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1、公共外语II(机电英语)试卷A【闭卷】 注意事项:1、本试卷分第一卷(试题)和第二卷(主观答题卷)两部分。第一卷:1-7页,第二卷:8-9页。总分100分,考试时间120分钟。2、1-10,16-45小题答案,请填涂在答题卡上,其余答案请写在8-9页的答题纸上。3、听力试题在开考10分钟后开始播音。Part I Listening (15%)Section ADirections: In this section, you will hear five short conversations. At the end of each conversation, a question will b

2、e asked about what was said. Both the conversation and question will be spoken only once. After each question, there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet with a

3、single line through the centre.1. A. In an office.B. In a bank.C. In a shop.D. At the post office.2.A. How to deliver the goods.B. The damage of the goods.C. The shipment of the goods.D. How to handle the goods.3.A. Los Angeles.B. Tokyo.C. Honolulu.D. New York.4.A. Making a purchase.B. After-sales s

4、ervice.C. Placing an order.D. A wrong shipment.5.A. Its a success.B. Its a different success story.C. Its beneficial to the world.D. It needs more opportunity.Section BDirections: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After

5、each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times. When your hear a question, you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A, B, C and D given in your test paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on t

6、he Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.Conversation 16.A. To the hospital.B. To the beach.C. To his university.D. To his hometown.7.A. She visited her middle school.B. She was busy working.C. She was ill and had to stay at home.D. She was back to her hometown.Conversation 28.A. Sofas.

7、B. Tables.C. Beds.D. Bookshelves.9.A. On Main Road.B. In front of the Central Park.C. Near the terminal of Bus No. 6.D. Next to a discount store.10.A. 10%.B. 20%.C. 30%.D. 40%.Section CDirections: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recorded passage. Af

8、ter that you will hear five questions. Both the passage and the questions will be read two times. When your hear a question, you should complete the answer to it with a word or a short phrase (in no more than 3 words). The questions and incomplete answers are printed in your test paper. You should w

9、rite your answers on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Now listen to the passage.11.When was the customer survey conducted? It was conducted _.12. How did customers feel about the products of the company?The products were quite _. 13. What did customers complain about in the survey?It took_ to settl

10、e their complaints.14. How did customers feel about the service staff?The service staff were not always _.15. When should the Customer Service Department come up with a plan to improve their service?_.Part II Vocabulary & Structure (15%)Directions: Each of the following sentences is provided with fo

11、ur choices. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.16. The industrial revolution _ the whole structure of English society.A. impliedB. repliedC. uglifiedD. modified17.CAD enables designers _ and de

12、velop work on screen.A. to lay inB. laying inC. to lay outD. laying out18.The interview was conducted with an expert _ had a deep understanding of the gas compressor industry.A. whoB. whomC. whoseD. what19.We have developed many products that are _ used in the construction industry.A. wideB. widelyC

13、. widthD. widen20.The _ careful you are, the _ mistakes you will make.A. less.fewerB. less.lessC. more.fewerD. more.less21. The _ of what you know will help you solve new problems.A. applyB. applicationC. applicantD. applicable22. Software is often _ as the set of instructions that make the computer

14、 work.A. depended onB. led toC. referred toD. engaged in23.Computer plotting has been extensively applied in mechanical engineering _ its high precision capability.A. due toB. committed toC. compared toD. prior to24.It is essential that our suppliers _ both competitive in terms of price and extremel

15、y reliable.A. beB. isC. shouldD. are25.Application software is software _ to carry out a specific task.A. designB. designerC. designingD. designed26.Most major CAD systems are able to run on a _ of platforms.A. varyB. variedC. varietyD. various27. These companies are _ for developing technology prod

16、ucts for international market.A. specialized B. responsibleC. proudD. different28.The committee made a number of _ for improving safety standards.A. commencementB. commentC. recommendD. recommendations29.The company _ a survey to find out local reactions to their recently promoted product.A. conduct

17、B. conductingC. to conductD. conducted30.There are some new software programs currently _ for automation applications.A. availableB. adaptableC. adjustableD. acceptablePart III Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 3 passages for you to fulfill.

18、For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. You should make the correct choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage 1CAD is a product of the computer era. It originated from early computer graphic systems to

19、 the development of interactive computer graphics.A CAD system consists of three major parts:(1) Hardware computer and input/output(I/O)devices.(2) Operating system software.(3) Application software CAD package.Hardware is used to support the software functions. A wide range of hardware is used in C

20、AD systems. The operating system software is the interface between the CAD application software and the hardware. It supervises the operation of the hardware and provides basic functions such as creating and removing operation tasks, and providing access to software resources such as files, editors,

21、 compilers and utility programs. It is important not only for CAD software, but also for non-CAD software.The application software is the heart of a CAD system. It contains programs that do 2-D and 3-D modeling, drafting, and engineering analysis. The functionality of a CAD system is built into the

22、application software. It is application software that makes one CAD package different from another. Application software is usually operating-system-dependent. To transport a CAD system running in one operating system to another operating system is not as trivial as recompiling the software. Therefo

23、re, attention must be given to the operating system as well.CAD makes possible multiview 2-D drawing, with an endless possibility of views in a range of scales from microns to meters. It gives the mechanical designer the ability to magnify even the smallest of components to ascertain if the assemble

24、d components fit properly and even to design programs to identify automatically potential problems in CAD assembly. Parts with different characteristics, such as movable or stationary, can be assigned different colors on the display. Parts can be dimensioned with automatic dimensioning changes, allo

