要求表示索赔的原因,接介词for , 如 claim for damage表示索赔的金额,接介词for, 如 claim for US $ 1000表示对某批货物索赔,接介词on, 如 claim on the goods表示向某人提出索赔,接介词against 如 claim against the underwrit

2、ers常用词组:claim against a person 向某人索赔claim arising from a breach of contract 违约所引起的赔偿要求claim arising from a defect of the goods 货物瑕疵所引起的索赔claim arising on a bill of lading 有关提单引起的索赔claim barred by reason of limitation 受时效限制的索赔claim based on lack of conformity of the goods 货物不符产生的索赔claim based on phys

3、ical loss damage 货物丢失所产生的索赔claim for compensation of damages 损害赔偿的诉权claim for contribution in general average 要求分摊共同海损claim for damage 由于损坏而索赔claim for financial loss 关于经济损失的诉权claim for general average 共同海损分担的诉权claim for inferior quality 因其品质低劣而索赔claim for payment 要求付款的诉权claim for proceeds 要求赔偿货款cla

4、im for reimbursement 要求偿还,索偿claim for short delivery 由于短装而索赔claim on account of damage 因损坏而索赔为某事向某人提出索赔的常用句型是:lodge a claim against ( 间或用with 或on 或upon)sb. for sth.除lodge外其他常用的动词有raise, file 和put in. 还可用make, issue, lay, register, render, enter, bring up, set up等。We shall lodge a claim against the I

5、nsurance Company for the goods damaged during transit. 对于货物在运输途中损坏,我们将向保险公司提出索赔。We file a claim against you for the short delivery of 145 1bs. 我们向你方提出短交145磅的索赔。claim 与其他动词搭配:accept (admit) a claim 同意索赔 entertain a claim 受理索赔dismiss a claim 驳回索赔 settle a claim 解决索赔reject a claim 拒绝索赔 relinquish (with

6、draw) a claim 撤回索赔claim v. 索赔,要求赔偿通常作及物动词,宾语为索赔的金额或compensation, amount 等名词。claim US $10,000 索赔一万美元claim a compensation of US$10,000 要求赔偿一万美元claim US $ 10,000 for damage 因损坏赔偿一万美元claim US $10,000 on the goods 对该货索赔一万美元claim US$10,000 from the underwriters 向保险公司索赔一万美元为某事向某人索赔若干金额的常用句型:claim (a compen

7、sation of ) from sb. for sth. We should claim US$1,500.00 from you for the loss caused by improper packing.我们必须为由于不良包装所造成的损失向你方索赔1500.00美元。disposal n. 处理,处置at sb.s disposal 由某人做主,听某人之便,由某人支配put (leave) sth. at sb.s disposal 把某事交某人自由处理We will leave the case No. 1-92 at your disposal. 我们将把192号箱的货交你方自行

8、处理。Sentence Patterns1. Make complaints1) to make (lodge, lay, file) a complaint with a department about sth.因某事向某部门抱怨The customers made complaints about the quality of the radios supplied by you.The importer has filed a complaint with our Corporation about poor packing of the goods.2) to complain to

9、 sb.of (about) sth.向某人抱怨We have to complain to you about the delay in shipment which has caused us much trouble.The buyers complain to the sellers of the breakage of the goods.3) to be of the quality是的质量We regret to complain that your consignment of cotton piece goods shipped by M.V. “Taching” is no

10、t of the quality and color of the sample piece.4) to be not up to达不到We are sorry to learn that the quality of your shipment is not up to the agreed specifications.Your goods are not up to the standards commonly accepted.5) to correspond with (to be in conformity with)与一致On examination we find that t

11、he consignment does not correspond with the original example.6) to be short by短少On opening the container we found that the goods were short by 20 cases and we hope you will do your utmost to remedy it.7) to be (found) short weight by短重Your shipment of our Order No. 630 has been found short weight by

12、 220 kilos.8) to findmissing发现丢失Much to our regret, after inspection of the consignment we found Art. No. A63 missing.9) to be damaged被损坏On opening the cases we found that 25 sets of video recorders had been damaged by sea-water, and seem to be a complete write-off(报废).2. Lodging claims10) to lodge

13、(file, make, raise, submit, register, put forward, place)a claim提出索赔We have to lodge a claim against you on this shipment for $2,100 on account of short weight.On the basis of the Survey Report from the Commodity Inspection Bureau, we hereby register our claim with you against this cargo in respect

14、of quality.Claim for perishable goods are to be put forward immediately after arrival of the goods at destination.11) to claimfor为提出索赔We cannot but claim on you for the recovery of the loss.We reserve the right to claim compensation from you for any damage.12) to ask sb.to ship (dispatch) replacemen

15、t (or: to ask for replacement)要求某人发运或更换货物As you see in our survey report stating 50 TV sets severely damaged, we ask you to ship the replacement for the broken goods as soon as possible.We ask for replacement by the correct number in the nearest future.13) to ask for (demand) compensation要求赔偿In orde

16、r to settle the problem, we ask for compensation for the loss we suffered.We have to demand a compensation from you for the sum indicated above.The ways for settling the claim:Compromise 和解 Mediation 调解 Arbitration 仲裁 Lawsuit 诉讼Pay money Return the goods and replace the goods.short 短少,短缺,不足,可与许多名词或过

17、去分词构成复合词。如:short deliery 短交,缺交 short shipment 短装, 装载不足short-calculated adj. 少算 short-delivered adj. 短交,缺交short-established adj. 少开 short-invoiced adj. 发票少开short-landed adj. 短卸 short-shipped adj. 短装short-paid 少付Acceptance of claims1) to accept (entertain) a claim接受索赔We are sorry to learn of your comp

18、laints about the quality of the goods and are prepared to accept your claim.In the spirit of goodwill and friendship we agree to accept all your claims. 2) in settlement of解决On going into the matter we find that a mistake was indeed made in the packing through a confusion of numbers, and we have arr

19、anged for the replacement goods to be dispatched to you at once in settlement of your claim.Though we find no difference between the shipping sample and the original sample in our hands, we will meet you half way by offering a discount of 10% in settlement of the dispute.3) to be liable for 对负责Accor

20、ding to the contract stipulations, we are not liable for the damage. But in view of our long business relation with you, we agree to the extra 2% discount on this occasion.Rejection of claims4) to be without foundation没有根据We regret we cannot entertain your claim, which is without any foundation.5) t

21、o refer sth.to sb.提交某人处理某事As the goods have been insured, you may refer the matter to the insurance company or their agents at your end.As the shipping company is liable for the damage, your claim, in our opinion, should be referred to them for settlement.6) to repudiate ones liability for sth.拒绝对某事

22、负责We must repudiate our liability for the claim on account of lack of evidence.7) to be normal是正常的Such color deviation existing between the products and the samples is normal and permissible, therefore, the claim for compensation is unacceptable.8) to settle by arbitration通过仲裁来解决This is the maximum concession we can afford. Should you not agree to accept our proposal, we would like to settle by arbitration.


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