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1、外国人租房子的常用英语1. Do you want to buy or rent?TVTmn)TVTmn)你想买还是想租?TVTmn)一般walk in的外国客人很少想买,一般都是租的比较多,虽然这样,我们还是要礼貌地问一句:先生,你想买还是租呢?TVTmn)TVTmn)2. For how many people?TVTmn)How many people will live in the apartment?TVTmn)多少人住?TVTmn)这句可以问出他们大概要多少房多少厅的,有多少人合租?试探他们一下,外国人也会分摊房租,人多的话出的价钱也可能比较高。TVTmn)TVTmn)3. Ho

2、w many bedrooms do you need?TVTmn)想要多少房的?TVTmn)bedrooms指的是睡房,其实就是我们中国人说的房间了,知道了客户的需求后就能找盘了。TVTmn)相关单词:TVTmn)bedroom 睡房TVTmn)living room 客厅TVTmn)4. What is your budget?TVTmn)How much would you like to offer for the rent?TVTmn)请问预算多少呢?/你想租多少钱的?TVTmn)TVTmn)相关单词:TVTmn)budget 预算TVTmn)TVTmn)5. Do you have

3、 any special requirement?TVTmn)有没有什么特殊要求?TVTmn)礼貌地问一下客人有没有什么特殊要求,因为有时一些客人是会有一些奇怪的要求的。一般这样问之后客人会告诉你他想要高楼层的,或是窗口对着山或花园的,或是其他的一些要求。TVTmn)TVTmn)6. We have keys, we can take you to see the apartment now. TVTmn)我们有钥匙,现在可以带你去看房。TVTmn)TVTmn)7. Which apartment do you like?TVTmn)你喜欢哪间房?TVTmn)看了几套房子之后问客人喜欢哪套,从

4、中知道客人的喜好,才可以推更加合适的盘,或者根据客户的心理推已看的盘。TVTmn)TVTmn)8. How long will you stay?TVTmn)你想要住多久?TVTmn)外国人有些只是因为来广州办事需要短租,知道他们租多久后,才能问业主是否短租,以及讨价还价。TVTmn)TVTmn)9. prepaid 1 month rent, 2 months TVTmn)2个月的按金,1个月的租金预付TVTmn)TVTmn)10. the decoration / view is very TVTmn)装修/风景十分好TVTmn)TVTmn)11. fully furnished 家电全齐

5、TVTmn)with furniture and appliance 带家私家电TVTmn)newly renovated 新装修TVTmn)super river view 无敌海景TVTmn)TVTmn)12. sign the contract 签合同 以下内容会员跟帖回复才能看到TVTmn)=TVTmn)TVTmn)13. 以下是一些常用单词,大家可以记一记TVTmn)flat 英公寓TVTmn)apartment 公寓TVTmn)deplex 复式 (有部电影也叫duplex,超好笑,推荐大家去找来看看,中文名叫双层公寓)TVTmn)house 有瓦顶的房,但是现在引申意义可以用来形

6、容一般的房子TVTmn)red一般租的那些我们都还是用会apartment这个词比较贴切,客人容易理解/TVTmn)furniture 家私TVTmn)appliance 家电TVTmn)lift/elevator 电梯TVTmn)stairs 楼梯TVTmn)TVTmn)H: how is your house hunting going?L: not very well. I havent found anything within my price range yet.H: how much are you looking to spend?L: I can only afford ab

7、out 300 pounds a month.H: looks like youre not going to get more than a bedroom in a shared flat with that.L: really? Thats a lot of money to pay for one room.H: well, if you want to live in London, you have to pay the price!L: do you know of anyone who needs a roommate?H: I can ask around at work.

8、Do you have a preference for smakers or non-smokers?L: Id prefer non-smoking roommates, but I guess Ill have to take what I can get!H: how long do you want to sign a contract for?L: I can sign a contract up to a year. I dont know where Ill be after that.H: do you need a furnished or unfurnished apar

9、tment?L: I dont have any furniture, so itd be great if it were furnished.H: you know that youll have to pay utilities on top of the rent, right?L: no, I thought that would be included in the rent.H: its not usually included, so youll have to factor in about 100 pounds more each month for utilities.L

10、: I dont think I can afford that.H: dont worry. Sometimes people will give you a discount if you promise to do the clearing or take care of the children.L: thats agood idea. Ill look into finding something like that.你的房子找的怎么样了?不怎么样。还没找到价格能在我承受范围内的。你想找多少钱的?我只能承受月租300英镑以内的。那我看你也顶多就是和别人合租一套公寓,自己住其中一间。真



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