25、wing for expedient engineering design changes.31. A CAD system are made up of _.A. hardware computer and input/output devicesB. operating system softwareC. application software CAD packageD. all of the above32. _ provides basic functions such as creating and removing operation tasks.A. HardwareB. Op

26、erating systemC. Application softwareD. Input and output devices33. _ enables the mechanical designer to increase even the smallest parts.A. CAD systemB. 2-D drawingC. 3-D modelingD. Hardware34. _ is trivial.A. Providing access to filesB. Creating operation tasksC. Recompiling the softwareD. Transpo

27、rting a system to another35. The application software includes programs which _.A. do 2-D and 3-D modeling, drafting and engineering analysisB. supervise the operation of the hardware and provide functionsC. provide access to software resources such as files and editorsD. is the interface between th

28、e CAD application software and hardwarePassage 2The Global Positioning System is a navigation system originally developed by the US military which continues its maintenance today. During the 1980s the government opened up the use of the GPS to the private sector. It is widely expected to become the

29、next personal utility in the same way that cellular phones have over the past couple of decades.GPS technology actually consists of three separate components all working together. The three parts are the satellite constellation, the ground control network and the user equipment. By satellite constel

30、lation, we mean the satellites in low earth orbit which provide the signals and navigational data to the users equipment. It takes each satellite 12 hours to make a complete circle around the earth. The ground control network consists of a receiver and an antenna. It continually monitors the health

31、of the various satellites and the integrity of the signals received. The receiver separates the signals into different channels designated for a particular satellite and frequency at a particular time. The user equipment is designed to receive signals from the satellite constellation and computer. I

32、t uses automated computer systems to retrieve and analyze data from the receiver. Todays cars, SUVs and pick-up trucks come with a variety of extras, from passenger side air bags to the ubiquitous car alarms. Entertainment options range from high-end speakers and CD players to multiple DVD players.

33、The GPS navigation system, however, forms the bridge between safety and entertainment features. While theyre definitely entertaining, they can also become a must-have safety net in your travels.36.GPS is a navigation tool originally developed for _ use.A. scientificB. militaryC. naturalD. commercial

34、37.The government opened up the GPS to private use _. A.12 hoursB. 24 years agoC.during the 1980sD.past couple of decades38._ functions as the bridge between safety and entertainment features.A.GPS B.Air bagC.SpeakerD.Car alarm39.GPS comprises _.A.satellite constellation, ground network and CD playe

35、rsB.satellite constellation, user equipment and DVD playerC.satellite constellation, ground network and user equipmentD.ground network, user equipment and multiple DVD player40.The user equipment _.A.separates the signals into different channels at a particular timeB.continually monitors the health

36、of the various satellites and integrityC.provides signals and navigational data to the satellite constellationD.is to receive signals from the satellite constellation and computerPassage 3Dear Mr. Wilson,I would like to apply for the position of Deputy Manager for R&D advertised in this weeks Shenzh

37、en Daily.I am currently studying Automation Technology at Yuqiang Technology College and expected to graduate on July 28, 2011. Since the start of my studies I have gained theoretical as well as practical skills, especially in the fields of motion control, mechanical designing, and robotics. Further

38、more, I have experience of programming as well as using CAD systems.I very much enjoy working in teams and dealing with all kinds of people. Moreover, I have a high level of self-motivation and enthusiasm, and am able to work efficiently and independently. I am keen to learn and quickly become acqua

39、inted with new topics.Your company particularly attracts me because of your involvement in research on robot programming technology, an area which has always been of great interest to me. The position advertised would allow me to acquire new knowledge in this field of research and give me the opport

40、unity to gain experience in a professional team as well as to improve my English skills and explore new cultures. With the knowledge and experience I have gained at college, I believe I would make a valuable contribution to your team. I will be available from July 30 until September 1, 2011. Please

41、find attached my curriculum vitae. I thank you for considering my application and look forward to hearing from you.Yours sincerely, Li Tao41. The passage is a letter of _.A. applicationB. invitationC. motivationD. recommendation42.Mr. Wilson is probably the _ of the company.A. supervisorB. HR manage

42、rC. client service executiveD. administrative assistant43._ is attached to the letter.A. A pictureB. CVC. A business cardD. A reference letter44.Which of the following statement about Li Tao is true?A. He cant work independently.B. Hes never used CAD systemsC. His major is automation technology.D. H

43、e graduated from college 5 years ago.45.Mr. Wilsons company is attractive to Li Tao because _.A. he quickly becomes acquainted with new topics B. he gained both theoretical and practical skillsC. the company advertised a position on newspaperD. the company is involved in research on roboticsPart IV

44、Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (20%) (请把该部分的答案写在第二卷主观答题纸上)46. Computer-Aided Manufacturing(CAM) can be defined as the use of computer systems to plan, manage, and control the operations of a manufacturing plant through either direct or indirect computer interface with the plants pro

45、duction resources. 47. At present, China has a relatively fierce competition and relatively low industry concentration in its gas compressor manufacturing industry. Chinas gas compressor producers are mainly distributed along the eastern coastal regions, while in its west region (including Southwest

46、 and Northwest) there exist huge market potentials to be further developed.Part V Writing: You are required to write a business letter in no less than 80 words based on the information given below. (20%)(请把该部分的答案写在第二卷主观答题纸上) 假定你是Prestine Electric Limited的Bruce Martin,欲购买HP Development Company的激光打印机(jet printer),于是就给该公司销售经理Davi


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